

 hercules028 2023-05-06 发布于四川




Everything you see started as a thought. Adjust your thoughts to create better emotions. Better results. Achieve more. Perform better. Be happier. Because it allstarts in your head.

NO.2 此时此刻,你已经拥有应对任何挑战所需要的能力。所以,为什么不能是你?

At this moment in time,You have within you, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. So,for what reasons can it notbe you?

NO.3 如何继续前行?回望过去曾经走过的历程。是什么帮助你走到今天?他们又将在未来,如何帮助你克服困难,并最终走向成功?

How do you keep going? Look how far you have come. What helped you get this far? How will they feature in the future to ensure you succeed and overcome?

NO.4 请停止四下张望,你不会在任何人那里找到属于自己的成就。

Stop looking over your shoulder at everyone else, you won’t find your success there.

NO.5 思想是有能量的,它能拆毁,也能建立。因此明智地选择思想的品质,确保对你有积极影响。

Your mind can be a power for your success or failure. Choose wisely the quality of your thoughts. Monitor the quality of your thoughts and ensure they work for you?

NO.6 生活因爱而变得轻松 —— 将「生活」替换为「幸福」或者「实现目标」。现在请自问 —— 你从哪里得到爱?答案首先应是:你要先爱你自己。

Life is easier with love — swap the word “life” forhappiness, achieving your goals. Now ask yourself — where do you get your love from? The first place should be you.

NO.7 深刻了解自己至关重要。这样,无论面临什么挑战或追求什么目标,都能够赋予我们前进的力量。

Learn the science of who you are. This is powerful knowledge that will empower you to move forward no matter what you face or want to achieve.

NO.8 不要祈求轻松和顺遂,而要祈求拥有抵御困境的勇气和力量。

Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.

NO.9 万事万物都在变化。冬眠的树貌似枯死,春天依旧焕然新生。顺境和逆境总会循环往复。低谷时激励自己继续前进,巅峰时提醒自己心存感恩,并不断学习和成长。

Remember that everything changes. The hibernating tree looks dead but will return in the spring rejuvenated. This is essential knowledge for good times and bad. In bad times, it reminds you to keep going, and in good times, it reminds you to be grateful and keep looking to learn and grow.


Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

NO.11 是什么在阻碍你?认知还是现实?无论如何,你都可以采取行动,即使只是改变想法。除非自愿放弃,否则没有任何东西可以阻碍你。

What’s stopping you? Is it a perception or a fact? Either way, you can do something about it, even if it is just to change the thoughts attached to the thing that is stopping you. Nothing can have power over you unless you let it.

NO.12 试图复制别人的成功之路,并不能保证你成功。你必须尊重自己的价值观、信仰和经历。

Trying to copy the route to success that someone else took doesn’t guarantee you success. You have to honor your values, beliefs, and experiences.

NO.13 你的思想和感受的质量,会影响你的行动和结果。你看到的一切都始于思想。因此,当你需要鼓励时,请问自己:「内心的想法是支持还是阻碍?是催人奋进还是停滞不前?」

The quality of your thoughts and feelings impacts your actions and results. Everything you can see started as a thought. So, when you need encouragement, ask yourself, “are my thoughts enabling me or disabling me?” Are my thoughts “moving me forward or holding me back?”

NO.14 有时候遭遇困境并非因为做错了什么,而是因为做对了什么。

Sometimes you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right.

NO.15 在这个星球上,你的任务不是融入,而是闪耀,是脱颖而出,勇敢发声!成为注定要成为的独特个体。这是通往无悔人生的唯一途径。

On this planet, your job is not to fit in. Your job is to shine. Stand out. Speak up, and be the unique individual you are meant to be. It’s the quickest way to lasting success.

NO.16 世间最动人心魄的美,是那种内心散发出的、最难以获得的美 —— 那是力量、勇气和尊严的凝结。

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within — strength, courage, dignity.

NO.17 如果你想获得更多成就,首先必须相信自己是值得的。如果连自己都不相信,又怎么可能拥有?

If you want to achieve more, you’ve got to assume you are worth it. Are you worth it? And if you don’t believe this, then what will you do to rocket your confidence?

NO.18 无数人害怕失败,但它其实是变相的礼物:告诉你什么不要再重复,哪些方式行不通;让你朝着理想的目标前进。因此不要责备和憎恶失败,它是驱使你成功的最好方式。

While many fear failure, it is a gift in disguise. It tells you what not to repeat, it tells you what didn’t work, and it moves you forward to what you want to achieve. Don’t berate and hate your failures. They are driving you forward to your success.

NO.19 你不是所发生事情的总和,而是你选择成为的样子。

You are not what happened to you. You are what you chose to become.


When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

NO.21 生活中并没有绝对的是非黑白,你需要接受灰色地带。

Nothing in life is black and white and yet people want things to be like this — to be “yes” or “no.” You need to be able to accept a bit of grey area in life.

NO.22 不要被恐惧吓倒,它只意味着你将做一件非常非常勇敢的事。

It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.

NO.23 回想一下你克服逆境、取得成就或打算放弃时,继续前行的经历。你学到什么技能和思维方式?又将如何利用这些领悟继续前进?

Think back to a time that you overcome adversity, achieved something big, or kept going when you really didn’t want to. What skills do you notice? What were you telling yourself? What did you learn about who you are? How will you use that knowledge moving forward?

NO.24 没有什么,比那些对上帝赋予自己的独特方式,而感到自信和骄傲的人,更令人赞叹的了。

Nothing is more impressive than a person who is secure in the unique way God made her.

NO.25 成长很痛苦,改变很痛苦,但没有什么,比始终困在本不该属于你的地方,更痛苦的了。

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

NO.26 无论何时记得做自己,勇敢表达你的感受。因为介意的人不重要,重要的人根本不会介意。

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

NO.27 每当你怀疑自己能走多远时,请记住已经走了多远,曾经面对的一切、赢得的战斗及克服的恐惧。

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.

NO.28 为使命工作,而非掌声。生活是为表达自我,而非取悦他人。

Work for a mission, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress.

NO.29 懂得何时应该放手,是智慧;有能力选择放手,是勇气,而能够昂首挺胸的离开,则是尊严。

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to is courage. Walking away with your head held high is dignity.


Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.

NO.31 不要因为那些曾经的伤痕,而感到羞耻。它只意味着你比试图伤害你的任何东西,都更加强大。

Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.

NO.32 当你身处困境和低谷,请时刻记住:挑战并不是上天派来摧毁你的,而是促进、激励和强化你的。

When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They’re sent to promote, increase, and strengthen you.

NO.33 我们之所以强大,是因为认识到自我的弱点;之所以智慧,是因为从错误中吸取经验;之所以无畏,因为懂得辨别真实与虚幻;正如懂得去爱,只因曾感受到恨;之所以欢笑,是因为我们都曾经历悲伤。

I am strong because I know my weaknesses.I am wise because I learnt from my mistakes. I am fearless because I learnt to recognize illusion from real. I am a lover because I have felt hate. And I can laugh because I have known sadness.

NO.34 人生并非等待风雨过去的煎熬,而是学会在雨中起舞的享受。

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

NO.35 不要担心,上帝从不会对你的眼泪视而不见,对你的祷告充耳不闻,对你的痛苦保持沉默。他看得见,听得见,也一定会拯救你。只要你心灵诚实的相信。

Don’t worry, God is never blind to your tears. Never deaf to your prayers. And never silent to your pain. He sees. He hears and He will deliver you.As long as you honestly believe in your heart.

NO.36 你永远不会意识到自己有多强大,直到坚强成为惟一的选择。

You never realize how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

NO.37 挑战让生活变得有趣,克服挑战让生命变得有意义。

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

NO.38 你永远不会因为太老,而无法实现目标或拥有梦想,同样,你也不会因为太年轻,而心怀高远。

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. And also,you’re never too young to dream big.

NO.39 我们往往忘记,幸福并非因为得到未曾拥有的东西,而是认识并欣赏到拥有的东西。因此,即使失去也不要哭泣,毕竟我们曾经拥有。

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. So,don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.


Do you want to be happy? Let go of what’s gone, be grateful for what remains and look forward to what is coming.

NO.41 真正强大的人,并非是在人前展示力量的人;而是在不为人知处挣扎,并最终战胜自我的人。

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about.

NO.42 永远保持信念和希望。生命中最不可思议的奇迹,往往发生在你即将放弃的那一刻。

Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you’re about to give up hope.

NO.43 永远记住,你比想象中更勇敢,比表现的更强大,比认为的更智慧,比你内心以为的美丽许多倍。

Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you’ve ever imagined.

NO.44 生活不是关于获得和拥有,而是关于存在和给予。生命的意义不在找到自我,而在塑造自我。

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.Life isn’t about finding yourself.Life is about creating yourself.




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2.lifehack.org|22 Powerful Words That Will Give You Life Motivation

3. lifehack.org|132 Quotes About Staying Strong During Hard Times

4. lifehack.org|40 Inspirational Quotes About Getting Through Tough Times

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