
2023年8月26日雅思写作解析 | 今天的考试让我明白了很多房子上的图标原来是这个意义!

 雅思月计划 2023-08-26 发布于四川

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Task1: Table(动态图:8个国家的国际游客在2009和2010年的到达量)

Task2: Some people think that as housing is a basic need for people, governments should provide free housing for everyone who can't afford it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(重复2023年1月11日考题)




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Introduction: I tend to disgree with this statament because providing free housing to everyone who cannot afford it may be impractical.

Body-1(让步段): Benefits of free housing provision:
- Governments should provide free housing to ensure basic living conditions for all citizens. Extensive social housing programs can be implemented to provide affordable housing options. This could contribute to reducing homelessness and income disparities, thus improving social equality.

Body-2: It is still not feasible for the government to offer free housing to all citizens in need.
- Fiscal limitations often pose significant challenges for governments. For instance, In many developing nations, where government revenues are constrained and competing priorities, like education and healthcare, do exist, providing free housing for all who need it would strain already stretched budgets.
- Completely free housing without any form of contribution or responsibility from beneficiaries can lead to unintended consequences. It may discourage individuals from seeking employment or pursuing personal growth, perpetuating a cycle of dependency. A more sustainable approach would involve targeted assistance that empowers individuals to contribute to their housing costs based on their financial capabilities.

In conclusion, while the provision of free housing by governments is a noble objective, it is not pragmatic due to fiscal realities and other undesired effects.

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