知道如何在英语中使用不同的词性是很好的:名词命名人、地方、事物和思想;形容词描述名词;副词修饰形容词和动词。理解这些功能将确保你的句子语法正确。但有时,一个词可以是不同的词性,其中 by 是这些灵活的词之一。下面,我们将讨论如何在句子中使用 by 作为副词、介词或名词。By 可以是副词、介词或名词。根据词性的不同,by 可能意味着不同的东西。它可以表示根据(介词)、经过(副词)或正在过去的事物(名词)。你还可以使用它来识别执行行动的机构;指明实现某事的方法;指示边距的大小;指明时限;或指示某物的位置(所有介词)。- By my calculations, we can climb Half Dome in eleven hours.
- The hummingbird flew by me.
- The window was opened by the intruder.
- The only way to win the marathon is by running the fastest.
- They have to improve their performance by 15 percent.
- We’ll be there by midnight.
- The chair is by the desk.
- The man leaped backward and quickly walked away.
Backward 是形容动词 leap 的副词,quickly 是形容动词 walk 的副词。By 是一个神秘的副词,因为它可以根据修饰的内容来改变含义,它作为副词的定义包括:- She stopped by the grocery store on her way home from work.
当这个地方对听众来说很明显时,这种用法也可以缩短。在下面这种情况下,by 指向简的家。例如:- Jane’s dad stopped by while she was at work.
- We pulled over as the firetruck sped by.
By 作为介词是最常见的,介词是英语中最常见、最令人困惑的部分。介词将一个名词或代词与句子中的另一个单词连接起来。由于介词被用作连接词,所以它们通常与连词混淆。但是与 with,at 和 from 一样,by是介词,而不是连词。像所有介词一样,by 的确切含义取决于句子的上下文。by 作为介词的一些常见用法如下:- The meteorologist was surprised by the sudden storm.
- They cooled the house down by turning on the fan and opening the windows.
- Their shoes are by the door.
- The rent payment is due by 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month.
- Even though he hated losing, he always played by the rules.
- Multiply the number of drinks by the number of guests, and you’ll understand why the wedding was so expensive.
- 把饮料的数量乘以客人的数量,你就会明白为什么婚礼这么贵了。
《韦氏词典》列出了 by 作为介词的十一个定义。你可以试着把它们全部背下来,但最好的理解方法是仔细阅读和倾听。你会一点一点地开始理解这些模式。作为一个名词,by 可以指次要的东西或被忽略的东西。例如,by 或 bye 在体育运动中常用来描述球队日程中没有比赛的一周。以下是一些常见的 by 被用到的地方,你可以通过以下方式看到 by:- Moby Dick is by Herman Melville.