日前,青海玉树曲麻莱县生态管护员格来江措在巡护时发现了三只与妈妈走散的棕熊宝宝,正“跋山涉水”寻找回家的路。 这段视频在网络上迅速走红,网友们直呼可爱。 Three cute brown bear cubs who got lost after getting separated from their mother gripped the hearts of netizens. 图源:微博 当天,格来江措巡护时,在海拔近4500米的河道发现了这三只小棕熊。 The fuzzy cubs were spotted by Gelek Gyatso, an ecological protection officer, when he was patrolling a riverbed at an altitude of nearly 4,500 meters in Qumarleb county in Qinghai province's Yushu. 在积雪未消的河床上,三只小棕熊急切地奔向管护员,在保持一定的安全距离后驻足观望,甚是可爱。 在发现管护员不是它们要找的妈妈后,三只小棕熊转头离开,沿河边奔跑并发出呼叫声。 The little cubs eagerly ran toward the ranger on the snow-covered riverbed, then stopped short at a safe distance to stare at him curiously. After realizing that the man was not their mother, the bear cubs turned around and ran along the river calling for mom. 这是格来江措第一次遇到小棕熊与熊妈妈走散的情况。 根据平时对野生动物的了解,格来江措将小棕熊赶往熊洞附近的区域,便于它们回家。 This was Gelek Gyatso's first encounter with bear cubs separated from their mother. With his knowledge of wild animals, he drove the cubs towards an area near their cave in the hopes of a safe reunion. 幸运的是,当天傍晚,其他巡护员在巡护时发现它们已成功找到了熊妈妈,“母子”均状况良好。 Thankfully, later that day, other patrol officers found that the mother bear had reunited with her cubs and that the family was happy and healthy. 今年是格来江措成为生态管护员的第十年。每天上班,他都需要在辖区巡护,记录沿途看到的野生动物,查看植被保护情况,并拾捡沿途的垃圾。 This year marks Gelek Gyatso's tenth year as an ecological protection officer. He patrols the area every day, diligently records the animals he sees, checks on the vegetation, and helps clean up litter. 面部黝黑、关节疼痛、手部皮肤干裂……高原上严苛的自然环境在他身上留下不少印记,但与小动物的“奇遇”又常常将他治愈。 图源:央视新闻 这些年,他救助过白唇鹿和岩羊的幼崽,也拍摄到不少野生动物。 比如,呆萌的雪豹(snow leopard): 憨态可掬的兔狲( Pallas's cat) : 机警的白唇鹿(white-lipped deer): 威风的金雕(golden eagle): 格来江措表示,作为生态管护员的这十年,他见证了家乡生态环境的巨变。人人都在参与野生动植物的保护,野生动物的数量稳中有升,与人类的相处也更加和谐。 Over the decade, Gelek Gyatso has witnessed great changes in the ecological environment of his hometown. There has been an increase in the number of wild animals, and everyone is participating in the protection of these species, making coexistence between humans and animals more harmonious. 格来江措也提醒大家,如果在外遇到野生动物,要保持距离,不打扰不投喂。如发现动物需要救助,要及时求助消防或林业部门。 关于此,你有什么看法? 评论区留言聊聊吧 来源: 中国日报双语新闻、 人民日报、央视新闻、西海都市报等。 声明:部分图文来源于网络原作者,如有侵权请联系我们删除。 科大纵横 USTCPLUS 科教精英 纵横梦想 |