

 新用户17038774 2024-06-25 发布于河南


2. 清晨倒挺凉快的,起来先给小鸡儿小鸭们换点水弄点吃的,然后把俩小狗带出去溜上一圈。吹着清晨的微风,看着美丽的朝霞,我感觉自己越发喜欢这种静谧的生活了。

3. 上午老爸去买了些红薯藤,之后我和老爸一起去地里插了些红薯秧。随后又浇了些水。这样一来,今年又有自家种的红薯吃了。

4. 中午小舅来我家做客了,我和老爸一起做了几个菜:芹菜炒肉、苦瓜肉片、黄瓜肉片儿还有一个四罐汤和一盘泡椒鸡爪。后来三叔也来了,我们一起热热闹闹地吃了一顿饭。

5. 今天一整天气温都挺高的,直到晚上起风了才稍微好点,或许晚上因为这点儿凉风,能睡个好觉了吧。


1. Last night was extremely sultry. At the beginning, I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I tossed and turned. I even changed to a small bed and slept under the windowsill, but still couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't until the latter half of the night that it finally got a little cooler and I finally felt sleepy, so I was able to fall asleep successfully.

2. It was quite cool in the early morning. I got up and first changed some water and got some food for the chicks and ducklings, and then took the two puppies out for a walk. Blowing the gentle breeze in the early morning and looking at the beautiful morning glow, I felt that I liked this kind of quiet life more and more.

3. In the morning, dad went to buy some sweet potato vines, and then dad and I went to the field to plant some sweet potato seedlings together. Then some water was watered. In this way, there will be home-grown sweet potatoes to eat this year again.

4. At noon, my little uncle came to my house as a guest. Dad and I cooked several dishes together: fried pork with celery, pork slices with bitter melon, pork slices with cucumber, and also a four-pot soup and a plate of pickled pepper chicken feet. Later, my third uncle also came, and we had a lively meal together.

5. The temperature was quite high throughout the day today, and it only got a little better until the wind picked up in the evening. Perhaps because of this little cool breeze at night, I can have a good sleep.

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