No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
我迷路了 路线呢?
I''m lost! Where''s the line?
路线不见了 怎么办...?
It just went away. What do I do? What do I do?
救命啊 我们会永远困在这儿了
- Help! - We''ll be stuck here forever!
Do not panic. Do not panic!
我们是受过训的专家 现在保持冷静
We are trained professionals. Now, stay calm.
We are going around the leaf.
绕...绕过叶子? 我...我想我们办不到
A...Around the leaf? I...I don''t think we can do that.
哦 胡说八道 这跟93年树枝事件相比根本没什么
Oh, nonsense. This is nothing compared to the twig of''93.
That''s it. That''s it. Good!
很好 你做的很好 就是这样 再继续
You''re doing great! There you go. There you go!
看着我的眼睛 不要看别处
Watch my eyes. Don''t look away.
路线就在这里了 谢谢 谢谢 索尼先生
- And here''s the line again. - Thank you. Thank you, Mr Soil.
哈...大伙儿 干的好
Good job, everybody!
天哪 索尼先生 刚刚的缺口可真大
Oh, my. There''s quite a gap, Mr Soil.
要不要告诉皇后啊? 我想不必拿这件事情让皇后烦心
- Shouldn''t we tell the queen? - I don''t think we need to involve the queen in this.
她最近已经够忙的了 训练她的女儿
She''s got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.
没错 雅婷公主 那可怜的孩子
Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear.
风变弱了 他们马上就会到了
Oh, wind''s died down. They''ll be here soon.
亲爱的 要有信心 不会有事的 那里有个缺口
- Just be confident, dear. You''ll be fine. - There''s a gap.
队伍里有个缺口 我们要怎么办?
There''s a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?
没关系的 公主殿下 缺口常会有 我们只相差几寸而已
It''s okay, Your Highness. Gaps happen. We just lost a few inches, that''s all.
哦 对...
Oh. Right.
公主殿下 你这样盘旋我没办法数数了
Your Highness, I can''t count when you hover like that.
哦 对不起 你继续
Oh, of course. I''m sorry. Go ahead.
好了 先去替别人遮阴吧
Guys, go shade someone else for a while.
雅婷 你说 现在要做什么呢?
Okay, Atta. Now what do we do?
呃...别告诉我 我知道...是什么呢
Uh... Oh! Don''t tell me. I know it. I know it. What is it?
我们放轻松 对
- We relax. - Right.
放心吧 每年都是一样的
Oh, it''ll be fine. It''s the same, year after year.
他们来 他们吃 他们走 这就是我们的命运
They come, they eat, they leave. That''s our lot in life.
虽然苦 还是得过呀
It''s not a lot, but it''s our life.
哈...对不对啊 蚜蚜? 你真是个可爱的小蚜虫
Isn''t that right, Aphie? Oh, you''re such a cute little aphid.
快 甩掉小不点 耶
- Ditch Dot! - Yeah, yeah!
嘿 你们回来啊
Hey, come back here!
小不点 什么事 妈妈?
- Dot! - Yes, Mother.
What did I tell you about trying to fly?
Not until my wings grow in.
对 妈...
- Right. - But, Mom...
小不点 你还小 而且你的翅膀还没长好啊
Dot, you''re a young queen ant, and your wings are too little to be...
我是在跟妈说话 你还不是皇后 雅婷
I was talking to Mother. You''re not the queen yet, Atta.
小不点 不要跟你姐姐顶嘴哦
Now, Dot, be nice to your sister.
It''s not my fault she''s so stressed out.
I know, I know.
我的表现像是天要塌下来似的 小心啊
- I''m always acting like the sky is falling. - Look out!
雅婷 雅婷公主...
- Atta! - Princess Atta! Princess Atta! - Princess Atta!
快住手 你在干嘛?
- Stop that! - What do you think you''re doing?
这样会出人命的 对不起...
- You could have killed somebody over here. - I''m sorry!
对不起... 哦 是飞力啊
- I''m sorry! - Oh, it''s Flik.
I''m sorry, I''m sorry, I''m sorry, I''m so sorry!
请原谅我 对不起
Please forgive me. I''m sorry!
雅婷公主 飞力 你在干什么啊?
- Princess Atta! - Flik, what are you doing?
哦 这个啊 这是我收割谷粒的新点子啊
Oh! Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvesting grain.
再也不必采摘一谷一谷的谷子 可以砍断整根茎干
No more picking individual kernels. You can just cut down the entire stalk!
飞力 我们没时间听这些
- Flik, we don''t have time for this.
没错 我们从来没有时间为自己收集食物
- Exactly! We never have time to collect food for ourselves.
因为整个夏天 都在为贡品做准备
Because we spend all summer harvesting for the offering.
但是我的发明可以加速生产 噢 又一个新发明?
- But my invention will speed up production. - Oh, another invention?
对 我也有东西要给你 飞力
- Yeah, and I''ve got something for you too. - Flik!
既然你很快就会当皇后 你可以用这个来监督进度啊
Since you''re gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production.
萝拉医生 借用一下 这一切都很好... 好什么?
- Dr Flora, if I may. - This is all very nice, but... - What?
但是...飞力你 只是一根草和一颗小露珠 对吧? 飞力 拜托...
- Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right? - Flik, please.
错了 其实它是一个望远镜
Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope.
这非常聪明 但是...
- It''s very clever, Flik, but...
公主 你好 天啊 你今天早上看起来真可爱
- Hello, Princess! My, aren''t you looking lovely this morning!
不过当然啦 不必用望远镜也看得出来
Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that.
好了 听着 公主没时间听这些事情
All right, listen! The princess doesn''t have time for this!
你要帮我们完成这任务 那么就丢掉那机器...
You wanna help us fill this thing? Then get rid of that machine...
get back in line and pick grain like everybody else!
像其他蚂蚁一样啊 拜托 飞力 走吧
- Like everybody else! - Please, Flik. Just go.
对不起 我只是想要...
I''m sorry,I was... I was really just trying...
trying to help.
什么收割机嘛 从我还是蛹的时候我们就这样收割了
Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa.
Where were we?
呃 贡品 公主殿下 哦 对...
- The food pile, Your Highness. - Oh, yes, yes.
嘿 飞力 飞力 等等我
Hey, Flik! Flik! Wait up!
哦 你好 小公主 叫我小不点吧 来 你忘了这个
- Oh. Hello, Princess. - You can call me Dot. Here, you forgot this.
谢了 你留着吧 我可以再做一个
Thanks. You can keep it. I can make another one.
我很喜欢你的发明耶 真的? 你倒还是第一个
- I like your inventions. - Really? Well, you''re the first.
我还以为我做的一切都不管用 这很有用
- I''m beginning to think nothing I do works. - This works.
好极了 至少有一个成功
Great. One success.
但我永远成不了大事 我也一样
- I''m never gonna make a difference. - Me, neither.
我居然连飞都不会飞耶 我太小了
I''m a royal ant, and I can''t even fly yet. I''m too little.
哦 小并没有那么糟糕 它就有
- Oh, being little''s not such a bad thing. - Yes, it is.
不 它没有 有...
- No, it''s not. - Is too!
没有... 有...
- Is not. - Is too. - Is not. - Is too.
没有... 有...
- Is not. Is not. Is not. Oh! - Is too. Is too. Is too.
种子 我需要一个种子
A seed. I need... I need a seed. Ahh...
Ah, here, here.
Pretend... pretend that that''s a seed.
这是石头 这是石头我知道
- It''s a rock. - Oh, I know it''s a rock. I know.
但是我们先假装一下它是种子好吗? 发挥你的想像力
But let''s just pretend for a minute that it''s a seed, all right? We''ll just use our imaginations.
Now... Now, do you see our tree?
Everything that made that giant tree...
is already contained inside this tiny little seed.
它只需要一点点时间 一点点阳光 雨水
All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and...
这石头 它会变成大树?
This rock will be a tree?
种子变成树 你得专心听好吗?
Seed to tree. You''ve gotta work with me, all right? Okay.
好 你现在 也许觉得做不了什么
You might not feel like you can do much now...
那只是因为 你还不是棵大树
but that''s just because, well, you''re not a tree yet.
你必须给自己一点时间 你还是个种子
You just have to give yourself some time. You''re still a seed.
这是石头 我知道这是石头
- But it''s a rock. - I know it''s a rock!
我看到石头的时候 会不知道它是石头吗?
Don''t ya think I know a rock when I see a rock?
I''ve spent a lot of time around rocks!
你好奇怪喔 但我喜欢你
You''re weird, but I like you.
They''re here.
They''re here!
快跑...妈 你在哪?
Mom! Where are you?
他们来了 快跑
- They''re coming! - Run!
小不点... 妈 大家快成单线纵队...
- Dot! Dot! - Mom! - Single file!
妈 谢天谢地
- Mom! - Thank heavens!
快把食物放在贡品石头上 好 所有人单线纵队
- Food to the offering stone. - Okay, everyone, single file.
把食物送到石头上 然后躲进蚁穴 快一点
Food to the offering stone and into the anthill. Now let''s go!
Go, go, go, go!
Come on. Keep movin'', keep movin''! Good.
很好 大家都到了
Okay. That''s everyone.
嘿 等等我
Hey! Hey, wait for me!
把食物送到贡品石头上 然后躲进蚁穴
Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill.
No! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh!
哦 不
Oh, no.
Princess Atta! Princess Atta!
Princess Atta!
他们来 他们吃 他们走
They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat, they leave.
Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me.
Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me.
抱歉...借过... 雅婷公主 我必须告诉你一件事情
Sorry, sorry. Coming through. Princess Atta, there''s something I need to tell you.
等一下 飞力 但是公主 这跟贡品有关啊
- Not now, Flik. - But, Your Highness, it''s about the offering!
喂 这怎么回事啊? 是啊 食物在哪?
- Hey, what''s goin'' on? - Yeah, where''s the food?
你做了什么好事? 那是个意外
- What did you do? - It was an accident?
Where''s the food? Huh?
So, where is it?
Where''s my food?
没...没在上面吗? 什么?
- I...Isn''t it up there? - What?
那些食物就堆在一片叶... 你说什么?
- The food was in a leaf sitting on top... - Excuse me.
Are you sure it''s not up there?
你是说我像笨蛋? 不
- Are you saying I''m stupid? - No.
Do I look stupid to you?
我们来想想这个逻辑好吗? 只要稍微想一想就行了
Let''s just think about the logic, shall we? Let''s just think about it for a second.
如果食物在上面 难道我还会自贬身价的
If it was up there, would I be coming down here...
to your level, looking for it?
呃 我... 我干嘛要跟你说话?
- Uh, l... - Why am I even talking to you?
你又不是皇后 你闻起来也不像皇后
You''re not the queen. You don''t smell like the queen.
她...很快就会继承我了 霸王
Sh-She''s learning to take over for me, Hopper.
哦 我懂了 新的管理阶层 所以这是你的错
Oh, I see. Under new management. So it''s your fault.
不 不是我的错 而是...
No, it wasn''t me. It was...
哦 哦 领导者的第一守则 所有一切都是你的错
Uh-uh-uh. First rule of leadership: Everything is your fault.
但是我... 外面是个虫吃虫的世界 公主
- But-But l... - It''s a bug-eat-bug world out there, Princess...
one of those circle-of-life kind of things.
现在我来告诉你 事情是怎么运作的
Now, let me tell you how things are supposed to work.
阳光让食物生长 蚂蚁要采集食物
The sun grows the food. The ants pick the food.
而蚱蜢来吃光食物 而小鸟来吃掉蚱蜢
- The grasshoppers eat the food... - And the birds eat the grasshoppers.
就有一只差点 把你给吃掉了 你还记得吗?
Hey, like the one that nearly ate you, you remember? You remember?
你们真该看一看的 摩尔特
- Oh, you should''ve seen it. - Molt.
这只蓝鸟 已经把他吞掉一半了 然后霸王又踢又叫的
This blue jay... He has him halfway down his throat, okay? And Hopper... Hopper''s kickin'' and screamin'', okay?
我可吓坏了 我才不要靠近咧
And I''m scared, okay? I''m not goin'' anywhere near, okay?
拜托 精彩的还在后面呢
Aw, come on. It''s a great story. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
I swear, if I hadn''t promised Mother on her deathbed...
向她保证 我不杀你 你还能活到现在? 你白痴啊
that I wouldn''t kill you, I would kill you.
请相信我 没有人比我更感激这一点了 闭嘴
- And believe me, no one appreciates that more than I do. - Shut up!
我在这个小岛的时候 不想再听到你开口
I don''t want to hear another word out of you while we''re on this island.
Do you understand me?
我说 你听清楚没有? 你不准我开口 你叫我怎么回答?
- I said, do you understand me? - Well, how can I answer? You said I couldn''t say another word.
Remember Ma!
嘿 我可是有同情心的昆虫
Hey, I''m a compassionate insect.
还有几个月 雨季才会到
There''s still a few months till the rains come...
so you can all just try again.
但是霸王 就是因为雨季快要到了
But, Hopper, since it''s almost the rainy season...
我们需要这段时间 为自己收集食物啊
we need this time to gather food for ourselves.
听好 如果你们没办法达成我们的协议
Listen, if you don''t keep your end of the bargain,
then I can''t guarantee your safety.
外面可是有很多昆虫 会占你们的便宜的
And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you.
Someone could get hurt.
你怎么回事? 你是在怕蚱蜢吗?
What''s the matter? You scared of grasshoppers?
小不点 你不喜欢山霸?
- Dot! - You don''t like Thumper?
Leave her alone!
想救她? 来啊 来救啊
You want her? Go ahead. Take her.
不敢? 那就滚回你的队伍去
No? Then get back in line.
我觉得你们这些蚂蚁 已经忘记自己是什么东西
It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place.
So let''s double the order of food.
什么 不...
- Huh? - No! But-But-But...
We''ll be back at the end of the season...
when the last leaf falls.
祝你们有个愉快的夏天 咱们飞
You ants have a nice summer. Let''s ride!
飞力 你还有什么话好说?
Flik, what do you have to say for yourself?
抱歉 我很抱歉我那么做了
Sorry. L... I''m sorry for the way I am.
I didn''t mean for things to go so wrong.
我也不想让你觉得丢脸啊 公主
I especially didn''t want to make you look bad, Princess.
但飞力 你做了 我只是想要帮忙
- Well, Flik, ya did. - I was just trying to help.
那就帮帮忙 不要帮我们
Then help us... don''t help us.
帮忙? 帮忙 帮手? 飞力 我现在判你去挖一个月的通道
- Help? Help? Help? - Flik, you are sentenced to one month digging in the tunnels.
对不起啊 殿下 容我提醒您
Excuse me, Your Highness.
Need I remind you of Flik''s tunnel-within-a-tunnel project?
找帮手来帮忙 就是这样 我们可以... ...两天时间
- Helpers to help us. That could... That''s it! That''s... We could... - It took the whole engineering department...
two days to dig him out.
让他到健康服务队去 老天 不
- Send him to Health and Ant Services. - Heavens, no!
只要... 我们可以离开小岛
We could leave the island.
河床现在是干的 我们可以越过河床
The river bed''s dry right now. We''d just walk right across the river bed.
...找帮手 我们...我们当然能够离开啦 找帮手来帮忙我们
We could go get helpers. We could! We could leave. Sure. We could go find helpers to help us.
太完美了 完美 什么很完美啊?
- It''s perfect! - Perfect? What''s so perfect?
殿下 难道你看不出来吗? 我们可以请人去找帮手啊
Your Highness, don''t you see? We could send someone to get help!
Leave the island?
我怎么没想到这一点? 哦 因为这是在自杀
Now, why didn''t I think of that? Oh! Because it''s suicide!
皇后说的对 我们从来没离开过 绝不能离开
- She''s right! We never leave the island. - Never leave!
外面有蛇 有鸟和更大的虫
There''s snakes and birds and bigger bugs out there!
没有错 更大的虫
Exactly! Bigger bugs!
我们可以找更大的虫 来这里作战
We could find bigger bugs to come here and fight...
and forever rid us of Hopper and his gang!
可笑 谁会愿意做这么疯狂的事情?
- Ludicrous! - Who would do a crazy thing like that?
我自愿 我很乐意自愿去找
I''ll volunteer. I''d be very happy to volunteer.
哈...孩子 你真有胆量 但是没有人愿意帮一群蚂蚁的
You got a lot of spunk, kid, but no one''s gonna help a bunch of ants.
至少我们可以试试看啊 哦 我可以...
At least we could try. Oh, I...I could...
到大城市去 我可以在那里找
I could travel to the city! I could search there!
如果你去 得花上好几个星期
If you went, you''d be on that silly search for weeks.
皇室会商 公主 这是个好主意 非常的完美
- Royal huddle. - Great idea, Princess. It''s perfect.
确实 等一下
- Exactly. - Wait a minute.
我刚说了什么啦? 先让飞力离开
- What did we just decide here? - To let Flik leave.
直到我们收割完 达到霸王的要求
While we keep harvesting to meet Hopper''s demands.
你知道飞力不在 他就不会... 就不会给我们找麻烦
- You see, with Flik gone, he can''t... - He can''t mess anything up!
飞力 经过仔细的考虑 我们决定答应你的要求
Flik, after much deliberation, we have decided to grant you your request.
真的? 真的? 真的
- Really? - Really? - Uh, really.
谢谢你 公主 谢谢你给我这个机会
Oh, thank you, Princess. Thank you so much for this chance.
我保证不会让你失望的 好...很好 我保证
- I...I...I won''t let you down, I promise, I promise, I promise.
没关系 真的没关系
- Yeah, that''s fine. That''s fine. No, forget it. Forget it.
但我最好在离开前 先修好我造成的破坏
- Oh, but I should probably help repair the damage before I go, don''t you think?
不 不用了...你走吧
- No! No, no! Just go.
只管走吧 只管走吧
- Just go. - Just leave!
别担心 蚂蚁岛有救了
Don''t worry! The colony is in good hands!
Bye, now.
All right.
嗨 各位 美好的一天 是吧?
Hey, fellas. Beautiful mornin'', huh?
我爸爸说你离开小岛一个小时以后 就会哭着回来了
- My dad says he gives you 1 hour before you come back to the island crying.
- Does he, now?
我爸不这么想 不是吗?
- My dad doesn''t think that. - He doesn''t, huh?
对 他说你会死定了 哦
- Now, he''s bettin'' you''re gonna die. - Oh.
他说 如果你没被晒死 就是被鸟吃掉 我认为他会成功的
- Yeah, he says if the heat doesn''t get ya, the birds will. - Well, I think he''s gonna make it.
没人问你 你这个小矮子 是啊 小不点 你知道什么?
- Nobody asked you, Your Royal Shortness. - Yeah, Dot. What do you know?
Hey, hey, hey. Ease up, all right? Come on.
She''s entitled to her opinion too.
So go, already.
嘿 城市在那边
- Hey! - The city''s that way.
我知道 你应该是去找帮手 不是去找蒲公英
- I know. - You''re supposed to look for bugs, not dandelions.
你们别烦他 他知道他在做什么
You leave him alone. He knows what he''s doing.
That''s right.
我要走了 为了蚁岛 也为了所有受压迫的蚂蚁们
Here I go. For the colony, and for oppressed ants everywhere!
嘿 再见 飞力
- Hey, hey, hey! - Bye, Flik!
Good luck, Flik!
Bye! Whoa-oh!
I''m okay!
你爸说的对 他死定了 你们等着瞧好了
- Your dad''s right. He''s gonna die. - You just watch.
他会找到你们所见过 最强最棒的虫虫
He''s gonna get the bestest, roughest bugs you''ve ever seen!
退后 退后 退后点 你这可怕的野兽
Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast!
I have no fear!
哦 哦 我的天哪
- Ooh! - Oh, my goodness.
哦 不
Oh, no!
对不起 迪姆 好痛? 痛
- Oh, I''m so sorry, Dim. An owie? - Owie! Owie, owie.
来 告诉萝丝 那里痛 好了迪姆 乖乖不痛了
Please show Rosie the owie. All right, Dim. It''s okay.
哼 我从来没有见过这么逊的表演
I have been in outhouses that didn''t stink that bad.
什么跳蚤马戏团 真是烂透了
This is ridiculous. What a disappointment!
噢 不 你 过来 我要求退票
- Oh, no! - You! Come here! I want my money back!
Uh, no refunds after the first two minutes.
爆米花 馊爆米花
Popcorn! Stale popcorn!
我们观众都跑了 你们这些小丑上台表演
We''re losin'' the audience! You clowns get out there now!
我讨厌空着肚子上台表演 先表演
- I hate performing on an empty stomach! - Do your act, Heimlich.
然后才能吃 团长 有什么用啊?
- Then you can eat. - P.T., what''s the point?
别闹了 阿竿 我们干嘛要上台去? 他们只会嘲笑我
- Not now, Slim. - What''s the point of going out there? They''ll only laugh at me.
因为你们本来就是小丑 不 那是因为我只是道具
- That''s because you''re a clown! - No, it''s because I''m a prop!
你老是把我当成了扫帚 竿子 棍子 或者是竹竿
You always cast me as the broom, the pole, the stick, a splinter.
你是一只竹节虫 这样好玩
You''re a walking stick. It''s funny!
上台 你这个寄生虫
- Now go! - You parasite.
Spring''s in the air.
我是一朵花 一朵没话好说的花 有蜜蜂
And I''m a flower with nothing interesting to say. A bee!
I am a cute little bumblebee!
Here I come!
你们这些花 跑慢一点嘛
Slow down, you flowers!
玉米糖? 来 我帮你吃掉它
Candy corn! Here. Here. Let me help you to finish it.
嘿 美人儿 要让真的虫来传花粉吗?
Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug?
Ooh, come to Papa, yeah!
到我这来 身为瓢虫就一定是女性 是吗 苍蝇兄弟?
So, bein'' a ladybug automatically makes me a girl, is that it, fly boy? Huh?
什么 她是男的 法兰斯 不要理他们
- She''s a guy! - Francis, leave them alone.
他们的手上有便便 别再闹了
- They are poo-poo heads! - Not again.
你们的嘴巴都那么臭 一定是吃了很多大便
Judging by your breath, you must have been buzzin'' around a dung heap all day.
好了 法兰斯 你要把那些蛆弄哭了
Come on, Francis. You''re making the maggots cry.
好了 外面都快毁了 吉普赛 快点 你和曼尼立刻...
All right, we''re dyin'' out there. Gypsy, quick! You and Manny...
He''s in a trance.
快把他弄醒 你跟你老公立刻上台 曼尼 该上台了
- Well, get him out of it! You and your husband are up now. - Manny, we''re on.
又提早上 又要靠我来救这些表演者
Oh? Yet again it is up to me to rescue the performance.
吉普赛 来吧
Gypsy, come.
舞台在另外一边 老公 我知道了
- The stage is the other way, dear. - Yes, of course.
随时候教 老兄 我会把你的头发一根一根拔光
Anytime, pal! I''m gonna pick the hairs out of your head one by one!
你尽管出招吧 地点随你挑
- Take your best shot! - You name the place!
哦 是吗? 只要你敢来 你就死定了
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah, ''cause when you get there, you are dead!
法兰斯 让我来应付 对小姐不能这么没礼貌
- Francis, let me handle this. That''s no way to speak to a lady.
我听到了 瘦竹竿
- I heard that, you twig.
嘿 各位先生女士 现在向你们介绍 伟大的魔术师曼尼
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Manto the Magnificent...
and his lovely assistant, Gypsy!
来自亚洲最神秘的地区 没有人烟的地方
From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia...
I give you the Chinese Cabinet...
of Metamorphosis!
萝丝 叫所有人都上台 快结束了 快
Rosie, whole troupe. On stage! Finale! Now!
好 我只要再一点点时间... 现在
- O-Okay, I just need a little time to... - Now!
来了... 阿德 阿乐换我们了 快点
Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll, let''s get moving, guys. We''re up next.
你们不懂吗 换我们上了
Don''t you understand? We are up!
嘿 嘿 他们听不懂我的话
- Hey! - Hey! They don''t understand me.
I summon the voice of Confucius...
你这江湖术士 快滚下台
Get off the stage, you old hack!
I demand to know who said that!
How dare you!
曼尼? 曼尼?
Manny? Manny!
我只剩下24小时可活 我可不想浪费在这儿
I only got 24 hours to live, and I ain''t gonna waste it here.
Come on.
I''ve just about had it with these losers!
Flaming death!
I hold in my hand the match...
就在今天晚上决定 这两只虫的生死
the match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very evening.
等一下 我将会点燃这一排火柴
In a moment, I will light this trail of matches...
直接烧到一张捕蝇纸 捕蝇纸上充满了汽油
leading to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid!
Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll...
the pill bug cannonballs!
要启动大炮的是迪姆 他被训练一听到铃声就跳
The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jump at the sound of this bell...
set to go off in 15 seconds.
Our pill bugs'' only hope of survival is...
唯一的生机就是高空蜘蛛小姐 萝丝
our mistress of the high wire, Rosie!
Secured to a web line of exact length...
Rosie will plummet down to these two posts...
在15秒钟内织出一个安全网 接住那两只甲壳虫
spinning a web of safety in less than 15 seconds!
这样还不够刺激吗? 如果把他们通通
Not good enough, you say? Well, what if they were all...
各位先生女士 我要建议
Ladies and gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you...
with weak constitutions leave the arena...
for this act is so dangerous...
that if the slightest thing should go wrong...
不 糟糕开始了吗 我刚才没听到
- No! - Go? Okay, through the tunnel...
赶快... 啊
- Okay, that''s done! - Whoa!
团长 噢 不
- P. T! - Oh, no!
水 我们要水 水...
- We need some water! - Water, water, water, water, water!
Get me outta here!
都怪我太紧张了 你们全被开除了
- It''s the web. I''m sorry. It''s... - You''re all fired.
水弄来啰 团长 我们来了 我们会救你
- We got the water! - Here we come, P. T! - We''ll save you.
快 再烧他一次
Whoa! Burn ''im again!
不 哈利 不要看那个灯
No, Harry, no! Don''t look at the light!
我控制不住 那灯好漂亮
I can''t help it! It''s so beautiful!
Try not to look like a country bug.
融入 融入他们
Blend... blend in.
嘿 小臭虫...
Hey, buggy!
别叫他 他身上可能有跳蚤
What do you expect? The guy''s a tick.
哇 城市
Wow! The city!
这班巴士会经过的站牌包括 化粪池
Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water...
空的罐头 还有...老鼠
empty bean can and dead rat.
小心你的刺 上车了 小心一点
- Watch your stingers. All aboard! - Whoa! - Hey, watch it.
不要挡路 哦 对不起
- Get out of the way! - Oh, sorry.
走路要长眼睛嘛 对不起...我意思是说 不是我...
- Watch where you''re goin''! - I''m sorry. I didn''t mean to do that. I didn''t mean...
Oh, sorry!
Oh. I''m really, really sorry.
That was an-an-an ac-ac-accident.
放开我的翅膀 我让你见识谁才狠
- Hey, let go of me! - I''ll show ya who''s tough!
还有 别再来了 好狠的虫虫
- And stay out! - Tough bugs!
我认识一个会吞苍蝇的老太婆 哇
- I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly... - Wow!
让开 哇
- Move it! - Whoa!
服务生 我的汤里面有苍蝇
Hey, waiter! I''m in my soup!
I''ve been workin'' out. Feel my wing.
嘿 给我来两份喷效
Yo! Two Black Flags over here!
好的 我们今天不醉不归
- All right. - Hair of the dog you bit.
嘿 谁点了米田共大餐?
Hey, who ordered the poo-poo platter?
来吧 帅哥 慢用
Here ya go, slick. Enjoy.
嘿 我说别加盐的
Hey, I said no salt!
来不及了 对不起 先生 我可以跟你谈一谈吗?
- Buzz off! - Oh, pardon me, sir. L-I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment.
我代表一个蚁岛 呃...蚂蚁的
I represent a colony of-of ants,
我们在找那个...强悍的傢伙 可怕的虫虫
and I''m looking... I''m looking for tough bugs, you know, mean bugs, the sort of bugs...
被跳蚤开除 我真丢脸啊
Fired by a flea... how humiliating!
Let''s face it: We stink.
You fired! You fired! You fired!
噢 拜托你们闭嘴 嘿 你被开除了
- Oh, will you shut up? - Hey! You fired!
没关系 将来我会是 一只漂亮的蝴蝶
Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly...
and then everything will be better.
我不敢相信这个剧团解散了 我们一直都在一起的
I can''t believe the troupe is breaking up. We''ve always been together.
再见了 我的朋友们 敬我们从未有过的掌声
- Farewell, my friends. - To the audience we''ll never have.
法兰斯 你马戏团的男朋友来了
Francis! Your boyfriends from the circus are here!
There she is.
嗨 娘娘腔 你好啊 走开 别烦我
- Hello there, girlie bug. - Shoo, fly. Don''t bother me.
Say, why don''t you tell our pal, Thud...
你在马戏团对我们说些什么 对
- what you said to us at the circus. - Yeah.
Somethin'' about buzzin'' around a dung heap?
对不起 我代表一个蚁岛 我们现在正在...
Uh, excuse me. Hi. I represent an ant colony, and we''re...
嘿 酒保 血腥玛丽O型阳性
Hey, bartender! Bloody Mary, O-positive.
小瓢虫 小瓢虫 就爱漂亮
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home
Not so tough now, are you?
好了 小丑 起来像女生一样战斗
All right, clown. Get up and fight like a girl.
准备做罗宾汉的表演 我想要当小约翰
- Get ready to do the Robin Hood act. - I want to be Little John!
这次我演什么 我正在找强悍的虫虫战士
- What part can I play? - You see, I''m looking for tough, warrior bugs.
你们这些苍蝇退后 我们是虫虫王国最伟大的战士
Stand back, ye flies! We are the greatest warriors in all bugdom!
虫虫战士 我的剑
- Warrior bugs! - My sword!
咻咻 锵锵
Swish, swish. Clang, clang.
小约翰 我来了 罗宾
- Little John? - What ho, Robin?
正义是我的剑 而真理是我的枪
Justice is my sword and truth shall be my quiver!
拜托 拜托 借我看一下
Wait, wait! No, no! I want to watch this!
现在怎么办? 戳它 刺它 闪
Thrust, parry, lunge!
Me thinketh it''s not working!
撤回森林 赶快撤
Back to Sherwood Forest!
What''s going on in there?
救命 救命 让我出去
Help! Help! Get me out!
哇... 你们太完美了
- Oh, ow-ow-ow-ow. - You''re perfect!
你们太棒了 我就是出来寻找 像你们这种有天份的虫虫
Oh, great ones! I have been scouting for bugs with your exact talents!
他是星探 我的家乡遇到了麻烦
- A talent scout. - My colony''s in trouble.
有蚱蜢来欺压我们 我们被迫要准备一大堆的食物
Grasshoppers are coming! We''ve been forced to prepare all this food.
餐厅秀? 食物?
- Dinner theatre! - Food?
拜托 你们能够帮我们吗?
Please! Will you help us?
Where are they?
我们接受了 真的? 好耶 有工作
- We''ll take the job! - Really? - Yes, yes, yes!
You can explain the details on the way.
好了 各位来个精彩的演出了 哇 你们好勇猛喔
- Okay, come on, everyone. Break a leg! - Whoa, you''re vicious!
坐稳了 蚂蚁先生
Hold on, Mr Ant.
真不可思议 我好像在作梦一样耶
Amazing! This is too good to be true!
所以霸王会再回来啊 都是我的错
So, you see, it was my fault that Hopper''s coming back.
但是雅婷公主呢 天啊 她太了不起了
But then, Princess Atta... boy, is she one in a million...
she let me go out and find you.
And after seeing you fight off those flies...
哇...那些蚱蜢啊 一定会大吃一惊的
Boy, are those grasshoppers in for a big surprise!
(知道他在说什么吗? )
萝拉医生 天哪 别又病倒了
- Dr Flora! - Oh, dear. Not another one.
这太不公平了 对...不公平
- This is insane. - Insane.
There''s just not enough food left on the island!
霸王来之前 绝弄不到双倍食物的
No way we can make double quota before Hopper comes.
噢 贺利 我们还是得试 我们别无选择啊
Well, we have to try, Thorny. We don''t have any choice.
对 我知道
Yeah, I know.
嘿 看谁又在痴痴的等了 小黑点
Hey, look who''s playing lookout again... little Speck!
我叫小不点 小斑点 你还在等飞力啊
- The name is Dot. - Well, Spot, you still lookin'' for Flik?
算了吧 小污点 那傢伙是绝对回不来的
Forget it, Dot. That loser''s never coming back.
飞力 他回来了...
Flik! He did it! He did it!
什么 你不要推我
What? Quit shoving!
就是这儿了 这里就是蚂蚁岛
This is it! This is Ant Island!
飞力 我在这 飞力...
Flik! Over here! Flik! Flik!
嘿 他成功了...
- Hey! - He did it! He did it! He did it! Yea!
他成功了 好酷喔
- He did it! - Cool!
照这叶子掉落的速度 我们将会需要奇迹
At the rate these leaves are dropping, we''re gonna need a miracle.
没错 是要奇迹
That''s right! We need a miracle!
Run for your lives!
看来我们的臭名 都传到这儿来了
Once again, our reputation precedes us.
嘿 大伙儿们 嘿 我回来了
Hey, everybody! Hey! I''m back!
嘿 各位 嘿...看看谁跟我一起回来了
Hey, guys! Hey-ey! Look-look-look who''s here with me!
飞力 飞力 飞力 你回来了 我就知道你会成功的
Flik! Flik! Flik! You''re back! I knew you could do it!
飞力 飞力 他回来了?
- Flik? - It''s Flik! - What?
是 不 不是飞力
- Yeah. - No, it''s not Flik.
飞力他回来了耶 他回来了?
- Flik has returned! - He''s back?
And he''s accompanied by savage insects!
怎么会? 他根本不可能会找到帮手的
What? How? He wasn''t supposed to actually find someone!
噢 你们赶快来看看这个 好棒
Oh, look at this. Look at this. This is great. Look.
哦 我的心 那你又应该是什么?
- Oh, my ticker! - So, what are you supposed to be?
他是棍子 笨蛋 你用他来打虫
He''s a stick, stupid. You hit bugs with him.
哦 这么说你就太小看我了 没错 就像这样
- Well, that''s an oversimplification. - That''s right, kids. Like this!
不 放我下来
No! Put me down! Ow!
嘿 原来你们是这样伸展的
- Hey! - My, you just pop right open there, don''t ya?
哦 孩子们 他最怕痒了
Uh-oh. Kids, he''s kinda ticklish.
来 来 出来出来 小心点
Let''s come on out. Careful.
噢 孩子 你成功了
Well, my boy, you came through.
Aphie and I are very impressed.
雅婷公主 嘿嘿...各位 各位 这位就是雅婷公主
Princess Atta! Hey! Hey, guys, this is Princess Atta!
She''s the one that sent me to find you!
雅婷... 你有没有看到那一只大虫虫? 他看来真的非常凶恶
- Atta, Atta! Did you see that really big bug over there? - He looks absolutely ferocious!
他们会帮我们渡过难关的 他们来的正是时候 对 没错
- They''re our ticket out of this mess! - They came just in time! - That''s right!
雅婷公主 你觉得怎么样?
So, Princess Atta, what... what do you think?
不不不 等等 可是事情不应该是这样的啊
No-no-no-no, wait! This was not supposed to happen.
我们原先希望他出去就... 危险 我们又要失业了
Mayday, Mayday. We''re losin'' the job.
We don''t fight grasshoppers.
我们不用 但他们可以啊 没错
- We don''t, but they will. - Bingo!
We gotta sweeten the deal.
公主殿下 各位先生女士
Your Majesty, ladies and gentlemen...
boys and girls of all ages...
我们保证 一定会使出我们的浑身解数
our troupe here guarantees a performance like no other!
Why, when your grasshopper friends get here, we are gonna...
knock them dead!
天哪 这些小傢伙真讨人喜欢
Boy, these folks are sure hard up for entertainment.
快 快 快点啊...
Come on, come on. Hurry!
放轻松 你应该以自己为荣的
Honey, relax. You should be proud of yourself.
Your instincts on that boy were right on the money.
为了表示我们对各位的欢迎 索尼先生
And to make our official welcome complete... Mr Soil?
是的 皇后殿下 他是本地的男演员
- Yes, Your Highness? - He''s our resident thespian.
去年他在“野餐”里 饰演男主角呢
Last year he played the lead in Picnic.
各位贵宾 在下索尼 和这些孩子们
The children... and myself... have quickly put together...
将为各位 展开一场精彩有趣的表演
a little presentation in honour of our guests.
小不点 雷德 黛西 抓抓
Dot, Reed, Daisy, Grub?
噢 他们真可爱 他们好可爱啊
Oh, aren''t they adorable! Ooh, they''re cute!
The South Tunnel Elementary School second grade class...
would like to present you with this, a mural we have drawn...
你们虫虫 帮我们打败蚱蜢的壁画
of you bugs helping us fight the grasshoppers away.
哦 你看看 那些鲜艳抢眼的血红色
Oh, look at the beautiful colours of the blood.
为了逼真 所以画其中之一壮烈牺牲
We drew one of you dying because our teacher said it would be more dramatic.
I tell you a tale of heroes so bold...
他们歼灭了我们的宿敌 蚱蜢
who vanquished our grasshopper enemies of old.
快看 最后一片叶子掉了
Look, the last leaf has fallen.
我们是蚱蜢 食物在哪里?
We are the grasshoppers! Where''s our food?
Who will come to save us poor ants?
我们是战士 是来保护你们的
We are the warriors, here to defend you!
我死了 死了...死了...
I die! Die! Die!
谢谢...噢 谢谢
Thank you, thank you! Oh, thank you!
I say we go.
好了 孩子 该你了 噢 对了...
- Okay, honey. You''re up. - Oh. Um...
We''re all very, very grateful to have...
拿去 请到这些战士
- Here, here. - The warriors...
首先呢 我要先谢谢这些战士肯到这来帮助我们
First of all, I''d like to thank the warriors for helping us in our fight...
against the grasshoppers.
Secondly, I would like to thank Flik...
他大胆的点子...才能 谢谢你 公主殿下
- for his forthright thinking... - Thank you, Your Highness.
噢 当然啦 这也不能全算是我的功劳
Oh, sure, I''d like to take credit for all of this, but, well, that wouldn''t be right.
因为你对我的信任 雅婷公主 你相信我
Because it was you, Princess Atta. You believed in me,
- and you sent me on my quest.
我真的必须立刻和他谈 你去告诉他
- You tell that ant that we need to talk to him right now.
好了 好了 我去说 我知道我在过去犯了许多的错
- Okay, okay, okay. - Now, I know that I''ve made mistakes in the past. - Go!
我希望能够弥补我... 飞力
- And Il... And I hope that this will make up... - Flik!
等一下 萝丝 我...我正在演讲
Not right now, Rosie. I...I''m making a speech.
Now, I truly believe that these bugs are the answer to our...
不 我们这里没有马戏团 所以我...啊
No, there''s no circus around here. So, l...
公主 这些战士要求 召开秘密会议来想把戏...
Your Highness, the warriors have called for a secret meeting to plan for a circus...
不 想办法 好让他们能够轻松的退敌
uh, circumventing the oncoming hordes so they can trapeze... trap them with ease!
我该一起去吗 不
- Shouldn''t I come too? - No!
对不起 这是最高机密 我得走了
Sorry, no, no, you see, it''s classified in the D.M.Z.
我得快 这是紧急军事会议 拜拜
Gotta go A.S.A.P. You know, strictly B.Y.O.B. Bye!
Sorry. Sorry I have to take the warriors away so early...
因为你们知道的 他...他们有很多事情要做
but you know, uh, they have a... they have a lot to get done,
with the battle looming and all.
So, uh, please, everyone enjoy the party.
Thanks again. Bye. Bye-bye.
Okay, just... just... just get in there. Go!
Go, go, go!
Circus bugs? How can you be circus bugs?
什么 喂...
- What? - Oh... - Hey, hey, hey.
你根本没有说到要杀蚱蜢 你欺骗我们嘛
You said nothin'' about killin'' grasshoppers, pal. You lied to us!
你在开玩笑吗 现在都什么时候了
Are you kidding? Do you know what this is?
朋友们 这叫做不实的广告
This, my friends, is false advertising.
你好大胆子 先生 你才是这出戏里的郎中
How dare you! You, sir, are the charlatan in this scenario...
touting your wares as a talent scout...
preying upon the hungry souls of hapless artistes.
再见了 先生
Good day to you, sir.
Wait! No, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You can''t go.
你们得帮帮我 给我时间 我会想出办法的
You have got to help me. Give me some time. I''ll come up with a plan.
只要告诉他们真相啊 他们不能...
- Just go tell them the truth! - They can''t...
不能知道真相 因为真相很糟糕
They can''t know the truth. The truth, you see, is bad.
我这辈子都会因为 这个错误抬不起头来的
I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life.
My children''s children will walk down the street...
别人会指着他说 看 这就是那个失败者飞力的后代
and people will point and say, "Look! There goes the spawn of Flik, the loser!"
哦 算了 好吧...那...你们走吧
Oh... oh, oh, you know, all right, fine. Yeah, okay. Just go.
但如果你们在离开前 能够帮我一个忙
But if you could just do me a little favour before you leave.
如果你们能够踩死我 那就太好了
Um, if you could squish me, that would be great, because, uh...
when they find out, I''m as good as dead.
我真的认为 我也应该参与这个会议喔 飞力
I really do think I should be part of this meeting. Flik!
啊 雅婷公主 见到你真好
Princess Atta! What a nice surprise.
告诉我 到底发生什么事了
Just what exactly is going on?
我也想跟这些 你所谓的战士谈一谈
I would like to speak with the so-called "warriors."
不行 因为他们现在正在 开高度的机密会议
You can''t! I mean, they are in the middle of a top secret meeting right now...
and they really should not be disturbed now.
对吧 各位?
Right, guys?
Could you ex... pl... Could you excuse... Uh, could you excuse me, please?
等等...拜托不要走 我那儿也不会去啊
- Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Please, don''t go! - I''m not going anywhere.
到底怎么回事啊 飞力
What is going on? Flik?
飞力 我就知道
Flik! Ooh, I knew it!
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Please! Don''t go!
不... 快 他快疯了 不...
- No! - Quick, he''s losin'' it! - No, no, no, no!
你们不能走 我已经走投无路了 是吗 我看不出来啊
- You can''t go! I''m desperate! - Really? I couldn''t tell.
翅膀 加油
Hmm. Come on, wings.
妈 飞力又在搞鬼了
Mother, Flik is up to something.
不 飞力 现在该放你下来了
- No! No! - Okay, Flik, time to put ya down now.
求求你们不要走 我快撑不住了 不
- Get him off me! He''s cutting off the circulation to my foot. - No, no!
不... 快放手
- No, no, no, no! - Let go!
求求你们不要走 放开竿子 飞力 我说真的
- Oh, please! Please! Don''t go! - Put the stick down. Flik, I mean it, now.
放开竿子 放手 快跑啊
- Drop the stick. Drop it. - Run!
老天 这小傢伙跑的还真快
Boy, he runs fast for a little guy.
This way.
There they are.
有鸟 飞力
- A bird! - Flik!
你看 小不点
- Look! - Dot!
小不点 我的宝贝
- Dot! - My baby!
Huh? I gotcha! I gotcha!
I gotcha, I gotcha!
我看不见 快想想办法呀
- I can''t see! - Somebody do something!
他们没事吧 有谁看到了吗 他们还活着吗
- Are they all right? - Can anyone see? Are they alive?
我看不到 到底怎么回事
- I can''t see! - What is happening?
小不点? 天哪 他们有麻烦了
- Dot? - Good heavens, they''re in trouble!
法兰斯... 各位 我有个点子了
- Francis, Francis, Francis, Francis, Francis, Francis... - Oh, you guys, I''ve got an idea!
来 让我来看
Here! I''ve got it!
拜托 小姐 醒醒...醒醒...
Please, ma''am, wake up! Wake up!
救命啊 救命... 吁呼
- Help! Help! - Yoo-hoo!
早起的鸟先生 快来吃竿子上面 美味可口的肥虫虫
Mr Early Bird! How about a nice, tasty worm on a stick?
I''m going to snap. I''m going to snap.
Nice and juicy, succulent...
Let''s go!
他们在那里 飞力 救命
- There they are! - Flik! Help!
飞力 没事了 小不点
- Flik! - It''s going to be okay, Dot.
拜拜 大笨鸟
Bye-bye, birdie!
救命啊 我被卡住了 拉我下去
Help! I''m stuck! Pull me down!
那只毛毛虫用他自己当诱饵 多勇敢啊
- The caterpillar''s using himself as live bait! - How brave!
收小腹啊 老兄
Suck it in, man!
噢 我的腿
Ow. My leg!
The bird! The bird! Look out for the bird!
Up-a, up-a, up-a, up-a, up-a!
What is that?
我的朋友们 那种声音应该叫做鼓掌声
That, my friends, is the sound of applause!
鼓掌声 很爽
Applause... I''m in heaven!
小蓝莓童军向各位致敬 因为你们救了
Our Blueberry troop salutes you bugs for rescuing our smallest member,
Princess Dot.
为了感谢法兰斯小姐 我们改了我们的披肩布
And as a tribute to Miss Francis, we''ve changed our bandannas!
We voted you our honorary den mother!
什么 太好了
What? Great.
好了 孩子们 快点离开这个地方了
All right, girls. Let''s move your little keisters outta here now.
你们知道病人需要休息的 快走啦
The patient needs her rest, you know. Come on.
呃...对不起 飞力 我可以跟你说句话吗
Oh, excuse me, Flik. Can I talk to you just for a second?
当然 呃
- Huh? Oh, sure. - Oww!
Again, uh, thank you all, very, very much.
噢 不客气 你太好了 谢谢
- Oh, stop it. - You''re too kind. - Thank you.
你想我没冒犯到那些战士吧 你? 没有
- You don''t think I''ve offended the warriors, do you? - You? No.
噢 那就好 因为
Oh, good. Because, you see...
你刚带他们回来的时候 我还以为你雇用了一群小丑呢
when you first brought them here, I thought you''d hired a bunch of clowns.
Ya did?
别告诉他们我这么说喔 老天
Don''t tell ''em I said that. Boy,
我最不需要的 就是再犯一个大错
that''s all I''d need, another royal blunder like that.
公主 你表现的好极了 谢了 你真甜
- Princess, you''re doin'' a great job. - Thanks. You''re sweet.
你错了 但很窝心
You''re wrong but sweet.
我知道他们心里都怎么想 我不懂你的意思
- I know what everyone really thinks. - I don''t follow you.
每个人 这整个蚁岛 没有人认为我能胜任这工作
Everyone... the whole colony. Nobody really believes I can do this job.
It''s like they''re all watching me...
等着...等着... 等着看你搞砸吧
- just, just... - Waiting for you to screw up.
飞力 我应该向你道歉 为什么?
- Flik, I owe you an apology. - For what?
我以前对你不太好 很抱歉
Well, I haven''t been that nice to you, and I''m sorry.
如果有我能补偿你的地方 嘿 有了
If there''s any way I can make it up to you... Hey! I know!
你要不要当皇家武士的助手 和那些战士沟通
How would you like to be the queen''s official aide to the warrior bugs?
我? 对呀 你跟他们的关系非常好啊
- Me? - Oh, sure. You''ve got a great rapport going with them...
尤其是你救了小不点 你是那么的勇敢
especially after that rescue... it was very brave.
真的? 不是每只虫都敢对抗鸟的
- Really? Naw, naw... - Well, not every bug would face a bird.
你知道 连霸王都怕鸟 是啊 话是没错
- I mean, even Hopper''s afraid of''em. - Yeah, well, I guess maybe I have...
再说一次 我说 就连霸王都怕鸟啊
- Say that again? - I said, even Hopper''s afraid of birds.
Thank you.
霸王他也怕鸟 我不会怪他
- Hopper''s afraid of birds! - And I don''t blame ''im!
Oh, oh, oh, this is perfect.
我们可以除掉霸王 而且还可以保住我的面子
We can get rid of Hopper, and no one has to know that I messed up.
You just keep pretending you''re warriors.
等等 飞力 我们没打算跟蚱蜢作战好吗?
Whoa, Flik, honey. We are not about to fight grasshoppers, okay?
你们可以在 蚱蜢到达之前就走了 这很简单 就这么做
You''ll be gone before the grasshoppers ever arrive. It''ll be easy. Here''s what we do.
Not another word.
我不知道你的蚂蚁 小脑袋里在打什么歪主意
I don''t know what you''re concocting in that little ant brain of yours...
but we''ll have no part of it.
对不起 我们可以请战士签名吗?
Excuse me? Could we get the warriors'' autographs?
太好了 太棒了 你们两个看到今天行动没有啊
- Oh, wow! Great! - So, you fellas catch the action today?
噢 那只鸟差一点就把你吃掉了
Oh! The bird went... and it just missed you!
你真可爱 你假装卡在裂缝的办法好棒喔
- Oh, aren''t you sweet? - And the way you pretended to be stuck in that huge crack!
那只是计划中的一部份 是的
- Oh, that''s just all part of the plan. - Yeah, yeah.
And then you dive-bombed into the bush!
拿去吧 孩子 哇 谢了
- There you go, my boy. - Wow! Thanks!
我是曼尼上校 小伙子
That''s Major Manny, young cadet.
我的官阶比谁都大 记住这点喔 是 长官
- I outrank everyone here. Remember that. - Yes, sir!
解...散 哇哦
- Dismissed! - Wow!
等我长大 我也要当螳螂 我要当竹节虫
- When I grow up, I''m gonna be a praying mantis! - I''m gonna be a stick bug!
噢 他们都好酷 不知道该选谁
Oh, they''re all so cool, I can''t pick!
噢 好可爱的孩子啊 呃...你刚刚说什么?
Delightful lads. You were saying, Flik?
听好 我们现在要做一只假鸟
All right. We are going to build a bird...
一只可以从里面操纵的鸟 我们把鸟藏在...
a bird that we can operate from the inside, which would then be hoisted above our anthill...
Hoisted above the anthill and hidden high in the tree.
Then, right when Hopper and his gang are below...
we''ll launch the bird and scare off the grasshoppers.
Now it''s going to take...
Everyone''s involvement to make this plan a reality.
我知道我们蚂蚁的传统 一向是循规蹈矩
I know it''s not our tradition to do things differently...
但是如果我们的祖先 能建立这蚁穴
but if our ancestors were able to build this anthill...
我们当然可以同心协力 去完成这只大鸟
we can certainly rally together to build this bird!
太好了 好 各就各位
- Perfect! - Okay, hit your marks!
嗨 飞力 哦
- Hi, Flik. - Oh.
好喜欢她的触角喔 就是啊 谢谢
- Do you mind passing the sugar crumbs? - Yeah, sure. - Thank you.
她的眼睛好漂亮 哦 谢谢
- I love what you did with your antenna. - Oh, thank you.
你看 她真是天生的母亲
Oh, look. She''s a natural mother.
好了 我受够了 走开 走开 大家都走开
All right, that''s it! Out! Out! Everybody out!
怎么样现在你们要哭了对吧 你们哭吧 我才不怕呢?
Okay, now you''re gonna cry, right? You''re gonna cry.
尽管哭啊 哭啊
See if I care. Go ahead and cry. Go ahead.
拜托 不要哭 拜托
Please, don''t cry. Please. Huh?
好 低一点...
Okay, lower, lower...
You got it. And that''s it!
东缝缝 西补补...东缝缝
Rabbit through the hole, chicken in the barn, two by two by, there''s the yarn.
干的好 各位 干的好
Good job, guys! Nice work!
上 下...
Up, down. Up, down. Up, down.
Read ''em and weep.
飞力 小心
Flik, watch out!
Look! I''m a beautiful butterfly!
好极了 各位 大家继续努力
There ya go. Good job, fellas. Keep up the good work.
好 拉
You''re fired!
看看我 我光着脚耶
Whoo-hoo! Look at me! I''m barefootin''! Whoo-hoo!
嘿 蚊子 来两份杂粮 快点
Yo, bugito, dos granitos, pronto!
You gotta try this, man!
We have more than enough food.
如果我们回到那里 又刚好碰到那里下雨
We go all the way back there and it starts to rain,
we might as well be suckin'' bug spray.
哦 你说的没错 你知道吗?
Ooh, don''t even say that! You know somethin''?
回去等于送死 我是说干嘛冒险呢?
You''re makin'' a lot of sense. I mean, why take the risk?
你应该去告诉霸王的 好主意
- You should tell Hopper. - Good idea.
但是...你知道 我们真的没有立场
But, you know, it''s really not our place.
我是说 你是他弟弟啊 你就像...
I mean, you''re his brother. That makes you, like, uh...
the vice president of the gang.
哇 那倒是真的 对吧
Wow! It kinda does, doesn''t it?
好 我去告诉他 老天 我真该跟你们多聊聊的
Okay, I''ll tell ''im. Boy, I should talk to you guys more often.
如果霸王不喜欢呢? 那也是这傻蛋挨扁 又不是我们
- What if Hopper doesn''t like it? - Then at least the genius will get smacked and not us.
Vice President Molt.
好 好极了
Ooh, yeah, that''s good. Oh, that''s good.
低...低一点 低一点 嗨 霸王
- Ooh, a little lower. Ahh, lower, lower. - Hey ya, Hop.
走开 好 那我就不告诉你我的点子
- Go away. - That''s fine. Then I won''t tell ya my idea.
很好 拜托拜托 让我告诉你吧
- Good! - Okay, okay. I''ll tell ya anyway.
我一直在想哦 你知道我身为副总裁嘛
You see, I''ve been thinkin'', okay, which is somethin'' that I do, you know, bein'' vice president and all.
我想到了一个好点子 我们干嘛还要再回蚁岛呢?
And this is a thought. And it was mine. Why go back to Ant Island at all?
I mean, you don''t even like grain.
什么? 对啊 我也不觉得这是一个好点子
- What? - You''re right. I didn''t think it was such a good idea myself.
这不是我的点子 是阿轴和阿洛的
Actually, it wasn''t even my idea. It was Axle and Loco''s!
他们说得好好听 我都听糊涂了
They talked fancy to me. I got confused!
各位 大家可以继续唱
Guys, order another round...
because we''re stayin'' here!
我在干什么 居然还想回蚂蚁岛
What was I thinking? Going back to Ant Island.
I mean, we just got here,
而且我们有足够的食物 能够渡过冬天 对吧
and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter.
Right? Why go back?
But there was that ant that stood up to me.
是啊 但是我们可以不要理他 没错 只是一只小蚂蚁
- Yeah, but we can forget about him! - Yeah, it was just one ant.
One ant!
说的好 他不过只是只小蚂蚁
Yeah, you''re right! It''s just one ant!
是啊 老大 微不足道 微不足道?
- Yeah, boss. They''re puny! - Hmm, puny.
那如果这谷谷子 是只微不足道的小蚂蚁
Say, let''s pretend this grain is a puny little ant.
这会痛吗 不会
- Did that hurt? - Nope.
那这个呢 别开玩笑啦
- Well, how ''bout this one? - Are you kiddin''?
Well, how ''bout this?
只要让一只蚂蚁 站出来对抗我们
You let one ant stand up to us...
then they all might stand up.
那些微不足道的小蚂蚁 可是我们蚱蜢的一百倍
Those puny little ants outnumber us 100 to one.
如果他们搞懂这一点 我们可就没得混了
And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life!
我要的不只是食物 而是要给这些蚂蚁一点教训
It''s not about food. It''s about keeping those ants in line.
That''s why we''re going back!
Does anybody else wanna stay?
He''s quite the motivational speaker, isn''t he?
Let''s ride!
敬那只鸟... 那只鸟
- To the bird! - The bird!
下来吧 小胖胖
Get down, roly boys!
看你能多低 一起来 看你能多低
- How low can you go? Sing it now. - How low can you go
快啊公主 看你能多低?
Do it, Princess. How low can you go
And that''s how my 12th husband died.
我也成了寡妇了 我一直是个黑寡妇
So, now I''m a widow. I mean, I''ve always been a black widow...
but now I''m a black widow widow.
贺利 那些煞星来了吗 我来看看
- Thorny! Any sign of those fiends? - Let me check.
还没有 但我们都严阵以待
No, not yet. But we''ll be ready for ''em.
小蓝莓 解散
Blueberries, dismissed!
And, uh, quit beatin'' the boys up.
Those little raisins do grow on ya.
嘿 怎么样 玩得开不开心啊
Hey, how you guys doin''? Some party, huh?
这些稻谷都还很新鲜吧 好了
Is that grain dip fresh or what? Okay.
我会告诉你们 什么时候到指挥中心
I''ve told everyone you''ll be stationed deep in the command bunker.
等他们热闹起来 我会带你们走后门 你们就能够离开了
Party quiets down, I sneak you out the back way and then you''re outta here forever.
Dim don''t wanna go.
如果迪姆留下 他会需要我 他还得要包尿布
Well, if Dim stays he''s gonna need me here. He''s not fully trained.
I mean, house-trained.
我呃...我答应小蓝莓童军 要教他们玩纸牌
I, uh, I kinda promised the Blueberries I''d teach ''em canasta.
看来我们已经 订下了延期的约定了
It seems we''ve been booked for an extended engagement.
你看到这些蚂蚁了吗 飞力 你看到这些蚂蚁了吗
Will you look at this colony? Will you just look at this colony?
I don''t even recognize it.
I feel 70 again!
锻炼你的小腹 帅哥
Work that ab, baby!
这都是你们的功劳 所以 谢谢了
And I have you bugs to thank for it. So... thank you!
还有...谢谢你找到他们 飞力
And, uh, thank you for findin'' ''em, Flik.
我? 对不起... 我来
- Me? - Oops. - Oh, ooh... uh, uh, I''ll get it.
你不介意的话 让我来好了
I mean, if you don''t mind, I''ll just, I''ll just...
It''s all tangled up.
好了 哦
- There. - Ow!
I think I''ll go check on the bird.
鸟在那边 对啊 鸟在那边
- Bird''s this way. - Yeah, the bird''s that way.
She... What?
Jiminy H. Cricket!
他们回来了 大伙儿快准备
They''re back! Get ready, everybody!
Get to your posts!
所有人 就战斗位置 这不是演习
Battle stations, everyone. This is not a drill!
快点各位 你知道自己的任务 快...
Come on, everyone. You know your jobs! Let''s go, go, go, go!
Look out!
哦 稳住...
Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Steady, girls. That''s it.
跳蚤团长 团长?
- It''s P.T. - P. T?
你们大家好 你们好吗?
Greetings and salutations! Ooh-boppa-doo and how do you do?
I am the great P.T. Flea!
我需要你们的协助 长话短说吧
I''m in need of your assis... Oh, let''s just cut to the chase.
Look, I''ve been goin'' from anthill to anthill.
我是在找一群马戏团的艺人 你们看过他们没?
I''m lookin'' for a bunch of circus performers. Have you seen ''em?
请等一下 那不是士官长阿竿吗 不...
- Wait a second. Ain''t that Staff Sergeant Slim? - Nope! No, no, no.
对不起 我们这儿从来没有人 见过像你要找的人 安静
- I''m sorry, no, but, uh, no one has seen anyone like that around here. - Be quiet!
既然没有人见过的话 嘿
- No one has ever seen anyone like that around here. - Hey!
So, you''ll probably... you''ll probably want to get goin''.
很多其它蚁穴要找 所以呢 再见了
I guess you got a lot of other anthills to check into, so, bye!
大伙儿 我在到处找你们团长 不要 死亡火焰大受欢迎
Ah, guys, I''ve been lookin'' all over for ya! Flaming Death is a huge hit!
我是说真的 团长 嘘 消息传的很快 不 团长
- P. T! Sh... I''m serious! Word of mouth got around. - P. T! No!
第二天有一堆的苍蝇 在帐蓬外面排队
The next day, there was a line of flies outside the tent went on forever!
而且大排长龙 有一尺那么长 不 团长
- It must have been a foot long! - P.T., no!
我想... 团长 别说了 你们一晚烧我两次 我花一天来疗伤
So, I figured it out. You guys burn me twice a night, I take a day off to heal.
And then we do it all over again!
我们会是这个圈子里 最棒的马戏团
We''ll be the top circus act in the business!
你是说 你们不是战士 你在开玩笑吗
- You mean, you''re not warriors? - Are you kiddin''?
These guys are the lousiest circus bugs you''ve ever seen.
And they''re gonna make me rich!
You mean to tell me that our entire defensive strategy...
was concocted by clowns?
嘿 我们也认为 飞力点子行得通喔
Hey, hey, hey, hey. We really thought Flik''s idea was gonna work.
Tell me this isn''t true.
不 你不会...不会以为... 这事件发生的时间太不适当了
- No, you don''t... You don''t... - This couldn''t have happened at a more inopportune time!
The last leaf is about to fall!
我们还没为蚱蜢 收集够多的食物
We haven''t collected any food for the grasshoppers!
If Hopper finds out what we almost did...
Hopper is not going to find out.
我们会藏起一切 假装什么事也没有发生过
We''re going to hide all this and pretend it never happened.
你们这些虫虫从来没有来过 请你们赶快走吧
You bugs were never here. So I suggest you all leave.
但是那只鸟 那只鸟绝对会有用的
But the bird! The-The-The bird will work.
我从来没有想到 我居然会看到一只蚂蚁
I never thought I''d see the day when an ant would put himself...
只顾自己而不管他的同胞的 什么
- before the rest of his colony. - What?
重点是 飞力 你欺骗了我们 不...我只是...
- The point is, Flik, you lied to us. - No, no, no! L-I just...
你说谎 飞力 你欺骗了皇后
You lied, Flik. You lied to her.
你欺骗了蚂蚁岛 也欺骗了我
You lied to the colony! You lied to me!
And like an idiot, I believed you.
But l-I was just afraid that...
如果你知道 我找的是马戏团的团员
if you knew I''d gotten circus bugs...
我不过是想...帮助大家 我要你离开 飞力
- I just wanted to make a difference. - I want you to leave, Flik.
而且这次 不要再回来了
And this time, don''t come back.
Tough crowd. Yee-haw!
只有这些? 但这个岛上一定有更多的食物的
That''s it? But there''s got to be more food on the island!
If we give up any more, we''ll starve.
Hopper won''t accept this!
妈 这些根本不够怎么办啊?
Mother, it''s not enough. What do we do?
I...I don''t know.
You little termites!
我给你们第二次机会 结果只有这些?
I give you a second chance, and this is all I get?
But, Hopper, we ran out of time!
你们整个夏天都在玩耍吗 你们以为这是办家家酒啊?
Have you been playing all summer? You think this is a game?
不...拜托 你猜怎么着?
- No, no, please! - Well, guess what!
You just lost.
所有的蚂蚁都不准睡觉 直到你们把岛上所有的稻谷
Not one ant sleeps until we get every scrap of food...
on this island!
最好听他的命令 别惹他发火 相信我
Just do what he says. You don''t want to make him mad. Believe me!
不...皇后殿下 你得留在我身边
No, no, no. You''re staying with me, Your Highness.
你想溜吗 到那边去
Where do you think you''re going? Get over there!
快 到俱乐部去
Quick! To the clubhouse.
大家不要吵 我好像听到什么声音
- Shut up a minute, will ya? - I think I heard something over here.
你们找过那边没有啊? 还没有
- Have you checked over there? - No, not yet.
Well then, get over there and check it out!
Wait a minute.
Hey, I think I found something.
嘿 好酷喔 我看起来怎么样? 像个冬瓜
- Cool. Hey, how do I look? - Like an idiot.
我很喜欢 下雨天还能够遮雨喔
I don''t know, maybe it''ll keep me dry in the rain.
你这白痴 我们会在下雨前离开
You moron, we''ll be out of here before it rains.
你没听霸王说吗 等蚂蚁采集完所有食物
Didn''t you hear Hopper? After the ants pick all the food...
他就杀了皇后 提醒他们谁是老大
he''s gonna squish the queen to remind ''em who''s boss.
然后她死了 大家哭 我们回家 就这么简单
Then she''s dead. They cry... boo-hoo. We go home. End of story.
好酷 当蚱蜢真好
Oh! Cool. I love our job.
别乱跑 我得去求救
Stay here. I''m gonna get help.
翅膀加油 飞啊...
Come on, wings, fly. Fly!
Yeah! Whoa-oh!
钱钱钱...我的钱...我要发大财 我的钱...
I''m gonna be rich, rich, rich I''m gonna be rich, rich, rich
I''m gonna be the richest flea in the land
The streets''ll be paved with golden retrievers
我要发大财 那才是我
I''m rich, rich, rich That''s who I am
可怜的傢伙 也许我们能让他开心点
- Poor fellow. - Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a bit.
飞力 别难过 马戏团的生活没那么糟
Don''t worry, Flik. The circus life isn''t so bad.
是啊 你可以加入我们的表演 对 就像这样
- Yes, you can be part of our act. - Here! Like this.
表演闹剧 懂了吗?
Slapstick! Get it?
L-I''m a walking stick. Oh, never mind.
飞力 小不点?
- Flik! - Dot?
飞力 等等...
Flik, wait! Wait!
小不点 你会飞了 你来这里做什么啊?
Dot, you''re flying! What are you doing here?
You have to go back.
霸王跑到蚁穴里来 他的党羽要吃掉所有的食物
Hopper moved into the anthill, and his gang''s eating everything!
噢 不 我的天啊
- Oh! - Oh, no! - Good heavens!
而且我听到一只蚱蜢说 等他们吃完
And I heard a grasshopper say that when they''re finished...
Hopper''s gonna squish my mom!
哦 别吃皇后 大家赶快想点办法 什么办法?
- Oh, not the queen! - We gotta do something! - How?
快点 快想啊 哦 我知道 那只假鸟
- Come on, you guys, think! - I know. The bird.
说的没错 对 那只鸟 太棒了
- Yes, of course. - The bird! That''s brilliant.
The bird won''t work.
你在说什么啊 那是你的点子 但你说过一切都会...
- What are you talking about? It was your idea. - But you said that everything...
小不点 忘掉我跟你说过的一切好吗?
Forget everything I ever told you. All right, Dot?
整个蚁岛说的对 我只会把事情搞砸
Let''s face it. The colony is right. I just make things worse.
那只鸟...它保证会失败的 就像我一样
That bird is a guaranteed failure. Just like me.
你听我说 孩子 我才是一个天生的失败者
You listen to me, my boy. I''ve made a living out of being a failure.
而先生你 并不是输家
And you, sir, are not a failure!
飞力 你做了那么多的好事 是吗
- Oh, but Flik, you''ve done so many good things. - Oh, yeah?
好吧 你告诉我做过哪些好事?
Okay, show me one thing I''ve done right.
我们 是的
- Us. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah.
迪姆说的对 孩子
Dim is right, my boy. You have rekindled...
the long-dormant embers of purpose in our lives.
而且要不是你 法兰斯也不会 找到他女性化的一面
And if it wasn''t for you, Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side.
哦 是吗? 我... 知道吗? 他说的对
Oh yeah? Well... Hmm. You know what? He''s right.
吉普赛中尉报到 请求派任
Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty.
孩子 只要开口 我们就会追随你 我们对你有信心啊 孩子
- Kid, say the word and we''ll follow you into battle. - We believe in you, my boy.
飞力 求求你
Flik, please?
Pretend it''s a seed, okay?
谢了 小不点
Thanks, Dot.
那石头怎么了? 八成是他们的习俗
- Hey, what''s with the rock? - Must be an ant thing.
好吧 我们回去 这才是我们认识的飞力
- All right, let''s do it. - That''s the Flik we know and love.
上场吧 说 我们要先做什么?
- We''re on! - So, what do we do first?
虫虫花大钱 大家看表演
Bugs will pay big bucks to see
我来当主角 保证赚大钱
A bonfire that is starring me
团长 你看 钱耶 在哪? 在哪?
- P.T., look. Money! - Where? Where?
好了 动作快 全都给我工作 谁敢给我偷懒
All right. Get movin''! Get goin''. Move your abdomens, now!
They''re rounding everyone up.
嘿 关掉你的屁灯 嘿 把我给弄出来 好吗
- Hey! Turn your butt off. - Hey, guys! Get me out of this thing, will ya?
I promise to start thinkin'' about payin'' ya.
嘿 等...好了...我付...
Hey! Wait, wait! Okay, I''ll pay ya! I''ll pay ya!
你在干嘛 想偷懒啊? 糟了 他们已经收集完食物了
Oh, no! They''ve finished collecting the food.
We''ve got to get the queen now.
等她安全之后 就等吉普赛的讯号
Once she''s safe, we move on Gypsy''s signal.
Someone''s coming!
嗨 孩子们 准备好了去痛宰 那些蚱蜢了吗
Hello, kids! Ready to make some grasshoppers cry?
报仇的时候到了 小蓝莓集合
It''s payback time, Blueberry-style.
小蓝莓发飚 耶 好
- Blueberries rock! - Yea! - All right!
各位女士先生 各种阶段的幼虫
Ladies and gentlebugs! Larvae of all stages!
请热烈鼓掌欢迎 全世界最伟大的虫虫马戏团
Rub your legs together for the world''s greatest bug circus!
Wait a minute!
我想我快要尿裤子了 冷静
- I think I''m going to wet myself. - Steady.
这是怎么回事? 这个 呃...
- What''s going on here? - Well, uh...
Uh, yes.
We were invited by Princess Atta...
as a surprise for your arrival.
Squish ''em.
还真有意思 这真有意思
- Now that''s funny. - That is funny.
I guess we could use a little entertainment.
看来你总算是 做对一件事情了 公主
Looks like you did something right for once, Princess.
-On with the show! - Hi-ya!
好戏要上演 我最爱马戏团
The circus, the circus I love the circus
奶奶喝光了 宝宝要吃派
Ba-ba all gone! Baby wants pie!
派? 他想吃派 我应该给他吗
Pie? He asked for it. Should I give it to him?
给 给他派...
Yeah! Give ''im pie! Give ''im pie!
好耶 谢谢各位你们是有水准的观众
- Yeah! - Thank you, gentlemen. Always an intellectual treat.
嘿 要装好一个灯泡 需要几只蟑螂呢?
Say, how many roaches does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
不知道 每次灯一亮他们全跑了
Can''t tell. As soon as the light goes on, they scatter!
来 快到了 来自亚洲最神秘的地区 没有人烟的地方
- Almost there. - From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia...
我发现了一个宝物 孩子们 快
- I give you the Chinese Cabinet... - Come on, girls. Quick. Quick.
Of Metamorphosis!
Utilizing psychic vibrations...
我将要选择最完美的志愿者 选我
- I shall select the perfect volunteer. - Pick me!
哦 拜托 我正在跟你作心电感应
Ooh, no! Come on. I''m askin'' ya with my brain.
皇后殿下 我?
- Aha! Why, Your Majesty! - Me?
不不 山霸 去 让她去
No, no. Thumper, down. Let her go.
Maybe he''ll saw her in half.
As you ascend the dung beetle to the unknown...
将你的信任交给俗世 所无法理解的神秘力量
put your trust in the mysteries that are beyond mere mortal comprehension.
哦 这一定会很精彩
Ooh, this is gonna be good!
小蓝莓童军 好了吗 好了
- Blueberries ready? - Ready.
I call upon the ancient Szechwan spirits...
to inhabit the body of our volunteer!
别出来待在里面 皇后殿下
No, no. Just stay in there, Your Majesty.
哇 曼尼越来越厉害了
Wow. Manny''s gettin'' good.
别下雨 如果下雨那只假鸟会被打烂的
- Not now. - If it rains, that bird''ll get ripped to shreds!
And now, insectus...
Ooh, pretty!
Thank you, thank you.
噢 谢谢 讯号来了...讯号来了
- Thank you. - That''s the signal. That''s the signal!
孩子们 准备好了 开始起飞
This is it, girls. Get ready to roll.
卡住了 真是妙耶
- Huh? It''s stuck! - That was amazing!
不见了...他们是怎么变的? 连我都不知道她到哪去了
I have no... How did they do that? I have no idea where she went.
谢谢... 再来一个
- Thank you. Thank you, thank you. - More! More! More!
再来 等等
- More! More! More! - Wait!
她在哪里 事实上...
- Where is she? - Well, now, uh, actually...
噢 对不起 魔术师绝对不能泄露秘密的
I am sorry. A magician never reveals his secrets.
这是真的 霸王 如果我们知道怎么变的 那就不好玩了
That''s very true, Hoppy. I mean, where would the mystery be if we all knew how it was...
我闭嘴 你们可以的
- Shutting up. - You can do it!
你们得让它起飞啊 嘿
- You''ve got to make it work! - Hey!
I said, where is she?
Hold on!
鸟 有一只鸟
Bird! It''s a bird!
Let''s get out of here! Go!
别让他抓到我 别让他吃我
Don''t-Don''t let it get me! Don''t let it get me!
Help me!
上 下...准备...转弯
Up, down, up, down. And turn!
我的眼睛 救救我
My eye! Help me!
Mmm, boysenberry.
啊 不...
Huh? Aah, no, no, no, no, no!
Oh, the pain!
There goes my magic act!
死亡火焰伺候 不要 团长
- Flaming Death! - No! P. T!
A direct hit!
飞力 飞力 救我们
Flik! Flik! Help us!
快点 大家出去 快啊
Okay! Everyone out! Hurry!
小不点呢 有人看到小不点吗
Where''s Dot? Has anyone seen Dot?
Whose idea was this? Huh?
是你吗 公主?
Was it yours, Princess?
躲在我身后 不会有事的
Just get behind me, girls. It''ll be okay.
放开他 霸王
Leave her alone, Hopper.
那只鸟是我的点子 我才是你要找的人
The bird was my idea. I''m the one you want.
你吃了熊心豹子胆了 敢这样子对我
Where do you get the gall to do this to me?
You were... You were gonna squish the queen.
是真的 我最痛恨有人先透露结局
- It''s true. - I hate it when someone gives away the ending.
你这个小虫渣 不 我错了
You piece of dirt! No, I''m wrong.
你比虫渣还要低级 你是...蚂蚁
You''re lower than dirt. You''re an ant!
这就当作是 给你们蚂蚁的一个教训
Let this be a lesson to all you ants.
Ideas are very dangerous things.
你们是没有脑袋 只会挖土的苦力
You are mindless, soil-shoving losers...
put on this earth to serve us!
你错了 霸王
You''re wrong, Hopper.
Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers!
I''ve seen these ants do great things.
而且年复一年的 他们设法采集食物
And year after year, they somehow manage...
给他们自己 还有你们
to pick food for themselves and you.
所以... 谁才是比较弱的种族呢
So-So who is the weaker species?
Ants don''t serve grasshoppers.
It''s you who need us.
We''re a lot stronger than you say we are.
你也知道的 对吧?
And you know it, don''t you?
吁 公主
Well, Princess!
霸...霸王 我很不想打岔 但是呢...
Um, Hopper? Um, l-I hate to interrupt, but, um...
You ants stay back!
噢 这下子该我们糗大了 霸王 你知道
- Oh, this was such a bad idea! - You see, Hopper...
nature has a certain order.
蚂蚁采集食物 蚂蚁储存这些食物
The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food...
and the grasshoppers leave!
我真以你为荣 飞力
I''m so proud of you, Flik! Charge-a!
你们要去哪里? 他们只是蚂蚁啊
Where are you going? They''re just ants!
哼 坏蛋蚱蜢... 你回家
No! Bad grasshopper! Bad grasshopper! Go home!
耶 回来 你们这些胆小鬼
- Yeah! - Come back here, you cowards!
不要走 把他塞进大炮 塞进大炮
- Don''t leave! - To the cannon! - To the cannon!
祝你飞行愉快 霸王
Happy landings, Hopper!
飞力 快 快去追
- Flik! - Quick! After them!
阿竿? 法兰斯 法兰斯 法兰斯...我被卡住了 你在哪
- Slim! - Francis! Francis! Francis, I''m stuck! - Where are ya?
我在这里 哪里 这里
- I''m over here! - Where? - Here!
I''m the only stick with eyeballs!
救命啊... 攻击他
- Help! Help! Help! - Get him!
往那边 可是蚁穴不在那边 我有个点子啊
- Go that way! - But the anthill''s over... - I''ve got an idea!
飞力 快啊
- Flik! - Come on!
快 快躲起来
Come on! We''ve gotta hide!
不管发生什么事情 千万不要出来
No matter what happens, stay down!
飞力 不 你要做什么?
Flik, no! What are you doing?
霸王 你以为结束了吗
- Hopper! - You think it''s over?
No, no, no. No, I...I can explain.
你搞的这些小把戏 只是在拖延时间 不 拜托...
- All your little stunt did was buy them time! - No, please!
霸王 明年我会找 更多的蚱蜢回来这里
- Please, Hopper! - I''ll get more grasshoppers and be back next season...
but you won''t!
哦 这又是什么 你又在装神弄鬼吗
Well, what''s this? Another one of your little bird tricks?
对 那里面也有一群小蚂蚁是吗
- Yup. - Are there a bunch of little girls in this one, too?
嗨 小傢伙们
Hello, girls!
No! No! No, no, no, no!
啊 救命啊
No! No!
Oh, no!
救命啊 不要吃我
Oh, no! No, no, no!
快点 孩子们 来吧 好
Come on, boys!
小不点公主 等等我 等等我们
Hey, Princess Dot! Wait up!
我终于有机会喘口气 又要离开我的椅子了
I finally get a second to relax, and I gotta get out of my chair.
好了 待会你可以替我擦防晒油了 好棒...
- Come on! You can rub lotion on me later, shade boy. - Yeah, hubba-hubba.
谢谢 谢谢 你们太好了
- Oh, thank you! - Thank you. - Oh, you''re too kind.
这是我们应该做的 这怎么好意思啊 随时效劳
- It was the least we could do. - All in a day''s work. - Any time.
对不起 孩子们 我也希望你们能跟来
I''m so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along, too.
I''m not gonna cry. I''m not gonna cry.
快点走吧 我们还有表演呢 快点...
Hey, let''s go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let''s go.
嘿 小子 把节目准备好
- Hey! - Hey, Tiny! Let''s get this show packed up!
We got paying customers hatching!
遵命 跳蚤大爷 我马上办
Yes, Mr Flea. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir.
不过我先要谢谢 你给我这个机会
And, um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance...
能和你这种创意大师工作 真是荣幸啊
because it''s an honour to work with creative giants such as yourself.
我闭嘴 你真的不和我们一起去巡回?
- Shutting up. - You sure you can''t come on tour with us?
抱歉 我的家在这里
Sorry. My place is here.
说的好 这是你的损失 昆虫们 一分钟 出发
- Good answer. - Oh, well. Your loss. One minute, insects!
我要谢谢你们虫虫 给我们带来了
I wanna thank all of you for giving us back...
希望 我们的自尊和我们的生命
our hope, our dignity and our lives.
而你呢 雅婷公主 你也给了我们很多
And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much.
Please accept this gift from us bugs...
to you ants.
献给你 哦 是个石头
- For you! - Oh! It''s a rock.
怎么会送石头? 八成是马戏团的习俗
- What''s with the rock? - Must be a circus thing.
噢 飞力你又搞砸了
Well, Flik, you really goofed up.
谢了 是啊 你也一样
- Thanks. - Yeah, you too.
好了 不要婆婆妈妈了 我们该出发了
All right. Now it''s gettin'' mushy. We''re outta here! Hy-aah!
喔 下一季再见了
- Whoa! - See ya next season!
飞力 再见 我已经开始想念你们了
- See ya, Flik! - Bye! We miss you already!
你被开除了 你被开除了 我们忘了哈其林
- You fired! - You fired! - We forgot Heimlich!
我长大了 我终于变成一只美丽的花蝴蝶
I''m finished! Finally, I''m a beautiful butterfly!
我的翅膀 噢 真是美丽的翅膀
Mein wings! Oh, they''re beautiful!
哈其林 马车已经走了 你最好开始飞了
Heimlich! The wagon''s taking off! You better start flying!
我已经在飞了 从上面看你们 你们都是小蚂蚁
But I am flying! And from way up here, you all look like little ants!
后会有期 保重了
Auf Wiedersehen!
Present stalks!
Harvester, salute!
Was a bug, little bug
Hardly there
How he felt, what he dreamed
Who would care
Without any evidence His flaws were many, ooh
He was full of confidence Some people haven''t any
Didn''t have much common sense It''s highly overrated
Hejust knew that he''d come through
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
We may only go round one time
As far as I can tell
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
We may only go round this one time
As far as I can tell He could be wrong about that
It''s the time of your life Time, life
It''s the time of your life Time, life
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
预备 打板 好 开始
- Speed! - Marker. - And... action!
Are you saying I''m stupid?
不 你觉得我看起来像个笨蛋?
- No. - Do I look stupid to you?
I''m sorry.
Are you saying I''m stupid? Oh!
对不起 我可以了 不...再来一次...
I''m sorry. I got it. No, no, no. Just do it again. I''m fine.
你是说我是个笨蛋? 对
- Are you saying I''m stupid? - Yes!
This is the fifteenth take.
I cannot work like this.
我要回我的化妆室 我要休息
- I will be in my trailer. - I need a break.
打板 哇 飞力
- Marker. - Whoa, Flik, honey.
We are not about to... Is someone hammering?
Can we hold the work, please? People!
你们可以看到我 对不对?
Am... Am I in this shot? You can... You can see me, right?
好 开始
And... action.
飞向宇宙宇宙 浩瀚无垠
To infinity and beyond!
对不起喔 我忍不住
I''m sorry. I couldn''t resist.
Really, can y... can you blame me?
好...那我们再来一次好不好? 好 停 对不起
- Okay. Okay, let''s go for real now. - Okay, cut! - Sorry.
Why go back to Ant Island at all?
我是说你根本不喜欢稻谷嘛 什么
- I mean, you don''t even like grain. - What?
对啊 我自己也觉得这个点子不好
You''re right. I didn''t think it was such a good idea myself.
事实上 这不是我的点子... 看
- Actually, it wasn''t even my idea. - Watch it!
对不起啊 抱歉 摄影机坏了吗?
I''m sorry. I''m sorry. Is the camera broke?
对不起...抱歉 不好意思 我搞砸了
Oh, oh, I''m sorry, I''m sorry, I''m sorry. Did I ruin the take?
还有 谢谢你找到他们 飞力
And, uh, thank you for findin'' ''em, Flik.
真的很痛耶 谁帮忙弄一下好不好? 对不起 哦
- This really hurts. Can we cut? - Oh, I''m sorry. - Ow!
哦 请问你有蚂蚁太太
So, is there a Mrs Ant...
you have to tunnel home to?
噢 对不起 我以为他是真的呢
Ooh, I''m sorry. I thought he was real.
Oh, dear. Put that thing in my car.
打板 飞力 经过仔细的考虑之后...
- Marker. - Flik, after much deliberation...
Ohh, I g... Oh, my eye!
哦 不不 真的 番茄汁流到我眼睛里了
Oh, no, seriously, I got berry juice in my eye!
好刺眼哦 不要再拍了
It stings! Stop acting!
我是说真的 哦 摄影机快停
I''m serious! Oh, stop the camera!
毛巾啊 我这儿需要毛巾啊
Uh-oh. Towel! I need a towel over here!
对不起 对不起 能够停一下吗
I''m sorry. I''m sorry. C-Can we cut?
It''s just that.I...I don''t think I''m comin'' across.
我知道...我知道了 我可以口吐白沫
Hmm. Oh, I know, I know. I could lather up a bunch of spit.
哦...这样好 可以了 戴尔 好了 再来一次
Ooh, ooh. That''s good. I got it,J.L. All right. One more for me.
预备 打板
- Speed. - Marker.
好 开始 在15秒钟之内
- Action! - Spinning a web of safety...
in less than 50...
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
We may only go round one time
As far as I can tell
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
Like us all he started small
Then he grew
When the time came he knew
What to do
He knew in order to succeed They''d have to work together
He turned a rock into a seed And they were changed forever
Then they had the strength they''d need
To get through stormy weather Do or die, you gotta try
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
You may only go round one time
As far as I can tell He may be wrong about that
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
Isn''t it a bit surprising
How our fortunes ebb and flow
And only to the enterprising
Does the magic fortune cookie go
Believe me It''s the time of your life
So live it well
It''s the time of your life
So live it well
We may only go round one time
As far as I can tell
It''s the time of your life
It''s the time of your life
It''s the time of your life
So live it well