

 日进志 2023-08-18 发布于广东

这是日进志第 073 篇原创文章


Some people believe that art by definition has no utility. So an archaeologist digging up some ancient object of no apparent use can safely say, “this is probably art.”  



American modernist writer Gertrude Stein lived most of her life in Paris, where she became friends with Picasso, Hemingway, Ezra Pound and other prominent 20th century artists, writers and musicians.

△ 毕加索1906年的特鲁德·斯泰因画像

My favorite story about her: In the 1890s, while studying at Radcliffe University (the Harvard annex for women students) she took a class from Professor William James, the philosopher and pioneer psychologist. When it was time for the exam, she wrote at the top of her test paper: “Dear Professor, I am so sorry, but really I do not feel a bit like an examination paper in philosophy to-day” and left the classroom. 

James gave her the top mark in the class.

Also, about Stein’s most famous line of poetry, “a rose is a rose is a rose”, a critic once said: for the last 400 years, no rose has been so red in English poetry…

What follows is a piece created by “conceptualist” poet Kenneth Goldsmith in 1999. First there is a 1935 lecture by Gertrude Stein On Punctuation and following that, the complete set of punctuation marks as used in Stein’s text and collected by Goldsmith.

Possible esthetic reactions to Stein’s deliberately naïve writing (or to Goldsmith’s sophisticated poem of marks): to weep with rage, burst into laughter, scream from frustration…

Gertrude Stein

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