
双城记 | 碗碎了

 盐心Jaffe 2023-07-17 发布于四川

Daniel Hickey,高海奇



You witness things happen - a bowl breaks, a boy cries - and you think you can tell which is the effect and which is the cause. The more you probe, though, the less certain you are. Does the effect have one cause or many causes? What about those causes which I cannot see and which I will never know? And what about the effects I cannot predict?

I behave a certain way in the present, hoping it will have a particular effect, but how will I ever know whether what I am doing now will have a positive or negative impact in the future?

The incident in question happened last Wednesday. I was working from home in the living room on a conference call on my laptop while in the dining room my wife was getting our son ready for school. It was a bright, warm morning, the doors were open and our neighbour’s daughter, who is the same age as our son, was perched on her shed roof, which has a view into our garden.

When my son saw her - they are inseparable these days - he grabbed his bowl of porridge, rushed outside and sat on the step.

This whole time, I was on a conference call, only vaguely aware of these developments until…


A cry cut through the house. My son was suddenly wailing. I muted my microphone and rushed into the dining room.

Bowl! My son was howling. Bowl!

The bowl - his favourite bowl - had fallen from his hands and smashed on the path.

Bowl! Tears streamed from his eyes. Bowl! He roared. Bowl!

Don’t be sad, my wife was saying, we can get you a new one.

I don’t WANT a new one! That was my favourite bowl! That was the only bowl I want and now it’s gone! Bowl! Bowl!

I tried to hold him but he kicked and struggled and ran away.


It’s only a bowl, I said.


You need to stop crying now, I said.

He wouldn’t stop crying.

You need to stop.

But that wasn’t the right thing to say. Most of the time it’s hard to know what to say. In my mind a voice said: if you tell him to stop crying he will end up emotionally stunted, unable to express himself.


Our morning had turned into an absurdist play where effects either exceed their cause or seem to have no cause at all.

But what if he wasn’t only crying about the bowl? What if his pain had more than one cause? If that was the case, what were those other causes? Was it something I had or had not done? Did I not give him enough attention? Had I done something wrong?

It’s only a bowl, I said, c’mon, you need to get ready for school.

He buried his face in his mother’s shoulder.

I want my bowl back!

My wife looked at me. That special expression which means: follow my lead.

You must have lost something like that when you were five-years-old, she said.

I tried to remember when I was five-years-old. The only memory that came to mind was looking out the front window of our house and seeing our neighbour’s father waving a flag. Other than that, there was nothing, no memories of broken bowls.

No, I said, I didn’t.

Surely you did, you just can’t remember now. See, she said to our son, daddy can’t even remember this kind of thing happening to him.

She tried to make me see the situation from our son’s point of view. It was the first time he had lost something that was special to him. Yes it was a bowl and that made the situation kind of funny but no less devastating for him.

But this is good for him, she said, it’s a learning experience, it shows him that nothing lasts forever.

That day my son was late for school. At first he didn’t want to go in at all. He was too sad, he said. Then he wanted another hug from mama. He did finally go to school. When we picked him up that evening, he said he didn’t play with anyone that day, he didn’t want to. Instead he sat by himself all day.

That evening, my wife took him into the city to go shopping.

They bought two new bowls.

One of them - a turquoise coloured one - is my son’s new favourite bowl.

Nothing lasts forever, said my wife, and change is always possible.
































排 | 阎家珲

审 | 周春伦

翻译 | 金   鑫


双城记 | 蹦床星球
双城记 | 准时
双城记 | 都是

发现教育价值  记录教育改革

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