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G31 Maria Joins the Team
2023-04-24 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
G31 Maria Joins the TeamMaria likes to play baseball. She plays catch
with her brother, Luis.The baseball coach asks Maria to join the
baseball team. We play at four o''clock on Tuesdays, he says.Mo
m, I really want to play, Maria says " Can ? Maria''s mom says ye
s, and they race home to tell her dad.Maria wears her baseball m
itt to bed the night before her first game. She gets up to go t
o school, and her mitt is still on.At school, Amos gives Maria a
note. The note asks her to come to his birthday party.“Oh,no!can
''t come ,"Varia says .“I have big game that day ”“Maybe I could
come to your party instead.Maria asks the coach that night. " Yo
u can miss the game, " he says. " But the team will not have a
shortstop."I should not miss the game, Maria says The team needs
me."It is the day of the big game. All of family comes to watch
.After the game. Amos comes to give Maria a balloon. He brings h
er cake, too!31 Maria Joins the Team阅该时间10分钟书中,玛丽亚被邀请加入一个棒球队。她接受了
邀请,并为成为团队的一 员而感到兴奋。然而,在学校里,她的朋友阿莫斯邀请她参加他的生日聚 会。聚会和玛丽亚的棒球赛在同一天挙行。玛
丽亚要做一个决定。她必须 决定她是要成为一个好的队员,参加比赛还是参加生日聚会。Maria likes to play baseb
all. She plays catch with her brother, Luis.玛丽亚喜欢打棒球,她总是和弟弟路易 斯一
起玩投接球。The baseball coach asks Maria to join the baseball team. W
e play at four o''clock on Tuesdays, he says.棒球教练问玛丽亚是否要加入棒球队, 我们
每周二下午四点打棒球。”他说Mom, I really want to play, Maria says " Can ? Mar
ia''s mom says yes, and they race home to tell her dad.妈妈,我真的很想打棒
球。”玛丽亚说 “我可以去吗?”玛丽亚的妈妈说可以 他们跑回家告诉她爸爸这件事。Maria wears her baseball
mitt to bed the night before her first game. She gets up to go
to school, and her mitt is still on在她要打第一场比赛之前,玛丽亚甚至 带着棒球手套上床睡觉。第
二天,她起 床上学,手套竟然还在。At school, Amos gives Maria a note. The note as
ks her to come to his birthday party.在学校,阿莫斯递给玛丽亚一张纸条 上面写着邀请她来参加他
的生日聚会。“Oh,no!can''t come ,"Varia says .“I have big game that day
”“Maybe I could come to your party instead“哦,不,我没法去。”玛丽亚说,“那 天我有
一场重要比赛。“但或许我可以 去参加你的派对。Maria asks the coach that night. " You can
miss the game, " he says. " But the team will not have a short
stop."晚上玛丽亚问了教练。“你可以不来参 加比赛。”他说,“但是这支球队就没有 三垒手了。I should not miss
the game, Maria says The team needs me."“我不应该错过这个比赛。玛丽亚说 球队需要我。
It is the day of the big game. All of family comes to watch.终于到了
比赛当天,玛丽亚的所有家人 都来看比赛。After the game. Amos comes to give Maria a b
alloon. He brings her cake, too!比赛结束后,阿莫斯给了玛丽亚个气 球,他还带来了他的生日蛋糕!Qu
ick Check31 Maria Joins the TeamMaria加入团队1. Where does this story
mostly take place?A. at a toy storeB. at a baseball fieldC. in
a supermarket1.这个故事主要发生在哪里?A、 在玩具店B、 在棒球场C、 在超市里2. What is Maria''
s problem in the story?A. The party and the game are on the sam
e day.B. The coach doesn''t let Maria join the team.C. Maria''s fa
mily can''t come to the game.2.故事中玛丽亚的问题是什么?A、 聚会和比赛在同一天。B、 教练不让玛
丽亚加入球队。C、 玛丽亚的家人不能来参加比赛。3. How does Maria feel when her family c
omes to the game?A. happyB. angryC. sad3.当玛丽亚的家人来参加比赛时,她感觉如何?A、 快
乐的B、 生气C、 悲伤的4. Which event happens last?A. Maria plays catch wit
h her brother.B. Amos brings Maria cake and a balloon.C. Amos g
ives Maria a note.4.哪个事件最后发生?A、 玛丽亚和她哥哥玩接球游戏。B、 阿莫斯给玛丽亚带来了蛋糕和气球。C
、 阿莫斯给了玛丽亚一张纸条。5. What is a mitt?A. a hatB.. a shirtC.a glove5.什么
是手套?A、 帽子B、 .一件衬衫C、 手套6. Extended Response: Ask the student to
think of a time when there were two things he or she wanted to do but could do only one. Have the student explain what he or she decided to do and why.6.扩展回答:让学生想想有一次,他或她想做两件事,但只能做一件。让学生解释他或她决定做什么以及为什么。