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2023-07-26 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 

班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上





一、选择题 1.Spring is coming.It''s time________.

A.to plant seeds??? B.plant seeds??? C.planting seeds



2.Slow down and stop ____ a red light.

A. in?????????? B. on????????? C. at??



3.____ name is Ann. What’s ____ name?

A.She, you B.Her, your C.Her, you D.She, your 【答案】B


4.What shape would you like?

A.I like a strawberry cake. B.I’d like a strawberry cake. C.I like triangle cake. D.I’d like a triangle cake. 【答案】D


5.Jack helped Helen _______ her homework.

A. do????? B. does?????? C.did



6.The box is __________ than that one.

A.more heavier?????????????B.heavyer?????????????C.much heavier





易错提示:m uch与more的区别要了解。

7.______ your sister at home yesterday? No, she watched a film with my mother.

A. Was???????????B. Were??????????? C. Did



8.( ??? ) Stop at a _________ light.

A. red??????????B. yellow????????????C. green



9.(?? ) —________ do you like pandas?

—Because they’re cute.

A.When B.How C.Why D.Which 【答案】C




A.My name is Han Mel. B. What''s your name?C. Hello.


A.Thank you,Mr. Li.B.How?C.Good morning,Mr. Liu.

(??)(3)别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_

A.What''s your name?B.Hello!C.Thank you.

(??)(4)假如你叫林峰,当有人问你What''s your name?时,你应回答_____.

A.I''m fine,tooB.Nice to meet vonC.My name is Lin Feng.


A.Sit down.please.B.How are you?C.I''m fine,too.


A.Good afternoon. B.What''s your name? C.How are you


A.Hi! B。Hello!C.Good night!


A. Good morningB. Please sit down.

C. Thank you.D. Nice to meet you.


A.Please come in.B.Good morningC.Stand up.


A.How old are you B.How are you C.How do you do.



(1)想知道对方姓名 ,应说 What''s your name?故答案选B .

(2)早上遇见刘老师,应说Good morning,Mr. Liu. 故答案选C

(3)别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说.Hello! 故答案选B

(4)当有人问你What''s your name? 是在问你叫什么名字,要回答My name is..., 故答案选C

(5)见到客人站着,你应说请坐Sit down.please, 故答案选A

(6)下午与同学见面应说Good afternoon, 故答案选A

(7)晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是Good night!晚安,故答案选C

(8)经介绍后认识某人应该说Nice to meet you 见到你很高兴, 故答案选D

(9)上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说Stand up起立,故答案选C

(10)想知道对方的年龄应问.How old are you?你多大了? 故答案选A

11.(?? )I want to eat some ______.

A. meat??????? B. orange???? C. vegetable




(??)(1)A.football B. basketball C. theatre

(??)(2)A.sunny??? B. windy?????C. rain

(??)(3)A.food???? B. bread?????C. cake

(??)(4)A.run????? B. jump??????C. star

(??)(5)A.hot????? B. boy???????C. girl

(??)(6)A.dog????? B. picnic????C. cat

【答案】(1)C (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)A (6)B


13. — Whose book is it?

– It’s not?? ______book. It’s______.

A.my; hers??????? B.mine; hers???????C,My’; hers




名师解析:做此类题时,主要看后面是否带有名词,在句子中起什么作用;第一句带有名词, 要选用形容词性物主代词my,起形容词的作用,第二句后面没有名词,选用hers,起名词作用。所以该句应填my,hers。答案为A。



14.Look! The girl _____________ long hair is Lucy.

A. with???????? B. put on?????????? C. in






15.Lisa usually ????????her homework after super.

A. does??????? B.do?????????? C. did







二、填空题 16.写出单词的正确形式。(10分)

【答案】(1) bought?(2) went??(3) thinner?(4) heavier?(5) read???(6) older??(7) shorter?(8) ate???(9) was?(10)danced

【解析】(1) bought? buy的过去式为bought,故答案为bought

(2) went?? go的过去式为went,故答案为went

(3) thinner?双写n加er,故答案为thinner

(4) heavier?把y变i加er,故答案为heavier

(5) read??? read的过去式为原形,故答案为read

(6) older?? young的反义词为old,故答案为older

(7) shorter? long的反义词为short,故答案为shorter

(8) ate??? eat过去式为ate,故答案为ate

(9) was?? am的过去式为was,故答案为was

(10) danced? dance的过去式为原形加d,故答案为danced

17.把下列单词按要求进行变化:? 10%


(2)teach(第三人称单数) ___

(3)sing (名词) ___

(4)write (名词) ___

(5)go (第三人称单数) ___












18.完形填空。( 20分)

On day, long ago, a little baby was ______. His name was Jesus, he was a special boy. Many people say he was the _______ of God.

When he was born, a new star shone _______ the sky. Three wise _______ saw the star. They followed star _______ Jesus. They brought the baby special gifts. They _______ he was special baby.

When the baby grew into a man, he was a great teacher. He________ people to________ God and to love ________.

Jesus’s birthday is Christmas day. We give to our friends and family at Christmas. We put stars _______our Christmas trees, too.

(1)A. bear???????????? B. born??????????????? C. beard????????????

(2)A. son????????????? B. daughter??????????? C. brother

(3)A. on?????????????? B. at???????????????? C. in

(4)A. man????????????? B. men?????????????? C. mans

(5)A. with????????????? B. to???????????????? C. at

(6)A. know???????????? B. knows???????????? C. knew

(7)A. teach???????????? B. teaches???????????? C. taught

(8)A. love????????????? B. hate?????????????? C. loving

(9)A. other???????????? B. each?????????????? C. each other

(10)A. at?????????????? B. on???????????????? C. in







【答案】(1)eggs (2)poor (3)cooking (4)cards (5)gets



Name Hobby Danny Sing songs Collecte stamps Jenny Write stories Sing songs Anna Make dolls Plant flowers Lucy Take photos Play computer games (1) Danny’s hobby is _______________but she_____collecting stamps.

(2) Lucy’s hobby is _____________but she doesn’t like ____________.

(3) Anna doesn’t like ________________but Anna’s hobby is __________

(4) Jenny’s hobby is _______________but she doesn’t like ______________.

【答案】(1)singing songs? desn’t?(2)taking photos? playing computer games

(3)making dolls?? planting flowers (4)writing stories? singing songs.






三、阅读理解 21.阅读短文, 判断句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。(每题1分,共5分)

Tomorrow is Saturday. My family are going to have a busy day. My father is going to visit my uncle in the afternoon. My mother is going to buy some new clothes for me. I am going to have an art lesson in the morning and a music lesson in the afternoon. What am I going to do in the evening? I am going to do my homework. Then I am going to watch TV. What about your Saturday?

(1)Today is Friday.

(2)My father is going to visit my uncle on Sunday afternoon.

(3)I have two lessons on Saturday.

(4)I am not going to watch TV tomorrow.

(5)I am going to have some new clothes.




Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui. What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Because she told me “ I haven’t got a lovely doll.” When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Jingming park, but it was later, we had to went home. We had a good time on that day.

(1)Xiaohui is taller than me.

(2)I bought a doll for Xiaohui.

(3)We went to a shop last month.

(4)They had a good time on Xiaohui’s birthday.

(5)We rowed a boat in the park.




My name is Peter.My hobby is playing basketball.My uncle taught me how to play when I was eight years old.He told me to play with Sam,because he is thinner and shorter than me.I thought it was a good idea.Then I can win the game easily.I played basketball with Sam last Sunday.But he was a very good basketball player.I lost the game.I went to my uncle''s house.He looked very excited.He asked me,“Do you know you can''t tell people from his face now?”

(1)Uncle taught Sam how to play basketball when he was eight years old.

(2)Peter played basketball with Sam last Sunday.

(3)Sam is shorter than Peter.

(4)Peter is a good basketball player.

(5)Peters'' uncle wanted to teach him a lesson.




My name is Danny. I’m nine years old. I have a good friend. His name is Tim. He is nine, too. We are in the same class and same grade. We like the same color. Yellow is our favourite. We also like the same clothes --- shorts. Why? Because it is convenient( 方便的 )for us to play basketball. I have yellow shorts and Tim has blue shorts. Tim doesn’t like the blue shorts. He wants a pair of yellow shorts.

(?? )1. What is the name of the author’s friend?

A. Tim .????????? B. Danny .?????? C. Tom .

(?? )2. How old is Tim?

A. Ten.?????????? B. Eleven.???? C. Nine.

(?? )3. What clothes do they have in the same?

A. Trousers.????? B. Shoes.?????? C. Shorts.

(?? )4. What are their favourite color?

A. Yellow .??????? B. Blue .??????? C. Red .

【答案】1.A?? 2. C??? 3. C???? 4. A


1. 根据短文中“ I have a good friend. His name is Tim.”选择。

2. 根据短文中“ His name is Tim. He is nine, too.”选择。

3. 根据短文中“ We also like the same clothes --- shorts. ”选择。

4. 根据短文中“ Yellow is our favourite. ”选择。





四、单词拼写 25.把下列字母重新排列为正确的单词,并把汉语写在后面的括号内。

1.e,i,g,b,n _____________(????? )? 2.c,h,n,l,u______________(????? )

3.rbaefkats______________(????? ) ?4.moeh__________________ (????? )

5.indner________________ (????? ) ?6.chloos_________________(????? )

【答案】1.begin开始? 2.lunch 午饭?? 3.breakfast早饭

4.home?家???? 5.dinner晚饭??? 6.school学校






五、书面表达 26.以 “My? hometown” 为题写一篇英语短文 .字数不能少于60。(10分)参考词汇:





【答案】My hometown is a beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets.

There are? trees and flowers everywhere.

But it has not always been like that. In the old days.it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark.unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

Everything has changed since liberation. The people.led by the Party.have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools.theaters.shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices.hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river.streamers and boats come and go busily.day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

I love my hometown.and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy.they are going all out to build socialism.






六、句型转换 27.句型转换。

(1)My hair is black.(就划线部分提问)。

_____ _____ is your hair?

(2)He looks a little heavy.(就划线部分提问)

_____ _____ he look like?

(3)She has two short arms.(改为否定句)

She _____ _____ two short arms.

(4)We are from Brazil. (改为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ from Brazil?

(5)His father is fine.(就划线部分提问)

_____ _____ his father?

【答案】(1)What color??(2)What does ?(3)doesn’t have??(4)Are you??(5)How is






七、翻译 28.翻译词组。

1.发现_____________________??????????? 2.课前____________________

3.发送给我一些照片__________________?? 4.来自____________________

5.很多有趣的东西___________________ ???6.澳式橄榄球__________________

7.欢迎参观者___________________??????? 8.在网上___________________


【答案】1. find out

2. before the lessons

3. send me some photos

4. come from

5. many interesting things

6. Australian football

7. welcome visitors

8. on the Internet

9.an interesting country







八、判断题 29.听短文,判断下列句子的正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(5分)

(1)The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

(2)There are two desks in the bedroom.

(3)There isn’t a phone on the desk.

(4)There are two maps on the wall.

(5)The chairs are for Billy and his brother.

【答案】(1)T ????(2)T????(3)F??????(4)T?????(5)T



This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.


(  )(1)hobby  ??????? collect????????

(  )(2)toy???????????? enjoy

(  )(3)stamp??????????paper??????????????

(  )(4)tool??????????? foot

(  )(5)cut???????????? nut

【答案】(1)F (2)T (3)F (4)F (5)T



(1)My brother is 135cm tall.

(2)ZhangPeng has a stomachache.

(3)I failed my Chinese test, so I’m very sad.

(4)The brown dog has a long tail the black dog has a small head.

(5)Lisa feels tired after doing so many homework.




(1)( ×)My brother is 145cm tall.

(2)( ×)ZhangPeng has a toothache.

(3)( √)I failed my Chinese test, so I’m very unhappy.

(4)( ×)The brown dog has a short tail the black dog has a big head.

(5)( ×)Lisa feels tired after doing so many housework.

(6)My arms are shorter than yours.

(7)The big dog’s ears are longer than the small dogs’ ears.

(8)It’s Saturday. The little boy has nothing to do. He’s bored.

(9)Oh, I have a sore throat.

(10)Chen Jie is busy doing her homework.


(1)dear pear??(2)hear year????(3)head bread

(4)tea peach??(5)teach bread??(6)eat mean



33.阅读理解,判断正误,用T / F 表示。

On a sunny day, Small Bear went boating with Papa. They bought hats first. Papa got a

small hat for his big head. Small Bear got a big hat for his small head. Papa''s hat was too small.

Small Bear''s hat was too big! They exchanged(交换) hats. Just right! Then, they came to the

boat.? It had two seats. Papa sat on the small seat. Small Bear sat on the big seat. Papa Bear was

too heavy. Small Bear was too light. They exchanged seats. Just right! After boating, they had

lunch nearby. Papa got a small bowl. Small Bear got a big bowl. The food in the small bowl

was too little for Papa. And the food in the big bowl was too much for Small Bear. They

exchanged bowls. What a good meal!

(??? ) 1. Small Bear and Papa went boating on a cloudy day.

(??? ) 2. Small Bear got a big hat for his small head at first.

(??? ) 3. The boat had two seats. One is big. The other one is small.

(??? ) 4. The food in the big bowl was too little for Papa.

(??? ) 5. They exchanged the hats, the boats and the bowls.

【答案】F T T F F

【解析】1. 由文中关键句“On a sunny day, Small Bear went boating with Papa.”可知天气是sunny,而不是cloudy,故此题为F。

2. 由文中关键句“They bought hats first. Small Bear got a big hat for his small head. ”可知一开始small Bear戴了一项大帽子在它的小头上,故此题为T。

3. 由文中关键句“It had two seats. Papa sat on the small seat. Small Bear sat on the big seat.”可知船上有两个座位,一个大的,一个小的,故此题为T。

4. 由文中关键句“The food in the small bowl was too little for Papa.”可知是在小碗里的食物对于Papa来说太少了,而此题意思正好相反,故为F。

5. 略





九、连线题 34.英汉对对碰。

(1)travel?????????????A 中国

(2)China?????????????? B 法国

(3)France????????????? C 旅行

(4)Britain????????????D 美国

(5)America???????????? E 英国







十、排序题 35.听句子选出与句意相符的图,将其序号写在图下的括号内,每小题1分,共5分。

【答案】3?? 2?? 1?? 5?? 4



(1)What’s wrong with you?

I’ve got a headache.

(2)My mother is doing housework now.

(3)What did you do yesterday?

I warened flowers.

(4)I like watching TV very much.

(5)What can you do?I can play the violin.
