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2023-06-09 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
Proper approaches to finishing continuation writing Activity 1 Group
discussionWhich version do you prefer? Why?Version one:Version tw
o:It is quite necessary to provide a proper ending for your passa
ge!Activity 2 individual workHow to make up a good ending?Approac
h 1: by presenting moral values(说理)Approach 2: by using dialogue
(对白)or monologue (独白)Approach 3: by using environmental descripti
on(环境描写)Approach 1: by presenting moral values It finally dawned
on me that friendship meant everything to me .Only in this way ca
n we find the true meaning of love.Not until then did I come to r
ealize the importance of being confident.But for his love, I woul
d be lost in my life now.It was his help that got me out of this
dilemma.Sentence structures1. It dawns on sb that… 某人想起… 2. Only
+ adv… can sb do… 只有…某人才能… (partial inversion 部分倒装)3. Not until t
hen did/do sb do… 直到现在某人才… (partial inversion 部分倒装)4. But for…, s
b would do/would have done… 要不是…, 某人本该… (subjunctive mood虚拟语气)5.
It is… that/who… 正是… (emphatic?sentence 强调句)A better versionNot u
ntil then did I come to realize that it was the power of kindness
that got us through this winter.Perhaps it was the power of kind
ness, I thought.Approach 2: by using dialogue or monologue 1. On
ly in this can we find the true meaning of love. “Only in t
his way can we find the true meaning of love.” I murmured to myse
lf.2. But for his love, I would be lost in my life now. “But
for your help, I would be lost in my life now.” I said to him.Tra
nsform a moral value into a dialogue/monologueIndirect statement
Direct statementA better version“Thank you all,” said the pale wo
man, “But for you, I wouldn’t have experienced such a wonderful C
hristmas.”“Thank you all,” said the pale woman, “It’s the best Ch
ristmas I have ever experienced.”Approach 3: by using environment
al descriptionUseful verbs:Float 漂浮/飘浮Blow 吹拂Weep 哭泣Howl 嚎叫Roar 呐
喊Click 轻触 Wail 呼啸Cast 投射/投影Cov
er 覆盖Appear 显得Linger 徘徊Stroke 抚摸
Approach 3: by using environmental description (1. describe nat
ural elements(a. The wind was blowing everywhere outside the room
, the snowflakes floating in the air---absolute construction(独立主格
)(b. The sky appeared to be grey all over, covered by lumps of cl
ouds.---non-finite(非谓语)(2. describe social elements(a. It was war
m and bright inside the room. The lights cast their shadows on th
e wall.(b. Laughter came from the kitchen constantly, lingering i
n the house.---non-finite(3. apply rhetorical devices(a. The bone
-chilling wind howled fiercely like a wolf.---metaphor(隐喻)(b. War
m lights stroked their cheeks like their mother.---personificatio
(拟人)A better versionThe b
one-chilling wind was blowing everywhere outside the room, the sn
owflakes floating in the air. While inside the room, the warm lig
hts stoked their cheeks like their mother.Form a good ending by p
utting these elements together! Activity 3 group workActivity 3
group workWork in groups of fourDecide your approach, finish pass
age B and then share your writing within groupsPresent your best
work!discussionWhat are the advantages of using these writing app
roaches?By using environmental description, we can…create an impl
icative(含蓄的) atmosphere to suggest some feelings.By presenting mo
ral values, we can…give readers some lessons; point out the gist
of the passageBy using dialogue or monologue, we can…conversate with readers and share feelings with them Activity 4 AssignmentPolish your writing after class. Thank you!