【PSC】59条30滞留项汇总,看看我国 PSC 2023上半年都有哪些? 【PSC】2023年上半年巴黎备忘录的PSC缺陷汇总--39条30滞留、15条10、19条17…… 【PSC】2023年上半年印度洋、地中海、利雅得等备忘录缺陷汇总 ![]() 2023年上半年东京备忘录缺陷汇总(上篇) 30滞留项 1.Deficiencies 3 to 10 are objective evidence that the safety management system onboard fails to effectively implement the element 10 of the ISM Code. 缺陷3至10是船上安全管理系统未能有效实施ISM规则要素10的客观证据。 2.All the immersion suits not have life jacket lights. The immersion suits is designed to be worn without a life jacket. 所有的潜水服都没有救生衣灯。潜水服被设计成在没有救生衣的情况下穿着。 3.Cooling water system for rescue boat engine defective. 救助艇艇机的冷却水系统有缺陷。 4.Booby hatch covers for No.2 and No.4 cargo holds - unable to be closed one cleating lever of booby hatch cover,for No.2 cargo hold - missing and the socket hole unsealed. 二号和四号货舱的舱盖-无法关闭。二号货舱舱盖的一根舱锁杆不见了,插座孔未密封。 5.Electrical cable penetration(GPS signal) on decks in cable trunk from ballalst water treatment space to bridge - not sealed. 从压载水水处理空间到驾驶台的电缆干线甲板上的电缆贯穿件(GPS信号)——未密封。 6.100 V insulation indicator of MSB - shows lower. 100 V绝缘指示器的MSB -显示较低。 7.Bulkhead of engine room above boat deck - cable penetration without sealing(diameter 60 mm). 船甲板上方的机舱舱壁-电缆穿孔处无密封(直径60毫米)。 8.Most of lights for lifebuoys - batteries not in valid.救生圈的大部分灯-电池无效。 9.Deficiencies No.1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16 are objective evidence that the vessel safety management system as implemented falls to ensure the requirements of the ISM code. 1、4、5、8、10、11、12、13、14、15、16号缺陷是实施的船舶安全管理系统不符合ISM规则要求的客观证据。 10.(ISM) OIL FILTERING(15 PPM) EQUIPMENT OUT OF ORDER. (ISM)滤油(15 PPM)设备故障。 11.(ISM)DEFICIENCIES NO.1, 5, 6, 7, 8,他10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18 ARE OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE THAT THER IS A FAILURE IN ENSURING VESSEL IMPLEMENTED EFFECTIVELY AS REQUIRED BY ISM CODE. (ISM)1、5、6、7、8、10、11、12、15、17、18号缺陷是未能确保船舶按照ISM规则的要求有效实施的客观证据。 12.Trespass happened: ship across the militaty prohibited area during approaching dongjiakou port of voyage 2309 on 2023-05-14. 发生非法侵入:2023-05-14,2309航次船舶在接近董家口港时穿越军事禁区。 13.Bridge team members not conduct confimation after make the passage plan approaching Dongjiakou port (voyage 2309). 驾驶台成员在制定进入董家口港的航次计划后没有进行确认(航次2309)。 14.SMS implemented on ship fails to ensure safe and legal route as evidenced by deficiencies above No.1 and No.2. 在船上实施的安全管理体系未能确保安全和合法的航线,如上述第1条和第2条的缺陷所示。 15.Free fall lifeboat engine can not be started.自由降落救生艇艇机无法启动。 16.Crew were not familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the safety of the ship. The crew were unable to perform a lifeboat drill(including maneuvering). 船员们不熟悉与船舶安全有关的基本船上程序。船员不能进行救生艇演习(包括操纵)。 17.Release handle for Stb'd lifeboat - Unable to reset properly due to release handle stuck. 右舷救生艇的释放手柄——由于释放手柄卡住,无法正确复位。 18.Senior officers were not aware of their tasks, duties or responsibilities. 高级船员不知道他们的任务、职责或责任。 19.Did not anticipates all knows navigational hazard and not ensure sufficient sea room for the safe passage. Did not strictly monitor passage plan. 没有预料到所有已知的航行危险,没有为安全通过确保足够的海上空间。没有严格监控航路计划。 20.右侧救生艇艇机故障。 21.Port side lifeboat engine defective. 左舷救生艇艇机有缺陷。 22.SMS as implemented fails to ensure that the vessel is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations as evidenced by deficiencies 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8. 如缺陷1、2、3、6、7和8所示,实施的安全管理体系未能确保船舶的维护符合相关规则和条例的规定。 23.living condition on board the ship not prefereble-ships fix air heater not working (temperature inside of accommodation found positive 8~10 degree only). 船上的生活条件不太好——船上固定的空气加热器不工作(生活区内的温度只有正8~10度)。 24.Accommodation upper deck interior stairway fire protection self-closing A-class door out of order. 生活区主甲板层内的楼梯防火自闭A级门失灵。 25.SEEMP Part 1 not presented on board. SEEMP第1部分不在船上。 26.Maritime safety information for sourth part of Russian Federation Far-East region in which ship engaged the voyages not presented (Vladivostok coastal warnings - bombing exercises area). 船舶执行的航次未提供俄罗斯联邦远东地区南部的海上安全信息(海参崴海岸警报-轰炸演习区域)。 27.ECDIS not updated by maritime safety information for Russian Far-East region in which ship engaged the voyage - Vladivostok coastal warnings(bombing exercise area). ECDIS未更新俄罗斯远东地区的海上安全信息,该船在该地区航行-海参崴海岸警告(轰炸演习区域)。 28.ECDIS - LOT of ENC for engaged and intended voyages found either not updated nor permission expired. 电子海图显示和信息系统----用于预定航次的大量电子海图不是没有更新就是permission过期。 29.Fire protection A-class self-closing door leading to E/R (upper deck, port side) found out of order. 通向机舱(上层甲板,左舷)的防火A级自闭门出现故障。 30.Above shown deficiencies are objective evidence of a failure, or lack of effectiveness of the implementation of the ISM code. 上述缺陷是实施ISM规则失败或缺乏有效性的客观证据。 31.(ISM) THE PORT SIDE S/B AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM WAS FOUND LEAKING SERIOUSLY.左舷备用供气系统发现严重泄漏。
几个压载舱通风帽关闭装置有缺陷。 33.The safety management system, as implemented on board, does not ensure the safe nagivation practices are being floowed as evidenced by the previous voyage fro Cebu to Newcastle was executed without several back-up paper charts and failed to encusre Element 8 and 10 of ISM Code as evidenced by deficiency No.1,2,3,4,6 and 7. 在船上实施的安全管理系统不能确保安全管理实践得到遵守,从宿务到纽卡斯尔的上一次航行就证明了这一点,该次航行是在没有几份备份纸质海图的情况下进行的,并且没有涵盖ISM规则的第8和第10项要素,第1、2、3、4、6和7项缺陷就证明了这一点。 34.3-way valve for hospital sewage line kept overboard position and the overboard valve kept open in port. 医院污水管路的三通阀保持在舷外位置,舷外阀在港口保持打开。 35.Quick-closing valves of fuel oil inlet lines for No.1, 2 and No.3 G/E unable to be closed by control air during inspection out of order. 1号、2号和3号辅机进油管线的速关阀在检查时不能用控制空气关闭,出现故障。 36.Implementation SMS on board not effective for key shipboard operations on board concerning environment protection required by MARPOL 73/78 as evidenced by deficiency No.2.Additional audit to be carried out. (Code 30 ). 在船上实施安全管理体系对MARPOL 73/78要求的有关环境保护的船上关键操作无效,如缺陷2所示。需进行额外审核。(代码30)。 37.The engine room had large amounts of oil soaked debris and flammable liquids accumulated in the bilge and throughout the E/R constituting a serious fire hazard. 机舱有大量浸过油的碎片和易燃液体积聚在舱底和整个E/R,构成严重的火灾危险。 38.Emergency generator unable to connect to emergency switchboard. 应急发电机无法连接到应急配电板。 39.Oil spilled outside the ship through the stb’d side overboard valve manifold and all G/S line contaminated by oil residue. 油通过右舷船外阀组溢出到船外,所有G/S管路被油渣污染。 40.Oil and oily mixture too much accumulated in E/R FWD, AFT bilge well. 积聚过多的油和油性混合物在机舱前舱,后舱底。 41.the small check valve of F.O. tank sounding pipe not fitted. 燃油箱测深管的小止回阀未安装。 42.Top cover of air pipe DB7(S) deformed and not weather-tight. 7舱右舷底柜空气管的顶盖变形且不风雨密。 43.No.5 Cargo hold mech ventilator deformed and cracked seriously. 五号货舱机械通风变形且破裂严重。 44.Four sections of pilot gas line for CO2 release control cabinets located in a protected space (incinerator room) which likely to be cut by fire. 位于受保护空间(焚烧炉室)的CO2释放控制箱的四段引导气体管线可能被火切断。 45.SMS as implemented onboard failed to ensure the effective maintenance of the ship and equipment as evidenced by above deficiencies related. 船上实施的安全管理体系未能确保船舶和设备的有效维护,如上述缺陷所示。 46.The Captain & C/O not familiar with the B.W Management plan and the B.W operations on board not meet the performance standard D-2 of BWM convention. 船长和C/O不熟悉船舶压载水管理计划,船上的压载水操作不符合《BWM公约》的执行标准D-2。 47.The SMS as implemented onboard failed to ensure the B.W management meet the regulation of BWM convention and effective EM’CY preparedness as evidenced by deficiency No.4 & No.5. 船上实施的安全管理体系未能确保压载水管理符合《BWM公约》的规定和有效的应急准备,如第4和第5项缺陷所示。 48.The cover of port side vent of bosun store is missing. 水手长物料间左舷通风窗的盖子不见了。 49.The vent of Cargo Hold No.3 & No.4 can not close. 3号和4号货舱的通风口窗关不上。 50.OUTER PLATE IN AREA OF THE BALLAST WATER TANK NO.3, DIRTY OIL TANK AND BILGE HOLDING TANK ARE DAMAGED, FEW HOLES ARE OBSERVED. 3号压载舱、污油舱和舱底液舱区域的外板损坏,观察到几个孔。 51.A hole(20cm*2cm) found on the engine room(protected by fixed CO2 extinguish system) casing near skylight. 在靠近天窗的机舱(由固定式二氧化碳灭火系统保护)外壳上发现一个孔(20cm*2cm)。 52.The No.1 funnel shutter of Engine room can not be closed.机舱1号百叶窗关不上。 53.Test for No.2 lifeboat engine start by No.2 start battery failed, the Charger of No.1 & No.2 start battery for No.2 lifeboat defective. 二号启动电瓶启动二号救生艇艇机试验失败,且二号救生艇的1号和2号启动电池充电器有缺陷。 54.The standby cooling sea water pumps for main engine unable to be changed over automatically in the working model of UMS. 在UMS工作模式下,主机备用冷却海水泵不能自动切换。 54.Two pneumatic valves locating on discharge pipe and pipe back to holding tank not worked while 15ppm alarm activated. 当15ppm警报激活时,位于排放管和回储槽管上的两个气动阀不工作。 55.The isolation valve is malfunction, which is evidenced by a large amount of water spraying out from the E/R fire hydrant under the circumstance of the shot of the isolation valve and remaining water in fire pipe has been drained empty. 隔离阀失灵,在隔离阀被关闭的情况下,从机舱消防栓中喷出大量的水,并且消防管道中的剩余水已经被排空。当PSCO要求自动测试系统时,加压水不能从焚烧炉上方的喷雾器注入。 56.Audile and light signal system does not work thoroughly, meanwhile the duty engineer can not hear the audile and see the light alarms such as steering gear's statutory required audile alarms in E/R. 音响和灯光信号系统工作不彻底,同时值班轮机员听不到音响,也看不到灯光报警,如机舱内舵机法定要求的音响报警。 57.All cleats for cargo holds hatch covers unsecured properly while vessel underway proceeding form ZHENJIANG, China to KWANGYANG, Korea. 从中国镇江开往韩国光阳的船在航期间,货舱舱盖的所有舱锁都没有固定好。 58.Vessel is proceeding voyage No.2302B proceeding from ZHENJIANG, China to KWANGYANG, Korea, the ENCs for this proceeding voyage chart number KR2F4000 permitted expired and ENCs GB800001 not updated. 本船正在进行从中国镇江到韩国光阳的第2302B航次,该航次图号KR2F4000的电子海图已过期,电子海图GB800001未更新。 59.After M/E slow down accidentally crew only to replace the spare part for the damaged M/E cylinder No.3 F.O pump, the other four M/E cylinder 1/2/4/5 not yet inspected which are running in same condition, and the root cause and precautionary measure need to be dug out to avoid same fault occur again, additional survey need to be undertaook by RO/Flag before departure. 在主机意外减速后,船员只更换损坏的主机缸3号燃油泵的备件,其他四个主机缸1/2/4/5尚未检查,它们在相同的条件下运行,需要找出根本原因和预防措施以避免同样的故障再次发生,在离港前RO/Flag需要进行额外的检验。 60.The fire damper of starboard side ventilation for machinery space is unable to be closed from outside of engine room (fire control station). 机舱右舷通风的防火挡板不能从机舱(消防站)外面关闭。 61.The isolation valve for No.3 A/E inlet fuel oil pipe is unable to be closed from the remote control station (in E/R). 从遥控站(在机舱)不能关闭3号机舱进油管道的隔离阀。 62.THE SOUNDING PIPE FOR E/G STORAGE TANK BROKEN (STBD) (B DECK) (DO FILLING PIPE FOR E/G F. O. TANK) 应急发电机油箱测深管破裂(右舷) (B甲板) (给应急发电机燃油箱加油管)。 63.(ISM) SMS IMPLEMENTATION FAILED TO ENSURE THAT THE SHIP IS MAINTAINED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISION OF THE RELEVANT RULES AND REGULATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY DEFICIENCIENS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 安全管理体系的实施未能确保船舶的维护符合相关规则和条例的规定,如第1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17号缺陷所示。 64.UV-Lamp for sewage treatment out of work.用于污水处理的紫外线灯不工作。 65.No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4 E/R ventilator fire damper kept open(locked on open position) unable to be closed by remote. No.2 fire damper for E/R ventilator unable to be fully closed(about 15cm gap). 1号、2号、3号、4号机舱通风设备防火挡板保持打开(锁定在打开位置),无法通过遥控关闭。机舱通风设备的2号防火挡板不能完全关闭(大约15厘米间隙)。 66.Reponsible officer not familiar with essential shipboard operational procedure relating to performance monitor testing of radar & safety contour setting of ECDIS & LRIT & Cancelling the false distress alert(EPRIB). 高级船员不熟悉与雷达性能监控测试、ECDIS和LRIT的安全轮廓设置以及取消错误遇险警报(EPRIB)相关的基本船上操作程序。 68.No.3 crankcase oil mist alarm for M/E out of work. 主机3号曲轴箱油雾报警器失灵。 69.No.1 E/R ventilator fire damper unable to close by remote and local control. 机舱1号通风窗防火挡板不能通过远程和本地控制关闭。 70.Overload alarm for No.2 S/G out of work.二号舵机过载报警失效。 71.安全管理体系的实施未能确保船舶的维护符合相关规则和条例的规定,这一点从缺陷中可以看出&未能确保船员在涉及人身安全方面的适当船上操作。 72.(ISM) WATER / WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS / Ventilators, air pipes, casings/Sounding pipe for FO settling tank and cofferdam found severely rusted and holed. FO沉淀柜和干隔间的测深管发现严重生锈和穿孔。 73.(ISM) FIRE SAFETY/Fire dampers/Exhause dampers port and starboard found seized during operational test at time of inspection. (ISM)消防安全/防火挡板/左、右舷排气挡板在检查时的操作测试中被卡住。 74.(ISM) FIRE SAFETY/Remote Means of control (opening, pumps, ventilation, etc.) Machinery spaces/Quick closing valve or FO starboard found seized during operational test at time of inspection. (ISM)消防安全/远程控制方式(开口、泵、通风等)。)机舱/右舷快速关闭阀在检查时的操作试验中被发现卡住。 75.(ISM) ISM/Maintenenace of the ship and equipment/With reference to deficiences marked with ISM related reveal that shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented on board as per ISM Code element 10. (ISM)船舶和设备的ISM/Maintenenace/参考标有ISM相关标志的缺陷表明船上安全管理系统没有按照ISM规则要素10在船上有效实施。 76.Paint locker sprinkler middle nozzle missing and stbd side nozzle has no water coming out during operational test. 喷漆间喷淋系统中间喷嘴缺失,右侧喷嘴在操作测试期间没有水流出。 77.Auxiliary generator no.2 and 3 fuel oil isolation valve unable to close during operational test. 2号和3号辅机燃油隔离阀在运行试验期间无法关闭。 78.The emergency escape trunk ladder is not fixed in such a way that heat is not transferable into the enclosure through non insulated fixing points. 紧急逃生通道梯的固定方式不允许热量通过非绝缘固定点传入外壳。 79.Deficiencies marked with ISM related reveal that shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 10. 标有ISM相关的缺陷表明船上安全管理系统没有按照ISM要素10在船上有效实施。 80.Emergency fire pump failed to supply water during operational test. Emergency fire pump discharge line flange found leaking and discharge valve was found shut before operational test. 运行测试期间,应急消防泵无法供水。在运行试验之前关闭排水阀,发现应急消防泵排水管路法兰泄漏。 81.Fire main isolation valve found not holding at closed position and fire main pipe between frame 75 to 80 found leaking. 消防总管隔离阀未保持在关闭位置,在第75至80肋位之间的消防总管泄漏。 82.Numerous sounding pipe on deck sighted with either with holes or cover missing. (i.e. No. 8 ballast water tank, port side fresh water tank and center fresh water tank). 甲板上的许多测深管被发现有洞或盖子丢失。(例如8号压载舱、左舷淡水舱和中间淡水舱)。 83.Seafarer employment agreement for chief engineer Umar Ismail expired since 23 Jan 2023 and ordinary seaman Dileep Kumar expired since 05 Jan 2023 at the time of inspection. 检查时,轮机长Umar Ismail的海员雇用协议自2023年1月23日到期,普通海员Dileep Kumar自2023年1月5日到期。 84.As evidenced by the ISM related deficencies indicates that the shipboard safety management system was not effectively implemented onboard as per ISM element 8 and 10. ISM相关缺陷表明,船上安全管理系统没有按照ISM要素8和10在船上有效实施。 85.2nd engineer failed to demonstrate manual starting of emergency generator during inspection. 在检查期间,大管轮未能演示应急发电机的手动启动。 86.Smoke detector at auciliary engine No.1 not function during inspection. 在检查期间,1号辅机的烟雾探测器不起作用。 87.Obstruction in front of fire hose box at poop deck. 艉楼甲板消防皮龙箱前有障碍物。 88.Oil mist detector defective.油雾检测器有缺陷。检查时,舵机舱的通风器不能关闭。 89.THE LIQUID RETURN PIPE OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IS BLOCKED AND NO BACKFLOW, SO IT CANNOT WORK NORMALLY. 污水处理装置回液管堵塞,无回流,无法正常工作。 90.Hatchway coaming Between upper deck and steering gear room holded. 上层甲板和操舵室之间的舱口围板已穿孔。 91.Sewage Treatment plant overboard discharge three-way valve stuck in the overboard discharge position, sewage is discharge directly overboard. 污水处理厂舷外排放三通阀卡在舷外排放位置,污水直接向舷外排放。 92.The approved standard for oily water separator certificate is recorded Resolution MEPC.107(49). 油水分离器证书的认可标准记录在MEPC.107(49)号决议中。 93.SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT NOT IN SERVICE CONDITION, NC SEWAGE WATER INSIDE THE PLANT, NO CHEMICAL IN FILLING PIPE. 污水处理装置未投入使用,装置内有不符合的污水,注入管道中无化学物质。 94.EXHAUST LEAKING HEAVILIY FROM BOILER BURNER SPACE. 锅炉燃烧器空间严重泄漏废气。 95.MULTIPLE LOADLINE MARKS ON HULL AND THREE SETS OF EFFECTIVE LOADLINE CERTIFICATES FOUND ONBOARD (KEPT IN THE SAME BOOKLET PAGE). NO GUIDELINE OR RECORD FOR LOADLINE SWITCH PROVIDED. LOADLINE COMPLIANCE CANNOT BE VERIFIED DURING INSPECTION. 船体上有多个载重线标志,船上有三套有效载重线证书(保存在同一页)。没有提供载重线开关的指南或记录。检查期间无法验证载重线的符合性。 96.WEATHERTIGHT HATCH DOOR FOR NO.1, NO.2 AND NO.3 CARGO HOLD DEFORMED AND CANNOT CLOSE. 1号、2号和3号货舱的防风雨密舱门变形无法关闭。 97.THE CLOSING DEVICE FOR THREE GOOSENECK VENTILATOR FOR BOSUN STORE ON FRONT DECK CORRODED SERIOUSLY AND BROKEN. 前甲板水手长物料间三个鹅颈式通风设备的关闭装置腐蚀严重,且已经损坏。 ![]() 15缺陷项 1.Disposal of Category F (rust/residue for maintenance) not recorded in garbage record book. 垃圾记录簿中未记录的F类处理(用于维护的铁锈/残留物)。 2.Port and Starboard Aft Mooring Winches - Hydraulic gear unit shows sign of oil leakage. 左舷和右舷船尾系泊绞机-液压齿轮装置显示漏油迹象。 3.Shipside railing Port and Starboard - Lowest rail missing or damaged at various location. 左舷和右舷船舷栏杆-最低的栏杆在不同位置缺失或损坏。 4.Cargo Hatch cover no 3 - Aft pontoon operating hydraulic jack and Cargo Hatch Cover no 2 Forward pontoon starboard hydraulic jack leaky. 三号货舱舱盖-后浮筒操纵液压千斤顶和二号货舱舱口盖前浮筒右舷液压千斤顶漏油。 5.The inlet sea water pipe of M/E jacket C.W. cooler corroded. 主机水套冷却水冷却器进口海水管腐蚀。 16缺陷项 1.INTERNAL DIAMETER OF EMERGENCY ESCAPE TRUNK IN ENGINE ROOM SHORT IN WIDTH (750MM). 机舱紧急逃生舱内径,宽度较短(750毫米)。 2.No evidence available that lowering of at least one L/B carried out during abandon ship drill, some information recorded by mistake.没有证据表明在弃船演习中至少放下了一个救生艇,一些信息被错误记录。 3.The protective cover of gears mechanism for portside bunjering derrick wasted partly. 左舷加油吊齿轮机构防护罩部分报废。 4.TWO GRAVITY SELF-CLOSING EQUIPMENTS MALFUNCTION. 两个重力自闭装置故障。 5.ENG.SUCTION VALVE TOO TIGHT (UNABLE TO OPERATE BY ONE PERSON) IN E/R. 在E/R中的机器吸口阀太紧(一个人无法操作) 6.EMCY. LIGHTS NOT MARKED NEAR M/E ENG. CONTROL CONSOLE IN E/R. 在机舱的主机操控面板附近没有应急灯标志。 7.LAGGINGS BROKEN FOR NO.1 AND NO.6 JACKETED PIPES FOR M/E HIGH PRESSURE LINES. 主机高压管线的1号和6号夹套管破裂。 8.DECK LINE NOT PLAINLY VISIBLE ON PORT SIDE.左舷甲板线不明显。 9.Draft mark and load line mark on stb'd side not plainly visible. 右舷的吃水标志和载重线标志不明显。 10.Eight deck sockets stb'd side No.2 hatch cover rusted seriously. 2号舱盖右舷8个甲板插座严重锈蚀。 11.Unnormal insulation test equipment when earth testing on battery charger & discharger board in cable & pipe trunk(F deck). 在电缆和管道干线(F甲板)的电池充电器和放电器板上进行接地测试时,绝缘测试设备异常。 12.THE BOILER DRUM W.H.L. AND W.L.L. ALARM IN THE E/C ROOM NOT OF WORK. 机舱控制室内的锅炉高位和低位报警器不工作。 13.HANDHOLD FOR BOTH SIDE LIFEBOAT EMBARKATION LADDER NOT PROVIDED. 没有提供两舷边救生艇登艇梯的扶手。 14. 2 PCS OF ANCHOR CHAIN CROSSBAR MISSING. 2根锚链横杆丢失。 17缺陷项 1.Vessel unable to provide evidence of freefall lifeboat and rescue boat manoeuvring away from the ship in last 3 months. 船舶无法提供最近3个月内自由降落救生艇和救助艇水上操纵离开船舶的证据。 2.Emergency escape booby hatch from Engine room to Portside poop deck unable to close weathertight. 到左舷艉楼甲板的紧急逃生舱口关闭不能防风雨密。 3.1~5 Double bottom ballast tanks (port and Staboard) Sounding pipe cap defective. 1~5个双层底压载舱(左舷和右舷)测深管管盖有缺陷。 4.Purifier Room-Self closing device sounding pipes for Lube Oil Sludge Tank and Fuel Oil Sludge Tank defective. 分油机室-润滑油污泥舱和燃油污泥舱的自闭装置测深管有缺陷。 5.Vessel unable to provide Loadline - Condition of assignments for Freeboard. 船舶不能提供载重线-干舷分配条件。 6.The guard rails fitted on rescue boat deck only have two courses. 安装在救助艇甲板上的护栏只有两层。 7.The wash bain in the midship emergency eye shower room blocked. 船中部紧急洗眼器室的洗眼器堵塞了。 8.The ship presented a danger that she unable to be manuvered freely at Yangzi river area of Changsu high density water channel on 17th March 2023. It occured that M/E C.F.W for injection valve found leaking, the M/E had to be shut down for em'cy repair work. 该船于2023年3月17日在苏畅高密度航道长江段出现不能自由操纵的危险。发现主机淡水冷却喷射阀泄漏,必须关闭主机进行紧急维修工作。 9.A-class self-closing fire doors from gally to rating's mess room and off's mess room. A级自闭防火门从厨房到普通船员餐厅和高级船员餐厅。 10.Two mooring ropes on forecastle - Made fast on warping drums. 艏楼的两根系泊缆-系在滚筒上。 11.The operation instruction of liferaft launching - not under the emergency lighting. 救生筏下水操作说明-不在应急照明下。 12.The sealing rubber of ventilator for battery room and lavatory room – aged. 蓄电池间和卫生间的通风窗密封橡胶老化。 13.Safety belt for seat - not of a colour which contrasts with belt for seat immediately adjacent. 救生艇座椅安全带的颜色不能与相邻座椅的安全带形成对比。 14.Limit switch of L/B launching davit - poor condition. 救生艇吊臂限位开关-不良状态。 15.The wheel of valve for compression air pipe on poop deck – malfunction. 艉楼甲板压缩空气管阀门轮-故障。 16.The life boat on port side - failed to start engine when inspection. 左舷救生艇-检查时未能启动艇机。 17.Fire net of ventilator for emergency generator room – broken. 应急发电机房通风窗防火网-破损。 18.Most of lifebuoys body – cracked. 大部分救生圈本体有裂纹。 19.Battery of light for lifejacket stowed on bridge - in poor condition. 存放在驾驶台上的救生衣灯电池状况不佳。 20.Largest SCAL Chart used when approaching to Dalian - not in use (BA 3696).接近大连时使用的最大比例尺海图-没使用(BA 3696)。 21.Voyage plan to Dalian - not provided as required.去大连的航次计划-未按要求提供。 22.Abandon ship drill carried out on 21-05-2023 - not recorded as required. 2023年5月21日进行的弃船演习-未按要求记录。 23.THE KEY OF BNWAS NOT KEPT BY CAPTAIN. 驾驶台值班警报系统的钥匙没有被船长保管。 24.PREVIOUS VOYAGE PLAN NOT UP TO DATE.先前的航行计划没有更新。 25.CANOPY LIGHT FREEFALL LIFEBOAT OUT OF ORDER. 自由降落救生艇顶篷灯失灵。 26. 220V INSULATION INDICATOR OF ESB SHOWS LOWER. ESB的220V绝缘指示器显示较低。 27.PAINTER OF R/B NOT SECURED AS REQUIRED.救助艇的艇索缆未按要求固定。 28.MEANS TO PRECLUDE BOARDING FREEFALL L/B WITHOUT FIRST RELEASING SECURING DEVICE (CANNOT BE RELEASED INSIDE THE FREEFALL L/B) MISSING. 防止在未先解除系固装置的情况下登上自由降落救生艇的方法(不能在自由降落救生艇内释放)缺失。 29.RE-CIRCULATING FACILITIES OF OIL FILTERING EQUIPMENT NOT MAINTAINED PROPERLLY. (ONE MONTH). 滤油设备的再循环设施维护不当。(一个月)。 30.SMALL DIAMETER SELF-CLOSING CONTROL COCK OF SOUNDING PIPE TERMINATION OF F.O. OVERFLOW TANK SEIZED. 燃油溢流柜测深管终端小直径自闭控制旋塞被卡住。 31.RETURN PIPE OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IN POOR CONDITION. 污水处理装置回流管状况不佳。 32.ONE PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER ON MAIN DECK MISSING. 主甲板上的一个手提式灭火器不见了。 33.E/R WORKSHIP ACCUMULATED LOTS OF SPARES SUNDRIES ETC. (WORKSHOP LEADING DIRECTLY TO THE OPEN DECK FROM E/R). E/R工作间积累了大量的备件和杂物等。(从机舱工作间直接通向露天甲板)。 34.(ISM) ACCOMMODATION LADDER - MAINTENANCE RECORD NOT ONBOARD - ACC. LADDER(S) HEAVILY DEFORMED. (ISM)舷梯-维护记录不在船上- 生活区舷梯严重变形。 35.SHIP ACCESS CONTROL FAILED - NO ACCESS WATCH AND ID CARD CHECK. 船舶出入控制失败——没有出入监视和身份证检查。 36.CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE AND GMDSS CERTIFICATE - MASTER CERTIFICATES VALID TILL 02 JULY 2023 - C/O CERT. (VALID TILL 03 JULY 2023) - 2/O CERT. (VALID TILL 02 JULY 2023). 适任证书和GMDSS证书-船长证书有效期至2023年7月2日- C/O证书(有效期至2023年7月3日)- 2/O证书(有效期至2023年7月2日)。 37.DOCUMENT OF CARGO INFORMATION - NECESSARY INFORMATION (S.F. TRAINING GROUP C, ETC) NOT PROVIDED REGARDING FERROUS SULFATE. 货物信息文件-未提供有关硫酸亚铁的必要信息(积载因素 、培训和C类货物等)。 38.(ISM)从水中营救人员的计划和程序-未正确维护(未记录船舶信息)-未翻译成工作语言。 38.(ISM) BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN-NOT SPECIFIED DESIGNATED PERSON - BWTS NOT INCLUDED - BALLAST WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. (ISM)压载水管理计划-未指定指定人员-不包括压载水处理系统。 39.(ISM) SOPEP - EM'CY CONTACT LIST NOT PROVIDED (LIST OF NATIONAL OPERATIONAL CONTACT POINTS. (ISM)未提供SOPEP - 应急联系人列表(国家业务联系人列表)。 40.(ISM) GARBAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN NOT MANAGED PROPERLY. -RECEPTACLES NOT MARKED AND DISTINGUISHED BY COLOR AS PER PLAN. -GARBAGE PROCESSING EQUIP. NOT RECORDED ON PLAN. -NOT CARRIED OUT TRAINING AS PER PLAN. (ISM)垃圾管理计划管理不当: -容器未按照管理计划进行标记和颜色区分。 -垃圾处理设备没有记录在计划中。 -没有按照计划进行培训。 41.STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SOLID BULK CARGOES CODE - SHIP'S CARGO, FERROUS SULFATE NOT INCLUDED ON CERT. 《国际海上固体散装货物规则》船上货物符合声明证书中未包含硫酸亚铁。 42.(ISM) CALIBRATION CERT OF OILY SEPARATOR FILTERING EQUIP. NOT ONBOARD AS PER RES. MEPC. 107(49). (ISM)根据MEPC决议的油水分离器过滤设备的校准证书不在船上。 43.(ISM) CALIBRATION CERT OF GAS DETECTOR NOT ONBOARD. (ISM)气体探测仪校准证书不在船上。 44.(ISM) BRIDGE & FIXED CO2 RM - FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - NOT TRASLATED TO WORKING LANGUAGE. (ISM)驾驶台和固定CO2 间 -火警控制面板-未翻译成工作语言。 45.CONVERTER ROOM - NAME PLATE OF ESBD NOT POSTED. 变流器室-未张贴ESBD的铭牌。 56.GAS SAMPLING POINT AT HOLD - CAP OF GAS SAMPLING POINT UNABLE TO OPEN. 舱盖处的气体取样点盖子无法打开。 57.(ISM) EMBARKATION LADDER(P&S) OF LIFERAFT - THIMBLE & SHACKLE HEAVILY CORRODED. (ISM)救生筏的登乘梯(P&S)眼环和卸扣严重腐蚀。 58.BALLAST WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM IN E/R - UTC NOT SYNCHRONIZED. 在E/R的压载水处理系统UTC不同步。 59.(ISM) POWERFUL CLOSE FAST CONTROL UNIT (F.O. SHUT OFF VALVE) - PRESSURE NOT ENOUGH. (ISM)强大的快速关闭控制装置(燃油切断阀)-压力不足。 60.Emergency towing line set on the front of main deck corroded. 主甲板前部应急拖缆腐蚀。 61.Personal area for muster station on poop deck much less than 0.35 m2. 集合站在艉楼甲板上的个人区域远小于0.35平方米。 62.The release handle at poop deck for freefall lifebaot rusted and seized, can not release lifeboat immediately. 艉楼甲板自由降落救生艇释放手柄生锈卡死,不能立即释放救生艇。 63.Stern light found not at the center line fo ship(9.7 m from stb'd and 6.25m from port side). 发现船尾灯不在船的中心线上(离右舷9.7米,离左舷6.25米)。 64.The key officer was not familiar with the operation of MF/HF SSB - the receiving frequency and transmiting frequency were set incorrect during the test. 关键驾驶员不熟悉中频/高频单边带的操作——在试验过程中,接收频率和发射频率设置不正确。 65.Oiler's Seafarer Employment Agreement has already expired(valid until 22 Jan. 2023). 加油的海员雇佣协议已经到期(有效期至2023年1月22日)。 66.Launching and maneuvering drill for No.1 and No.2 Lifeboat - Not conducted proper interval. 1号和2号救生艇的下水和操纵演习-没有按适当的时间间隔进行。 67.IBWMC - Not matched with IBWM method and BWMP procedure. 国际压载水证书的压载水管理方法与压载水管理计划程序不匹配。 68.Hot surfaces on exhaust ducts and turbocharger casing on auxiliary engines not adequately insulated. Exposed surfaces exceeding 230 deg C noted. 辅机排气管和涡轮增压器外壳上的热表面未充分隔热。注意到有超过230℃的暴露表面。 69.进入船舶的方式(右侧舷梯)不安全。 70.Drain valves on fuel oil service and settling tanks in engine room fitted with gagging devices. 装有计量装置的机舱燃油服务和沉淀柜的排水阀。 71.Emergency switchboard 220V section earth fault monitors fitted with unapproved by-pass device. 应急配电板220V部分接地故障监视器配有未经批准的旁通装置。 72.Low insulation resistance on emergency switchboard 220V section. 应急配电板220V部分绝缘电阻低。 73.Closing devices for the following vents located at fwd mooring station defective: Bosun store goose-neck vent (closing device seized), bow thruster room fan and bosun's store fan vents (rubber seals missing). 位于前系泊站的下列通风的关闭装置有缺陷:水手长物料间鹅颈式通风筒(关闭装置被卡住)、船首推进器室风扇和水手长物料间风扇通风筒(橡胶密封缺失)。 74.Garbage not stored as per garbage management plan - food waste stored in provision freezer room. 垃圾没有按照垃圾管理计划存放-食物垃圾存放在伙食冷库里。 75.Ballast water management plan - appendixes indicated as content of BWMP but found missing. 压载水管理计划-附录显示为BWMP的内容,但发现缺失。 76.It is not possible to confirm the operation of the BWTS on the dated specified on the BW record book - electronic log in BWTS control panel not presented. 无法确认BWTS在压载水记录簿上指定的日期运行——BWTS控制面板中的电子日志不存在。 77.Passage plan - environmental protection measures have not been included by the company in the fromat of the plan - NAVAREA Zones not indicated - NAVTEX stations enroute of the vessel are not listed - Not listed all ENP for intended voyage. 航次计划-公司未将环境保护措施包括在计划中-未标明航区-未列出船舶途中的NAVTEX站-未列出预定航程的所有ENP。 78.INMARSAT C Station not set up to receive all the necessary maritime safety information in engaged and intended voyages. INMARSAT C站未设置在当前和预定的航次中接收所有必要的海上安全信息。 79.Fore mast head navigation light(main) out of order.前桅杆顶部航行灯(主)失灵。 80.On ECDIS for intended voyage not indicated no go area, parallel index, safety frame etc as required by passage plan, also not shown abort point, contingency anchorage. 在预定航次的ECDIS上,没有显示航行计划要求的禁行区、平行行、安全设置等,也没有显示中止点、应急锚地。 81.Licence for ENP100, ENP5012 found expired. ENP100、ENP5012的许可证已过期。 82.Air lock fire protection A-class self-closing door leading to emergency fore pump compartment found wired open. 83.Engine room - G/E lub oil storage tank - deck under tank found dirty. 机舱-发电机润滑油储油舱-发现舱底甲板脏污。 84.Engine room - waste oil serv tank - Deck under tank, under pipes dirty by oil. 机舱-废油服务舱-舱下甲板,管道下面被油弄脏。 85.E/Room - waste oil serv tank - level gauge found out of order. E/Room -废油服务舱液位计发现故障。 86.AFT mooring winches hydraulic system storage tank tray found oily. 船尾系泊绞车液压系统存油罐集油槽发现油污。 87.E/R work ship - Lathe machine and deck under the machine found cluttered. 机舱工作间-车床和甲板下的机器发现杂乱。 88.Aux. engine(DG No.3) water cooling pipe broken during the inspection, water leaking. 3号辅机水冷却管在检查时破裂,漏水。 89.Auxiliary engine, DG No. 1~3 - Body dirty by oil, deck under the engines oily, oil-soaked rags found laid on the foundation. 1-3号副机机体被油弄脏,发动机下甲板油污,地基上发现铺有浸过油的破布。 90.燃油分油机-在油管法兰下发现的塑料手工容器,用于收集漏油。 91.Sewage treatment plant - scum return, sludge return transparent pipe dirty, there is no back folow of sludge and scum. 污水处理装置-浮渣回流,污泥回流透明管脏,没有污泥和浮渣回流。 92.F.O. Tranfer pump - found oil leaking through glasd shaft. 燃油输送泵-发现从glasd轴漏油。 93.bilge tank manhole not close, securing bolts missing(E/R bilge). 舱底人孔没有关闭,固定螺栓丢失(E/R舱底)。 94.D.O. Tranfer pump - Electric motor body, foundation and body of pump dirty by oil D.O .输送泵-电机体、根部和泵体被油弄脏。 95.Main engine body, under the main engine H.P.P. found stains of oil leaking. 主机体,在主机马力下发现有油渍泄漏。 96.BW management electrical cabinet status safety relay(KS1) found fault. 压载水管理电气柜状态安全继电器(KS1)发现故障。 97.(ISM) FOUR ILLC WERE PROVIDED DURING INSPECTION, AND THE CAPTAIN DID NOT KNOW WHICH ONE WAS IN USING. (ISM)检查时提供了四个国际载重线证书,船长不知道使用的是哪一个。 98.(ISM) THE FIRE SHORE CONNECTION AT PORT SIDE ACCOMMODATION FOUND SHORT OF FOUR WASHERS. (ISM)发现左舷起居舱室的国际通岸接头缺少四个垫圈。 99.(ISM) TWO FIRE DOORS OF ACCOMMODATION STAIRWAY WERE KEPT AT OPEN POSITION. (ISM)起居楼梯的两个防火门保持打开状态。 100.(ISM) THE SAFE ACCESS TO BOW WAS BLOCKED BY EMPTY DRUMS. (ISM)通往船首的安全通道被空桶堵塞。 …… ( 由于缺陷项目太多,本期先分享到此,未完待续!感谢阅读!) |
来自: 昵称70493411 > 《PSC迎检》