
读《空间人文》The spatial humanities: GIS and the future of humanities scholarship (戴维德 David Bodenhamer,2010)

 圆弧YH 2023-10-11 发布于北京

【提要】戴维德(David J. Bodenhamer),约翰·科里根( John Corrigan), 特维尔·哈里斯( Trevor M. Harris)等人,尝试把地理概念引入人文研究,建立新的学科研究范式。在空间转向的过程中,GIS(Geographic Information Systems)技术发挥着重要的作用。


This book proposes the development of spatial humanities that promises to revitalize and redefine scholarship by (re)introducing geographic concepts of space to the humanities. Humanists are fully conversant with space as concept or metaphorgendered space, the body as space, and racialized space, among numerous other rubrics, are common frames of reference and interpretation in many disciplinesbut only recently have scholars revived what had been a dormant interest in the influence of physical or geographical space on human behavior and cultural development. This renewal of interest stems in large measure from the ubiquity of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in contemporary society. From online mapping and personal navigation devices to election night maps colored in red and blue, we are more aware than ever of the power of the map to facilitate commerce, enable knowledge discovery, or make geographic information visual and socially relevant.

(David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, The spatial humanities: GIS and the future of humanities scholarship, Indiana University Press, 2010, Introduction, p. 7.)


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