

 芸斋窗下 2023-07-19 发布于浙江





《谑而虐》的原作者哈尔赛女士(Margaret Halsey)在中国“名不见经传”,但在美国文坛小有名气。张爱玲选译的With Malice Toward Some是哈尔赛的处女作,她的丈夫以英美教育界交换教授、赴英国德文州任职。哈尔赛以日记的形式,描写英国、瑞典、挪威给予美国人的印象,于一九三八年出版,立即成为美国当年的畅销书。大概也正因为此书一纸风行,正在香港大学求学的张爱玲才注意到它,并产生兴趣从中选译。


The days melt away like cough drops on the tongue. 


I brush my hair and take a long walk and type out Henry's notes and stand for a while in the garden composing my face to look like a Landed Gent, and ping! The day is gone. 


The Devonshire countryside grows upon me like an obsessions; I sometimes suspect that somebody has given me a philtre. 


Living in England, provincial England, must be like being married to a stupid but exquisitely beautiful wife. Whenever you have definitely made up you mind to send her to a home for morons, she turns her heart-stopping profile and you are unstrung and victimised again.





Now and then, I think sadly of the lustrous June weather at home and wonder how I will get along for a whole year in this dim aquarium of a country.


Generally speaking it is impossible for an American to get through an afternoon or evening in the company of English people without hearing at least half a dozen unmistakable hints that culturally speaking, his compatriots are running neck and neck with the anthropoid apes.



汽车驶入一带黑沉沉的街衢。乔琪没有朝她看,就看也看不见,可是他知道她一定是哭了。他把自由的那只手摸出香烟夹子和打火机来,烟卷儿衔在嘴里,点上火。火光一亮,在那凛冽的寒夜里,他的嘴上仿佛开了一朵橙红色的花。花立时谢了。又是寒冷与黑暗…… 《第一炉香》

The car drove through the heavy blackness of the city streets. George hadn’t looked—it was too dark to see— but he knew she must be crying. With his free hand he pulled out a cigarette case and lighter. Cigarette dangling from his lips, he struck a light. On that bitter winter’s night, the flame flashed before his mouth like an orange blossom. The blossom bloomed, then died. The cold and the dark returned.


The entire world is like a decayed tooth; it is numb and one does not feel anything in particular, except for a slight twinge of pain when the wind blows.


She glanced at her watch again. She felt a kind of chilling premonition of failure, like a long snag in a silk stocking, silently creeping up her body.


最后说说书名的汉译。从题目的选取,可见张爱玲对哈尔赛文字风格的掌握。书的原名With Malice toward Some,直译是'对某些人带恶意”,所指者乃英国人对美国人的偏见与批评。张爱玲的中译“谑而虐”转化自成语“谑而不虐”。省掉了“不”这个否定词,意思转变为由戏谑而伤害。张爱玲的中译以哈尔赛抗议英国人歧视美国人作结,自然能捕捉到原文重点所在。当然,“对某些人带恶意”还可带有以眼还眼之意。张爱玲在“译者识”中就以“幽默尖利”形容哈尔赛的文笔,“其中译题目以“谑”和“虐”作同音相关,语带讽刺之余,亦能点出英美之间以戏谑出之的针锋相对(何杏枫)。

如若再查查资料,便可知“With Malice toward Some” 来源于对1965年林肯第二次总统就职演讲的仿拟,原文是:

With malice toward none,with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right. Let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan --- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

不以恶意对人;尽以仁义示人;当上帝让我们得见正义之时,我们必须坚持正义,让我们继续奋斗,完成我们目前正在进行的事业;包扎这个国家的伤口;关怀担当这场战争之重负的士兵,关爱他们的孤儿寡妇一 我们应竭尽全力,在我们中间以及同所有国家之间追求并且实现一种公正并且永久的和平。




Look at those recesses in the banks of the K'e,

With their green bamboos, so fresh and luxuriant!

There is our elegant and accomplished prince,---

As from the knife and the file,

As from the chisel and the polisher!

How grave is he and dignified!

How commanding and distinguished!

Our elegant and accomplished prince,-

Never cun he be forgotten!



Look at those recesses in the banks of the K'e,

With their green bamboos, so strong and luxuriant!

There is our elegant and accomplished prince,---

With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles,

And his cap, glittering as with stars between the seams! How grave is he and dignified!

How commanding and distinguished!

Our elegant and uccomplished prince,-

Never can he be forgotten!



Look at those recesses in the banks of the K'e,

With their green bamboos, so dense together!

There is our elegant and accomplished prince,---

[Pure] as gold or as tin,

[Soft and rich] as a sceptre of jade!

How magnanimous is he and gentle!

There he is in his chariot with its two high sides! 

Skilful is he at quips and jokes,

But how does he keep from rudeness in them!


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