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2023-06-16 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 


题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 温馨提示:请小朋友仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色表现。


( ) 1.A. sunny B. windy C. rainy D. family

( ) 2. A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay ( ) 3. A. taller B. stronger C. heavy D. longer ( ) 4. A. third B. ninth C. eight D. twelfth

( ) 5. A. angry B. sad C. play D. happy


(? ) 1. After school, we usually play _______soccer for half ______hour on

______sports ground.

A. /; an; the?? ? ?B. the; a; the??? ???C./; a;/ ? D. the; an;a

( ? ) 2. --Is she a bus driver?? --___________. She is a postwoman.

A. No, she isn''t???? ? B. Yes, she is??? ?????????????

C. No, she is ? ? ? ? ?D. Yes, she isn''t

(? )3. Can you help my child_______ his science ______Tuesday mornings?

A.in; in??? ???????B. with; on?? ????????C. for; at ? ? ?D. with; at

(? ) 4. -- Is this your shoe?--Yes, it is,?but where is?????????????????????

A. the others???? ?B. other one??? ???C. another ? ??D. the other one

(? ) 5. That storybook is very??? ?. The children are ______in it.

A. interesting; interest? B. interest; interested? ?

C. interesting; interested??? D. interested; interesting

?(? ) 6. There?????????????????a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box.

A. be ? ??B.is? ? ?C. are ? ? D. has

(? ) 7. It often rains??????????????????in the summer of Xinxiang.

A. strong?? ?????B. big??? ????????C. hard?? ??????????? D. heavy

(? ) 8. The basketball ____________ the bed isn''t mine.

A. under? ???????B.is under??????? C.is on??? ? ? ? D.is

(? ) 9. Thank you______________ giving me so much help.

A. to ?? B. for?? C. with ? D.in

(? ) 10.--What did you do last night?? --I did my homework and _____TV.

A. watch?????? ??B. watched????????C. will watch ? ?D. am watching

(? ) 11.The ____ are in the fridge.

A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos D.potato

(? ) 12. But ____ worry. I can help you.

A.isn''t B.am not C.doesn''t D.don''t

(? ) 13.He is ____ a letter.

A.write B.writes C.writing D.writeing

(? ) 14. ____ a holiday, _____ don''t go to school.

A.In,child B.In, children

C.On,child D.On,children

(? ) 15. Danny ____ tomorrow.(  )

A.walked to the park B.is going to walk to the park

C.walks to the park D.is walking to the park


(?? ?)1. What’s your favourite shape??? A.How do you do?

(? ??)2. How’s the weather ? B. About 1.3 metres tall.

(? ??)3. When is Children’s Day ? C.I like noodles .

(?? ?)4. Nice to meet you! D. She is my sister.

(? ? ?)5. Would you like some soup? E.I like ping-pong.

(? ??)6. How do you do? F. Yes, please.

(? ??)7. How tall are you? G. Nice to meet you, too!

(? ??)8. What’s for lunch ? H. June the first.

(? ??)9. Who’s that girl over there ? I. It’s rainy.

(? ??)10. What sport do you like? J. Circle.


1. We ________(have) a good time yesterday.

2. They ________(see) a tiger in the nature park last weekend.

3. My cousin is ________(heavy) than my brother.

4. The elephant ________(run) faster than the panda.

5. She ________(read) a storybook last night.


How ?What? Where? Who? When? Why 1. --______are?you?going? ---We?are?going?after?dinner. 2. --______do?you?go?to?school? ---Take?the?bus 3. --_____are?you?going to?Shanghai?by?plane? ----Because?it?is?fast. 4. --_____are?they?going?to?read a?magazine?: ---In?the?library. 5. --______are?your?parents?going?to?visit? ---My?grandfather?and?grandmother.


1.There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

________there________books on the desk?

2.The children often play football on the playground. (用现在进行时改写)

The children________________football on the playground.

3.What are you doing?(用read a book作回答)

I________ ________a book.

4.My birthday is?in__March. (就画线部分提问)

________ ________your birthday?

5.Uncle Smith often goes to work?at__7:30__am.(就画线部分提问)

________does Uncle Smith often________to work?

七、阅读理解(20分) (一)根据短文,判断正误,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”??

How are you feeling? You missed school last week.Then I heard(听到) from Jason that you fell off from your bike on your way to school last Tuesday.And you hurt your leg.I also heard you stayed in the hospital for several days.I hope(希望) your leg doesn’t hurt too much. Now you are at home.You must be bored(无聊的) staying at home all day.I will go to visit you this weekend.Do you need anything? If you want,I can bring(拿来) you some picture books.Everyone in our class misses you and we all hope you can get well soon.

Best wishes


( )1. This letter is from Jean.

( )2. Jean is in the hospital now.

( )3. Jean fell off from her bike and hurt her leg.

( )4. In this letter,“missed school” means“想念学校”and“misses you”means “想念你”.

( )5. Jack cares(关爱) his classmates.


??? My name is Sam. This September I am going to middle school. I am going to London Middle School. I am really excited. The school is near my house. I am going to school on foot. I am going to study History, Science, Geography and French. I''m also going to speak Chinese there.

1. Which middle school is Sam going to?

A.?London Middle School.???????????

B.?Bridge Middle School.???????????

C.?Park Middle School.

2. Where is the middle school?

A.?We don''t know.????????B.?It''s here.?????????? C.?It''s near Sam''s house.

3. How is Sam going to school?

A.?By bus.?????????????????? B.?On foot.???????????? C.?By car.

4. What subjects(科目) is Sam going to study?

A.?History, Science, Geography and French. B.?History, Science, Geography, French and Chinese. C.?Chinese, Maths, History and French.

5. Is Sam going to study Chinese?

A.?Yes, he is.??????????? B.?No, he isn''t.?????????????C.?We don''t know.


你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么?请以“My favorite season”为题写一写。(要求:至少60字)


一、读一读,选出不同类的单词。(10分) 1-5 DACCC


1-5 AABDC 6-10 BCABB 11-15 BDCDB


1--5 J I H G F 6--10 A B C D E


1. had  2. saw  3. heavier 4. runs  5. read


1.When 2.How 3.Why 4.?Where 5.Who


1.Are,any 2.are,playing 3.am, reading 4.When,is 5.When,go

七、阅读理解(20分) (一)1—5 FFTFT (二)1-5 ACBAC


? ?例文: ?? My favorite season ???? My favorite season is summer. Spring is often rain. Fall is usually wind. Winter is too cold. So I like summer. In summer, I can go swimming and eat ice-cream. Ice-cream is my favorite food. There is a long holiday in summer, too. I can take a long travel. I can play with my friends. Do you like summer? I think so.
