

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-13 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

1. 当你的笑颜似花绽放,融化了我冻结多时的心。我仿佛被春日第一缕阳光点亮般欢欣鼓舞。      
When your smile blooms like flowers, it melts my frozen heart for so long. I am excited and inspired as if illuminated by the first rays of spring sunshine.

2. 最动人的欢喜都隐藏在你弯弯的眉眼里,你的存在给了这沉闷生活以动人的色彩。       
The most touching happiness is hidden in your bent eyes and brows. Your existence has given this dull life a moving color.

3. 我愿像呵护亲人一样去珍惜你爱护你,陪伴你左右直到灵魂不再苏醒。         
I want to cherish and protect you like taking care of family, accompanying you until my soul no longer awakens.

 4. 爱情不需要华丽的誓言,你眉目间真挚的笑颜已然触动我的心弦。       
Love does not need gorgeous oath, your sincere smiling face between your brows and eyes has already touched my heartstrings.

5. 在这个世界上,最温暖的画面莫过于看着你依偎在我怀中熟睡。       
In this world, the warmest picture is seeing you fall asleep leaning in my arms.

6. 若不是有缘相遇,我无法切身体会到这令人心生欢愉的幸福。      
If we didn't meet by fate, I wouldn't have experienced this joy that touches my heart.

7. 纵然人世变幻无常,唯有我们之间的情谊始终不变。         
Although the world changes unpredictably, only the affection between us remains unchanged.

8. 你给予我生活一个意义,让这个世界变得生动多彩而美好。   
You give my life a meaning and make this world more lively, colorful and beautiful.

9. 人生中最美好的时刻莫过于和你在一起分享。  
The most wonderful moment in life is to share with you. 

10. 从相爱开始,我们就要一起创造这辈子最动人的回忆。       
Since we fell in love, we should create the most touching memories of this life together. 



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