

 zzm1008图书馆 2023-08-08 发布于上海




这组火遍INS的摄影照片是由现居上海的德国摄影师Mark Siegemund用无人机拍摄的。他眼中的上海,也是一座魔力之城。






1956 年,建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特 (Frank Lloyd Wright) 提出了一座一英里高的摩天大楼,这座建筑是埃菲尔铁塔的五倍。虽然这座巨大的塔从未建造过,但今天,越来越大的建筑物正在世界各地拔地而起。这些不可能的想法是如何变成建筑机会的?Stefan Al 解释了这些巨型建筑如何成为我们城市天际线的固定装置。

演讲者:Stefan Al
演讲题目: Will there ever be a mile-high skyscraper? 

In 1956, architect Frank Lloyd Wright proposed a mile-high skyscraper. It was going to be the world’s tallest building, by a lot — five times as high as the Eiffel Tower. But many critics laughed at the architect, arguing that people would have to wait hours for an elevator, or worse, that the tower would collapse under its own weight. Most engineers agreed, and despite the publicity around the proposal, the titanic tower was never built.
1956年,建筑师弗兰克 · 劳埃德 · 怀特提议建造一座1英里高的摩天大楼。它将比世界上其他任何建筑高都要出许多——它会是埃菲尔铁塔高度的五倍。但是许多评论家嘲笑这位建筑师,因为人们将会花好几个小时等电梯。更甚,这座大厦将会因无法承受自重而倒塌。大多数工程师赞同这一说法,尽管这个提议广为人知,但这项工程从未启动。
But today, bigger and bigger buildings are going up around the world. Firms are even planning skyscrapers more than a kilometer tall, like the Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia, three times the size of the Eiffel Tower. Very soon, Wright’s mile-high miracle may be a reality.
So what exactly was stopping us from building these megastructures 70 years ago, and how do we build something a mile high today?
In any construction project, each story of the structure needs to be able to support the stories on top of it. The higher we build, the higher the gravitational pressure from the upper stories on the lower ones. This principle has long dictated the shape of our buildings, leading ancient architects to favor pyramids with wide foundations that support lighter upper levels. But this solution doesn’t quite translate to a city skyline– a pyramid that tall would be roughly one-and-a-half miles wide, tough to squeeze into a city center.
在每项建筑工程中,每一层建筑都需支撑它上层的部分。建筑越高,底层结构所承受的来自上层的压力就越大。这个原理一直以来限制了建筑的形状,因此古时候的建筑师们偏爱地基宽阔的金字塔结构,它可以承受住 更轻的上层部分。但是这个方案并不能很好地适应城市布局——一个近1.5英里宽的金字塔底座很难在城市中心安身。
Fortunately, strong materials like concrete can avoid this impractical shape. And modern concrete blends are reinforced with steel-fibers for strength and water-reducing polymers to prevent cracking. The concrete in the world’s tallest tower, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, can withstand about 8,000 tons of pressure per square meter– the weight of over 1,200 African elephants!
Of course, even if a building supports itself, it still needs support from the ground. Without a foundation, buildings this heavy would sink, fall, or lean over. To prevent the roughly half a million ton tower from sinking, 192 concrete and steel supports called piles were buried over 50 meters deep. The friction between the piles and the ground keeps this sizable structure standing.
Besides defeating gravity, which pushes the building down, a skyscraper also needs to overcome the blowing wind, which pushes from the side. On average days, wind can exert up to 17 pounds of force per square meter on a high-rise building– as heavy as a gust of bowling balls. Designing structures to be aerodynamic, like China’s sleek Shanghai Tower, can reduce that force by up to a quarter. And wind-bearing frames inside or outside the building can absorb the remaining wind force, such as in Seoul’s Lotte Tower.
除了可以将整栋楼推倒的重力的威胁,一栋摩天大楼也需要客服从大楼侧面吹来的风力。一般情况下,风能在高层建筑上施加17磅(约 7.7 千克)每平方米的力——相当于一堆保龄球的重力。设计的建筑结构要符合空气动力学,例如中国的地标建筑,上海中心大厦,可以减少四分之一的风力。而建筑内或外的承风框架可以同化剩余的风力,例如首尔的乐天大厦。
But even after all these measures, you could still find yourself swaying back and forth more than a meter on top floors during a hurricane. To prevent the wind from rocking tower tops, many skyscrapers employ a counterweight weighing hundreds of tons called a “tuned mass damper.” The Taipei 101, for instance, has suspended a giant metal orb above the 87th floor.
When wind moves the building, this orb sways into action, absorbing the building’s kinetic energy. As its movements trail the tower’s, hydraulic cylinders between the ball and the building convert that kinetic energy into heat, and stabilize the swaying structure.
With all these technologies in place, our mega-structures can stay standing and stable. But quickly traveling through buildings this large is a challenge in itself. In Wright’s age, the fastest elevators moved a mere 22 kilometers per hour. Thankfully, today’s elevators are much faster, traveling over 70 km per hour with future cabins potentially using frictionless magnetic rails for even higher speeds. And traffic management algorithms group riders by destination to get passengers and empty cabins where they need to be.
Skyscrapers have come a long way since Wright proposed his mile-high tower. What were once considered impossible ideas have become architectural opportunities. Today it may just be a matter of time until one building goes the extra mile.


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