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语法填空 ---2021-2022学年高二期中考试好题汇编(学生版)
2023-06-01 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

Passage 1 (2020·广东佛山一中高二期中)

China SARS fighter returns to spotlight in coronavirus battle.

Zhong Nanshan, 1. 83-year-old doctor who became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight 2. SARS, is the public face of China’s effort 3. (control) a new strain of coronavirus.

Despite his 4. (advance) age, Zhong was appointed to lead the investigation into the new virus, which has frightened millions of Chinese 5. (bad) who are traveling for the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. His 6. (announce) on Monday that the virus could spread between humans increased worries about the outbreak, after which Beijing has warned 7. (official) of public shame if they cover up (隐瞒) any infections.

That marks a departure from 2003, 8. in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, a respiratory diseases specialist, gave media 9. (he) candid (坦诚的), pessimistic assessment of the severity of the SARS crisis.

Zhong was praised for his integrity (正直) and 10. (remain) a public figure ever since. Now he is still committing himself to voicing his opinions about public health issues such as air pollution and food safety.

Passage 2 (2020·福建莆田二中)

The big advantage to using an unmanned drone (无人机)11. (be) that the drone can be sent into dangerous locations. Drones have stepped forward as efficient tools in taking up tasks,12. (include) checking body temperatures and spraying (喷洒)disinfectant (消毒剂) during the novel coronavirus epidemic (新冠病毒疫情) in China. A picture 13. (take) by Xinhua News Agency showed an operator using his drone to check14.temperatures of residents in a community in Yichun, Jiangxi province, on Jan 29.

The drone, equipped with a special camera15.a loudspeaker, can detect people16.fever at a certain distance and broadcast messages about protective measures to residents, a Xinhua report said. That way, the spread of the virus could 17. (prevent), it said, since people did not need to be in close contact.

In other places, drones are being used to check for any behavior 18. might contribute to the spread of the virus, such as people not wearing 19.(mask ) in public.

The scientists said the new technology can be 20. (wide) applied and is ready for more fields in the future.

Passage 3 (2020·淮安市淮安区教师发展中心学科研训处)

Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal 21. (clone) successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003, at a much younger age 22. normal. When she was born, many people were worried that cloning would lead to more diseases in the animal world. 23., in general the scientists were praised for 24. (they) wonderful scientific advance.

Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist who created Dolly, 25. (shock) that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. 26. he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create 27. (copy) of humans. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on 28. (create) new tissues and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them 29. (show) no respect for human life.

Even though human cloning is causing a lot of 30. (anxious), it is good news for Faye Wilson, a 41-year-old saleswoman who cannot have a baby.

Passage 4 (2020·吉林长春市·东北师大附中)

One runner didn’t let the French government’s order 31. (remain)indoors prevent him training 32. a marathon during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Last week, Elisha, a restaurant worker, ran the 33. (long)of a marathon on his balcony. He did it in six hours and 48 minutes, 34. personal record nearly double that of his previous finish time.

Although he has run 26 35. (marathon), he said his balcony marathon was the most challenging. “My only pleasure is running, 36. I don’t care about how long it takes,” he told CNN. Due to the 37. (limit)space of the balcony, he was unable to gain speed as he had to 38. (constant)turn back and forth. Luckily, he said his girlfriend was there to support him.

Though his balcony is nothing like the streets of Barcelona, 39. he was supposed to run the marathon on March 15 before it got canceled, he said the experience was worthwhile. Some people reached out to say they 40. (inspire)by him.


From Monday to Friday, most people are busy working or studying,but in the evenings and on weekends they are free and enjoy 41. . Some watch television 42. go to the movies,others take part in sports. There are many different ways 43. spend their spare time.

Almost everyone has some kind of hobbies. It may be anything from collecting stamps to 44.(make) model planes. Some hobbies are expensive, 45. others don’t cost anything at all. Some 46. (collect) are worth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their owners.

I know 47. man who has a coin collection worth 250 dollars. He was very happy about his collection and 48. (think) the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother likes collecting matchboxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I doubt if they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are 49. (extreme) valuable. Nothing makes him 50. (happy) than to find a new matchbox for his collection.

This is what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, we do it for the pleasure it gives us.

Passage 6 (2020·山西晋城市·高二期中)

There are two types of people in this world. One type is like foxes,51.other type is like hedgehogs.

A fox always52.(know) many trivial or unimportant things. Also, they can do a lot of stuff that doesn’t really make much difference. They are not among the top experts of any fields. But they seem to know some things in almost every field. They understand53.dangerous and complicated the world is and they combine54.(they) with this complicated system deeply. They often jump55.one field into another,56.(bring) there some sparks of new thoughts.

On the other hand, a hedgehog knows only one important thing. They57.(wise) introduce every fancy or complicated thing they meet with into the only system that they understand. Because of this, they are usually only involved in a58.(limit) number of fields.

But they usually know these fields very well.

This is just like the Hedgehogs in the nature. No matter what situation they come across, the only59.(solve) they choose will be curling up into a ball. This is not a clever choice,60.really works in front of most dangers.

So, which one are you?


The origins of carnival are ancient. People 61. (hold) festivals similar to carnival before the Christian era. They celebrated the return of spring after winter. In the Roman period the date of the festival was decided by the Christian calendar. People wanted to enjoy 62.(they) because carnival was followed by forty days without meat.

When the new world was discovered, the 63. (Spain) and Portuguese settlers brought carnival with them. But in the New World, many elements of African culture, such as music and costume were added 64. the festival by people of African origin.

Today, carnival has become a 65. (true) international festival.

In Venice the carnival 66. (celebrate) for five days in February. It begins on Thursday with a ceremony 67. is known as the volo della colombina—the 68. (fly) of the dove. A young woman 69. (dress) up as a dove climbs to the top of the bell tower in St. Mark’s Square, and flies to the ground. This event is watched by thousands of masked people in the square. When the dove lands, two big guns are fired. It is a signal for the celebrations 70. (begin).


No matter whether you''re a woman or a man, shoes are perhaps 71. most important accessories that you use in your daily life. A group of shoes of high quality can be the best part of your cupboard. Your shoes show your taste and your style. But at the same time, they can bring discomfort and pain if they are not chosen 72. (proper).

You may ignore the pain 73. (cause) by a pair of wrongly chosen shoes considering the situation and your 74. (appear), but that will surely bring blister and pain to your feet. And that is why you must be careful about 75. (choose) the right shoes that not only make you look good, but also keep your feet comfortable. There are a large number of companies 76. specialize in comfortable and fashionable leather'' shoes for both men and women.

Wearing 77. (comfortable) shoes can result in walking disorder, so you are to blame 78. it. They continuously require the body, especially the feet to adjust to the pain. And this 79. (adjust) affects your walking procedure by putting pressure on you back, ankles, etc. So, next time you buy shoes, you must remind yourself 80. (get) a pair that suits and fits into your feet.(2020·吉安县立中学)

Last week I had a holiday from work, but 81.(unfortunate) none of my friends had the same week off. I decided that I still wanted to do something, so I booked a train ride to Toronto and reserved a bed in a hostel for one week. One week by myself! Would I be bored? Quite 82. opposite! I was able to do whatever I wanted. I spent hours in museums, 83.would have seemed dull to my friends. I discovered my 84. (independent) and developed map-reading skills that I didn'' t know I had. I could get up and go to sleep when I wanted and I didn''t have to wait for anyone else 85. (get) ready every morning.

However, I found there were also some disadvantages of travelling alone. I missed 86. (have) someone to talk to. Experiences are often more 87. (enjoy) if they are shared. In addition, eating in a restaurant or cooking in the hostel 88. (be) less fun on my own.

I am very proud of myself for travelling alone and I had a good time in Toronto. However, in the future, I 89. (prefer) to travel with another person 90. in a small group.

Passage 10 (2020·张家口市崇礼区第一中学高二期中)

Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis on(非常重视) food.Considered to be 91. important part of each day, eating is far beyond simply meeting a need.However, people are living in a fast-paced society now, so they 92. (hard) have time to enjoy their food.They need fast food.That is93.China’s fast-food market expands.

A foreign fast-food restaurant94.(call) KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by 95. such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s.96. the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed growth in china.However, these “junk foods” 97. (criticize 批判,指责)by health experts for long because they can’t provide balanced nutrition.The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food coloring, Sudan 1(苏丹红1号色素), 98.can cause cancer.

In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are the most popular. 99. (compare) with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are more healthy.But many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential 100.(risk).


Threatened by Arctic changes

Climate change may wipe out polar bears by the end of this century,101.recent report in the journal Nature Climate Change said. However, unless more is done, their extinction is likely102.(come) earlier as their home may disappear.

According to Science Daily, the Arctic, the only natural habitat for polar bears,103.(be) in danger. Sea ice in the area could disappear104.(complete) by 2035. This is undoubtedly bad news for this animal, as they use the105.(float) sea ice to hunt.

Scientists made this106.(predict) by using the UK climate model. According to Science Daily, this model allowed researchers to compare Arctic sea ice conditions during the last interglacial period(间冰期)107.present day conditions. Researchers found that during the last interglacial period many shallow108.(pool) of water formed on the surface of the Arctic sea ice during spring and summer. These pools, known as melt ponds, played a key role in the melting of the sea ice. This is because109.there are larger areas of melt ponds, more heat is absorbed by sea ice, which causes it to melt110.(far). To save the northern-most region of Earth, what we should be doing is "focusing all our minds on achieving a low-carbon world".


After I graduated from college I struggled to find work. I applied everywhere but no one was interested in hiring me. Finally I found a job in a group home for disabled adults. We were responsible for the feeding , dressing and safety of them. We 111.(keep) them on a schedule and helped them control their behaviors. It was a 112.(challenge) job emotionally.

One of our 113.(patient) was a young man who could not talk and would often walk out. He did enjoy walking outside, so the other workers often told me that I should take him for 114.walking. I suddenly felt my fingers 115.(touch) by something. The young man was trying 116.(hold) my hand. Instead of pushing it away I took his hand in 117.(my). I saw there was a light shining 118. his eyes. They were full of love, joy 119. goodness. At that moment I saw who he 120.(real) was.

The disabled can teach us so much in life. They can show us that love and kindness are the essential parts of us human beings. Do not ignore the lessons they teach.


Regular exercise can increase your body''s energy expenditure(能量消耗)and it is also a great way 121.(improve)your productivity and mental focus throughout the day. The increased energy levels that occur as a result of exercise 122.(be) also likely to lead to more active habits throughout the day, such as taking the stairs rather than the lift, or 123.(walk) to speak to workmates instead 124. emailing. This increased activity will then bring physical and mental benefits.

Physical activity can help us to improve the length and the quality(质量)of our sleep, 125.will in turn make further contributions to our health and wellbeing. While there is no absolute figure(绝对数值)we should aim for in terms of sleep time, most people will find that they fall somewhere between 6-9 hours a night. Quality is 126.(certain) more important than quantity.

Regular physical activity can help us to manage life''s stress much 127.(well) as a distraction technique. As 128.(discuss), exercise can help you achieve a more positive outlook as well as improving sleep quality, both of which are important in managing stress. Also, 129.is thought that exercise can help to improve our ability to activate the control centers in our brain and the nervous system, which is very 130.(help)when we are under stress.

Passage 14 (2020·甘肃省会宁县第一中学)

First aid is of importance in our life. There is no doubt 131. it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid as dangers lie everywhere and 132. (accident) happen from time to time. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care 133. a doctor can be found. But in the process of first aid, whether the 134. (injure) will be properly treated depends on your knowledge of first aid. As 135. famous journalist, Yansong leads a very simple life. But he not only has a good nose for news, but also has 136.(admire) professional first aid skills, because he137. (think) if we know something about first aid, perhaps a life can 138.(save).

Everybody should know some first aid in order to save other 139.(people) lives. Let''s take delight in 140. (acquire) skills of first aid.

Passage 15 (2020·陕西)

I’ve always been attracted by the 141.(beautiful) of Chinese culture and its vast history. When we first arrived in China, my friend Tony and I expected a huge city 142.(fill) with modern buildings, busy streets and a crowded transport system. But we were pleasantly surprised.

The first thing 143.struck us was the space. Yes, Beijing is indeed huge, but its wide streets and green spaces made every area feel less crowded. Tian''anmen Square was the perfect example of this.The Forbidden City was 144. (surprise) clean and well preserved.

Everywhere we looked, there were people 145.(tidy)and cleaning, which really left an146.(impress) of national pride. We 147.(concern) that few people would speak English, even in Beijing. But we found it common for Chinese people to know a few words of English. The most exciting part of our visit was riding around in the sunshine and exploring the city 148.ofo bikes.

It was great 149.(experience) Beijing’s landmarks in person after admiring 150.(they) for so many years. This was our first visit to China, but certainly not our last.

Passage 16 (2020·上海市金山中学)

A new study finds that getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night may help you tame (驯服) your sweet tooth.

Researchers at King’s College London recruited “short sleepers” — people 151.routinely sleep less than seven hours per night. The participants were trained 152.(extend) their sleep time in many ways, such as cutting back on caffeine, reducing screen time and 153. (stick) to a regular bedtime each night.

With the training, the short sleepers began to sleep about one hour more per night. And here’s the interesting thing: They also changed their diets — without 154.(ask).

“We found that these people also reduced their intake of added sugars by about 10 grams per day,” explains one of the study’s authors. That’s about 40 calories’ worth of sugar, 155. is not a huge change. But 156.time, a small, daily decline in sugary foods can make a difference.

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Its findings serve up more evidence 157.our sleep can influence our eating habits and waistlines.

A study published in 2013 also found that just five days of 158.(shorten) sleep can lead to weight gain. In that study, people 159.(allow) to sleep for just five hours for a five-day period. They gained, on average, almost two pounds.

And as reported, the timing of meals can also influence 160.our bodies respond to all the calories we eat. For instance, a study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who ate their main meal early in the day were more successful at losing weight, compared with people who ate a heavy, late-night meal.

Passage 17 (2020·海南中学高二期中)

CCTV journalist succeeded in arousing a heated discussion among netizens by asking people whether they were happy. The responses 161. the question were various, even some quite funny ones included. Although people 162. (play) jokes on the answers, it did not take long 163. they began to figure out the true meaning of happiness.

It is certain that people’s views on happiness 164.(affect) greatly by their own life experience. Unfortunately, too many people refer to being rich as happiness and there is no sign of a decrease in the number of those who are voluntarily at the mercy of wealth. Some people whose 165. (intend) is to make big money appreciate being given any chance to increase their income, believing that is 166. their happiness lies. Some are eager to inherit their parents’ property, especially those 167. are known as silver-spoon kids. Even worse, some would rather break the law 168. (satisfy) their financial desire or seek their fortune 169. (legal).

In my opinion, happiness is not about 170. (pursue) wealth but about admiring the beautiful things in life. Therefore, live your life to the fullest and be happy.


When we talk about body language, we think about communication. When we think about communication, we think about 171. (interact). So what is our body language demonstrating to others? In the past years social scientists 172. (spend) a lot of time looking at the effects of our body language. We make assessments and inferences from body language. And according to those judgements we approve of 173. person and dislike another. So body language provides external clues that 174. (influence) by internal thoughts and feelings. Scientists have found that when we feel proud and powerful, we usually 175. (straight) up to make ourselves bigger. By contrast, when we feel 176. (power), we tend to slump, making ourselves smaller. It is obvious 177. our minds can influence our bodies. But is it also true that our bodies can affect our minds? Scientific experiments show that if we make powerful 178. (gesture) long enough, we may actually feel more powerful. People who remember to use positive body language are more likely 179. (feel) positive by comparison, so some scientists suggest that we use our bodies to try power posing to help break 180. our feelings of shyness and powerlessness.


Our world may 181. (fill) with driverless cars in the near future. But 182. will we communicate with them if there’s nobody in the driver’s seat?

At present, drivers can make gestures like 183. (nod) when they let us cross the street. 184. of course, self-driving cars don’t have this ability.

US carmaker Ford and its partner Virginia Tech 185. (try) to solve this problem. The team is testing a method 186. uses light signals. For example, a slow blinking (闪烁的) light shows the car is coming to 187. stop, and a rapidly flashing light tells passers-by that the car is about to speed up.

188. (test) the method on real roads, the team has designed a special suit that looks like a car seat. When a driver wears it, it appears as if the car is driverless.

The team 189. (success) collected more than 1,500 hours of data, recording how people interacted (互动) with a “driverless” car. Ford says it plans to share the data 190. 11 other carmakers, which should lead to a signaling system to be used in every driverless car.

Passage 20 (2020·湖北武汉·高二期中)

As the coronavirus(冠状病毒)outbreak continues, many Americans are fearful of 191. (use) public transportation. They also are looking for ways192.(get) exercise without having to go to a gym, as well as ways to enjoy the outdoors. So, it may not be193. (surprise) that the pandemic(流行病)has led to a major increase in bicycle sales.

In the United States, bicycles at big stores like Walmart have sold out. And small bicycle stores cannot keep up194.demand for “family-style” bicycles: the low-cost, easy — to — ride models. The bicycle industry is seeing its biggest sales increase since the oil crisis of the 1970s, said J ay Townley,195.industry expert. People.... have panicked. Townley said. He196.(compare) the sale of bicycles to the rush to buy products like toilet paper at the start of the pandemic.

The rise in bicycle sales is not happening just in the United States. Cities like Manila in the Philippines and Rome, Italy have created bicycle paths for the growing number of people197. want to avoid public transportation. In London, city 198.(official) plan to ban cars from some central roads.

Bike shop owners in Manila say demand is even199.(strong) than what they see at Christmas time. In Italy, the government''s economic support plan included a 500-euro payment to help with the cost of a bicycle.

Of course, you can only buy a bicycle if you can find a bicycle. In the U. S. , the shortages now mean 200. may take many months to get one.