
2023年8月19日雅思解析 | 写作月计划第二天必讲例题!

 雅思月计划 2023-08-19 发布于四川

临近8月末,每年这个时候都是雅思考试的旺季,自然也是【雅思月计划】高分频出的时间,近期 Shark 再次收到一位首考上岸学员报分:总分7.0(听8阅7,口写也都达标)!期待更多的高分成绩单!

注:全新剑桥雅思18已正式发布!Shark 已经完成了所有题目的详细解析和高分范文,将会在【雅思月计划】课程中为大家逐步上线和练习。已经做完题目的同学,可点此链接获得剑18文字版详细解析


Task1: Line graph + Table(组合静态图:欧洲一个国家的每周不同工作时长的人数和带薪休假日)

Task2: Some people think that the government should spend money on roads rather than public transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Introduction: I disagree with this statement.

Body-1. Investing in modern public transports (underground systems, sky trains, and BRT etc.) would mean that people can get around a city faster.
-no congestion that most road users experience
-metro can achieve much higher speeds than cars
-Therefore, less time commuting.

Body-2. Public transports tend to be less harmful to the environment than cars. 
-an underground train can carry hundreds of passengers, which prevents the use of hundreds of internal combustion engines, thus reducing the amount of carbon emissions.
-a large number of modern trains are powered by electricity rather than by fuels.

Body-3. The advantages of travelling on roads cannot be denied. 
-Money could be spent on repairing or building motorways which are used by cars and buses to reduce traffic jams in cities.
-It gives more freedom to travel, not be limited to fixed routes and timetables.

In conclusion, the state should divert more funds to railway systems and spend less on road transportation.

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