
DINZ德网 | Mim Design · 新旧之间的设计对话

 德国室内设计网 2023-07-12 发布于广东

建筑总监 / Luca Vezzosi

室内设计总监 / Charlotte McGill

Mim Design以富有思考性的当代设计,重新构想了位于墨尔本海湾郊区布莱顿(Brighton)的一座宏伟的维多利亚式住宅,并将郁郁葱葱的景观融入到家居体验之中。

Mim Design has reimagined a grand Victorian Villa in Melbourne’s bayside suburb of Brighton with a thoughtful contemporary addition, drawing lush pockets of landscape into the experience of the home. 

Mim Design的室内设计总监夏洛特·麦吉尔(Charlotte McGill)回忆道:“原始的维多利亚式别墅和花园的比例宏大,拥有巨大的改造潜力。” Mim Design负责该住宅的建筑、室内设计和软装布置,以整体的理念来处理这个项目,同时夏洛特表示:“在每一个机会上捕捉到花园的景色,创造出新旧之间的连贯性。

“The proportions of the original Victorian Villa and its gardens were on such a grand scale, it just had so much potential,” recalls Charlotte McGill, Director of Interiors at Mim Design. Responsible for the home’s architecture, interior design, furniture and styling, Mim Design approached the project with a holistic philosophy, creating continuity between old and new, while “capturing views across the garden at every opportunity,” says Charlotte. 


From the street, a robust concrete wall introduces the minimalist architectural language of the new addition beyond. Inside, the home’s ornate, arched hallway is flanked by bedrooms, a bathroom and private reading room, preserved with the home’s traditional embellishments. 

橡木硬木地板的延续使得历史悠久的立面与钢框玻璃中庭相连,这是一种空间上的倒转,是新旧之间的过渡。中庭的较低天花板和暗色彩营造出一种“压迫”的感觉,夏洛特解释道。当人们进入扩建部分时,原始房屋通过3.5米高的天花板与扩建部分相互呼应,使得“视线向上和向外延伸,带来惊喜”,Mim Design的建筑总监卢卡·韦佐西(Luca Vezzosi)补充道。

The continuation of oak hardwood floors unites the historic frontage with a steel-framed, glazed atrium—an inversion of space that heightens the transition between old and new. The atrium’s lowered ceilings and darkened palette foster a sense of “compression and anticipation,” explains Charlotte. As one moves into the extension, the old home’s generous proportions are echoed with lofty, 3.5-metre-high ceilings, enabling “view lines to expand up and out towards the garden, evoking a feeling of elation and luminosity,” adds Luca Vezzosi, Director of Architecture at Mim Design.


“Separating the extension away from the old home allowed us to retain the integrity of the Victorian Villa,” reflects Luca, affording breathing room between volumes, while offering an ephemeral “atrium of light” at the home’s centre. A study space, saturated in deep-hued finishes, sits to the east, enlivened by the home’s verdant garden, designed in collaboration with Kate Patterson Landscapes. 


The addition’s open kitchen, living and dining spaces embrace a sleek, monochromatic palette, elevated with sculpted furniture pieces, delicate pendant lighting, and a thoughtful curation of contemporary art. Broad, operable glazing connects the interior with the landscape, a blue oasis pool and a discreet studio apartment in concrete and timber at the back of the garden. 

Adelaide Villa的单色调设计通过周围的景观变得柔和。夏洛特反思道:“为古老建筑注入新的生命确实是我们的热情所在。我们坚信要尊重我们的建筑过去,并为未来创造建筑。”为此,Mim Design以丰富的材料和富有表现力的形式将别墅的新旧部分紧密地联系在一起,赞美并演绎着这个家的故事。

Adelaide Villa’s monochromatic palette is softened by the surrounding landscape. “Breathing new life into heritage buildings is certainly a passion of ours,” reflects Charlotte. “We believe in respecting our architectural past, and likewise, creating architecture for the future.” To this end, Mim Design has bound together Adelaide Villa’s old and new volumes with purpose and conviction—with rich materials and expressive forms celebrating and evolving the home’s experiential narrative.

Mim Design位于墨尔本,是一个屡获殊荣的多学科,创作型的工作室。致力于由概念到交付的高度定制和个性化设计。

热衷于设计的各个方面,并认为它是提供一个全面而成功项目的重要组成部分。致力于创造出精致和真实反映客户个性或品牌的空间。通过对光,空间的策划,坚固的材料和工艺,利用简单的思维解决了复杂的问题,打造出适应客户的生活方式的空间表现,提供温暖的感觉。Mim Design在全国和国际上获得认可,策划了高端住宅,零售,酒店和企业项目的多元化组合。

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