

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-31 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  1. 亲爱的,你如同春风里最娇艳的花,我深深为你的出现着迷。My dear, you're like the most delicate flower in the spring breeze, and I'm deeply enchanted by your presence.

  2. 让我牵起你的手,与你漫步在浪漫的海滩,一起数落日斜西的晚霞。Let me hold your hand and stroll with you on the beach at sunset, counting the clouds glowing red.

  3. 你眼中流淌的光彩映照出我心灵的欢喜,我愿用我的真心来浇灌我们的爱。The shimmering in your eyes reflects the joy in my heart. I will nurture our love with sincerity.

  4. 我会在每个清晨为你摘下一朵金黄的向日葵,用它的芬芳预祝你一天美好。Every morning I will pick a golden sunflower for you, and wish your day is sweet with its fragrance.

  5. 当我思念你时,脑海里都是你动人的笑靥,我的心被温柔充满。When I miss you, your charming smile appears in my mind, filling my heart with tenderness.

  6. 亲爱的,我会用我的真心呵护我们之间的感情,如同精心培育一棵百年古树。My dear, I will nurture our bond wholeheartedly, like caring for a centuries-old tree.

  7. 你是我生命中最甜蜜的音符,让我找到了快乐的旋律。You're the sweetest note in my life, bringing me melodies of joy.

  8. 我会牵着你的手,与你共同迈过生活每个重要的节点,携手慢行,Never let go.I will hold your hand, and take each important step in life with you. We shall walk slowly, never letting go.

  9. 在有你的世界,我的心像明镜般纯净璀璨,反射着美好的光。With you, my heart is a clear mirror - pure, shining, reflecting all that is beautiful.

  10. 亲爱的,让我带你去看日出日落,在每个时刻都感受生命的奇迹。My dear, let me take you to see the sunrise and sunset, appreciating life's miracles at every moment.



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