
Disney 迪士尼招聘高级专员(口译和笔译)

 小草9hce4imcw4 2024-06-21 发布于河南

高级专员(口译和笔译),语言支持服务 Senior Specialist (Interpretation and Translation), Language Support Services

工作地点-国家/地区 上海, 中国内陆

工作发布公司 Shanghai Disney Resort


“我们改变生活。” 华特迪士尼幻想工程是华特迪士尼公司的总体规划、创意开发、工程设计、制作、项目管理和研发部门。其出色的幻想工程师团队管理所有迪士尼度假区、主题乐园和景点、房地产开发、地区娱乐场所和新媒体项目的创建,从概念启动直至安装。


该职位将向 总监-项目管理 汇报。


  • 为所有业务部门提供口译支持,包括会议同传和交传、陪同口译、耳语等

  • 文件翻译,包括但不限于会议材料、流程文件、传讯信息、合同等

  • 能对团队内部和翻译公司的译稿进行互查和校对,最终把关翻译稿质量

  • 协助团队的相关项目及活动

  • 这是一个高级语言支持专员的岗位,可能需要带领整个语言支持团队,并且协调、配合整个幻想工程师团队的工作


  • 至少5年相关工作经验

  • 翻译和口译方向学士或硕士学位,或持同等资格证书

  • 较强的中英、英中的交传及笔译能力,相当出色的同传能力,能充分应对复杂的对话、口音及内容

  • 良好的沟通技能,能精准、专业地传达敏感信息,有着极高的专业素养,学习能力强,能很快适应新的环境

  • 了解业务伙伴间的文化差异,能成为上海迪士尼度假区幻想工程师团队与中方合作伙伴之间的桥梁

  • 专业度高,学习能力强,能快速应对新情况

  • 注重细节,有良好的团队精神

  • 工作积极主动

  • 能根据工作要求调整工作时间;可能需要在周末、节假日上班,也可能需要早起或晚归

  • 熟练掌握计算机及网络技能,熟悉各类软件应用,包括Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Outlook等

Job Summary:

'We Change Lives.' Walt Disney Imagineering is the master planning, creative development, engineering, production, project management, and research and development arm of The Walt Disney Company. Its accomplished corps of Imagineers manage the creation - from concept initiation through installation - of all Disney Resorts, theme parks and attractions, real estate developments, regional entertainment venues, and new media projects.

Senior Specialist (Interpretation and Translation) - Language Support Services will be providing professional language support to all Lines of Business at Walt Disney Imagineering Shanghai. The successful candidate will be working in a very dynamic and fast-paced environment with collaborations amongst various stakeholders and teams, to ensure the quality and accuracy in all kinds of language support, and facilitate the communication both internally and externally. The daily work scope will include interpretation and translation, covering a wide range of information from day-to-day operations to leadership.

This position will report to Director-Project Management.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Provide interpreting support to all lines of businesses, including conference interpreting (both consecutive and simultaneous), escort interpreting, whispering, etc.

  • Document translation, including but not limited to meeting decks, process documents, communication messages, contracts, etc.

  • Able to do cross-check and proofreading for the translation done by the team as well we by the external translation agencies to ensure the quality, need to be the final reviewer of the translated documents

  • Assist the team on projects and events

  • It is a senior Language Support position, potentially lead the language support team, also need to coordinate and cooperate with the overall Walt Disney Imagineering Shanghai team

Desired Qualifications:

  • At least 5 years of related professional experience

  • Bachelor or Master Degree or equivalent certificates in Translation and Interpretation

  • Strong professional skills in consecutive interpretation and in translation from English to Mandarin and Mandarin to English, Excellent simultaneous interpretation capability with the confidence of handling complex dialogues, accents and contents

  • Strong communication skills and ability to deliver sensitive messages in a concise and professional manner

  • Decent awareness on cultural differences among business partners and be able to bridge the cultural gap between Walt Disney Imagineering Shanghai team and its Chinese partner

  • Highly professional, with proven ability to learn fast and adapt to new situations in a short time frame

  • Good team player and detail oriented

  • Need to work proactively

  • Flexibility in schedule based on work assignments; may require some weekends, holidays, as well as early morning and late night work

  • Computer and Internet proficiency as well as excellent software skills are required, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc.



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