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G18 New Rulel
2023-04-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
G18 New Rulel18 New Rulel在这本书中孩子们决定玩迷藏,当他们玩的时候,他们决定他们需要一些规则来使游戏变得有趣。他们
会制定什么规则?读者将有机会提问和回答 问题以及作出推论。丰富多彩的、支持性的插图、高频词和重复的短语支持着突发性谈者。Let''s
play hide-and-seek, said lke. “I’ll seek first, and you two can
hide.我们玩捉迷藏吧“艾克说,“我先找 你们两个可以藏。" One, two, three, " shouted Ike. "
Ready or not. here I come!“一、二、三。” 艾克喊道,“准备好了 没有,我来了!“New rule!
" said Abdul. " You have to count to thirty so we have time to
hide. Okay?” “Okay," said the others. " Let''s start again.”新规则!“阿
杜勒说,“你要数到三十 ,这样我们才有时间藏,好吗? 好吧。其他人说“让我们再来一次 吧。“…… Twenty-eight, tw
enty-nine, thirty. Ready or not, here I come!” lke shouted.二十八、二十
九、三十,准备好了没 有,我来了!”艾克喊道。“New rule!" said Eliza. "You can''t tell w
here anyone else is hiding. Okay?” “Okay,” said the others. "Let''
s start again.”新规则!“伊莉莎说“我们不能告 诉别人藏在哪里,好吗?“好吧。 其他人说。“我们再来一次吧。Did
you see where Eliza went?” Ike asked Abdul. " I did, but I can''t
tell you,” said Abdul. “Let''s just say you won''t find her out
here.”你看到伊莉莎去哪儿了吗?“艾克问阿 杜勒。“我看见了但我不能告诉你。 阿卜杜勒说。“我就告诉你,你在这里 找不到她。N
ew rule! " said lke. " No one can hide in the house. Okay? " " O
kay”, said the others. Let''s start again.”新规则!艾克说,“不可以藏在屋子 里,好吗?好
吧。其他人说“我们 再来一次吧。"Now. this is fun!” said Abdul.现在,游戏变得很有趣!"阿杜勒说。"
I''m starving, " said lke. " Me, too!"said Abdul. " Can we make
a new rule?“我饿死了。"艾克说。“我也是!“阿ト 杜勒说。“我们可以再定一个新规则吗?“New rule!” said
Eliza. “When starving, you have to stop and eat." "We like that
rule,”said the others.“新规则” 伊莉莎说,“当饿的时候, 我们必停下来吃饭” “我们喜欢这条规则。” 其他人说。