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2023-11-03 | 阅:  转:  |  分享 
一课时(名P43)1. That British teacher is very_________(有幽默感的). He always te
lls us interesting jokes.2. My brother always gets high_________(
得分)in exams because of his hard work.3.The Internet is really ___
_______(有用的). We can get most of the information we need on it.4.
No one talks now and everyone keeps____________(沉默的)about the ba
d news.5. Lily used to be quiet, but now she is very_____________
(外向的)and she likes making friendsdrink silent dress score change6
. To break the ___________,I told a joke and soonthe conversation
wentonsuccessfully.7. Steve played well and ___________ two goals
before the end of the first half.8. Candy used to ________coffee
,but now she is used to _______ Chinese tea.9. Linda is seven yea
rs old and she is old enough____________herself.10.My hometown___
____________ a lot these years. It looks really beautiful.三、用方框中所
给短语的适当形式填空。used to wear glasses turn red from time to time lis
ten to11.It is interesting __________friends'' discussion about ac
tion movies.12. He is old and often____________to read newspapers
.13. Paula often goes to school by bike, but she walks there ____
______________.14. When my teacher got angry yesterday,his face__
________.15. Jim____________play basketball with friends after he
finished his work.二课时(名P45)一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The soldiers are
the_____(guard) of our country.2.India is an_________(Asia) coun
try.It is onthe southwest of China.3.My computer doesn''t work. It
requires______________________(repair).4. My sister usually dare
s______(go) to the teachers'' office and ask her teacher some ques
tions.5. The huge stone in the middle of the road weighs about te
n____________ (ton).二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。interview background dare
require private6.In my childhood, I acted like a boy and _____
_____to play with spiders.7. Everyone wants to succeed in a short
time, but it_________ time and hard work.8. Before learning the
text, you''d better learn something about the____________ of the s
tory.9. It''s impolite to ask___________ questions about others in
Western countries.10.The reporter_____________the old manwho sav
ed seven people in the traffic accident.get tons of attention
fight on deal withChina is now confident and gets used to
________ _______ all kinds of difficult situations at home or ab
road calmly.The girl _______ ________ ______ _____________after s
he became famous.Jason didn’t feel well during the match, but he
_______ _______until it ended.一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(名P48)1.Can you s
ee the wolf over there? It comes from a_____________(Europe) coun
try.2. The tour guide told us something about________(Africa) his
tory.3.Jackson''s ___________ (speak) was : so touching that it ma
de me cry.4. Miss White teaches________(Britain)English in that s
chool.5.-Did you see that program about the talent show on TV las
t night?No,I''m not_________(real) interested init.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(
名P49)1.It is said that________(蚂蚁) will be busymoving their house
s before a heavy rain.2.Tom can say the names of many kinds of___
_____(昆虫).3.The hospital needs some volunteers to help to _______
__(在……上刷油漆)the house.4.The old man felt___________ (焦虑的)when the
plane was flying above the clouds.5.Peter is a_____________(欧洲人)b
ut lives in China most of the time.三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。on the socce
r team worry about give a speechbe nervous about be careful ab
out11. He will come to our school to__________________on country
music tomorrow.12. She______________tomorrow''sinterview. Could yo
u give her some advice?13. My good friend enjoys playing soccer v
ery much and he is______________________.14. To keep healthy, we
should__________________what we eat.15.Don''t_______________the te
st too much.It will make you stressed out.(名P50)一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空
。1. Twenty years ago,the twins made different choices which great
ly___________(influence) their later lives,2.If you want to know
_________ (exact)what a word means,you should look it up in a dic
tionary.3. As a friend of his, you should share his______________
__(unhappy) as well as his joy.4.Look at the man in black over th
ere. He is one of the________(general). He is strict and never la
ughs in public.5.Here is an ____________(introduce) to our compan
y. If you want to join us,you can read it carefully.pride examin
ation absent seldom fail二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。6.He __________to wi
n the game although he had already practiced very hard.7.Tom was
ill in bed,so he was __________from the meeting this morning.8. Lucy won the first prize in the match.We all take _______________ in her.9. Miss Zhou often stays up late. She ____________ goes to bed before 11 p. m.10.There will be an important ____________tomorrow morning. I''m afraid that I can''tpass it. Unit 4基础词汇练习1