

 营养学老师 2024-06-13 发布于上海

My Cheese Journey: Discovering Specialty cheeses (1) Tilsit cheese


Editor's note: 2017 Mid-Autumn Festival, from Pudong Airport to Munich, late at night under the moonlight to stay in the Centennial Castle hotel, the next day breakfast surprised me, there are more than 20 kinds of cheese, yogurt; One of the cheeses I tasted for the first time, its delicious taste and texture remind me often, especially the state of its organization is still vividly remembered, this cheese is Tilster cheese.


INGREDIENTS: Ingredients : Pasteurized milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes, 45% Butter-fat in dry matter. Contains MILK.


26.98 / 每磅


Named after a town in East Prussia, Tilsit was invented by homesick Dutch immigrants trying to recreate Gouda. Though they were unable to replicate their beloved cheese due to several factors, they ended up inventing a brand-new cheese, called Tilsit.  Tilsit is made from partially skimmed pasteurized cow's milk and is semi-firm with a springy texture, dotted with irregularly spaced tiny holes.  It was traditionally made in large wheels, but is now made in loaf form, making it easier to slice (the way it is generally eaten).  The rind is washed and brushed regularly for the first two months of aging to form an outer crust that keeps its supple, smooth interior from drying out.  Tilsit has a mildly pungent aroma and a tangy taste that is delicate and fruity with spicy undertones.  This German favorite is excellent on sandwiches, cold or grilled.  It is also great on chicken or burgers, and also can be enjoyed melted over potatoes.  Made from pasteurized cow's milk.  Made with Vegetarian (Microbial) Rennet.  

现在,提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter)盛行于德国、丹麦、瑞士及波兰和俄罗斯等地,有两种提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter)受名称保护,分别是:德国:Holsteiner Tilsiter 荷尔斯泰因·提尔西特奶酪,2013年获得PGI(地理标志保护)认证。丹麦:Havarti 哈瓦蒂奶酪,2019年获得PGI(地理标志保护)认证,(它在1951年以前一直叫做丹麦提尔西特奶酪Danish Tilsiter)。

瑞士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter Switzerland)没有获得产地名称保护认证和地理标志保护认证。瑞士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter Switzerland)是由瑞士图尔高州(德语:Thurgau )的两位农场主:奥托·沃特曼(Otto Wartmann)和汉斯·韦格米勒(Hans Wegmüller),在1893 年研发的,他们在普鲁士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter)配方的基础上做了多项调整,生产出了这种全新的瑞士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter Switzerland)。

瑞士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter Switzerland)有五种版本:






瑞士提尔西特奶酪(Tilsiter Switzerland)在2020年产量为2,815吨,它的奶酪公会组织是:Sortenorganisation Tilsiter Switzerland GmbH

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