

 fjgsd 2024-06-23 发布于广东
10.3. Testing of Loudspeakers.
(一)频率响应特性(Response frequency characteristic)
(1.1)压力响应(Pressure Respons)
(1.2)测量声源的声压频率关系的装置(Apparatus for Measuring the Sound Pressure Frequency Relationship of a Sound Source)

1 扬声器(loudspeaker/speaker)
2 扬声器频率响应(frequency response of loudspeaker)
拍频振荡器(beat frequency oscillator)
(一)频率响应特性(Response frequency characteristic)
(1.1)压力响应(Pressure Respons)
   扬声器的压力响应是在指定的电输入、频率和声学条件下,在介质中的指定位置测得的声压值。绝对响应是声压(在空间中的指定点)与视在功率输入(the apparent electrical power input)的平方根的比值。它表示为
(1.2)测量声源的声压频率关系的装置(Apparatus for Measuring the Sound Pressure Frequency Relationship of a Sound Source)
   用半自动方法获得声压频率特性的装置如图10.10所示。This method yields a response frequency curve on semilogarithmic paper in about 3 minutes. Rotation of a condenser governing the beat frequency of the heterodyne oscillator and coupled to a drum on which the paper record is made gives the abscissas for the curves, values which are pro portional to the logarithm of the frequency due to the manner in which the condenser plates are cut. The drive may be manual or by motor.可以采用线性或对数检测器。在前者中,流量计的偏转与声压成正比;在后者中,流量计的偏转是声压的对数函数,生成的曲线直接以分贝为单位记录。有时会使用这种方法的变体,其中记录笔连接到放大器中的增益控制,操作员以仪表指示的保持恒定输出的方式来操控获得线性或对数坐标标度。当声源的频率变化时,声级记录器是一种记录保持放大器输出恒定所需的增益设置的自动装置。涂有白蜡的深色胶带通过电机在触笔下移动,该电机改变的同时产生差频值,被测扬声器连接到差频发生器的输出端,响应的变化通过触笔划过记录纸上的蜡涂层直接以分贝刻度记录在纸上。
   A cathode-ray tube,with a long persistence screen, may be used as a response indicator and recorder, Fig. 10.14. A motor drives the beat frequency oscillator and a potentiometer. The potentiometer varies the voltage on the horizontal deflection plate of the cathode-ray tube and thereby drives the cathode-ray beam across the tube in synchronism with the oscillator. A reversing switch changes the direction of the motor travel at the upper and lower limits of the audio-frequency range. The output of the oscillator actuates the loudspeaker. The sound is picked up by the microphone and amplified. The output of the amplifier is detected by a linear or logarithmic detector and fed to a low-pass filter. The output of the filter is amplified by a d-c amplifier, the output of which is connected to the vertical plates of the cathode-ray tube. The cathode-ray beam traces the response charactenstic upon the persistence image screen. The ordinates are in decibels when the logarithmic detector is used. The ordinates are proportional to the sound pressure when the linear detector is used. The time required to trace a response frequency characteristic of a loudspeaker is about 30 seconds. The apparatus is very useful for development work because the motor sweeps through the range again and again. The operator is free to make changes in the equipment under test and note these changesupon the response. In case it is desirable to record the characteristic, this may be done photographically or by tracing the curve left upon the screen.
Acoustical Engineering, by Harry F. Olson, copyright 1940, 1947 by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.

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