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2023-09-26 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
做法建议类书面表达(高频)写作思路: ①首先阅读所给材料,或是汉语说明,或者是英文材料,找出问题所在——需要建议的方面。 ②然后根据
分析给出合理化建议。 ③这类文章的基本时态多用一般现在时和一般将来时。范文背诵:(一)Dear Allison,??????
I''m glad to know that you plan to pay a visit to China next month
. In my opinion, paying a visit to Beijing is your best choice. O
n the one hand, Beijing is the capital city of China. On the othe
r hand, Beijing is a place where has many famous sites.
Firstly, I suggest that you should visit the Great Wall and the T
emple of Heaven for the first 3 days. Secondly, you can visit th
e Summer Place if you are energetic enough. It is unnecessary fo
r you to bring anything except your camera. In addition, I sugges
t that you should taste Chinese food if time permits. I am sure y
ou will have a good time in China. I am looking forward to
seeing you soon.???????????????????????????????????????????????S
incerely Yours,????????????????????????????????
?Hua Yu 点评增分点1:范文开门见山,用“in my opinion” 提出观点,直入主题。增分点2:给
出建议,用“firstly”,“secondly”, “in addition”作为连接词,使文章井然有序。增分点3:使用了if
引导的条件性状语从句、 where引导的定语从句等复合句及“pay a visit to”,“as for”等高级短语,
彰显作者 扎实的语言功底。增分点4:“on one hand”,“on the other hand”使文章层层递进,浑然成
篇。(二)How to keep healthy There are many ways to be healthy. Fi
rst, to do sports is necessary for us. We can exercise more and t
ake part in outdoor activities in free time. Exercise will keep u
s active and strong. Second, we should eat meals on time. And we
should eat more healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables.
It''s better to eat less junk food. Besides, keeping a happy mood
is important. We also need enough sleep and rest. What''s more, we
mustn''t drink wine or smoke. They are bad for our health. I thin
k health is the most important thing to us. I hope this will b
e helpful to all of you. 点评增分点1:开篇点题,说明保持健康有很多 种方法。增分点2:“first”,
“second”,“and”, “besides”, “also”,“what''s more”等连接词的使用,使文 章结构更加清晰明了。增分点3:“take part in”,“in free time",“be bad for”等短语及句型的使用丰富文章表达。