
专利实施合同与专利权的期限有什么关系? 民法典合同编逐条解析(法条附英文翻译)

 昵称64574355 2023-07-25 发布于广东

第八百六十五条 专利实施许可合同仅在该专利权的存续期限内有效。专利权有效期限届满或者专利权被宣告无效的,专利权人不得就该专利与他人订立专利实施许可合同。 

Article 865 The patent licensing contract is only valid within the validity period of the patent and patent proprietor shall not conclude the licensing contract with others beyond the validity period or the patent were declared void. 

法律对合同的期限很少做出明确的限制性或条件性规定的, 专利实施合同即是这种很少情况中的一种。 法律直接规定的专利实施合同的有限期限以专利权的有效期限为期限, 不以当事人的约定为优先。 目的当然是为了防止垄断,保护受让人的利益。客观上讲, 一项专利期限过后即进入公知领域, 受让人不需要拍支付相关费用即可免费实施该专项技术,为何还要支付相关费用呢? 这是法律规定的合理性和客观性基础。

专利按照发明、实用新型和外观设计分不同的法宝有限期限, 但作为受让人, 不能仅凭相关证书判定其有限期限。一方面,权利人可能因未按照缴纳专利费而失去保护,另一方面,也可能存在被宣告无效的可能。 因此,专利实施合同签订前,做好此方面的尽调是必要的。

本法条规定是授予给受让人的, 但受让人行使相关权利有待于以专利状况的了解。因此,跟踪专利权的有效期是需要经常做的工作。 如果事后一段时间才知道专利已经超过了有效期,再往回追支付的专利使用费, 除非证明专利权人有故意等违约行为, 一般是不支持退费的。

如果受让人明知专利权有效期已过而受让人并不主张合同无效甚至因为仍要仰仗专利权人的支持等而继续自愿支付专利使用费的, 事后再提出相反主张并要求退还专利费的,一般也不会获得法官的支持的。



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The legal terminology derived from English law forms the basis for all other common law jurisdictions. However, the law in other common law jurisdictions has not developed in exactly the same way as in England. This means that while there is still much shared terminology, there may also be terminology that will be found in some but not all of the common law jurisdictions. For example, American criminal law terminology includes the terms 'first-degree murder’ and 'second-degree murder’. This is a distinction unknown in English law, as this approach to grading offences in degrees is not used in England. As mentioned above, the outline given in the text is based on English law. It is beyond the scope of this book to give all possible variations in other common law jurisdictions. Nonetheless, given the prevalence of American legal textbooks in many university libraries throughout the world, reference will be made to American terminology where differences in terminology could cause confusion. For example, the term 'company’ has a very specific meaning in English company law. It is an incorporated body and a separate legal person. In American terminology, the word company is used loosely to refer to various sorts of business organisations. When American law is talking about an incorporated body, which is a separate legal person, it uses the word 'corporation’. It is therefore of use to the student to be aware of this difference in word use between English and American lawyers. Where the  term of the patent expires or the patent is declared invalid, the patentee may not conclude a license contract for exploitation of the patent with another person.  

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