
Revealing Emperor QianLong's Way of Health Preservation

 为什么73 2023-04-10 发布于北京

Revealing Emperor QianLong's Way of Health Preservation

佰草风华 老板来碗独参汤 2023-04-08 12:00 发表于天津

Revealing Emperor QianLong's Way of Health Preservation


自古帝王将相四处寻丹问药,以祈求延年益寿甚至达到长生不老。今天我们要说的是中国历代帝王中最高寿者——乾隆,而他的养生方法正是他健康长寿的重要因素! 我们一起来学习!

Since ancient times, emperors and generals have been looking for Dan and medicine everywhere to pray for longevity and even immortality. Today, we are going to talk about the oldest emperor in China-Ganlong, and his regimen is an important factor for his health and longevity! Let's study together!


The longevity of Qianlong is also inseparable from exercise, nutrition, hobbies and mood. Qianlong has a wide range of interests. He has written more than 50,000 poems in his life, visited Jiangnan six times, visited Wutai Mountain five times and climbed Mount Tai three times. Until his twilight years, he was still able to hear and see well, and his limbs were flexible.



"Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent live long."


Medical research has proved that a benevolent monarch is often calm, calm, emotionally stable and calm. He can not only handle government affairs rationally, adapt to various complex environments, calmly cope with various economic and social crises, and make decisions that are beneficial to the country, but also better cultivate his mind, maintain a positive mental state and improve his health. Emperor Qianlong was like this.



Emperor Qianlong's hobbies are also quite extensive. A wide range of hobbies have helped him to strengthen his brain, strengthen his body and nourish his nature.


He loved reading and was one of the few versatile emperors in feudal China. He has a wide range of interests, likes calligraphy and poetry, and also likes go to the opera, watching lanterns, watching acrobatics, skating, etc., and has personally acted in plays ... These activities are quite beneficial to self-cultivation and self-cultivation.



Qianlong's daily diet is also very regular. He gets up at about 6 o'clock in the morning, washes first and then eats. After breakfast, deal with government affairs, then discuss with ministers and visit in the afternoon. After dinner, read a book, write a poem, and then go to bed. The diet is mostly based on fresh vegetables, and meat and game are eaten less, and they are never full. He also imitated his grandfather Kangxi and never smoked.


According to his own experience, Emperor Qianlong summed up four strategies for keeping in good health: breathing in the heart, exercising the bones and muscles, doing ten things often and four things don't, and taking supplements in time.


Breathe into the heart: get up at dawn every day, go to a place with fresh air, and breathe through the nose with a soft and even mouth, so as to achieve "healthy qi is stored, and evil can't be done".


Exercise: Qianlong often plays Tai Ji Chuan, walks, climbs mountains, travels and hunts. Although he is the king of a country and has many affairs, he often bows and shoots, bathes in soup springs and travels in mountains and rivers. He made six trips to the south of the Yangtze River, went hiking in plain clothes and visited the people privately, and regarded these as good ways to exercise his muscles. Pay attention to physical exercise, enhance disease resistance, and persist in exercise all the year round



"Ten Frequencies" are:


齿常叩 即空口上下齿反复轻叩有声。经常叩齿,既能坚齿固齿,防止牙齿松动、脱落,又能活动面部肌群,促进血液循环,预防脑血栓和脑萎缩。

Frequent tapping of teeth means repeated tapping of upper and lower teeth in the air interface. Frequent tapping can not only strengthen teeth, prevent teeth from loosening and falling off, but also activate facial muscles, promote blood circulation and prevent cerebral thrombosis and brain atrophy.


津常咽 即经常含嗽并吞咽唾液。唾液含有大量淀粉酶,能促进胃肠消化、吸收功能,有效预防胃炎、消化道溃疡和肿瘤。

If you swallow, you will often cough and swallow saliva. Saliva contains a lot of amylase, which can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, and effectively prevent gastritis, digestive tract ulcers and tumors.


耳常弹 用手指常弹自己的双耳,也可用手按摩自己的双耳。中医认为肾开窍于耳,肝胆的经路通于耳,其实各经路皆通于耳。耳不仅有诊断疾病的作用,也有治疗和预防疾病的作用,因耳与五脏六腑有关,所以弹耳可有助人健康长寿。

The ears often play with your fingers, and you can also massage your ears with your hands. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney opens to the ear, and the channels of the liver and gallbladder lead to the ear. In fact, all channels lead to the ear. Ears not only have the function of diagnosing diseases, but also have the function of treating and preventing diseases. Because ears are related to internal organs, playing ears can help people live a long and healthy life.


鼻常揉 鼻又称明堂,自己用手常揉鼻也有健身长寿的作用。有的中医常以看鼻的两侧,判断其病,这是因为五脏依次分布在鼻的中部,六腑在鼻的两旁。所以常揉鼻对五脏六腑皆有好处。

Rubbing your nose often 

Nose is also called Mingtang, and rubbing your nose often with your own hands can also help you keep fit and live longer. Some Chinese medicine practitioners often judge the disease by looking at the two sides of the nose, because the five internal organs are distributed in the middle of the nose in turn, and the six internal organs are on both sides of the nose. Therefore, rubbing your nose often is good for all your internal organs.


眼常运 中医认为天有日月星,人有二目睛。即指人的眼睛如同天上的日月一样,应当明亮。五脏六腑的精气皆上注于目,指人的眼睛可代表五脏六腑的生理功能和气血的盛衰。

Eyes are often transported

Chinese medicine believes that there are sun, moon and stars in the sky, and people have two eyes. That is to say, human eyes, like the sun and moon in the sky, should be bright. The essence of the five zang-fu organs is focused on the eyes, which means that human eyes can represent the physiological functions of the five zang-fu organs and the rise and fall of qi and blood.



You can fix your eyes for farsightedness, rotate your eyes clockwise for several times, and then rotate your eyes counterclockwise for several times (and then stare for several times), which has the functions of improving eyesight and improving vision, and can prevent blurred vision and vision loss.


面常搓 即双手搓热,近代医学理论认为,搓面可以改善微循环,促使毛细血管开放。还可以促进面部血液循环,消除皱纹,并能预防面瘫,系美容良法。

Rubbing your face often means rubbing your hands with heat. According to modern medical theory, rubbing your face can improve microcirculation and promote the opening of capillaries. It can also promote facial blood circulation, eliminate wrinkles, and prevent facial paralysis, which is a good method of beauty.


足常摩 即经常按摩足底部,能改善足部末梢的供血,防止寒从足下生,从而有效地预防腰腿痛以及失眠等疾病。

Regularly rubbing of the foot means regularly massaging of the bottom of the foot, which can improve the blood supply at the end of the foot and prevent cold from coming from under the foot, thus effectively preventing diseases such as low back pain and insomnia.


腹常旋 即沿顺时针方向揉腹,可促进胃肠蠕动,增加食欲,增加消化吸收的功能,防治腹胀、便秘。

Abdominal rotation means rubbing the abdomen clockwise, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, increase the function of digestion and absorption, and prevent abdominal distension and constipation.


肢常伸 可以每天起床伸展四肢。还可以经常伸懒腰。四肢常进行伸展运动,能促进全身血液循环,有效预防心脑血管、糖尿病等富贵病。中医认为,脾主四肢,经常伸还有健脾的作用。

Limbs are often stretched. You can get up every day to stretch your limbs. You can also stretch often. Stretching exercise on limbs can promote systemic blood circulation and effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and other rich diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen governs the limbs, and it also has the function of strengthening the spleen when stretched frequently.


肛常提 即经常使肛门收缩上提,使肛门肌肉得到运动、血脉流通,就能不得痔疮。十人九痔。此病虽然并非是了不起的大病,但一旦患上此疾其疼痛常常难忍,故对人体的健康也将带来不利的影响。

Constant lifting of the anus means that the anus is often contracted and lifted, so that the anal muscles can be exercised and the blood circulation can be avoided. Ten people and nine hemorrhoids. Although this disease is not a great serious illness, once you get this disease, your pain is often unbearable, so it will also have a negative impact on your health.


The "Four Don'ts


"Four Don 'ts" means: don't talk when eating, don't talk when lying down, don't get drunk when drinking, and don't be fascinated by color.


Timely tonic: In old age, people's metabolic function declines, and some nutritious tonics are used appropriately to increase nutrition and prolong life.



The ten parts of "Ten Chang" are closely connected with the fourteen meridians of the human body, and there are also human acupoints that communicate with the inside and outside. "Ten Regular" exercises stimulate acupoints, mobilize the positive factors of the body, dredge meridians and regulate exterior and interior, so as to achieve the effect of activating qi and blood and resisting external evils.The "Four Don'ts" are more conducive to refining and nourishing qi, cultivating the rules of daily life, and making people energetic and radiant.


To sum up, Qianlong was an open-minded, temperamental, productive and energetic emperor. He chooses a reasonable regimen, keeps a regular life, and sticks to it. These are all worth learning and learning from you and me!




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