那么问题来了,“一发不可收拾”用英语该怎么说? 今天我们来学习一个比较地道的说法: one thing leads to another One action has triggered others, especially those that are unplanned or unforeseen. 一个行动引发了其他行动,尤其指那些本来没有计划或意料之外的行动。 I kept spending more and more money until I was broke. You know how one thing leads to another. At first, we were just talking a little, but one thing led to another, and he asked me out. 一开始,我们只是聊了一会儿,但接着一发不可收拾,我和他约会了。 在美剧《摩登家庭》S06E04中,Phil一家因为屋子要除霉,就暂住在一间小旅馆里,妈妈Claire实在受不了,要单独住在隔壁的空房里: Phil: Your mother's leaving us. She's found another room that makes her happy. Claire: Okay, look, I needed a little space, and there was a room that opened up down the hall. Phil: Then one thing led to another. Spare us, Claire. -你们母亲要离开我们了,她找到了另一个可以让她快乐的房间。 -听着,我需要一些空间,而正好那边有一个房间空出来了。 -然后就一发不可收拾了!你走吧 ,克莱尔。 要表示这个意思,还可以用一个高级词汇: escalate /ˈeskəleɪt/ v.(使)事态严重,也可以翻译成“事态升级,控制不住”等。例如: His financial problems escalated after he became unemployed. 他失业后,经济问题进一步恶化。 |
来自: 昵称68256751 > 《待分类》