

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-13 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

1. 命里最美好的惊喜,莫过于睁开眼的那一瞬,发现你依然在我的身旁。The most beautiful surprise in life is the moment I open my eyes and find you still by my side.

2.为了你,我愿意守候每一个黎明与每一个夜深,只为让你知道,此生有我,必不迷失。For you, I am willing to guard every dawn and every deep night, just to let you know that in this life, with me, you will never get lost.

3. 你的笑靥如阳光般明媚,让我觉得生命里所有的烦恼都可以随风而逝。 Your smile is as bright as the sun, making me feel that all the troubles in life can drift away with the wind.

4.生命里那些不经意的小细节,与你共享的每个瞬间,都成就了我此生最美好的记忆。 Those unintentional little details in life, every moment shared with you, have created my most beautiful memories in this life.

5.一生有你相伴,所有的旅途都不会寂寞。未来的每一天,每一次你的拥抱,都将成为我生命中最闪亮的瞬间。 With you by my side for life, no journey will be lonely. Every day in the future, every time you embrace me, will become the brightest moments in my life.

6.你的名字如音符融入我心扉,每次念及都像是唱出生命中最动人的旋律。 Your name is like a note melting into my heart, every time I chant it is like singing the most touching melody in life.

7.爱情不需要太多誓言,真心相知即可永恒。生命虽短暂,只要我们能携手同行,我愿与你数完所有的时光。Love does not need too many oaths, true heart is eternal. Although life is short, as long as we can walk hand in hand, I am willing to spend all the time with you.

8.等风停云散,等世事静定,我只愿与你在梦里再相遇。不问前尘往事,只愿与你携手,走到生命的尽头。When the wind stops and the clouds disperse, when the world calms down, I just want to meet you again in my dreams, without asking about the past, I just want to join hands with you and walk to the end of life.

9.一生一世,我用我所有的真情,守护你每个不寂寞;我用我全部的温柔,给你最舒适的依靠。All my life, I will use all my true feelings to guard you from every lonely moment; I will use all my tenderness to give you the most comfortable support.

10.生命如诗,有你相伴,我每天都在谱写最优美动人的旋律。生命因你不同,世界因你美丽。Life is like a poem, with you by my side, I compose the most beautiful and moving melodies every day. Life is different because of you, the world is beautiful because of you.






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