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2018北京顺义初二(上)期末英 语四、单选填空(共5分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处
的最佳选项1.— Who is the boy?— The boy is from Class 4.______ name is
Jack.(  )A.HerB.HisC.YourD.Its2.— What did Mr Lin do after that?—
He divided the 25 people ______ five groups.Each group had a lea
der.(  )A.intoB.forC.withD.on3.— What do you often do in the even
ing?— Like many other students,I enjoy ______.(  )A.watch TVB.wat
ching TVC.to watchD.watched4.— Why are bones so important?— _____
_ they support our bodies and help us move freely.( )A.ButB.AndC.
SoD.Because5.— What happened on 27th July,2002?— The Polish boy _
_____ an accident and lost half his left leg and right arm.( )A.w
ill haveB.haveC.hadD.has6.— What were you doing yesterday afterno
on when I phoned?— I ______ at home.( )A.studyB.studiedC.am study
ingD.was studying7.— What about Class Two?— Class Two did ______
than last year and was the second.( )A.wellB.betterC.bestD.the be
st8.— ______ you swim,Tina?— Yes,I can.But I''m not a good a swimm
er.( )A.CanB.MayC.MustD.Need9.— Who is ______ runner in our class
?— I think John is.( )A.fastB.fastestC.fasterD.the fastest10.— Ou
r team won the game last night.— ______(  )A.How exciting!B.What
a shame!C.I can''t stand it.D.Can you believe that?二、方框选词填空(共5分,每小
题5分)11.(5分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框中选择恰当的词填空,每词只能用一次。A Special Teamdar
k safely look for shake flashedIt was a terrible day for Mr.and M
rs.Lin.The old couple was on holiday at a mountain resort.They we
re taking a walking the early afternoon,when suddenly the ground
started to (1)   .In just two minutes,everything changed complete
ly!They were in the middle of a very strong earthquake! The Lins
tried to find some other people first.One by one,they found 23 ot
her people.Many were tourists,young and old.Soon it was (2)   and
it started to rain heavily.Some cried and some lost hope. At the
moment,Mr.Lin decided to take the lead.He called for everyone''s
attention and said,"The roads are too dangerous.We can''t go down
the mountain until tomorrow.We must stay here tonight." The Mr.Li
n and a few young and men went back to the ruins to (3)    food a
nd blankets.The found some,but not enough for everyone.The young
people gave theirs to the older ones. After that,Mr.Lin divided t
he people into five groups.Each group had a leader.He also collec
ted all the mobile phones and made sure each group had one.They u
sed them as flashlights.Every 30 minutes,the group leaders (4)   
their mobile phones,and the light in the dark rainy night made ev
eryone feel safe. Early the next morning,the groups started to go
down the mountain.It was a difficult journey,but the group membe
rs encouraged and supported each other.After twelve hours'' walkin
g,they finally got out (5)   .By then,it was 30 hours after the e
arthquake.Everyone was tired but they felt lucky because they wer
e part of a special team.This special team gave them hope for lif
e.三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1 分)12.(10分)My First Day at School I still remem
ber my first day at school.My (1)    took me to school.When I cam
e to school,I felt (2)    .My father introduced me to my (3)    .
He left me in the classroom and went away.Suddenly,I wanted to cr
y. However,the teacher looked very (4)    .I didn''t feel nervous.
She asked me some questions.I answered at once.She smiled. Why we
re there so many teachers?I couldn''t (5)    .Everything was new.T
he bell (铃声) rang.The class teacher (6)    our class and another
teacher came.The teacher taught math.Then the bell rang.Another c
lass began. After three classes there was a (7)    of half an hou
r.I ran to the playground with my classmates.Some talked.Some pla
yed games.That day I know Sandeep.He became my friend later on.I
did not(8)    lunch.Sandeep shared his with me. After lunch we ha
d two classes.The last class was a (9)    class.I drew a ball on
the blackboard.The teacher liked it.The classes finished at about
4 P.M.I didn''t want to return from school. The memory of my firs
t day at school is very (10)    .I feel proud when I tell it to o
ingB.happyC.difficultD.important四、阅读理解 (共20分,每小题8分)13.(8分)The Blo
g of RosieHelpBy Rosie July 7,2017Hi!Have you ever helped others?
What did you do?Have a person ever helped you?Write andlet us kno
w.DISCUSSIONSophia 9:30Two weeks ago when I did some running in t
he park.I fell and hurt my knee quite badly.A few moments later,a
n old woman helped me stand up.Then shewaited until my father cam
e.I didn''t know her but she helped me.●Replay ●ShareSteve 10:10O
n my fourteen birthday,I stood in line to buy coffee in a coffee
shop and Inoticed that a man looked very tired.I decided to buy a
cup of coffee forhim.when I gave him the coffee,I was very happy
to see his smiling face.●Replay ●ShareJack?11:00The day before
yesterday I saw a boy lying on the street.I tried to wake him up,
but I couldn''t.I called 999.He''s OK now.I made friends with him.H
e thinksI''m a hero ,but I just did what was right.●Replay ●Share
Kate?11:20I always try to help other people.For example,I talk to
my friends when they arelonely.I make a joke at school when my c
lassmates look bored.Last week I gaveaway my old clothes to the p
oor.●Replay ●Share(1)Who helped Sophia?    A.An old woman.B.A ma
n.C.A boy.D.The poor.(2)When did Steve buy a cup of coffee for a
man?    A.Two weeks ago.B.On his fourteenth birthday.C.The day be
fore yesterday.D.Last week.(3)Jack called 999 for a boy lying  
 .A.in the park.B.in a coffee shop.C.on the streetD.at school .(4
)Last week Kate    .A.did some runningB.stood in line to buy cof
feeC.made friends with a boyD.gave away her old clothes to the po
or14.(6分)A team is a group of people with a common goal.A school''
s football team has two goals.One goal is to win.That is what the
team wants to do.The other goal is to build character.Character
is what a person values (价值观),how a person gets along with others
.That is why schools have football teams.They want to help studen
ts build good values. Each team member builds character.They lear
n to cooperate.They learn to make good decisions.They work hard.T
hey practice every day.They learn to follow the rules. Each team
member has a position (位置).Each position is part of winning.No on
e player has the ability to win the game for the team.Only if the
team works together does a team win.People often say, " There is
no I in TEAM." Whether the team wins or loses,at the end of the
games they congratulate the other team.That is called sportsmansh
ip.While they fight to win during the game,it is just a game.They
cannot be angry with the other team.If they are,they''ll hear fro
m their coach. ____makes sure the team reaches the school''s goal.
The coach cares about the whole team.The coach gives each player
advice.When the team wins,everyone celebrates.And the coach is gl
ad.But after the season is over,the coach is still happy.The coac
h gets to see the players as they go to school every day.The char
acter they have built id part of their success in school,too. Som
e coaches say that if you go into a classroom at their school you
''ll be able to tell the players.It is not that they are bigger th
an the other students.It is the ones who are helping other studen
ts work.Teamwork is part of their lives.(1)Schools build football
teams mainly to help students    .A.get good gradesB.become lea
dersC.build good valuesD.improve football skills(2)What does the
underlined sentence "There is no I in TEAM." in Paragraph 3 mean?
   A.I never take part in the game.B.I am not a member of the te
am.C.A famous star is the key to success.D.Teamwork comes first d
uring the game.(3)Which is the following can be put in the blank
in Paragraph 5?    A.The playerB.The coachC.The headmasterD.The t
eacher15.(6分)Are you left﹣handed?If you are,you make up just 10%
of the world''s population (人口) This means we live in a right﹣hand
ed world.Most people write and play musical instruments with thei
r right hands. Why are so few people left﹣handed?A new theory,cal
led "cooperation vs competition" may have the answer.As humans ev
olved (进化),we needed to work together to live.When making tools f
or a right﹣handed person ﹣like a knife ﹣ it was easier if everybo
dy could use the same hand.But some humans wanted to compete inst
ead.So to have an advantage over right﹣handed people,they would u
se their left hand to surprise competitors. Although there are fe
w left﹣handed people,some of them are geniuses (天才).German born A
merican scientist Albert Einstein,British physicist Isaac Newton
and British biologist Charles Darwin are some famous "lefties".At
least six US presidents were left﹣handed,including Barack Obama,
Bill Clinton,and Harry Truman. "Lefties" are also often linked wi
th creativity and visual (视觉) skills. How can this be?Well,the le
ft side of our brain is where we solve problems.The right side of
our brain is where we develop creativity.Right﹣handers tend to u
se the left side more than the right side.Yet left﹣handers tend t
o use both sides more evenly than right﹣handers. "This is why the
re are more of them in creative areas,such as music,art and writi
ng," said Alan Searleman,PhD,from St.Lawrence University,New York
. However,it''s not all good news for left﹣handers They tend to ha
ve worse memories,often forgetting names and places.(1)According
to the new theory,there are few left﹣handed people because    .A
.right﹣handed people worked together to compete against themB.it
was easier if everyone used their right hand for toolsC.left﹣hand
ed people are a big group of clever peopleD.left﹣handed people ar
e always looked down upon(2)What does Paragraph 3 want to tell us
?    A.Left﹣handed people take up a small part of the population.
B.Famous people are mostly left﹣handed.C.Left﹣handed people tend
to have great talent.D.Right﹣handed people should use their left
hand more often.(3)From Paragraph 5,we learn that    .A.the left
side of the brain is used to develop creativityB.the right side
of the brain is used to solve problemsC.Right﹣handed people use t
he right side of the brain more oftenD.left﹣handers use the right
and left side of the brain more evenly四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。16.(10分)
Do you know? Food is a major part of every culture.After all ,eve
ryone needs to eat!But each country has its own tradition (传统惯例)
on what people eat and when.Egypt Egyptian(埃及人)commonly start the
day with a drink,sometimes going with bread.Breakfast can be eat
en any time after this but before the day''s main meal.In the past
,this main meal was served at around 3:00 p.m.But now people work
longer hours and eat when they get home at around 6:00 p.m.Dinne
r parties are held later,around 9:00 p.m.Dinner parties are held
later,around 9:00 p.m. Most Egyptian meals include (包含) bread or
rice,cooked vegetables and beans or meat.France France is known f
or its fine cooking,and its people take food seriously.Most eat t
hree meals a day at fixed times and never snack(小吃)between meals.
Breakfast is a light meal of bread and coffee.They eat lunch at a
round 1:00 p.m.and a dinner with multiple courses after 8:00 p.m.
The French consider (以为,认为) eating a social activity.Eating alon
e is hard to see,and eating while doing something else is unheard
of .The French take time to enjoy their meals and visitors shoul
d do the same.Brazil Like the French,Brazilians usually eat a lig
ht breakfast.Lunch,the largest meal of the day,usually consists o
f meat,rice,potatoes,beans and vegetables.Between 6:00 p.m.and 8:
00 p.m,people enjoy a smaller meal with their families. Brazilian
s don''t mind eating a hurried or light meal and sometimes buy foo
d from street cars(手推车).But they always finish eating before walk
ing away.The United States American''s ancestors (祖先) came from ma
ny countries ,so American eating habits differ.Some take time to
prepare and eat a hot breakfast.Others take a bagel (面包圈) while r
ushing out the door or just skip breakfast.For lunch,most America
ns eat sandwich or leftovers.Traditionally,families got together
for a large meal around 6:00,but now busy schedules force (强制,迫使,
逼迫) many families to eat in turns.American restaurant servings te
nd to be huge.But you don''t have to finish them;taking leftovers
home is common(1)Is food a major part of every culture?    (2)Wha
t do Egyptians start with?    (3)Which country is famous for its
fine cooking?    (4)Why do Americans have different eating habits
?    (5)What does the passage mainly talk about?    六、文段表达17.(5分)
根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的 文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
和地点,活动的内容,以及需要为此做什么准备.提示词语:pick up,rubbish,put up,posters,a plast
ic bag提示问题:When and where will you go?What will you do for the en
vironment?What do you advise Peter to prepare for the activity?De
ar Peter, How is it going?I''m writing to invite you to take part
in the school''s activity to volunteer for a better environment. I
''m Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua18.根据中文和英文提示,完
017年最有意义的一天,二十一世纪报要举办以"A Special Day"为主题的征文活动。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,描述这一天发
er forget提示问题:When?What happened on that day?Who were you with?Wh
at did you do?Why was it special? It was a special day.It was____
______.参考答案四、单选填空(共5分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳
我喜欢看电视。【解答】喜欢做某事"enjoy doing sth"。故选:B。【点评】本题考查动名词短语,需要根据题干,选项正确的
择、假设、比较、让步等关系,要结合语境,选择合适连词用法。5.【分析】﹣ 2002年7月27日发生了什么?﹣波兰男孩在一次事故中失
去了左腿和右臂。【解答】根据on 27th July,2002,可知时态是一般过去时,用动词过去式。故选:C。【点评】熟悉一般过去
udied过去式;am studying现在进行时;was studying过去进行时。根据What were you doing
yesterday afternoon"昨天下午你在干什么?"可知,过去进行时态,填was studying。故选:D。【点评】
你会游泳吗?﹣﹣是的,我会。但我不是个游泳能手。【解答】Can会;May可以;Must必须;Need需要。根据Yes,I can.
知识点,结合语境,选择正确答案。9.【分析】﹣谁是我们班跑得最快的?﹣我想约翰是。【解答】根据in our class,可知是最高
昨晚赢了比赛。﹣﹣多么激动人心!【解答】How exciting!多么激动人心!What a shame!真可惜!I can''t
stand it.我受不了了。Can you believe that?你能相信吗?根据Our team won the game
last night."我们队昨晚赢了比赛。"可知,应该说"多么激动人心!"故选:A。【点评】在日常学习中要从实际情景交际中多练
早些时候,他们正在散步,突然地面开始震动,begin to后跟动词原形。故答案为shake。(2)dark.考查形容词。句意:不久
天就黑了,下起了大雨,was为系动词,猴哥形容词。故答案为dark。(3)look for.考查动词短语。句意:林先生和几个年轻人
回到废墟中寻找食物和毯子。to后跟动词原形,look for短语。故答案为look for。(4)flashed.考查动词过去式。
看语意是否正确。三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1 分)12.【分析】文章介绍了作者第一天去学校的情形。【解答】(1)B 名词辨析。
A妈妈,B爸爸,C奶奶,D爷爷,根据后面My father可知是爸爸,故答案是B。(2)C 形容词辨析。A伤心的,B疯狂的,C紧张
的,D可怕的,根据下文I didn''t feel nervous.可知是感觉紧张,故答案是C。(3)D 名词辨析。A同学,B朋友,
C学生,D老师,根据后面However,the teacher looked very 可知是把我介绍给老师,故答案是D。(4)C
形容词辨析。A累的,B忙碌的,C善良的,D有趣的,根据下句I didn''t feel nervous.可知老师看起来很善良,故答
案是C。(5)C 动词辨析。A相信,B记得,C理解,D组织,根据上句Why were there so many teachers
?应该是不理解为什么有这么多老师,故答案是C。(6)B 动词辨析。A打扫,B离开,C教,D开始,根据 another teache
r came应该是老师离开了,另一个老师来了,故答案是B。(7)D 名词辨析。A聚会,B测试,C游戏,D休息,根据I ran to
the playground with my classmates.可知是休息,故答案是D。(8)B 动词辨析。A有,B携带,C
使,D需要,根据Sandeep shared his with me.可知我没有带午饭,故答案是B。(9)A 名词辨析。A画画,B
体育,C数学,D音乐,根据I drew a ball on the blackboard.可知是画画课,故答案是A。(10)B 形
容词辨析。A兴奋的,B开心的,C困难的,D重要的,根据上文描述,可知The memory of my first day at s
chool is very 第一天很开心,故答案是B。【点评】首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明
确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。四、阅读理解 (共20分,每小题8分)13.【分析】本文是凯特的博客她在博
细节理解题。(1)A.根据"A few moments later,an old woman helped me to stand
up."可知,一位老夫人帮助了Sophia,故选A。(2)B.根据"On my fourteen birthday,I stoo
d in line to buy coffee in a coffee shop and I noticed that a man
looked very tired.I decided to buy a cup of coffee for him.""在我1
人一杯咖啡,故选B。(3)C.根据"The day before yesterday I saw a boy lying on t
he street.""前天我看见一个男孩躺在街上。"可知,杰克打999因为看到一个男孩躺在大街上,故选C。(4)D.根据"Las
t week gave away my old clothes to the poor."上周我把旧衣服送给了穷人。可知,上星期凯
事情。【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据文中信息 That is why schools have football teams.
They want to help students build good values这就是为什么学校有足球队。他们想帮助学生建
立良好的价值观可知,学校有足球对是为了帮助学生建立更好的存在价值。故选C。(2)D.句意猜测题。根据Only if the tea
m works together does a team win .People often say,"There is no I
in TEAM.".只有当球队一起努力时,球队才会赢人们常说:"队里没有我"。可知在一个团队里面不能以自我为中心,在比赛中团队精
神是首位的。故选D。(3)B.词义理解题。根据...makes sure the team reaches the school''
s goal .The coach cares about the whole team .The coach qives eac
h player advice.确保球队达到学校的目标教练关心整个球队,教练给每个球员建议,可以推断出,这自然段只要是讲教练在球队
中的重要作用,因此应填"The coach"教练。故选B。【点评】通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应
节理解题。根据Why are so few people left﹣handed?A new theory,called "coo
peration vs competition" may have the answer.As humans evolved (进
化),we needed to work together to live.When making tools for a rig
ht﹣handed person ﹣like a knife ﹣ it was easier if everybody could
use the same hand.为什么这么少人是左撇子呢?一种叫做"合作与竞争"的新理论可能有答案。随着人类的进化,我们需要
因为右手的使用会让工具变得更加方便,故选B。(2)C.段落大意题。根据Although there are few left﹣ha
nded people,some of them are geniuses (天才).German born American s
cientist Albert Einstein,British physicist Isaac Newton and Briti
sh biologist Charles Darwin are some famous "lefties".At least si
x US presidents were left﹣handed,including Barack Obama,Bill Clin
ton,and Harry Truman.虽然左撇子很少,但其中一些人是天才。德国出生的美国科学家阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦、英国物理学家
大意题。根据How can this be?Well,the left side of our brain is where we
solve problems.The right side of our brain is where we develop c
reativity.Right﹣handers tend to use the left side more than the r
ight side.Yet left﹣handers tend to use both sides more evenly tha
n right﹣handers.这怎么可能呢?我们大脑的左侧是我们解决问题的地方。右脑是我们发展创造力的地方。右撇子倾向于使用左侧
及、法国、巴西、美国不同的吃的文化。【解答】(1)Yes,it is.细节判断题。根据Food is a major part o
f every culture.可知,食物是每种文化的重要组成部分。应是肯定回答。故填Yes,it is.(2)Egyptian
commonly start the day with a drink,sometimes going with bread.细节
理解题。根据Egyptian(埃及人)commonly start the day with a drink,sometimes
going with bread.可知,埃及人的一天的开始通常是一杯饮料,有时是随着面包一起吃。故填Egyptian common
ly start the day with a drink,sometimes going with bread.(3)Franc
e.细节理解题。根据France is known for its fine cooking.可知法国以其美食而闻名。故Franc
e.(4)Because American''s ancestors came from many countries.细节理解题。
根据American''s ancestors (祖先) came from many countries ,so American
eating habits differ.可知,美国人的祖先来自许多国家,所以美国人的饮食习惯不同。所以美国人有不同的饮食习惯因
为美国人的祖先来自许多国家,故填Because American''s ancestors came from many count
ries.(5)Food is a major part of every culture.主旨大意题。根据Food is a m
ajor part of every culture.After all ,everyone needs to eat!But e
ach country has its own tradition (传统惯例) on what people eat and w
文化的重要组成部分。故填Food is a major part of every culture.【点评】做题时首先对原文材料迅
文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。六、文段表达17.【分析】【高分句型一】 If you decide to join us,you ca
n make a poster and take it with you.如果你决定加入我们,你可以制作一张海报并随身携带.这是i
f引导的条件状语从句,如果……【高分句型二】 And you''d better take gloves and a plastic
bag with you.你最好带上手套和塑料袋.you''d better = you had better 你最好…….【解答】Dear Peter,How is it going?I''m writing to invite you to take part in the school''s activity to volunteer for a better environment.【开头点明主题】We''ll go to the park near our school at 9 o''clock on Sunday morning.We''ll pick up rubbish and put up posters about protecting environment.If you decide to join us,you can make a poster and take it with you【高分句型一】.And you''d better take gloves and a plastic bag with you【高分句型二】. 【正文部分详细介绍志愿活动】I''m looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【点评】在解答写作这类试题时,要根据短文的中心思想考虑如何开头、展开和结尾,设想几个承上启下的连词,将主要句型、关键词语草草记下,形成提纲,写时切忌结构分散,废话连篇,严重跑题.18.【分析】【高分句型一】In the morning,I got up early and helped my mother do some housework.早上,我起得很早,帮妈妈做了一些家务。help sb.do ...帮某人做……。【高分句型二】 I will never forget.我永远不会忘记。will+动词原形,表示将要……。【解答】It was a special day.It was March 19,2017 because it was my mother''s 41st birthday.(时间、事件) I did a lot of things on that day.In the morning,I got up early and helped my mother do some housework.【高分句型一】And then I went to the supermarket with my sister.(我和谁) I bought a yellow sweater for my mother as her birthday present. (做了什么)It was my first time that I bought the present for my mother.The money was that I made by myself.I sold newspapers for a week. (为什么特殊)My mother was very pleased with what I did.At noon,I cooked for my mother.How happy my mother and I were!What a wonderful day.I will never forget.【高分句型二】【点评】是一篇提纲作文,题目要求围绕内容写作,命题既有限制又给予学生发挥的空间。写作时要结合内容对情况进行陈述,之后给出自己的看法和建议,看法和建议需要自主发挥。 1 / 1