

 吕杨鹏 2023-10-27 发布于北京





《华尔街日报》 x《巴伦周刊》x 市场观察:每年大约可省¥1572

《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal),《巴伦周刊》(Barron's)和市场观察(MarketWatch) 侧重于金融、商业领域和市场发展的新闻信息。三家的捆绑包订阅用户可无限制访问《华尔街日报》,《巴伦周刊》和市场观察的网页和应用程序,收听《华尔街日报》新闻音频,玩每日谜题和填字游戏,还可与三家出版物的记者进行现场活动。另外,《巴伦周刊》(Barron's)和市场观察也可单独打包订阅,每年可省$95.88。



端传媒 x《华尔街日报》x当今大马:每年大约可省¥716




Bundling up: Subscribing to the news at a Great Price

The battle for market share is on for the news industry! Today, many news media outlets are trying to bundle additional or complementary brands to expand their product extensions, which allows publishers to target different audience segments, finding value in the overlap to attract new audiences and reinforce subscriber retention. While various news subscription bundles are available now, different combinations and matches are also dazzling.

Do you feel like you're being overwhelmed by the plethora of subscription services and products and falling into subscription fatigue? Get ready to jot down some notes! Newstopia listed some options for bundled subscriptions that hopefully could help you save some heartache and money.

Discount Ranking of News Subscription Packages

Source: Newstopia(https:///)

The Wall Street Journal and Barron's x MarketWatch: Save $215 per year

The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and MarketWatch focus on news and information on financial, business, and market. Subscribers to the bundled packages of The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, and MarketWatch will have unlimited access to WSJ.com, Barrons.com and Marketwatch.com and also to the WSJ app, Barron’s app and MarketWatch app. Subscribers can listen to the audio versions of WSJ articles, play daily puzzles and crossword puzzles, and participate in live events with journalists from all three publications.

Caixin Express Teaming up with Other Media: Save up to ¥478 per year

Caixin Express is a subscription-based journalism product operated by Caixin Media,  which integrates in-depth investigative reports from multiple sources, such as the digital edition of Caixin Weekly/Caixin.com PC/WAP/App, etc. It has launched a joint subscription campaign with Southern Weekly, National Geographic, Sanlian Life Week and CITIC Academy. Subscribers to joint services can enjoy bilateral services and benefits. For example, subscribers to Caixin Express & Southern Weekly will receive one year of access to the Chinese Caixin website and app, including its original in-depth investigative reports and exclusives, etc., as well as one year of access to the Southern Weekly website and app, including E-journals, online courses, etc.

Initium Media x The Wall Street Journal  x Malaysiakini: Save $97 per year

Initium Media, a Chinese-language online media outlet, has launched a bundled subscription with The Wall Street Journal and Malaysiakini, a Malaysian online news outlet. In addition to offering access to all the contents provided by Initium Media, Initium Media's “Premium Membership” offers access to The Wall Street Journal and Malaysiakini's Chinese and English language memberships, as well as selected WSJ events, while subscribers of Malaysiakini can also access Initium Media’s content.

Topic proposal & AuthorLI Zhiyan


主编(Chief editors): 冯碧漪 江宇轩

增长编辑:(Growth editor):林适芬

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