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2018北京初三一模英语汇编阅读单选CD篇一、阅读单选(2018·北京·一模)You wake up in the morning. A s
oft light turns on in your room. You go into the bathroom and the
shower starts. After your shower, you go into the kitchen. Your
favorite breakfast is already cooked, and it’s on the table, read
y to eat. Now it’s time to go to work. It’s rainy. You live alone
, but you find that your umbrella is already by the door.How is a
ll this possible? Welcome to your future life!Technology will all
ow homes in the future to be “smart.” Household machines will com
municate with each other—and with you. Your stove will tell you w
hen your food is cooked and ready to eat. Refrigerators will sugg
est recipes (食谱)based on food items you already have. The technol
ogy is possible because of tiny information-storing devices calle
d RFID chips. Future RFID chips will store information about all
the things in your cupboards. For example, they will record the d
ate that you bought each thing. Other devices will “read” this in
formation using radio waves. When you need more food, your cupboa
rds will tell you to buy it. Are you tired of the color of your w
alls? In a smart home, you won’t have to repaint them. The walls
will actually be digital screens, like TV screens. The technology
is called OLED, and it’s here already. OLED walls will become cl
ear, like windows or display colors and patterns.A computer netwo
rk will link these walls with everything else in your house. Call
ed “ambient intelligence,”(环境智能) this computer “brain” will contr
ol your whole house. It will suit your preferences. Your house wi
ll learn about your likes and dislikes. It will then use that kno
wledge to control the environment. For example, it will set the h
eat in the house to your favorite temperature. It will also turn
on the radio in the morning because you like to listen to the new
s then.But how about your cooked breakfast and the umbrella you f
ound by the door? For those, you can thank your robot helper. Fut
urologists predict that many homes will have robots in the future
. Robots already do many things. But scientists today are startin
g to build friendlier, more intelligent robots—ones that people w
ill feel more comfortable having around in the house.How soon wil
l this smart home be a reality? There’s a good chance it will be
a part of your life in 25 or 30 years, perhaps sooner.1.You shoul
d thank __________ for the umbrella you found by the door.A.the s
mart cupboardB.the radio wavesC.the household machinesD.the robot
helper2.According to the passage, the writer believes that in th
e future __________.A.painters won’t have to paint the wallsB.rob
ots will be more intelligent than peopleC.ambient intelligence wi
ll know your interests wellD.your stove will seldom communicate w
ith you3.Which of the following would be the best title for the p
assage?A.How will we live?B.How will OLED work?C.What will smart
house be like?D.How soon will smart home be a reality?(2018·北京·一模
)Running in Cold Weather Improves PerformanceCold weather during
winter months may keep many people from leaving home and running
in the open air. However, a new study shows that the drop in temp
erature is a good reason to run. In fact, researchers say, runnin
g in cold weather helps improve one’s performance.Many people say
running in the winter can be difficult. Two reasons are the low
temperatures and bitter winds. Yet many runners might find it eas
ier than running in hot weather. That could be because lower temp
eratures reduce stress on the body. When you run in cold weather,
your body loses less water than in warmer conditions. The body n
eeds less water on a cold day than in warm weather. This informat
ion comes from sports scientists at St. Mary’s University in Lond
on. John Brewer is a professor of applied sport science at St. Ma
ry’s. For this study, he and other researchers put a group of peo
ple into a room they called an “environmental chamber”. The resea
rchers then recreated summer and winter weather conditions in the
room. The test subjects were asked to run 10,000 meters under bo
th conditions. Brewer says he and his team recorded biological me
asurements of the runners. “We’ve got a group of subjects into th
e environmental chamber, we’ve changed the conditions to recreate
the summer or winter and we’ve got them to run a 10km under both
of those conditions and taken various measurements(测量)on each ru
nner while they’ve been completing their 10km.”They found that th
e runners lost water by around 30.38% more in those hotter condit
ions. Besides, Brewer says every movement runners make produces h
eat. He explains that one way in which we lose heat is by sweatin
g(出汗). He says the body also loses heat by transporting the blood
to the surface of the skin. “That heat builds up in the body and
can be really damaging unless you can lose that heat. And it’s m
uch harder to lose heat when the environment is warm as well.” An
d they found how they felt their perception of heat—was around a
third lower when they were running in cold conditions. The body d
oes not have to work as hard to pump blood to the skin’s surface.
Several websites note that the most important thing for people wh
o run in cold conditions is to wear the right clothing. Keeping a
s dry as possible is the most important when exercising in low te
mperatures. So, if you are a runner, don’t let winter weather kee
p you indoors. Simply get ready for the low temperatures and star
t running.4.According to the passage, John Brewer probably agrees
that __________.A.people should run 10,000 meters in winterB.run
ning in winter is good for your heartC.people who run in winter l
ike to wear thick clothingD.running in cold conditions is better
than in warm5.The underlined word “subjects” in Paragraph 3 proba
bly means _______.A.students that are being discussedB.classes th
at you study at schoolC.people that are being testedD.runners tha
t the artists paint6.What can we infer from the passage?A.Running
can help us lose heat.B.Running in cold weather is beneficial to
our body.C.The heat can damage our body.D.The body does not have
to work to pump blood.7.What is the writer’s main purpose in wri
ting this passage?A.To introduce a research on running by Brewer.
B.To explain why running in winter is difficult for people.C.To e
ncourage people to run outside during winter months.D.To advertis
e the new websites on running he created.(2018·北京通州·一模)Best Frien
dsMen and women share the exact same view of a best friend—a pers
on who is always there for you. A best friend is someone you can
depend on to share your happiness, suffer through your worries, o
r lessen your sorrow (悲伤). As one man put it, “To me, a best frie
nd is somebody who you call if you’re on the road and get a flat
tire (爆胎) at 3:00 a. m. and you’ve been told it’s four hours unti
l a tow truck (拖车) can be sent. Your friend says, ‘Tell me exactl
y where you are, and I’ll come and get you.’”Different things lea
d to the birth of a best friendship—the age and situations in whi
ch people meet, what first attracts them, why they remain close,
and how they fill each other’s needs. Yet I find the most importa
nt points that explain the meaning of a best friend are remarkabl
y (显著地) similar across most experiences. Safety is a word I heard
over and over. A best friend makes you feel safe, protected and
comfortable. You never have to explain yourself to best friends b
ecause they really, really know who you are. With best friends, y
ou can be who you are. You can cry too hard or laugh too loud and
never worry what they’ll think of you because best friends are n
onjudgmental (客观的). They will give you advice if you want ideas a
nd give you a kick in the pants if you need encouragement, but be
st friends will not judge you or make you feel ashamed of your be
haviors. A best friend gives you what you expect from a parent an
d doesn’t always get: unconditional love.Best friends are loyal (
忠诚的) and trustworthy. A best friend is a person to whom you can t
ell your most shameful, truthful and harmful personal secrets wit
h the full confidence they will never be repeated. Best friends c
an deliver brutally (冷酷无情地) honest answers in the most gentle way
.Finally, best friends are the family you choose. They love you b
ecause they want to, not because they have to. And for many peopl
e, a best friend becomes the brother or sister they’d always want
ed, but never had.A man I knew asked his dying mother, “What has
been the most important thing in your life?” He fully expected he
r to say her husband, her children or her family. Instead, withou
t a moment’s hesitation (犹豫), she replied sweetly, “My friends.”8
.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Best f
riends share similar interests.B.Best friends don’t argue with ea
ch other.C.Best friends have to help because they are a family.D.
Best friends keep each other’s secrets no matter what happens.9.W
hat’s the meaning of the underlined words “give you a kick in the
pants” in Paragraph 2?A.Pushing you to achieve your goal.B.Makin
g you feel sorry about them.C.Forcing you to make a right decisio
n.D.Expecting unconditional love from you.10.What does the writer
mainly tell us in the passage?A.What kinds of friendship we have
.B.What characters a best friend has.C.Why we should have a best
friend.D.How a best friend helps us out of trouble.(2018·北京通州·一模)
Everyone talks about the advantage of taking time out for “simple
pleasures”. The idea is that we will be happier if we often do i
nexpensive, easy-to-do activities.However, the problem for many o
f us is that we don’t know what makes us happy.When I was in coll
ege, my mother gave me some wise advice. She said, “Before you ge
t married and live with another person, you need to spend some ti
me living by yourself. You need to get to know yourself.”So I did
exactly that. For almost two years, I lived by myself. I found t
hat I loved to spend hours looking around in bookstores. I also l
oved to spend an afternoon just walking around the city. And ever
y so often, I needed the moments of pure silence.But, of course,
we all don’t enjoy the same things.A simple pleasure for me would
be to spend an hour reading a book in my backyard. However, that
same activity would give my husband no pleasure. We are all so d
ifferent.Sometimes, we already know what makes us happy. However,
as life gets busier and we get older, we put aside our simple pl
easures.For example, I had to give up playing the flute (长笛) when
I started working and had family responsibilities. Playing my fl
ute seemed selfish (自私的) when no one else in my family could join
, but three years ago I returned to playing the flute. I regret h
aving ever stopped.Simple pleasures are neither simple nor univer
sal (普遍的).Our simple pleasures are a reflection (反映) of who we ar
e. They are different activities that give each of us joy.Certain
ly there are some common topics—such as being out in nature, doin
g something creative, or enjoying music and literature—but beyond
that, each of us has to find out what it is that feeds our souls
(灵魂).That isn’t always easy in a world in which we have to consi
der other people’s needs and opinions as well as our own, but enj
oying simple pleasures is something that each of us deserves (应得)
.Think of it as your right, and say to yourself, “Today, I’m goin
g to discover what my simple pleasures are.”11.What is the writer
’s opinion about simple pleasures?A.They change as we grow older.
B.They can reflect our characters.C.It s expensive to achieve the
m.D.People with no responsibilities can enjoy them.12.What does t
he writer want to tell by sharing her experience of living alone?
A.Wise people often take their mothers’ advice.B.A couple don’t n
ecessarily share the same interests.C.It s necessary to live alon
e before getting married.D.It s worth spending time alone enjoyin
g simple pleasures.13.What can we learn from the writer’s experie
nce of playing the flute?A.We should develop an interest that oth
ers can take part in.B.Making our family happy is better than mak
ing ourselves happy.C.Keeping our interests alive is a good metho
d to make ourselves happy.D.Family responsibilities are more impo
rtant than our own interests.14.In the last two paragraphs, the w
riter ________.A.suggests readers pay no attention to others’ opi
nionsB.encourages readers to get simple pleasures activelyC.teach
es readers to balance others’ needs with their own needsD.reminds
readers to realize simple pleasures are the most important part
of life(2018·北京东城·一模)It was a February afternoon in a Brooklyn cl
assroom. Sixteen-year-old Taylor Engler came face to face with a?
cow. But it was all in her head. She was transported by?a virtual
(TE拟的)reality (VIO headset-it took Taylor?and her classmates to
a farm 250 miles away. For?students,the technology means field tr
ips are no longer?limited by the length of a bus ride.“I was not
expecting it to be right in my?face!”That''s what Taylor said afte
r taking off the headset and finding herself?back in the classroo
m.On any school day, students can take virtual reality “trips". T
hey are deep-sea diving. They are observing medical operations. T
hey are visiting the Science Museum in London. Teachers say it''s
another way to involve the iPhone generation(一代人)into classroom l
earning and it can help with their understanding and improve thei
r grades. Calm Jones, a science teacher, has walked students thro
ugh the northern forest with a Google app called Expeditions. “It
can be done in a period or two with the help of the new technolo
gy, he said. "But it could take even a week sometimes to take a r
eal expedition.’, "It''s different from watching videos. You can a
ctually move",Taylor said during the lesson on farm animals. "Not
only move, but also feel, said Richard Lamb. He studies how brai
ns deal with information.“Your physiological responses(生理反应)in vi
rtual reality are similar to what you get in doing the actual act
ivity.”Lamb said.“Heart rate, breathing...everything.”It is unkno
wn how many classrooms will use the technology. But experts say i
t''s still rare. Each headset can cost as little as$20 or$30,but s
ystems and software for classes run into thousands of dollars. An
d good software is in great need. Another problem we face is how
to make sure the VR technology mimics(模仿)the real world closely.
"But we have to say VR technology provides students with a huge l
earning opportunity,”said David Evans, director of the National S
cience Teachers Association.John Miller, a chemistry teacher,agre
ed. "Too often in schools, students did something wrong in their
chemistry experiments. But we don''t have enough materials for the
m to redo the experiments. In virtual reality, all they do is hit
reset on the computer. We don''t have to actually use chemicals.”B
oth Miller and Evans stressed the technology could enrich-not rep
lace-real-world experiences. "We have to remain anchored(立足)in th
e real world,”Evans warned, "because that''s the one that we reall
y need to study and explain.”15.On a February afternoon, Taylor__
___.A.travelled to a farm on a busB.watched a video about a cowC.
had a virtual reality lesson in the classroomD.played computer ga
mes with her classmates16.What can we learn from the passage?A.VA
technology is widely used in schools.B.Teachers think VR technol
ogy helpful for students.C.Colin Jones'' students prefer a real tr
ip to the forest.D.Students breathe faster in VR activities than
in actual ones.17.Miller and Evans probably agree that______.A.pe
ople shouldn''t lose interest in the real worldB.people should dev
elop more VR systems and softwareC.VR technology won''t change stu
dents'' way of learningD.VR technology will reduce students'' mista
kes in experiments(2018·北京东城·一模)Arkansas may give up the BMI prog
ram or weaken it with the help of the new governor,who said it ha
d "a lot of negative,unexpected results".The number of overweight
children in the United States has more than doubled in the past
20 years. Being seriously overweight can lead to health problems
later in life. As a result, Arkansas first started the BMI progra
m in 2004﹣public schools were required to provide parents with a
yearly report of their children''s body﹣mass index (BMI),a number
to show whether their weight is appropriate (合适的).Along with stud
ents'' BMIs,parents also received information on health risks of b
eing overweight.A study shows that obesity (肥胖)rates in Arkansas
have stopped increasing since 2004.But not everyone supports scho
ols in reporting students'' BMIs.Some parents have complained thei
r kids worry that they are being "graded" on their weight, althou
gh Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program,gave the exp
lanation at the start of the program,"Just like a school check fo
r vision or hearing,this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a
health risk. ''''Critics argue that telling parents their children
weigh too much could hurt children''s self﹣esteem(自尊).Some also qu
estion whether it''s the role of schools to monitor students'' weig
ht.Dr Nancy Krebs,a nutrition expert,also thinks obesity report c
ards aren''t good enough.‘‘They''re making kids feel bad about how
they are,'''' she says."Instead of focusing on kids'' BMIs,schools s
hould provide better health and physical education classes and se
rve healthier foods. "However,supporters of the program say overw
eight children have had self﹣esteem problems before their parents
get obesity report cards.Dr.Karen Young at Arkansas Children''s H
ospital says,"The overweight kids are already being teased (被嘲弄).
It doesn''t take the letter for them to feel bad. ''''Health experts
from the University of Arkansas think it would be a pity to stop
the BMI program. They see the program as a wake﹣up call for fami
lies and the letter is spurring some major action on some parents
.Danita Thomas said she knew her son Irie was too heavy.But since
getting that first BMI report,Irie has lost nearly 100pounds and
given up junk food."It was helpful," she said."It made me realiz
e that we needed to do something different. ''''The BMI reports and
other steps,such as limits on vending machine (自动售货机)use at scho
ol,are leading to healthier students.If there was no BMI program,
there should be other effective tools to get schools and parents
involved with preventing children from becoming overweight adults
.18.What might be the purpose of the BMI program in Arkansas?A.To
make the schools realize the importance of health education.B.To
warn parents of health risks of overweight children.C.To drive p
arents to learn more knowledge on health.D.To explain why some st
udents gain weight quickly.19.Dr.Nancy Krebs believes that .A.ove
rweight students are usually laughed at by classmatesB.schools sh
ould teach students how to lead a healthy lifeC.overweight studen
ts usually get low grades at schoolD.schools should do the job to
record students5 weight20.The words "spurring some major action
on some parents" in Paragraph 6 probably mean " .A.keeping some p
arents from worriesB.encouraging some parents to make changesC.he
lping some parents learn from other familiesD.supporting some par
ents in expressing their opinions21.What does the passage mainly
talk about?A.What schools should report to parents.B.How schools
can care about overweight students.C.Why schools should help stud
ents control their weight.D.Whether schools should report student
s5 BMIs to parents.(2018·北京平谷·一模)Last week the electricity(power)
in my flat went out. I had just got home from work and was happi
ly making my tea, when suddenly I was surrounded by complete dark
ness. The lights had gone out, the oven had stopped working and m
y phone was no longer charging. My flatmates and I tried to fix i
t but we soon realised that we couldn''t. We would have to wait fo
r an electrician to come in the morning. This left me a whole nig
ht without any electricity. I wasn''t really sure what to do. My t
ypical evening is spent watching the TV and scrolling through soc
ial media. Tonight this wasn''t possible. We weren''t prepared with
candles and matches. I couldn''t even read a book. So for me it w
as an early night. And I couldn''t help but think, do we depend on
electricity too much? That night, losing our electricity felt li
ke losing a basic necessity-as basic as running water. But really
, electricity is a luxury(奢侈)that we''ve grown to take for grante
d. I use electricity all the time, even when it''s not really nece
ssary. I use it to put the TV on in the background even when I''m
not really watching it. I use it to check my phone when I have to
wait for even just a minute, for example when waiting for friend
s. And as I''m writing this, I have my lights on, even in the midd
le of the day when I don''t really need them.Our over-use of elect
ricity is a big problem. It contributes to something that we real
ly should be worried about. It is harming our environment and we
need to do what we can to stop it. Not only that, but if we conti
nue to use the same large amount of energy we will soon run out.H
ow would we survive in a world without electricity? Our daily liv
es revolve around it. We wouldn''t be able to function. Yet we kno
w that, one day, we will run out. So, shouldn''t we start preparin
g for it now? I know for sure that I could cut down on my use of
electricity. And if everyone does the same, we can make a big dif
ference.22.The writer ___ after the electricity went out.A.found
someone to fix it with his flatmatesB.bought some candles and mat
chesC.could do nothing but wait for an electricianD.tried to find
out why the lights went out23.The writer thinks that____________
A.he makes full use of electricityB.electricity is much more impo
rtant than it wasC.electricity should not be as necessary as it h
as now becomeD.the over-use of electricity leads to global warmin
g24.The writer''s main purpose in writing this passage is_________
__.A.to list some ways to save energyB.to explain reasons for glo
bal warmingC.to share his personal experience of using electricit
y.D.to call on us to protect our environment by using less electr
icity(2018·北京平谷·一模)Have you ever seen a car without a driver? It
sounds crazy, but these computer-driven driverless cars will soon
be filling roads near you. Companies like Google and Tesla have
been designing and testing these cars, and the technology is ther
e-they just need to see if they''re value for money ,work out insu
rance(保险)issues, and run final tests to check they can run alongs
ide human-driven cars on the road. So how do they work? The cars
have sensors all around which can detect other cars and obstacles
in the road. Sensors on the wheels also help when parking, so th
e car knows how far it is from the outside of the road or other p
arked cars. Road signs are read by cameras and satellite navigati
on systems are used so the car knows how to get to your destinati
on. All you have to do is type in the address! Finally, a central
computer system takes in all the information it receives from th
e sensors and cameras and processes this to work out when to spee
d up, brake and go.Sound like your idea of heaven? Sitting back,
looking out of the windows and even watching a film or reading a
book while ''driving'' would be possible with this new technology.
You wouldn''t have to worry about remembering directions to where
you''re going. In addition, computers are generally more efficient
drivers than humans. They would also drive more safely than peop
le-they are not influenced by music or friends, they would obey t
he speed limit and they have quicker reaction times in case of an
emergency.However, there are many disadvantages of driverless ca
rs. Computers would have difficulties making ethical(伦理学的)decisio
ns ; if a child ran into the road , would the computer choose to
hit the child or change the direction immediately and potentially
kill the car''s passengers? Moreover, I personally find driving f
un-I''d miss never being behind the wheel myself. There would also
be many legal decisions to be made-should children, or drunk peo
ple, be allowed in a driverless car by themselves? Or would there
need to be a responsible adult with a driving licence in the car
at all times?Although being driven around by a machine would per
haps mean that no one needs a driving licence, saving money for e
veryone, many people would be put out of a job when driverless ca
rs appear. Bus, taxi and train drivers as well as driving instruc
tors would be made unnecessary.I''m not convinced I''d want a drive
rless car-but it''s only a matter of time before they''ll become mo
re affordable and commonplace on our roads.25.What does the secon
d paragraph mainly tell us?A.How driverless cars work.B.How a cen
tral computer system runs.C.Ways in which the sensors help driver
less cars.D.The helpful system that driverless cars have.26.What
can we know from the passage?A.The writer is eager to have a driv
erless car.B.Some problems won''t be solved in the future.C.Engine
ers are active in improving driverless cars.D.More factors should
be considered before driverless cars go on roads.27.The underlin
ed word "potentially" in Paragraph 4 means “___”A.possiblyB.succe
ssfullyC.especiallyD.naturally28.Which of the following would be
the best title for the passage?A.Driverless Cars: Are You Ready f
or Them?B.Driverless Cars: Are They Your Favorite?C.Driverless Ca
rs: A Model of New TechnologyD.Driverless Cars: Just Enjoy Them(2
018·北京丰台·一模)Learning vocabulary doesn’t have to be boringMany stu
dents have problems with vocabulary when preparing for tests like
the SATs. Last week, TEENS offered advice on how to memorize new
words. If you’re now familiar with those methods, why not try mo
ving on to the next stage by using the following tips to build up
your English vocabulary.Repeated encounters (反复遇见)The usual way
of “memorizing” new material is through repeating it while it’s s
till in your mind. However, simply repeating a word seems to have
little long-term effect.But one kind of repetition is effective:
repetition of encounters with a word. Words stand a good chance
of being remembered if they’ve been met at least seven times in y
our reading, at intervals (相隔一段时间). So, read English magazines, n
ewspapers, and websites regularly.Spacing and reviewIt’s better t
o distribute (分配) memory work over a period of time rather than d
o it in a single session (一段时间). This is known as the “principle
of distributed practice”, where new vocabulary introduced in one
lesson is reviewed in the next, and then in later lessons.Use it
or lose itPutting words to use in interesting ways helps add them
to your long-term memory. In a study of vocabulary learning, stu
dents who made up their own sentences with new words and read the
m aloud remembered them better than those who learned the words s
eparately and silently. Best of all, students were given the task
of silently imagining a picture in their minds to go with a new
word. So it might help if learners link words with a mental image
.Mix it upLet’s face it — learning words can be really boring, bu
t it doesn’t have to be. Thanks to the Internet, there are more i
nteresting ways to get the job done. Try watching videos from Eng
lish-speaking social media celebrities and copying the way they s
peak. You could even upload your own videos and try becoming a st
ar yourself.29.According to the passage, a good way of memorizing
new words is ________.A.simply repeating themB.learning the word
s silentlyC.reviewing them in one lessonD.reading English magazin
es regularly30.To make learning words more interesting, we can __
______.A.try to become a famous starB.read new words on websitesC
.make and upload our own English videosD.draw a picture on the pa
per with a new word31.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.W
here to use new words.B.How to memorize new words.C.When to learn
new words.D.What to write with new words.(2018·北京丰台·一模)Clara sit
s at her desk deep in thought. She stares at the math problem in
front of her desperately trying to remember how to solve it, but
as she sits there her long list of homework plays over in her hea
d, and she becomes overwhelmed. She bites her lip thinking and th
inking. Then she hears a song on the radio. As she turns up the m
usic, a wave of calm spreads over her body, she closes her eyes a
nd listens to the music.When the song ends, Clara’s eyes open and
she turns off the radio. She looks again at the troublesome ques
tion and sighs, “I remember how to do this now,” she says to hers
elf. Then she finishes the problem, but this time calmer than bef
ore.According to NPR news, 45% of teens say they are stressed by
school pressures, such as homework and grades. High school, and a
ll of the honors and AP courses, can stress out teens like Clara
to the point of exhaustion, but it doesn’t have to be this way. L
ots of students can use stress relievers to simmer down during th
eir school day. Music can be one of those reliefs.When the body i
s stressed, it releases cortisol (释放皮质醇), a life sustaining adren
al hormone (肾上腺荷尔蒙) nicknamed “the stress hormone”. By playing mu
sic, students stop the flow (流动) of cortisol released from their
body, therefore returning to their normal, non-stressed self quic
ker than someone who didn’t hear or play any music.When returning
to this state, teens can think more clearly, with their stress g
one. Music does not only calm the stressed mind, it develops crea
tivity, as well as improving math and reading skills. A music cla
ss can help students who are stressed and give them an hour of re
laxation during their day. This can help high schoolers have a cl
ear mind to concentrate on their schoolwork. Adding music to a te
en’s day can help them become less stressed and finally help them
with their courses, making a smarter generation.Now, I know you’
re thinking, “What about kids who find playing a musical instrume
nt hard or boring? How would taking a music class help them?” Wel
l, even though playing an instrument doesn’t necessarily help all
teens, it is agreed that there are very few teens who do not lis
ten to music. This shows that all students, in their own way, lik
e hearing music throughout their day. The music that they listen
to calms them and gives them reassurance (保证) that they can make
it through their schoolwork. That being said, all schools should
have a required hour of ‘relaxation’ time when high schoolers wou
ld listen to music, do easy homework, and calm themselves down af
ter their long school day.Music helps kids in their education, pr
oviding them with a brighter future and ensuring that they take c
are of their generation, the generation before them, and the gene
rations to come.32.The words “becomes overwhelmed” in Paragraph 1
probably mean “________”.A.loses confidenceB.feels disappointedC
.can not think clearlyD.isn’t sure about the answers33.What can w
e learn from the passage?A.Music helps students to be more creati
ve.B.Few students can relax themselves at school.C.Adding music t
o a teen’s day stops them from studying.D.Music speeds up the flo
w of cortisol released from the body.34.According to Paragraph 5,
we know that ________.A.taking a music class is hard and boringB
.all teens listen to music in their own wayC.playing an instrumen
t is necessary for all teensD.all schools have a required hour of
‘relaxation’ time35.What is the best title of the passage?A.The
Bright Future of MusicB.The Way of Calming DownC.The Calming Powe
r of MusicD.The Way of Solving Problems(2018·北京海淀·一模)Everyone has
traits ( 4+性 ) that make us who we are. We have physical. traits
, like red hair, long legs and funny-looking toes. We also have c
haracter traits including humor, warmth, creativity and so on.Cer
tain physical traits are fully inherited (遗传 ),?such as blue eyes
and knobby knees. About 25,000?to 35,000 genes (基因?) are in a si
ngle cell in the human body. These genes carry the traits that ar
e passed down genetically from parents to their children.Many tra
its exist between inheritance and development - the interaction w
ith environment.One example is body shape. It tends to be passed
down from parents. But once diet becomes a factor, environment be
gins to play an important role in how the body develops. Body sha
pe is a trait that is a mixture of inheritance from parents and i
nfluence of environment.So lots of our most important traits have
been learned, rather than inherited. For example,?if you''re real
ly great at video games, it''s not because your parents passed dow
n the skills in genes. It''s because you have practiced a lot of v
ideo games and developed those skills yourself. If you have kids
who turn out to be great at video games, it is because they put i
n the hours, learned the skills, and memorizedthe moves that are
necessary to play the video games well.Of course, some of us have
brains that are more advantageous to video game playing. Say you
were born with a large and powerful part of the brain that contr
ols your hand-eye coordination (协调能力 ).That''s inherited. What you
do with it, how you choose to develop that advantage, is up to y
ou.You can pierce your nose or get a tattoo - it doesn''t matter h
ow much you change your body during the lifetime. None of those t
hings will turn into genetic material to be passed down to the ne
xt generation. However, if your children grow up in an environmen
t with role models who are pierced and covered in tattoos, they a
re more likely to get piercings and tattoos!36.is a physical trai
t that is fully inheritedA.The eye colorB.The special dietC.The b
ody shapeD.The pierced nose37.According to the passage, the write
r believes thatA.character traits can hardly change during the li
fetimeB.the skills of video game playing are passed down to kidsC
.a kid''s hand-eye coordination isn''t related to inheritanceD.envi
ronment plays an important role in traits development38.Which of
the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Why are T
raits Important?B.How does Inheritance Influence Traits?C.Where d
o Traits Come from?D.What are Physical and Character Traits?(2018
·北京海淀·一模)Motivated (有内驱力的 )?or Overachieving?Everyone has the occ
asional classmate who hands in his work ahead of time with really
beautiful handwriting. Some teachers may cheerfully get the home
work by saying "Of course you did it early.I''m sure you''ve done a
good job!" Some teachers may feel annoyed because "The deadline
is not until next Friday." Behind this student''s back are tons of
whispers from his classmates,?"Ugh, he is such anoverachiever an
d it''s so annoying ..."If you ask the same student to explain his
behavior, he probably says that he is simply "motivated". Such s
tudents refuse to call themselves overachievers but prefer "motiv
ated" instead. They want to shy away from the unpleasant term"ove
rachiever" but choose to embrace the word "motivated" .Why is the
term "overachiever" used as an insult (侮辱 )? Do we not all work
hard to achieve our goals? Why does the "motivated" student not p
roudly call himself an "overachiever" ?In my personal experience,
being called an overachiever in front of my classmates is not pl
easant at all. The word is often connected with an unkind smile o
r sometimes a hint ofjealousy (嫉妒 )."Overachiever" carries the im
plied (暗指的 ) sense which "over" lends it - you have done too much
and you have gone too far. Anyway, it is beyond the proper degre
e and just annoying to those students who refuse to put in the ef
fort themselves and get unhappy with you for doing so.A student w
ould rather think of himself as an excellent student and it is mo
tivation that drives him to do his best. What is the implied mean
ing of "motivated" ? Connected with positive words like willpower
, spirit and determination, the "motivated" student would appear
to be competing in an event of the brain Olympics.Although there
are differences in their implications, the student who calls hims
elf "motivated" could actually be a secret overachiever, going ov
er the top for all his work; while the "overachiever" is nothing
more than a motivated student, driven by the simple desire to do
well and willing to put in time and effort. In fact, the choice l
ies within the student: to overachieve or not to overachieve; to
find the motivation to do well and be driven by it, or to sit bac
k and blame others for overachieving to hide his inability to ach
ieve.39.According to the passage, overachieversA.are popular with
their classmatesB.hand in homework ahead of timeC.are much loved
by their teachersD.look down on others for being slow40.The word
"embrace" in Paragraph 2 probably means "_".A.understandB.explai
nC.doubtD.accept41.What can we learn from the passage?A.Teachers
expect students to benefit from their extra work.B.Students compe
te with each other to become overachievers.C.Classmates may laugh
at overachievers to hide their inability to achieve.D.The writer
has some pleasant experiences of being called an overachiever.42
.The writer probably agrees tahatA.students shouldn''t be encourag
ed to be overachieversB.students without motivation will become o
verachieversC.motivated students make better progress than overac
hieversD.motivated students have something in common with overach
ievers(2018·北京怀柔·一模)Elephants losing tusksPeople killing elephant
s for their tusks has long been a problem worldwide. Although law
s have been introduced to ban the selling of tusks, they have not
been enough to save the elephants.But the giant animals have now
“developed” their own solution to stay safe from hunters----by n
ot growing tusks at all.Scientists found that among female Africa
n elephants, as many as 98 percent of them now have no tusks, rep
orted The Independent newspaper. The number was 15 percent in 199
8 and only 1 percent in 1930, according to the BBC.But this solut
ion has less been developed by elephants themselves, and more by
evolution.Evolution is all about natural selection(选择). When an e
nvironment changes, for example, animals and plants that can deal
with the change will stay alive while others won’t. And for elep
hants, the change came when hunters started killing them for thei
r tusks. As a result, elephants with big tusks couldn’t stay aliv
e because hunters wanted to shoot them. Those born with tusks man
aged to stay alive and give their “tuskless” genes(基因)to their ba
bies. As a result, more and more elephants are now being born wit
hout tusks.But this solution, as effective(有效地)as it might be, is
a high price to pay for elephants. Tusks are important and play
a number of roles, especially for male elephants, including fight
ing with other males, lifting and digging things up.This is why s
cientists hope there can be other ways to protect elephants again
st hunters. They believe that when they are less likely to be kil
led , elephants will be able to grow tusks again.To David Cowdrey
, head of Policy and Campaigns at the International Found for Ani
mal Welfare UK, however, this is not very likely to happen in the
near future.“Unfortunately, it comes down to the markets,” he to
ld The Guardian. “As long as people will pay high prices for prod
ucts that come from endangered animal and plants, they’re going t
o have price on them and that causes the hunting.”43.Which of the
following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Elephants learned t
o lift and dig things up without tusks.B.Elephants chose not to g
row tusks because of their dangerous environment.C.Elephants with
no tusks had a greater chance of passing down their genes.D.A tu
skless elephant gives birth to more baby elephants than an elepha
nt with big tusks.44.The underlined word “evolution” in paragraph
4 means “_________” ?A.gradual changeB.sudden development C.comp
lete lossD.rapid growth45.What can you learn from the last two pa
ragraphs?A.We should work out a better solution to protect elepha
nts.B.People should pay lower prices for products made with eleph
ant tusks.C.Elephants’ living environments will soon be improved.
D.The key to elephant protection is stopping the trade in tusk pr
oducts.(2018·北京怀柔·一模)Just like rice and noodles are different fro
m bread, snacks in China are a world apart from those in the UK a
nd the US. For one thing, I never imagined that sunflower seeds(瓜
子) would be so popular here. I spotted people having them while w
aiting for tables outside restaurants, before dinner and, of cour
se, while watching TV. I also saw that a plate of sunflower seeds
is always on offer during the Spring Festival holidays.I had sel
dom tried sunflower seeds when I came to China. In the UK, though
, young people love their snacks. In fact, young people in Britai
n eat more snacks than people of the same age in other European c
ountries. A recent survey has discovered that 64 percent of under
20-year-olds snack between meals, according to an article on the
British Council website. In comparison,58.7 percent of young peo
ple snack in Germany, 53 percent in France, and only 40.7 percent
in Spain.British snacks are generally unhealthy. Our favorites a
re probably potato chips, which we call crisps, and chocolate bar
s. From a very young age, we always looked forward to our crisps
and chocolate bars after school, perhaps even included with sandw
iches and fruit in our school lunches that our parents made for u
s.Snacks are also popular in the US. One of the things that I fou
nd the most extraordinary(特别的) when I first visited the US was th
e number of snacks in their supermarkets; I was surprised to find
huge aisles(过道) just for snacks that were bigger than some store
s I’d been to in the UK. Snack tastes in the US are much the same
as those in the UK, except there’s much more choice —— every kin
d of fatty, sugary food is available to everyone all the time.All
in all, it’s probably best for your health if you like sunflower
seeds rather than potato chips and chocolate. But eating these d
elicious treats at times couldn’t possibly be wrong, could it?46.
According to the article, snacks are the most popular among young
people in ______A.BritainB.GermanyC.FranceD.Spain47.What surpris
ed the author when he went to supermarkets in the US?A.How the sn
acks tasted.B.The size of the snacks’ packages.C.The lack of choi
ce when it came to snacks.D.The large number of snacks.48.What do
es the author think of potato chips and chocolate?A.They don’t ta
ste as good as sunflower seeds.B.They are unhealthy, so people sh
ould stop eating them.C.It’s better to eat them with sandwiches a
nd fruit.D.It’s fine to enjoy them from time to time although the
y are unhealthy.49.What is the article mainly about?A.The most po
pular snack in China.B.Snacks in the UK and the US.C.Snacks young
western people like.D.Some tips for choosing snacks in the UK.(2
018·北京·一模)Night Milk and SleepA warm drink of milk before bed has
long been the best choice for those wanting a good night’s sleep
. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off —
if it is milked from a cow at night. Researchers have discovered
that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been p
roven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.The study, by
researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed wit
h dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and
at night. Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the a
mount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those
fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the stud
y published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.Night milk quickened
the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.While the
effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tes
ted on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggeste
d to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.Previous st
udies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping
sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax
. Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists re
commending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is th
e least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the g
reater burden you will put on your body at night.50.What does the
phrase ‘nod off’ in the first paragraph mean?A.Try to keep awake
.B.Try to sleep a longer time.C.Change from being awake to a slee
ping state.D.Change from a sleeping state to being awake.51.Accor
ding to the text, the mice being fed with night time milk _______
__.A.woke up laterB.were more anxiousC.were less activeD.could no
t sleep well52.Why do lots of people think milk is excellent for
helping sleep?A.Because many people like drinking milk.B.Because
it’s been tested on mice ten times.C.Because it can make people m
ore energetic.D.Because it contains calcium, which helps people t
o relax.(2018·北京·一模)In 2013 alone at least 20,000 African elephan
ts were killed for their teeth. In South Africa over the last two
years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns. These
numbers are alarming, because current rates of illegal hunting ar
e faster than birth rates, which could lead to extinction for the
se ecologically important creatures in their environment. Indeed,
some elephant and rhino populations are on track to be locally e
xtinct within the next decade.If you are reading this, you may al
ready be aware of these facts. But you might not know that wildli
fe trafficking (走私) not only threatens the existence of elephants
and rhinos but is also leading to extinction of other species, s
uch as tigers, tortoises, sea turtles — and the world’s most traf
ficked mammal(哺乳动物) — pangolins.Pangolins are the only mammals th
at are entirely covered in tough scales(鳞), which makes them look
very strong. But actually they are endangered mammals. There are
eight different kinds of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Afr
ica, and all are threatened with extinction. Although pangolins a
re protected throughout most of the countries where they live, hi
gh demand in East Asia, where the delicious pangolin meat is cons
idered a delicacy and where their scales are used in traditional
medicines, is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and p
angolin parts. The number of pangolin trafficking is shocking. Ex
perts believe that over the last 10 years more than 1 million pan
golins were taken from the wild. It is estimated that between 40,
000 and 81,250 pangolins were killed for the illegal trade in 201
3 alone.In February, the United States released a plan to deal wi
th wildlife trafficking, which lays out the steps we will take to
fight the illegal trade in wildlife, including pangolins. We are
strengthening the carrying out of the plan, building internation
al cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife, raising awar
eness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade
. Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day (March 3) by sprea
ding the plan. Use social media and tell everyone that now is the
time to get serious about wildlife crime and end the demand that
threatens species, big and small, from the huge elephant to the
shy pangolin.53.How many rhinos were killed in South Africa durin
g the last two years?A.More than 81,250.B.More than 20,000.C.More
than 2,200.D.More than 40,000.54.How many kinds of pangolins are
there in Asia?A.Ten.B.Four.C.Six.D.Eight.55.What does the phrase
‘carrying out’ mean in the fourth paragraph?A.Putting the plan i
nto effect.B.Moving the plan to a place.C.Making a new plan.D.Tak
ing the plan with you.56.What does the writer want us to know aft
er reading the passage?A.Protecting wild animals is our duty.B.So
mething about World Wildlife Day.C.Something about illegal trade
in East Asia.D.Wild animals are in danger and we must get involve
d.(2018·北京朝阳·一模)In the days before electricity, people don’t worr
y much about sleep. They usually went to bed a couple of hours af
ter sunset (日落) and woke at sunrise. After all, there wasn’t much
to do in those days after the sun went down. But then came the e
lectric light bulb (电灯泡). And now we have satellite television, t
he Internet,24-hour convenience stores, and longer hours at work.
How much can we sleep? How much should we sleep?Like it or not,
many of us are sleeping less on average (平均). In 1910, most Ameri
cans slept 9 hours a night. That dropped to 7.5 hours by 1975. In
2002, a study by the National Sleep Foundation found that the av
erage American got only 6.9 hours. The news is even worse for peo
ple who work the night shift. They sleep an average of just 5 hou
rs.Are we sleeping enough? Not if you believe in the old rule of
eight hours of rest, eight hours of work, and eight hours of play
. On the other hand, Norman Stanley, a British scientist who stud
ies sleep, believes people’s sleep needs are different. Some peop
le need as many as 11 hours, but others need as few as three. How
much do you really need? “To find out,” he says, “simply sleep u
ntil you wake naturally, without the help of an alarm clock. That
’s your sleep need.”Meanwhile, other scientists and researchers a
re searching for new ways to keep us awake longer. Some are devel
oping chemicals (化学药品) that are safer and more powerful than caff
eine, the chemical found in coffee and tea. One experimental drug
, CX717, kept laboratory monkeys working happily for 36 hours. Fu
rther developments may allow people to safely stay awake for seve
ral days straight. One group of researchers is studying a gene (基
因) found in some fruit flies that lets them get by on one-third t
he usual amount of sleep. Another group is even working on an ele
ctric switch that immediately wakes up a sleeping brain.The meani
ngs of this research are huge. On the one hand, this could lead t
o a world where we work longer and longer hours with less and les
s sleep. On the other hand, if we needed less sleep, we would hav
e more free time to travel, read, volunteer, and spend time with
family.57.How many hours did most Americans sleep a night in 1975
?A.5.B.6.9.C.7.5.D.9.58.What can we learn from the passage?A.Peop
le have got enough sleep.B.People will work longer hours.C.Sleep
time will be a big problem.D.Staying awake for long is possible.5
9.What is probably the best title of the passage?A.To sleep or No
t to sleep?B.How can We Sleep Longer?C.To Work or Not to Work?D.H
ow Much We can Sleep?(2018·北京朝阳·一模)Many people complain about the
ir bad memory, especially when they are older. How can we improve
our memory?Many people think that repeating things is the best w
ay to remember them. While this undoubtedly helps short-term memo
ry(remembering a telephone number for a few seconds, for example)
, psychologists(心理学家)doubt whether it can help you remember thing
s for very long. The British psychologist E. C.Stanford seemed to
prove this point when he tested himself on five prayers(祈祷文)that
he had read aloud every morning for over 25 years. He found that
he could remember no more than three words of some of them! More
helpful, especially for remembering numbers, is grouping the inf
ormation. The following numbers would be impossible for most of u
s to remember: 1492178919931848. But look at them in chunks, and
it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1993 1848.According to experts,
there are many ways of training your memory. Many of them involv
e forming a mental picture of the things to be memorized. One met
hod, which may be useful in learning foreign languages, is to cre
ate a picture in your mind connected to a word you want to rememb
er.Another method is to invent a story that includes all the thin
gs you want to remember. In experiments, people were asked to rem
ember up to 120 words using this skill; when tested afterwards, o
n average, they were able to recall 90% of them!However, not all
of us are interested in learning long lists of names and numbers
just for fun. For those studying a large amount of information, p
sychologists suggest that the best way to form meaningful connect
ions is to ask yourself lots of questions as you go along. So, fo
r example, if you were reading about a particular disease, you wo
uld ask yourself questions like: "Do people get it from water?",
"What parts of the body does it influence?" and so on. This is sa
id to be far more effective than time spent "passively" reading a
nd re-reading notes.60.Which of the following is TRUE about repea
ting things according to the passage?A.It helps short-term memory
for sure.B.It makes remembering things interesting.C.It helps to
remember things for long.D.It makes remembering prayers effortle
ss.61.The underlined word "chunks" in Paragraph 2 probably means
“________”.A.detailsB.turnsC.groupsD.lines62.What can we infer fr
om the passage?A.Creating a picture is useful in learning Maths.B
.Inventing a prayer trains our memory quickly.C.Remembering long
numbers is easy for people.D.Asking yourself questions activates
the memory.63.What''s the writer''s main purpose in writing this pa
ssage?A.To complain that his memory is bad.B.To recognize some me
mory problems.C.To explain some memory experiments.D.To share som
e ways of improving memory.(2018·北京西城·一模)Parents and children oft
en face the challenges of money. Common topics include setting th
e pocket money, learning to save, and deciding on expensive purch
ases. The goal of most parents is to teach their kids how to mana
ge money wisely. The goal of most kids is getting money to spend.
How can families balance these goals?“All parents hope they’ll r
aise a money-savvy kid, who’ll grow up to be an adult wise in the
ir money use.” says financial (金融的)planner Peg Eddy. The key is l
etting kids learn by having a little money of their own.The Tidie
r family in Denver found the best way to teach about money was to
let their kids earn some. Their son, Ryan, 17, has been helping
with their garden since he was 8. Now he has been able to save $7
,800. Ryan has come to see the value in making his own money even
when other kids are given money by their parents.Learn Now, Save
LaterMoney skills are an important part of becoming a successful
adult. David Brady, anotherfinancial planner, says, “Young peopl
e today will have much more responsibility for their financial fu
ture than their parents or grandparents.”Brady does remind kids.
“They shouldn’t be thinking about money all the time,” he says.Ho
wever, they should understand basic rules for earning, saving and
investing (投资).That knowledge is greatly needed. Over the past y
ears, the average credit card debt (债 务)of Americans ages 18 to 2
4 doubled, to nearly $ 3,000. Among high school students, four ou
t of five have never taken a personal-finance class.Talking About
ItMany kids want to learn how to manage their money. But parents
think only about what kids shouldn’t do. Instead, experts say, k
nowing how to manage money is the best way for kids to get what t
hey really want. That means long-term planning and saving for big
expenses like college or a car. It also means thinking of others
, by making donations to charity (慈善).Giselle Lopez, 17, of New Y
ork City, learned the hard way. She was over $ 2,000 in debt on h
er first credit card. Her parents refused to pay, so Giselle got
a job. Then she paid the debt off slowly herself. “Now every time
I use it, I know that it comes from my own pocket,” Giselle says
. “That gives me a sense of responsibility for my actions.”Differ
ent kids will have different styles when it comes to money. Teach
ing them how to usemoney doesn’t have to mean setting strict rule
s. When children like Ryan and Giselle have their own money to co
nsider, they can learn to set those rules themselves.64.Brady bel
ieves that .A.parents should attend more personal-finance classes
B.parents should teach their kids how to saveC.kids should learn
how to manage moneyD.kids should follow the school rules65.Why di
d the writer say Giselle Lopez “learned the hard way”?A.Because s
he had to pay the debt off slowly herself.B.Because she had to ma
ke donations to charity.C.Because she had difficulty finishing he
r job.D.Because she had too many credit cards.66.What is the best
title for the passage?A.Saving Matters!B.Parents Rule!C.Classes
Work!D.Money Counts!(2018·北京西城·一模)Cities are taking interest in e
lectric scooter-share systems as an affordable transportation to
cut down on pollution and traffic jams. The electric scooters, wh
ich weigh between 30 and 40 pounds, reach speeds of about 15 mph.
In September 2017,Santa Monica, California, became the first U.S.
city tohave an electric scooter-share service. Users find and un
lock one of the more than1,000 scooters with a smartphone app. A
ride costs $ 1,and then 0.15 cents foreach minute of riding throu
ghout the beach town.Bird, the startup operating the scooter-shar
e, picks up the scooters every night to them, and places them aro
und Santa Monica each morning ready for people’s use. The company
was created by Travis VanderZanden, who once worked in Uber and
Lyft, after he realized ridesharing services failed to help with
traffic jams and air pollution. Since its September 2017 beginnin
g, Bird’s system has served more than 50,000 riders who have take
n 250,000 trips — more than half of which have been in the last m
onth. It’s since expanded (扩 张) to Venice, California, and some n
eighborhoods in Los Angeles and San Diego. Bird plans to expand t
o lots of markets by the end of 2018.Competitors, backed by milli
onaires, are appearing. Two bike-share startups LimeBike and Spin
, have spoken of plans to provide electric scooters in cities thi
s year.Electric scooters have also gotten the attention of Mayor
Pete Buttigieg from South Bend,Indiana. The city is interested in
using them as a way to improve public transportation. South Bend
was one of the first to use bike-share systems, which allow peop
le to park ridesharing bikes on public land. “We love to be early
pioneers,” said Buttigieg. “If we work out the safety problem, w
e would be open to welcoming the technology.”“We need to make sur
e these new transportation systems are lawful and safe for users,
”Constance Farrell,a spokeswoman for the city of Santa Monica tol
d CNN. “We would like to see electric scooters continue to operat
e in the city. They are in line with our goal of multi-modal livi
ng and carbon-light living. ” According to Farrell,there have bee
n eight accidents, including one with a serious head injury, in S
anta Monica after the scooters rolled out. Users are required to
have a driver’s license (驾 照),shouldn’t ride on sidewalks or have
other passengers on board.Bird has given out free helmets to som
e riders and tells its users to ride in bike lanes, but some user
s ride on sidewalks, and most U.S. streets don’t have bike?lanes.
“The global community of cities is going to have to work this al
l out for scooters,”Buttigieg said. “They can move unbelievably q
uickly. That’s exciting,and a little dangerous. ”67.Why did Travi
s create Bird company?A.Because he received support from milliona
ires and the government.B.Because many cities had electric scoote
r-share services.C.Because it is lawful and safe to use electric
scooters.D.Because cities need better ridesharing services.68.The
words “ are in line with” in Paragragh?6 probably mean “ ”.A.sto
pB.meet the need ofC.changeD.are ahead of69.What can we learn fro
m the passage?A.Future electric scooters will be very slow and sa
le.B.Electric scooters will cause fewer accidents than cars.C.Mor
e cities will try to help with electric scooters service.D.Future
traffic problems will be solved with help of electric scooters.7
0.The passage is mainly about .A.the challenges of the electric s
cooter-share system in AmericaB.the advantages and disadvantages
of electric scooters in AmericaC.the introduction of the electric
scooter-share service in AmericaD.the future of electric scooter
s in public transportation in America参考答案1.D????2.C????3.A【分析】本篇文
章难度适中,主要讲述在未来我们的房子全部会变成智能化,电脑和机器人将会为我们做许多工作。1.细节理解题。根据But how abo
ut your cooked breakfast and the umbrella you found by the door?F
or those, you can thank your robot helper“但是,做好的早餐以及你在门口发现的雨伞呢?对于
这些,你要感谢你的机器人帮手”可知,你要感谢机器人帮手,故选D。2.细节理解题。根据Called “ambient intelli
gence,”(环境智能) this computer “brain” will control your whole house
. It will suit your preferences“成为环境智能的这台计算机大脑将控制你的整个房子,它会满足你的喜好”
可知,环境智能将会很好地知道你的爱好,故选C。3.主旨大意题。根据How is all this possible? Welcom
e to your future life“这一切如何变成现实?欢迎来到你未来的生活”以及下文介绍智能之家是什么样子的可知,主要讲
的好处。鼓励人们冬天多做户外运动。4.细节理解题。根据However, a new study shows that the dr
op in temperature is a good reason to run. In fact, researchers s
ay, running in cold weather helps improve one’s performance“然而,一项
温暖的环境里好。故选D。5.词义猜测题。根据For this study, he and other researchers pu
t a group of people into a room they called an “environmental cha
mber”“在这项研究中,他和其他研究人员将一群人放入一个他们称之为环境室的房间里”以及“We’ve got a group of
subjects into the environmental chamber“我们有一组人进入这个环境室”可知,我们将实验对象
放入了环境室,故选C。6.细节理解题。根据In fact, researchers say, running in cold we
ather helps improve one’s performance“事实上,研究人员说,在寒冷的天气里跑步有利于提高自己的
表现”可知,在寒冷的天气里跑步对我们的身体有益,故选B。7.主旨大意题。根据So, if you are a runner, do
n’t let winter weather keep you indoors“所以,如果你是一个跑步者,不要让冬天的天气将你留在
室内”可知,本文的目的是鼓励人们出去运动,故选C。8.D????9.A????10.B【分析】本文谈论最好的朋友:1. 一个永远在
你身边的人。最好的朋友是你可以依靠的人来分享你的快乐,忍受你的烦恼,或者减轻你的悲伤。2. 不同的事物导致了最好的友谊的诞生:人们
相遇的年龄和环境,最初吸引他们的是什么,他们为什么保持亲密,以及他们如何满足彼此的需要。3. 最好的朋友是忠诚和值得信赖的。4.
毫不犹豫地甜甜地回答:“我的朋友们。”8.考查推理判断题。本文讲述了什么是最好的朋友:(1) 一个永远在你身边的人。最好的朋友是你
可以依靠的人来分享你的快乐,忍受你的烦恼,或者减轻你的悲伤。(2) 不同的事物导致了最好的友谊的诞生:人们相遇的年龄和环境,最初吸
引他们的是什么,他们为什么保持亲密,以及他们如何满足彼此的需要。(3) 最好的朋友是忠诚和值得信赖的。(4) 最好的朋友就是你选择
的亲人。根据主要内容可知“无论发生什么事,最好的朋友都会保守彼此的秘密。”故D正确;选D。9.词句猜测题。A. Pushing y
ou to achieve your goal. 督促你实现你的目标;B. Making you feel sorry about
them. 让你为他们感到难过;C. Forcing you to make a right decision.迫使你做出正确的
决定;D. Expecting unconditional love from you.期待你无条件的爱。根据上文“They wi
ll give you advice if you want ideas(如果你想要主意,他们会给你建议)和下文“but best
friends will not judge you or make you feel ashamed of your beha
viors(但最好的朋友不会评判你,也不会让你为自己的行为感到羞耻)可知此句give you a kick in the pant
s if you need encouragement句意是:如果你需要鼓励,他们会给你鼓励。根据句意可知“give you a
kick in the pants”意思是“鼓励”;故选A。10.主旨题。本文谈论什么是最好的朋友:(1) 一个永远在你身边的人。
环境,最初吸引他们的是什么,他们为什么保持亲密,以及他们如何满足彼此的需要。(3)最好的朋友是忠诚和值得信赖的。(4) 最好的朋友
它们是给我们每个人带来快乐的不同活动。最后作者鼓励读者积极获得简单的快乐。11.考查主旨理解。根据倒数第4段Our simple
pleasures are a reflection (反映) of who we are. They are different
activities that give each of us joy.(我们简单的快乐反映了我们是谁。它们是给我们每个人带来快
代整个世界。15.细节理解题。根据She was transported by?a virtual (TE拟的)reality (
VIO headset-it took Taylor?and her classmates to a farm 250 miles
选C。16.细节理解题。根据it can help with their understanding and improve th
eir grades“他能够帮助他们理解和提高他们的成绩”可知,老师认为VR技术对学生们有帮助,故选B。17.细节理解题。根据Bo
th Miller and Evans stressed the technology could enrich-not repl
ace-real-world experiences. "We have to remain anchored(立足)in the
real world“米勒和埃文斯都强调科技会丰富而不是取代真实的世界经历,我们不得不保持立足于真实的世界”可知,人们不应该对真
来讨论是否要终止这个项目。18.细节理解题。根据第二段Along with students'' BMIs,parents also
received information on health risks of being overweight.随着学生的BM
nstead of focusing on kids'' BMIs,schools should provide better he
alth and physical education classes and serve healthier foods可知Dr
.Nancy Krebs希望学校能够教学生如何过健康的生活,故选B。20.语义理解题。后文列举了实例,来说明划线部分,由本段的最后
一句It made me realize that we needed to do something different.可推知
忧。22.细节理解题。根据第一段第三、四行My flatmates and I tried to fix it but we so
on realised that we couldn''t. We would have to wait for an electr
ician to come in the morning. 可知我和我的室友们试着修理,但很快我们意识到不能。我们得等电工早上来。
故选C。23.细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二行Our over-use of electricity is a big probl
em. It contributes to something that we really should be worried
about. It is harming our environment and we need to do what we ca
n to stop it.可知我们过度使用电力是个大问题。它有助于我们真正应该担心的事情。它正在危害我们的环境,我们需要尽我们所能
来阻止它,故选D。24.主旨大意题。根据最后一段So,I know for sure that I could cut down
on my use of electricity.And if everyone does the same, we can ma
ke a big difference. 可知我确信我可以减少用电。如果每个人都这样做,我们可以有很大的不同。可知作者在呼吁大家节
工作原理及优缺点。25.主旨大意题。通读第二段,此段围绕着第二段第一行So how do they work?无人驾驶是怎么工作的
。故选A。26.推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二行I''m not convinced I''d want a driverless
car-but it''s only a matter of time before they''ll become more aff
ordable and commonplace on our roads.“我不相信我会想要一辆无人驾驶的汽车,但在我们的道路上,
它们变得更加便宜和普通只是时间问题。”可知A、B项错误,C项文章没有提及,根据第四段第一、二行However, there are
many disadvantages of driverless cars. Computers would have diff
iculties making ethical(伦理学的)decisions 可知无人驾驶汽车有一定的弊端,所以无人驾驶汽车上路之
前,许多因素都应该被考虑,故答案选D。27.词义推断题。根据文章第四段第二行if a child ran into the roa
d,would the computer choose to hit the child or turn suddenly and
potentially kill the car''s passengers?“如果一个孩子跑到马路上,电脑会选择撞到孩子还是突然
, read English magazines, newspapers, and websites regularly.”(所以
,要定期阅读英文杂志,报纸和网站。)这是一种记单词的好办法(Repeated encounters (反复遇见))。故选D。30.
句意:为了让学习单词变得更有趣,我们可以制作并且上传我们自己的英语录像。原文“try watching videos from E
nglish-speaking social media celebrities and copying the way they
speak. You could even upload your own videos and try becoming a
star yourself.”(尝试观看英语社交媒体名人的视频并复制该视频中他们说话的方式。您甚至可以上传自己的视频并尝试自己成为
明星。)故选C。31.句意:这篇文章主要讨论的是什么?如何记忆新单词。文章开头部分“If you’re now familiar
with those methods, why not try moving on to the next stage by us
ing the following tips to build up your English vocabulary.”(如果您现
意思是“不能清楚地思考”。结合前句和后句“She stares at the math problem in front of h
er desperately trying to remember how to solve it, but as she sit
s there her long list of homework plays over in her head. She bit
es her lip thinking and thinking.”(她盯着她面前的数学问题拼命想回忆起如何解决这个问题,但当她坐
音乐可以帮助学生更有创意。从文中“Music does not only calm the stressed mind, it d
evelops creativity, as well as improving math and reading skills.
以自己的方式听音乐。文章中“This shows that all students, in their own way, lik
e hearing music throughout their day.”(这表明所有学生们以他们自己的方式喜欢整天听音乐。),
选B。35.句意:本文最佳标题是什么?音乐的平静力量。从文中多出均可看出主题是在讨论音乐可以是人平静这一作用。如“A music
class can help students who are stressed and give them an hour of
relaxation during their day.”(音乐课可以帮助有压力的学生,让他们在一天中放松一小时。),结合第二段
】本文主要说明了人的特性是怎样形成的,有遗传,也有周围环境的影响。36.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句:Certain physic
al traits are fully inherited (遗传 ),?such as blue eyes and knobby
knees.选A眼睛的颜色是遗传。37.本题是:根据这一段文章,作者相信:A. character traits can har
dly change during the lifetime在一生中,性格特性几乎不变。与文章的意思不符,故排除AB. the s
kills of video game playing are passed down to kids玩电子游戏的技能是传给孩子的
。与文中“if you''re really great at video games, it''s not because your
parents passed down the skills in genes”矛盾,故排除BC. a kid''s hand-e
ye coordination isn''t related to inheritance孩子的手眼协调与遗传无关。与文中“Say
you were born with a large and powerful part of the brain that co
ntrols your hand-eye coordination (协调能力 ).That''s inherited”不符,故排除
CD. environment plays an important role in traits development环境在特
性发展中起着非常重要的作用。与文章第二段第三句But once diet becomes a factor, environmen
t begins to play an important role in how the body develops一致,故选D
区别和联系。39.细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Everyone has the occasional classmate who
hands in his work ahead of time with really beautiful handwriting
.和第一段最后一句Behind this student''s back are tons of whispers from his
classmates,?"Ugh, he is such an overachiever and it''s so annoyin
g .知选B。40.推断题。根据第二段第二句: Such students refuse to call themselves o
verachievers but prefer "motivated" instead. 这些学生拒绝称自己为成绩优秀者,但更喜欢
"motivated"。可推断处They want to shy away from the unpleasant term"ov
erachiever" but choose to embrace the word "motivated" .他们想回避这个不愉
快的词"overachiever"而接受"motivated"这个词。故选D41.推理判断题。从这一段中我们学到了什么?A. Te
achers expect students to benefit from their extra work. 教师期望学生从额
外的工作中获益。与文章大意不符;B. Students compete with each other to become ove
rachievers. 学生互相竞争,成为优胜者。与文章大意不符;C. Classmates may laugh at overa
chievers to hide their inability to achieve. 同学们可能嘲笑那些成绩超群的人,掩盖他们
无法实现的目标。与第一段最后一句意思相符,故选CD. 作者有一些被称为超越者的愉快经历。文章中并未提及,故可排除D42.主旨大意题
are important and play a number of roles, especially for male ele
phants, including fighting with other males, lifting and digging
things up.”可知,大象会用象牙来提起和挖东西。A错误;根据文中句子“And for elephants, the cha
nge came when hunters started killing them for their tusks. As a
result, elephants with big tusks couldn’t stay alive because hunt
ers wanted to shoot them.” 可知,由于面临被捕杀的危险环境,大象会选择不生长象牙,故B答案正确;根据Th
ose born with tusks managed to stay alive and give their “tusk le
ss” genes(基因)to their babies. As a result, more and more elephant
s are now being born without tusks. 可知,那些长着象牙的大象设法活下来,把他们的“无牙”基因送
给他们的孩子,C答案错误;D选项文中并没有提到,故正确答案选B。44.词义猜测题。A. gradual change 逐渐变化;B
. sudden development 突然发展;C. complete loss完全损失;D. rapid growth快速生
长。根据文中句子“Evolution is all about natural selection(选择). When an en
vironment changes, for example, animals and plants that can deal
with the change will stay alive while others won’t.” 进化都是关于自然选择的。
。小吃在美国也很受欢迎。美国的零食口味和英国的差不多。46.细节理解题。根据第二段中“In the UK, young peopl
e love their snacks. In fact, young people in Britain eat more sn
acks than people of the same age in other European countries.”可知小
吃在英国最受年轻人的喜爱。故选A。47.细节理解题。根据第三段中In U.S. One of things that I foun
d the most wonderful when I first visited the US was the number o
f snacks in their supermarkets; I was surprised to find huge shel
ves just for snacks were bigger than some stores in the UK.作者到美国超
市,使他惊讶的是超市里有大量的小吃。故选D。48.推理判断题。根据最后一段“All in all, it’s probably b
est for your health if you like sunflower seeds rather than potat
o chips and chocolate. But eating these delicious snacks sometime
s couldn’t be wrong, could it?”可知作者认为虽然它们不健康,有时享受它们是很好的。故选D。49.主旨
大意题。根据文章第一段第一句Just like rice and Noodles are different from bread
, snacks in China are a world apart from those in the UK and the
和睡眠的关系。通过对白鼠的测试表明,晚上采集的牛奶含有更多的褪黑激素(melatonin),摄入者能更好地睡眠以及睡更长的时间。这个研究成果已经用来帮助有睡眠问题的人——注射褪黑激素针剂以帮助睡眠。50.题意:第一段中的“nod off”是什么意思?考查词义理解题。A. Try to keep awake. 尽量保持清醒。B. Try to sleep a longer time. 试着睡更长的时间。C. Change from being awake to a sleeping state.从清醒到睡眠状态的转变。D. Change from a sleeping state to being awake. 从睡眠状态转变为清醒状态。根据下文的解释“night milk” contains more melatonin, which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.,“夜奶”含有更多的褪黑激素,而褪黑激素被证明能帮助人们感觉困倦和减少焦虑,可知是有助于人们打盹,故选C。51.题意:根据该文,喂食夜间奶的小鼠 。考查细节理解题。根据Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.,被喂食了夜奶的老鼠不太活跃,活动较少,可知选C。52.题意:为什么很多人认为牛奶对睡眠有好处?考查细节理解题。A. Because many people like drinking milk. 因为很多人喜欢喝牛奶。B. Because it’s been tested on mice ten times.因为它已经在老鼠身上测试过十次了。C. Because it can make people more energetic.因为它能让人们更有活力。D. Because it contains calcium, which helps people to relax.因为它含有钙,有助于人们放松。根据Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.,可知因为钙含量可以帮助人们放松,故选D。53.C????54.B????55.A????56.D【分析】试题分析:本文作者以穿山甲为例,通过具体的数据,揭露了社会上贩卖濒危野生动物的丑恶现象,介绍了美国严厉打击野生动物贩卖等非法贸易的计划,呼吁人们参与并记住世界野生动物日的传播计划,利用社交媒体告诉每个人,要严肃对待野生动物犯罪,保护好濒危野生动物。53.题意:过去两年里南非有多少犀牛死亡?考查细节理解题。根据第一段In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns.,可知有超过2200头犀牛因犀牛角而被杀,故选C。54.题意:亚洲有多少种穿山甲?考查细节理解题。根据There are eight different kinds of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Africa, and all are threatened with extinction.,可知亚洲和非洲各有四种,故选B。55.题意:第四段中的短语“carrying out”是什么意思?考查词义理解题。A. Putting the plan into effect. 把计划付诸实施。B. Moving the plan to a place.把计划移到一个地方。C. Making a new plan. 制定一个新计划。D. Taking the plan with you. 接受这个计划。根据下文building international cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife, raising awareness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade.,都是些具体的措施,可知选A。56.题意:读了这篇文章后作者想让我们知道什么?考查综合理解题。A. Protecting wild animals is our duty. 保护野生动物是我们的责任。B. Something about World Wildlife Day.关于世界野生动物日的一些事情。C. Something about illegal trade in East Asia.关于东亚非法贸易的一些情况。D. Wild animals are in danger and we must get involved 野生动物处于危险之中,我们必须参与其中。根据短文内容以及最后的呼吁Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day by spreading the plan.,可知选D。点睛:在做阅读理解题时,首先需要快速浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意;其次要学会带着问题到文中相应的地方,通过细节阅读来寻找或概括答案;最后理清作者的写作思路也非常重要。总之,做此类题时,需要平时加大阅读量,掌握一些阅读技巧.57.C????58.D????59.A【分析】我们到底每晚需要多少睡眠呢?过去我们总是认为至少要八个小时的睡眠,但文章中作者告诉我们,不同的人需要的睡眠时间也是不一样的。而且现在科学家们和研究人员还在寻找一些新的方法可以让人们清醒的时间更长。57.细节理解题。根据短文第二段中Like it or not, many of us are sleeping less on average (平均). In 1910, most Americans slept 9 hours a night. That dropped to 7.5 hours by 1975.可知,到1975年,美国人平均每晚睡7.5个小时。由此可知应选C。58.细节理解题。根据短文第四段Meanwhile, other scientists and researchers are searching for new ways to keep us awake longer.可知,科学家们和研究人员正在寻找一些新的方法来使我们保持更长时间的清醒。在这一段中作者举例一些例子说明,因此D选项是正确的。根据Like it or not, many of us are sleeping less on average可知A不对;根据And now we have satellite television, the Internet,24-hour convenience stores, and longer hours at work.可知B不对;C选项不符合文意。59.主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们讲述的是每个人需要的睡眠时间是不一样的,我们不能根据以前的老规则:八小时工作、八小时睡眠、八小时玩。现在很多科学家和研究人员正在寻找新的方法是人们保持更长时间的清醒。因此A选项这个题目睡觉还是不睡觉最符合文章的意思,故选A。60.A????61.C????62.D????63.D【分析】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了提高人们的记忆力的方法。60.细节理解题。根据文中“Many people think that repeating things is the best way to remember them. While this undoubtedly helps short-term memory(remembering a telephone number for a few seconds, for example),”可知,重复记忆肯定有助于短期记忆。故选A。61.词句猜测题。根据文中“But look at them in chunks, and it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1993 1848.”数字的形式可知,是把数字分块来记忆了,故猜测下划线单词的意思应是“组块”,和group意思接近。故选C。62.推理判断题。根据文中“For those studying a large amount of information, psychologists suggest that the best way to form meaningful connections is to ask yourself lots of questions as you go along.”可推断出,问自己问题会激活记忆。故选D。63.主旨大意题。根据文中“Many people complain about their bad memory, especially when they are older. How can we improve our memory?”可知,文章是介绍提高记忆力的方法。故选D。64.C????65.A????66.D【分析】文章讲述了让孩子学会明智的自己的金钱。64.根据 they should understand basic rules for earning, saving and investing (投资)他们应该理解挣钱,节约和投资的基本规则。可知选C65.根据Giselle Lopez, 17, of New York City, learned the hard way. She was over $ 2,000 in debt on her first credit card. Her parents refused to pay, so Giselle got a job. Then she paid the debt off slowly herself. 可知父母拒绝替她还钱,她必须自己慢慢还2000多美元的债务,所以她了解了这个艰难的道路;故选A66.根据文章讲述了让孩子学会明智的自己的金钱。A. Saving Matters!节约的事;?B. Parents Rule! 父母的规则;?C. Classes Work!?班级工作;?D. Money Counts!钱的数量;故选D67.D????68.B????69.C????70.C【分析】文章介绍了美国共享滑板的一些事情。67.根据Bird, the startup operating the scooter-share, picks up the scooters every -----Since its September 2017 beginning, Bird’s system has served more than 50,000 riders who have taken 250,000 trips — more than half of which have been in the last month可知Bird能更好的为城市共享骑行服务;故选D68.根据 They are in line with our goal of multi-modal living and carbon-light living. 它们符合我们多元化的生活和低碳生活的目标;A. stop 停止;?B. meet the need of满足---的需要;?C. change 改变;?D. are ahead of比---强;根据 our goal of multi-modal living and carbon-light living可推测是满足我们多元化的生活和低碳生活的目标需要;故选B69.根据They can move unbelievably quickly. 可知A不对,根据there have been eight accidents,并没说比汽车交通事故少,可知B不对;根据Bird plans to expand to lots of markets by the end of 2018.Electric scooters have also gotten the attention of Mayor Pete Buttigieg from South Bend,Indiana.Constance Farrell,a spokeswoman for the city of Santa Monica told CNN. “We would like to see electric scooters continue to operate in the city. 可知更多的城市帮助共享滑板服务,可知C对;根据That’s exciting,and a little dangerous可知D不对;故选C70.根据文章介绍了美国共享滑板的一些事情。故选C 1 / 1