

 喀什噶爾 2023-07-30 发布于山东

【Weather Aug. 17】
济南 多云 31℃/23℃
青岛 多云 29℃/25℃
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Shenzhen: 11164.79; +278.22; +2.56%
>College to expel students over sex
>Men jailed for stealing QQ ID
>Britons love to sleep with bears
>ABC sets new IPO record
>Smallest waist in the world
【Top News】
>China's economy passes Japan's
中国经济超日本 全球第二
After three decades of spectacular growth, China overtook Japan in the second quarter to become the world's second-largest economy behind the United States, the New York Times reported today. The news came early Monday, when Tokyo said that Japan's economy was valued at about $1.28 trillion in the second quarter, slightly below China's $1.33 trillion. Japan's economy grew 0.4 percent in the quarter, Tokyo said, substantially less than forecast. That weakness suggests that China's economy will race past Japan's over the full year.
据《纽约时报》报道,在经历过去三十多年飞速发展之后,到今年二季度中国经济已经超过日本,成为仅次于美国的全球第二大经济体。日本周日发布报告称日本经济二季度增长0.4%,远低于预期,产出约1.28 万亿美元,略低于中国的1.33万亿美元。日本经济的疲软态势预示,从全年来说,中国经济也将超过日本。
【In the News】
>College to expel students over sex
Students found to have had sex during term time or who have relationships with married people may be expelled, South China Normal University (SCNU) has warned, according to cnr.cn. Hearings will be held before any punishment and students will have the right to appeal. The new regulation drew heated debate among students and others. Students say the university is making a mountain out of a molehill and that it will be impossible to enforce the rules. But SCNU is not alone. Chongqing Normal University has similar regulations, saying students will be expelled if they provide escort services, become an 'Er Nai' or 'second wife', take a mistress, or have a one night stand.

>Men jailed for stealing QQ ID
A court has jailed two men for stealing QQ IDs, the Guangzhou Daily reports. Defendents Zhu and Yuan were found guilty of invasion of a citizen's right to freedom of correspondence. Zhu was sentenced to 1 year and Yuan to 11 months. The court found that between July and September 2006, Zhu illegally extracted several QQ IDs from the Tencent system and made an agreement with Yuan to sell the IDs online.
据 《广州日报》报道,两男子因盗窃QQ号被判刑。被告人朱某和袁某被判处侵犯通信自由罪,其中,判处朱某有期徒1年、袁某有期徒刑11个月。经法院审理查明,2006年7月至9月期间,朱某通过非法技术手段秘密窃取了腾讯公司系统放出的QQ号码,并与袁某约定由袁某在网上代为销售牟利。
Last April, Chen Xuejun from Jiangsu Province reported to police in the Hi-tech Zone in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province that 46 QQ IDs worth a total of 600,000 yuan had been stolen from him. He had bought one of the QQ IDs - 98888 - for 150,000 yuan.
>Superheroes are 'bad role models'
Leading child psychologist Professor Sharon Lamb from the University of Massachusetts accuses the new generation of superheroes, exemplified by playboy millionaire Iron Man, of being bad role models for young boys, the Guardian reports. Lamb, who surveyed 674 boys aged four to 18, claimed these heroes may be damaging the social skills of teenagers and even affecting their performance at school. Unlike conventional superheroes such as Superman, who stood for justice, fairness and decency, the modern macho superheroes portray a negative masculinity, characterized by mindless aggression and rampant sexism.


>Britons love to sleep with bears
Teddy bears are adorable, kids love them - and so do adults. More than a third of Britons still hug their childhood Teddy bear while falling asleep, according to a survey of 6,000 British adults, the Daily Mail reported. Those who sleep with a teddy told researchers that they find it a comforting and calming way to de-stress at the end of the day. More than half of Britons still have a teddy bear from childhood and the average teddy is 27 years old. And 25 percent of men say they take their teddy with them on business because it reminds them of home. 可爱的泰迪熊不仅孩子爱,大人也离不了。据英国《每日邮报》报道,有六千英国成人参与的一项调查发现,他们中超过1/3的人会抱着童年毛绒玩具泰迪熊入睡。他们认为和泰迪熊一起入睡是让自己放松并平静下来的减压方法。过半英国人会保存童年时的泰迪熊,这些泰迪熊的平均'年龄'达到了27岁。四分之一的男性在出差时会带着泰迪熊,说它可以让他们感觉像在家一样。

【In Brief】
>ABC sets new IPO record
The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) said in a statement Sunday that it had raised an additional US$1.31 billion after fully exercising the over-allotment option on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Xinhua reported. The bank has now raised US$22.1 billion, exceeding Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's US$21.9 billion initial public offering (IPO) four years ago,and setting a new world record for IPOs.
据新华社报道,中国农业银行于周日在一份声明中表示,其在上海证券交易所行使其超额配股权后,进一步融资13.1亿美元。该行的融资规模达到了221 亿美元,超过了中国工商银行四年前的首次公开募股规模,即219亿美元。这样,农行的首次公开募股创造了新的世界纪录。
>Afghanistan strikes oil
Afghanistan has discovered an oilfield with an estimated 1.8 billion barrels of reserves in the north of the country. The discovery of the basin between the provinces of Balkh and Shiberghan followed a survey conducted by Afghan and international geologists, Jawad Omar, a ministry of mines spokesman, told Reuters.Afghanistan hopes that untapped mineral deposits, valued at US$3 trillion, will help reduce dependence on Western cash. Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Defense estimated the value of Afghanistan's mineral resources at more than US$1 trillion.
路透社报道,阿富汗矿业部发言人贾瓦德·奥马尔表示,阿富汗本国及国际地质学家在阿北部巴尔赫省与谢贝尔甘省之间的盆地发现了一个大油田,初步估计蕴藏原油 18亿桶。阿富汗尚未开采的矿物资源总价值约3万亿美元,当局希望这些储备能助其减轻对西方国家资金的依赖。而美国国防部曾在年初估计,阿富汗的矿物资源 约值1万亿美元。
>Stallone flick seizes No. 1 spot

Sylvester Stallone's 1980s-style action movie 'The Expendables' debuted at No.1 with $35 million in North American takings, according to studio Lionsgate's estimate, AP reported. Next came Sony's 'Eat, Pray, Love,' starring Julia Roberts and Javier Bardem, which opened with $23.7 million. The previous weekend's top movie 'The Other Guys' slipped to third place with $18 million, raising its 10-day total to $70.5 million. Warner Bros. blockbuster 'Inception' was fourth with $11.4 million, lifting its total to $248.6 million. Opening in fifth place with $10.5 million was Universal's graphic-novel adaptation 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World'. 'The Expendables,' featuring action stars Jet Li and Jason Statham and cameos from Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, is slated to open in China on August 20.

【Fancy That】
>'Honeymoon suite' for rhinos
Nepal's only zoo has opened a 'honeymoon suite' for its two one-horned rhinos in the hope of persuading the endangered pair to breed, AFP reports. The rhino have lived together for most of their adult lives but have never bred - something the zoo's manager attributes to the poor quality of their enclosure. She hopes that their new, much larger home, which features mud and two ponds for them to wallow in, will persuade the pair to finally start mating. Thousands of one-horned rhinos once roamed the plains of Nepal and northern India, but their numbers have dwindled in recent decades as they have fallen victim to poaching and human encroachment on their habitat, and only around 435 remain in Nepal.

>Smallest waist in the world
A girl with a waist so tiny that it can be encompassed with two hands is taking part in the talent show America's Next Top Model, the Daily Telegraph reports. Ann, from Dallas, is 1.9 meters tall, weighs 45 kg, and has a 45 cm waist. Her appearance drew gasps from judges when she walked into an audition for the show. But a clip of a judge encircling her waist with his hands provoked an angry response from viewers. One web forum said the show should be renamed 'America's Next Top Circus Freak'.
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一名女孩参加了美国电视真人秀节目《下一个超模》,她拥有纤细的腰身,细得用双手手指就能围拢。身高1米9的安来自美国达拉斯市,她的体重有90斤, 腰围竟然只有45厘米左右。 当安在节目现场露面时,全场的评委们被惊得目瞪口呆。当一位评委竟能用自己双手将安的腰身整个围拢起来的节目片段播出后,却在网上引发了网民们的愤怒反应,一家美国论坛网站甚至称这档节目应该改称为《下一个马戏团怪人》。

【Language Tips】
Toy boy小白脸
He is a toy boy because he has been kept as a lover by a rich old woman for five years.
stylish guy 型男
tomboy 假小子
Tomboy is a girl who behaves according to the gender role of a boy.
Girly Girl 真女人
Girly girl is a slang term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, such as wearing floral dresses, blouses and skirts, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl.
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