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2023-10-18 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
读后续写 John Carpenter did not like to buy toys ( that so
mebody else had made.) He liked the fun of making them
himself.The thought (that they were his own work ) delight
ed him. Tom Austin, one of his playmates, thought a toy w
as worth nothing [unless it cost a great deal of money.
] He never tried to make anything, but bought all his to
ys. “Come and look at my horse,” said he, one day .
“It cost a dollar, and it is such a beauty ! Come and
see it.” John was soon admiring his friend’s horse, and
he was examining it carefully, to see how it was made.
The same evening he began to make one [on his own.] He
went into the wood shed, and picked out two pieces of
wood-----one for the head of his horse, the other for t
he body.It took him two or three days to shape them to
his satisfaction. His father gave him a bi
t of red leather for a bridle, and a few brass nails,
and his mother found a bit of old fur (with which he
made a mane and tail for his horse.) But what about
the wheels? This puzzled him. At last he thought he would
go to a turner’s(车工) shop, and see if he could get s
ome round pieces of wood (which might suit his purpose.)
He found a large number of such pieces among the sh
avings on the floor, and asked permission to take a few
of them.The turner asked him what he wanted them for,
and he told him about his his horse. “Oh,” said the man
, laughing, “If you wish it, I will make some wheels for
your horse.But remember, when it is finished, you must le
t me see it.” John promised to do so, and he soon r
an home [with/ the wheels/ in his pocket.]What/ HowWhen/ W
hereWhoWhy 文本解读SettingCharacterPlotTheme WhenwhowhereJohn Carpen
ter & father and mother& the turnerNarrator叙事者“third pers
on” perspective 第三人称视角Tense : ________________Simple past tense M
om文本解读SettingCharacterJohn’s house& the turner’s shop & school
Character analysisDetails.文本解读...... He liked the fun of ma
king them himself.The thought (that they were his own wo
rk ) delighted him. ... .....John was soon admiring his fr
iend’s horse, and he was examining it carefully, to see h
ow it was made..The same evening he began to make one
[on his own.] ....... ...when it is finished, you must l
et me see it.” John promised to do so, ... Work out th
e conflict or the climaxBeginningDevelopmentConflictClimax /Endin
g.John was soon admiring his friend’s horse, and he was
examining it carefully, to see how it was made. Remember t
o solve the conflict. John Carpenter did not like to buy t
oys ( that somebody else had made.) He liked the fun of
making them himself.The thought (that they were his own
work ) delighted him. 文本解读+创设情境His father gave him a bit
of red leather and his mother found a bit of old fur B
ut what about the wheels? This puzzled him. At last he
thought he would go to a turner’s(车工) shop, and see if
he could get some round pieces of wood (which might su
it his purpose.)PlotA. a hand-made toy is better than a
bought one.B. an enterprising boy.C .Enthusiasm and inter
estand hard work make a happy life. ...The thought
(that they were his own work ) delighted him. ...clue 线
索文本解读+主题探究Theme 【Paragraph 1】 The next morning, he went to
the turner’s shop [with / his horse / all complete.]?根据第1自
然段给出的首句,可以判定:John的手工做得很完美。正常逻辑判断,车工会对其予以肯定认可,John很自豪,会向玩伴展示其杰作。 创
设情节突出主题Analyze the 2 given sentences and the original passage Ad
d some details by raising questions 【Paragraph 2】 .? Analyz
e the 2 given sentences and the original passage Add some deta
ils by raising questions He studied hard at s
chool . 根据原文文本和第1自然段表明John的动手能力出类拔萃。 根据第2自然段首句 可以判定:学习意识强劲,学习态
度端正,本段应该描写顺利毕业,毕业后从事了自己喜欢且擅长的行业。可以朝着这个方向发散思维,构思情节,方能达到完美收尾效果。 所闻外
貌描写环境描写语言描写动作描写心理描写情感描写所见所做所感Appearance/Surroundings Conversation
s/LanguagesBehavior/Actions/VerbsEmotions/ Feelings通过细节描写呈现出情节的_
_______跌宕起伏UP---DOWN--UPUse the descriptive techniques to enrich
the details创设情节突出主题 【Paragraph 1】 The next morning, he
went to the turner’s shop [with / his horse / all complete
.][ Proud of the turner’s praise], John ran to his friend
Tom, [crying, “Now then,Tom,here is my horse !”] “Well,that
is a funny horse,” said Tom [with interest], “where did
you buy it?” “I didn’t buy it,” replied John , “I made
it.” “You made it yourself ! Oh,well, it’s a god horse for
you to make. But it is not as good as mine. Mine cost
a dollar while yours cost nothing.” “It was real fun t
o make it, though.” said John, and away he went [with / hi
s horse / rolling after him.]语言描写范文赏析心理描写 【Paragraph 2】
He studied hard at school.He was the top student in hi
s class and was still crazy about making things [on his own].When he graduated, he went to work in a machine shop. [Definitely] , it delighted him / to make amazing things by machine. [To his satisfaction], he is now a master workman, and will soon have a shop ( of his own.)心理描写动作描写THANK YOU!