
EMA 外用制剂质量和等效性指南草案

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关于复杂制剂,本公众号已推出以下指南或法规 中英文版 供大家参考,链接如下:




指南4ANDA 申请中递交的外用药物产品的物理化学和结构(Q3)特性(2022年10月)


法规6USP<1724> 半固体药物制剂:性能测试(2022年05月讨论稿)


认真阅读了解上述 “指南1、2、3” 和 “法规6”,相信大家对 IVRT 和 IVPT 的研究会有比较深的体会,包括IVRT 和 IVPT 研究目的和区别、方法开发验证、试验设计以及数据统计分析等。
关于外用制剂关键质量属性的控制,本号已推出  指南4 和 USP<3>本文推出 EMA 关于 “外用制剂质量和等效性”指南,其中涉及的内容包括:外用制剂质量(描述与组成、产品开发、控制策略、稳定性)、等效性、批准后变更、IVRT、IVPT、角质层取样(胶带剥离)等 
言归正传,下文正式介绍 EMA 指南
Draft guideline on quality and equivalence of topical products
18 October 2018 2018年10月18日
CHMP/QWP/708282/2018  人用药品委员会/质量工作组/708282/2018
Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)  人用药品委员会(CHMP)
Draft Agreed by QWP  草案经质量工作组(QWP)同意

7 June2018

Adoption by CHMP for release forconsultation CHMP采纳并发布咨询意见

18 October2018

Start of publicconsultation 开始征求公众意见

14 December2018

End of consultation (deadline forcomments)  结束征求意见(评论截止日期)

30 June2019

Agreed by QWP  QWP 同意

Adopted by CHMP CHMP采纳

Date for coming intoeffect 生效日期

Annexes I and II of this guideline replace Annex 1 of the Guideline on Quality of Transdermal Patches EMA/CHMP/QWP/608924/2014)
本指南的附件I和II替代了《透皮贴剂质量指南》(EMA/CHMP/QWP/608924/2014) 的附件1。

The guideline replaces Questions and Answer on Guideline: Clinical Investigation of Corticosteroids Intended for Use on The Skin CHMP/EWP/21441/2006.

该指南取代了以下指南中的“问答”:拟用于皮肤的皮质类固醇的临床研究 CHMP / EWP / 21441/2006。

Comments should be provided using this template. The completed  comments form should be sent to QWP@ema.europa.eu

应使用此模板提供评论。完整的评论或建议可发送至 QWP@ema.europa.eu


Medicinal products for cutaneous use, topical products, locally applied locally acting medicinal products, skin permeation, in vitro release, stratum corneum sampling, tape stripping.


Executive summary 概要

The guideline relates to locally applied and locally acting medicinal products for cutaneous use andis also relevant for other medicines e.g. preparations for auricular or ocularuse. Specific guidance isprovided: 
  1. On the quality of topical products not covered by otherguidelines.


  2. On equivalence testing of topical products in lieu of therapeutic equivalence clinical trials.
    Existing guidelines state that, for topical products, changes in formulation, dosage form, method of administration or manufacturing process may significantly influence the efficacy and/or safety. Clinical therapeutic equivalence studies are in principle necessary, but other models may be used or developed.


    Guidance is provided on other models and studies that may be used to independently determine equivalence with respect to (i) quality, (ii) efficacy, and (iii) safety that taken together support a claim of therapeutic equivalence, when the method of administration is the same and risks of inequivalence to the patient are minimal.
    Guidance is provided on situations where therapeutic equivalence clinical trials will be expected.
    Scope, limitations and acceptance criteria of this approach are described.
    The guidance should be used to develop and justify topical product-specific equivalence protocols.


In addition, equivalence test protocols are providedfor: 此外,还提供了以下等效性性试验方案:
  • in vitro release 体外释放
  • in vitro human skinpermeation 体外人体皮肤渗透
  • in vivo stratum corneum sampling (tapestripping) 体内角质层取样(胶带剥离)
  • in vivo vasoconstriction assay forcorticosteroids 皮质类固醇的体内血管收缩试验

The quality guidance applies to new marketing authorisation applications and post approval changes.
The equivalence guidance is applicable to certain cases of demonstration of equivalence of a new topical medicinal product with an existing medicinal product.


1、Introduction and Background 绪论和背景

The diversity of topical products is very wide given the complex nature of skin, the range ofconditions to be treated and the variety of patients and their needs. The guideline cannot present a single procedure to address such diversity, instead general recommendations are provided. These can be applied to any given product on a case-by-case basis. The guideline elaborates existing regulatory guidance and is informed by current scientific knowledge.


1.1 Quality of Topical Products 外用制剂质量

Guidance on the quality of topical products, not covered by other general quality guidelines, is provided. The indication, target population and site of action need to be understood to enable informed choices with respect to pharmaceutical form, composition, and method of administration.


The principal function(s) of the drug product need to be understood. This may simply be administration of the active substance to the surface of the skin. In many cases, bioavailability is increasedby including in the product formulation excipients that change the thermodynamic activity of the active substance, e.g. by solubilisation and supersaturation, that modify active substance diffusion, or disrupt the physiological barrier-penetration enhancers. Occlusion and the vehicle itself, e.g. moisturisers and emollients, may influence the condition to be treated.


The quality target product profile should consider patient acceptability, ease of removal from the container and administration, bulk aesthetic properties such as appearance, spreadability, feel, the microstructure/physical properties, evaporation of volatile excipients, and occlusion if appropriate. These elements need to be characterised and, when necessary, controlled as critical quality attributes.

The product formulation should be developed using sound prior knowledge, established scientific rationale and evidence. The resultant quality characteristics should be determined from multiple batches representative of the product to be marketed.



A robust manufacturing process is required to assure consistent product quality through its marketing life-cycle. Marketed products should have the same quality as those batches for which satisfactory evidence of efficacy and safety or equivalence has been demonstrated.

Stability is shown when batches at release and at the end of their shelf life have equivalent physical, chemical and microbiological quality characteristics, and includes in vitro performance if appropriate.

The control strategy should ensure that the product is fit for its intended purpose and complies with relevant pharmacopoeial standards. Inadequate product development or quality cannot be justifiedby reference to clinical trials.




1.2 Equivalence of Topical Products 外用制剂等效性

Demonstration of equivalence of a new topical medicinal product with an existing medicinal product may be required in the context of marketing authorisation applications relying on the dossier of an existing medicinal product, and in case of product changes during pharmaceutical development or post-approval, which could have a potentially significant impact on the safety, quality or efficacy ofthe medicinal product.


Furthermore in the case of applications which rely on literature to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the medicinal product the relevance of the literature should be supported by equivalence bridging data between the test product and the product described in the literature. This is because the effect of quality differences in formulation, manufacture and method of administration is not predictable.


Existing guidelines state that, for topical products, changes in formulation, dosage form, method of administration or manufacturing process may significantly influence the efficacy and/or safety. Clinical therapeutic equivalence studies are in principle necessary, but other models may be used or developed. This guideline provides further detail on how in vitro and in vivo models may substitute for clinical data for the purpose of establishing therapeutic equivalence.


Demonstration of equivalence with respect to quality is normally not sufficient to predict therapeutic equivalence. In the case of solutions, e.g. cutaneous solutions, a waiver of therapeutice quivalence data may be accepted based on quality equivalence alone, when the method of administration is the same.


Equivalence with respect to quality can, where appropriate, be established using comparative data with the comparator medicinal product (i.e. existing medicinal product) comprising pharmaceutical form; qualitative and quantitative composition; microstructure/physical properties; product performance; administration. This is termed “extended pharmaceutical equivalence” for the purpose of this guideline.


Equivalence with respect to efficacy requires comparative permeation kinetic and, where possible, pharmacodynamic studies with the comparator medicinal product. Suitable permeation kinetic methods are in vitro human skin permeation and in vivo stratum corneum (S.C.) sampling (tape stripping) of  human volunteers and pharmacokinetic bioequivalence. Suitable pharmacodynamic studies includethe in vivo vasoconstriction assay for corticosteroids and in vivo microbial decolonisation studiesfor antiseptics, undertaken on human volunteers. If permeation kinetics and pharmacodynamic studiesare not applicable or are considered insufficiently predictive of clinical response, clinical efficacy data will normally be required.


Equivalence with respect to safety and local tolerance may be inferred from knowledge of the active substance and the choice of well-established excipients. Biowaivers from permeation kinetic or pharmacodynamic equivalence studies are described for simple formulations, i.e. in cases where demonstration of equivalence with respect to quality alone would be sufficient. The general guidance should be used to develop product-specific protocols to demonstrate equivalence, facilitated by obtaining scientific advice, as necessary.


2、Scope 范围

The guideline applies to locally applied and locally acting medicinal products for cutaneous use and may also be relevant for other medicines, e.g. preparations for auricular or ocular use.

Guidance is provided on the quality of topical products, containing chemical active substance(s), not covered by other general quality guidelines and on equivalence testing of topical products to supporta claim of therapeutic equivalence with comparator medicinal products, in lieu of therapeutic equivalence clinical trials.

The quality guidance applies to new marketing authorisation applications and post approval changes. The equivalence guidance is applicable to certain cases of demonstration of equivalence of a new topical medicinal product with an existing medicinal product.



The equivalence guidance does not apply:
  • To biological medicinal products, see guidelines on similar biological medicinal products.

  • To herbal medicinal products.

  • When equivalence with respect to efficacy is demonstrated by therapeutic equivalence clinical trials.

  • When the pharmaceutical form or qualitative and quantitative composition of the test and comparator products are not the same or equivalent (see section 5.2.1).


  • 生物医药产品,参见生物类似药产品指南

  • 中草药产品

  • 当通过临床治疗等效性试验来证明疗效的等效性时

  • 当试验中药物剂型或定性和定量组成与参照药品不相同或不等同时(见5.2.1节)。

3、Legal basis 法律依据

This guideline should be read in conjunction with Directive 2001/83/EC and relevant Pharmacopoeial monographs and Guidelines.


Quality Guidelines 质量指南

  • Ph. Eur. Dosage Form Monographs: Liquid Preparations for Cutaneous Application; Powders for Cutaneous Application; Semi-Solid Preparations for Cutaneous Application; Ear Preparations; Eye Preparations; Pressurised Pharmaceutical Preparations.

    欧洲药典,剂型通则:皮肤用液体制剂、 皮肤用粉末制剂、 皮肤用半固体制剂、耳用制剂、眼用制剂、加压药物制剂。

  • Pharmaceutical Development, ICH Q8 (R2), EMEA/CHMP/167068/2004;

    药物开发,ICH Q8(R2),EMEA/CHMP/167068/2004;

  • Manufacture of the Finished Dosage Form, EMA/CHMP/QWP/245074/2015;


  • Guideline on Process Validation for finished products. Information and data to be provided in Regulatory Submissions EMA/ CHMP/ CVMP/ QWP/ BWP/ 70278/ 2012-Rev1;

    药物制剂工艺验证的指南;监督意见书EMA/ CHMP/ CVMP/ QWP/ BWP/ 70278/ 2012-Rev1中提供的信息与数据;

  • Excipients in the Dossier for Application for Marketing Authorisation of a Medicinal Product CHMP/QWP/396951/06;


  • Q6A Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Active substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances CPMP/ICH/ 367/96-ICH Q6A;


  • Q2(R1) Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology, CPMP/ICH/381/95 - ICH Q2 208 (R1);

    Q2(R1)分析方法验证:正文和方法学,CPMP/ICH/381/95 - ICH Q2 (R1);

  • Stability Testing of New Active substances and Drug Products (ICH Q1A (R2)), CPMP/ICH/2736/99-ICH Q1A (R2);

    新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验(ICH Q1A (R2)),CPMP/ICH/2736/99-ICH Q1A (R2);

  • Stability Testing of Existing Active Ingredients and Related Finished Products, CPMP/QWP/122/02 Rev. 1 corr.;

    现有活性成分及相关药物制剂的稳定性试验,CPMP/QWP/122/02 Rev. 1 corr.;

Equivalence Guidelines 等效性指南
  • Note for Guidance on the Clinical Requirements for Locally Applied, Locally Acting Products containing Known Constituents CPMP/EWP/239/95 Final

    含已知成分的局部给药、局部起效制剂的临床要求指南的注解,CPMP/EWP/239/95 Final

  • Guideline on the Investigation of Bioequivalence CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr

    生物等效性研究指南,CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr
  • Guideline on bioanalytical method validation EMEA/ CHMP/ EWP/ 192217/ 2009 Rev. 1 Corr. 2
    生物分析方法验证指南,EMEA/CHMP/EWP/192217/2009 Rev. 1 Corr. 2
  • General Considerations for Clinical Trials (ICH topic E8, CPMP/ICH/291/95)
    临床试验的一般考虑(ICH topic E8,CPMP/ICH/291/95)
  • Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (ICH E6 (R1), CPMP/ICH/135/95)
    药物临床试验管理规范 (ICH E6 (R1), CPMP/ICH/135/95)
  • Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials (ICH E9, CPMP/ICH/363/96)
    临床试验的统计学原则 (ICH E9, CPMP/ICH/363/96)
  • Reflection Paper on advice to Applicants/Sponsors/CROs of Bioequivalence Studies 222 EMEA/INS/GCP/468975/2007
    关于生物等效性研究中申请者/赞助商/合作研究机构的建议的反馈文件, EMEA/INS/GCP/468975/2007
  • Reflection paper on statistical methodology for the comparative assessment of quality attributes in drug development Draft (EMA/CHMP/138502/2017). Although a draft document, this paper provides current regulatory considerations regarding statistical aspects for the comparative assessment of quality attributes.

    关于药物开发中质量属性的对比评估的统计方法的反馈文件Draft (EMA/CHMP/138502/2017)。尽管只是草案,不过该文提供了有关质量属性比较评估的统计方面的当前监管考虑。

Equivalence trials conducted using human volunteers in the EU/EEA should be carried out in accordance with Directive 2001/20/EC.
In vitro human skin permeation kinetic equivalence trials, which are pivotal to product approval, are subject to National Competent Authority inspection and should also be carried out in accordance with Directive 2001/20/EC.
在 EU/EEA中使用人类志愿者进行的等效性试验应按照指令2001/20/EC进行。


Trials conducted outside of the Union and intended for use in a Marketing Authorisation Applicationin the EU/EEA should be conducted to the standards set out in Annex I of the community code,Directive 2001/83/EC.
Companies may apply for CHMP and NCA Scientific Advice for specific queries not covered by existing guidelines.
在欧盟以外进行的试验并准备将其用于 EU/EEA 的上市许可申请中的,应当按照指令 2001/83/EC 共同守则的附录一中制定的标准进行。

公司可以针对现行指南中未涉及特定事项向 CHMP 和 NCA 进行科学咨询。

4 Quality of Topical Products 外用制剂质量

4.1 Description and composition of the drug product 药品描述与组成

The drug product composition and excipient functions should be described indetail. The names of excipients should be specific and distinct. The recommended international non-proprietary name (INN or INN modified (INNM)) accompanied by the salt if relevant, or the European Pharmacopoeia name, or their usual common name, or the chemical name, otherwise theproposed name should be justified. The name should include the grade or brand (commercial) name, if required for consistent manufacturability and product quality.

应详细描述药物的组成成分和辅料的功能。辅料的名称应该是具体且唯一的。推荐使用国际非专利名称(INN或INN modifie(INNM))( 如果与盐有关应加上盐名称),或欧洲药典名称,或其常用的通用名,或化学名称,若非上述名称则应证明拟定名称合理性。为了确保达到一致的工业生产能力和产品质量,应包括级别或品牌(商业)名称。

It should be explicitly stated when an excipient contributes in a multifunctional way to the designand purpose of the drug product, e.g. propylene glycol acting as a humectant, penetration enhancer and solubiliser.

The applied dose, in terms of mass of active substance per unit area, based on the SmPC instructions for use, and maximum daily dose, should be stated.

The primary packaging and, if necessary, secondary packaging or other materials or components required for reasons of stability or administration, should be described.


应基于 SmPC(Summary of Product Characteristics 产品特性概要)中的使用说明和最大日用量,对单位面积上使用的活性物质的量进行说明。


4.2 Pharmaceuticaldevelopment 药物开发

The pharmaceutical development component of the dossier should form a sound scientific basis forthe topical product for its intended use, providing a clear narrative of product development, and include all relevant data.

4.2.1 Therapeutic objectives and topical productdesign 治疗目标和外用制剂设计

The Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP) should identify the intended therapeutic objectivesand purpose of the drug product and explain how these objectives are achieved by the product design.

A patient-focussed approach should consider: indication and disease state of skin; age appropriateness, patient acceptability, administration and usability, administration site; efficacyin terms of product strength and posology, solute status of the active substance, and bioavailability and/or penetration enhancement; emolliency; safety in terms of ingredient toxicity, impurities, microbial quality; and quality in terms of physical and chemical stability, critical quality attributesand compliance with pharmacopoeial and regulatory requirements.



The local site of action should be identified: skin surface; skin interior (stratum corneum, epidermisor dermis); or subcutaneous, adjacent tissues below the skin (regional).
The means and permeation kinetics by which the active substance reaches the local site of action should be explained. As applicable, this should address administration, the solution state of the active substance, dissolution, release from the product and diffusion through human skin.


In some cases, e.g. skin antiseptic cutaneous solutions, consideration of the method of administration only is appropriate. In others, e.g. NSAID creams, all elements should beconsidered.
The inclusion of excipients to enhance bioavailability and for emolliency should be explainedand justified. The choice of formulation, e.g. aqueous gel, cream, ointment, should be explainedand justified.
If applicable, the proportionality of different strengths should be discussed.
Cross references to relevant non-clinical and clinical sections of the dossier should be provided, as appropriate.


4.2.2 Active substance (P.2.1.1)  原料药

Active substance physicochemical properties that are important for bioavailability, the formulation, performance and stability of the drug product should be identified and discussed. Such properties may include molecular weight, partition coefficient, melting point (boiling point if applicable), pKa, sensitivity to light, air or moisture, degradation pathway, solubility and pH effects, as well as particle size and polymorphism, if the active substance is present in the solid state in the drug product. Critical quality attributes should be identified and controlled in the Drug Substance Specification.


4.2.3 Excipients (P.2.1.2)  辅料

Excipients used in topical products often show batch and source variation e.g. homologue composition of hydrocarbon chains, the degree of unsaturation, molecular weight, polymorphism. This in turn may lead to unforeseen variability in the product rheological properties, microstructure/physicalproperties, crystallisation of the active substance or other ingredient, stability, or bioavailability.
Batch and source variation of excipients should be considered and addressed during development. The choice and quantity of each excipient, and relevant critical quality attributes (CQAs), should be discussed and justified in relation to its function(s), including an emollient function, if applicable.


The grade of the excipient should be specified, when active substance bioavailability, product manufacturability and / or quality is altered if other grades are used.
CQAs of the excipients should be controlled in their specifications and their limits justified (P.4.).
Detailed information on those excipients which might have an influence on the active substance permeation and bioavailability, e.g. solubiliser, penetration enhancer, should be provided, including their ability to provide their intended function and to perform throughout the intended drug product shelf life.


In the case of excipients presented as a mixture of compounds, details of the composition shouldbe provided in qualitative and quantitative terms and characterised, including rheological properties if appropriate. For novel excipients, full details of manufacture, characterisation and controls with cross referencesto supporting safety data should be provided. For excipients also used in cosmetics, data showing compliance with Regulation 1223/2009 on osmetic Products, would be supportive.
Processing aids should be identified and described.


Some excipients traditionally used in topical products may cause irritation or sensitivity reactionsand should if possible be avoided, or minimised if unavoidable, in the development of a new product. For reference, see the guideline on “Excipients in the label and package leaflet of medicinal products for human use”.


4.2.4 Formulation development 配方开发

The development of the drug product should be described with respect to the defined QTPP, employing suitable tests to characterise and control CQAs, factors affecting ease of administration and duration of use, and product performance e.g. dissolution, in vitro drug release and if appropriate in vitro skin permeation. Evidence of the suitability of the test methods and acceptance criteria used to assess the product should be provided (see also Annexes I and II).

应从以下几个方面,对药品的开发过程进行描述:已定义的目标产品质量概况(QTPP);采用合适的测试来表征和控制关键质量属性(CQAs);影响易使用性和持续时间的因素;和产品性能,例如溶解度、体外药物释放,如适用,体外皮肤渗透实验。应提供用于评估产品的测试方法和接受标准的适用性的证据(另见附录 I 和 II)。

The presentation of the active substance in the drug product e.g. as a solute or in a suspension, and the degree of saturation are CQAs, which should be justified in terms of product efficacy and safety, supported by evidence of how the target state is achieved during manufacture and maintained during storage.
The risks of precipitation / particle growth / change in crystal habit, or changes to other active substance characteristics likely to affect bioavailability, arising from changes in temperature and on storage should be assessed and appropriate tests included in the stability studies.


The delivery of the active substance to the site of action needs to be discussed. Solvents and enhancers can be used to aid transport through the different layers of the skin. Ointments may function to occlude the skin and thus facilitate permeation. The concentration gradient of the active substance between the drug product and the site of action is a driving force for delivery and achieving a saturated status of the active substance in the drug product can therefore be crucial.


Patient acceptability and usability of the drug product should be considered e.g. ease of administration, spreadability, which can be of importance for dose per surface area, and feel (dry or greasy).
Where appropriate, the type of the pharmaceutical form should be identified e.g. hydrophobic ointment (hydrocarbon base, absorption base), water emulsifying ointment, hydrophilic ointment.
Product microstructure/physical properties, which may be complex for semisolid products, and mechanisms responsible for its formation during processing, should be understood e.g. in terms of excipient interactions, batch variation and scale-up, so that the manufacturing process can be optimised to give a consistent quality product.


Transformation of the topical product on administration should be discussed. Particularly in those cases where evaporation of volatile solvents and excipients, or other phenomena, are necessary for effective drug delivery to the site of action.
The clinical trial formulation and the batches used in the comparative studies should be described in detail. Any differences in formulation and manufacturing processes between pivotal clinical batches and the drug product to be marketed should be justified. Results from comparative extended pharmaceutical equivalence studies, in vitro studies or in vivo studies should be provided.


When the formulation composition is decided, up-scaling of the manufacturing process will start and the critical process parameters should be identified and controlled. During this period, it is reasonable to expect that necessary adjustments will be made to reach and optimise full-scale production. These adjustments might be changes in composition, manufacturing processes, equipment or manufacturing site. In some cases, the potential impact of these adjustments on the functions of the drug product, e.g. with respect to bioavailability and usability, should be assessed.


Evidence of compliance with Ph. Eur. requirements for the topical dosage form should be provided. The relationship between the QTPP, critical quality attributes and the drug product specification should be fully discussed.
Where the drug product vehicle contains flammable volatile solvents, e.g. isopropyl alcohol and ethanol, the flash point should be determined in compliance with relevant ISO standards and appropriate warnings included in the product information (see also section 4.2.6).
应提供证据,说明外用制剂符合欧洲药典(Ph. Eur.)的要求。应充分讨论目标产品质量概况(QTPP)、关键质量属性与药品质量标准之间的关系。


Drug products with a paraffin vehicle are not in themselves flammable, but when clothing, bedding and dressings become impregnated with these, the material acts as a wick and the paraffin acts as an accelerant when ignited. The patient risks should be assessed, and appropriate warnings included in the product information (see also section 4.2.6).


4.2.5 Product characterisation  产品特性表征

A detailed product characterisation should be developed to facilitate life-cycle management and, where applicable, to support a claim of equivalence to original or comparator medicinal products. Characterisation data should be derived from a representative number of batches taking account of the likely variation seen with disperse systems compared with simple solutions, and should not be less than three batches. To enable statistical evaluation, the number of samples should be representative, with at least 12 units per batch for each experiment. Between batch variability e.g. due to batch size, date of manufacture and period of storage, should also be taken into account.


Pharmaceutical Form 药物剂型

The diverse topical dosage forms include cutaneous solutions, foams and sprays, shampoos, ointments (hydrocarbon, absorption, water-removable and water-soluble bases), creams (oil in water or water in oil), gels, pastes, poultices, medicated plasters and cutaneous patches.

Evidence should be provided that characterises the pharmaceutical form in terms of the solution state of the active substance, disperse and immiscible phases and dosage form type.



For example:

Active substance in solution, single phase vehicle: e.g. cutaneous solution, single phase gel or ointment.

Active substance in suspension, single phase: e.g. cutaneous suspension.

Active substance in solution, two phase vehicle: e.g. o/w cream, active substance in solution in oily phase.

Active substance in suspension, two phase vehicle: e.g. o/w cream, active substance insoluble in either phase in suspension.






For suspensions, additional characterisation in terms of active substance particle size distribution and polymorphic form, including photomicrographs, is required.

For immiscible phase formulations, additional characterisation in terms of globule size distribution and appearance, including photomicrographs, is required.

Particle size analysis by diverse methodologies should be employed, if possible e.g. laser light diffraction, Raman chemical imaging, as well as microscopy.



Appearance 外观

This should be characterised visually and with microphotography - particularly for dispersed systems.

应通过视觉和显微照相来表征 - 特别是对于分散系统。
Microstructure / Physical Properties 微观结构/物理性质

Evidence should be provided to characterise the microstructure/physical properties in terms of bulk physical CQAs that influence bioavailability, usability or indicate variability in the manufacturing process and product instability.

e.g. for solutions and suspensions – pH, buffering capacity, viscosity, density, surface tension, osmolality.

e.g. for semisolid formulations – pH, density, rheological behaviour.


例如,对于溶液和悬浮液 — pH值、缓冲容量、粘度、密度、表面张力、渗透压。

例如,对于半固体制剂 — pH、密度、流变行为。
Non-Newtonian rheological behaviour should be characterised using an appropriate absolute rheometer and include:
  • A complete flow curve of shear stress (or viscosity) versus shear rate, comprising multiple data points across the range of increasing and decreasing shear rates so that any linear portionsof the up-curves or down-curves are clearly identified. The resulting curves shouldbe characterised by fitting to (modified) power law equations so that numerical data canbe produced.
  • Yield stress and creep testing
  • The linear viscoelastic response (storage and loss modulus vs. frequency)
  • 剪切应力(或粘度)与剪切速率的完整流动曲线,包括在剪切速率的增加和减小范围内的多个数据点,以便清楚地识别出曲线上升或曲线下降的任何线性部分。所得曲线应通过拟合(修正的)幂定律方程来表征,以便可以生成数值数据;
  • 屈服应力和蠕变试验;
  • 线性粘弹性响应(存储损耗模量与频率)。

Rheograms should be provided and the product’s behaviour classified according to shear and time effects e.g. pseudoplastic, dilatant, thixotropic, and characterised using appropriate metrics. For example: viscosities at specified shear rates across the rheograms (e.g. η100); plastic flow yield stress values; thixotropic relative area (SR); viscoelastic storage and loss moduli (G’ and G”), apparent viscosity, loss tangent (tan δ).

Appropriate characterisation of rheological properties may enable the identification or design of a simpler test to be used in the Finished Product Specification.

应提供根据剪切和时间效应分类的流变图和药品行为,例如假塑性、膨胀性、触变性,并使用适当的度量表征。例如:流变图中指定剪切速率下的粘度(例如 η100);塑性流动屈服应力值;触变相对面积(SR);粘弹性储存和损耗模量(G' 和 G”)、表观粘度、损耗角正切(tan δ)。


Product Performance 产品性能

Appropriate tests to characterise product performance such as dissolution of suspensions and in vitro drug release (Annex I) should be developed and shown to be stable during storage.

In vitro skin permeation (Annex II) testing may also be of value.



4.2.6 Administration 药品使用

The SmPC and product information should include instructions for use and any necessary warnings for the safe use of the drug product.

Where relevant, transformation of the drug product on administration should be described.

The following should be considered:



  • Site of administration;

  • The necessity to avoid damaged or undamaged skin;
  • The requirements for skin pre-treatment;
  • Effect of exposure to environmental extremes of heat, cold, sunlight;
  • Effect of normal human behaviour such as washing, showers, use of sun screens and moisturisers;
  • 用药部位;
  • 避免受损或未受损皮肤的必要性;
  • 皮肤预处理的要求;
  • 暴露于热、冷、阳光照射的极端环境影响;
  • 日常行为如洗涤、淋浴、使用防晒霜和保湿霜的影响;

  • Any necessary restrictions e.g. avoidance of occlusion;
  • The practical suitability of any special storage conditions;
  • Avoiding inadvertent use by children;
  • For drug products containing flammable volatile solvents, appropriate flammability safety warnings.
  • 任何必要的限制,例如避免封闭;
  • 任何特殊储存条件的实际可行性;
  • 避免儿童无意使用;
  • 对于含有易燃挥发性溶剂的药品,应有适当的易燃性安全警告。

    For example:
    Danger: Flammable.
    Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.
    No smoking. Protect from sunlight.
    Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C.
    Do not spray on flames or other sources of ignition.


  • Patients being dispensed or treated with large quantities (> 100g) of any paraffin-based product should be advised to regularly change clothing, bedding or dressings impregnated with the product and keep away from naked flames.
  • 当患者使用以石蜡为基质药品且用药量超过100g时,建议定期更换衣服、床上用品和敷料,并远离明火。
    For example: 例如
    When this paraffin-based product is covered by a dressing or clothing, there is a danger that smoking, or using a naked flame could cause your dressing or clothing to catch fire.
    Do not smoke, use naked flames (or be near people who are smoking or using naked flames) or go near to anything else which may cause a fire whilst these products are in contact with your clothes, dressing or bandages.


    Ensure that your clothes and bedding are changed regularly (preferably daily) as the paraffin soaks into the fabrics and can potentially be a fire hazard. You should also be careful to make sure that the paraffin does not soak into chairs, seating or other furniture.
    Tell your relatives or carers about your treatment and show them this leaflet.
    Tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you normally smoke. They will be able to offer you help and advice to stop smoking.


4.2.7 Manufacturing process development and Manufacture (P.2.3 and P.3) 生产工艺开发和生产

For dispersed drug products, e.g. two-phase emulsions, changes in formulation or manufacturing process may influence the efficacy and/or safety of the product and are therefore important to evaluate and control. The order of addition of different components to the formulation can be of importance as well as process parameters such as temperature and homogenisation conditions e.g. speed and duration.


In a typical manufacturing process, the critical points are generally the formation of a two- or multi-phase system from one-phase systems and the point at which the active substance is added. As the drug release rate, microstructure/physical properties and rheological profiles of the drug product may be susceptible to scale-up effects, it is particularly important that these properties are verified at the commercial scale.


Module 3.2.P.3.3 and 3.2.P.3.4 should be sufficiently detailed and include both critical and non-critical process parameters and justified by reference to the manufacturing process development undertaken. Hold times and storage conditions of different solutions and intermediate materials should be stated and justified, supported by appropriate stability studies and other relevant data.


Many bulk topical products exhibit shear thickening in the days following manufacture. The time between product manufacture and assembly may need to be optimised. The suitability of the packaging for intermediates, bulk storage, and transportation (shipping) should also be discussed.


4.2.8 Container closure system(P.2.4)  容器密闭系统

The suitability of the container closure system (described in 3.2.P.7) should be discussed and justified. This should include the choice of materials, protection from moisture, oxygen and light where applicable, drug product compatibility, dosing, usability and safety.

Drug products having sterile requirements should be packaged in single-use containers.

If any device is co-packaged to facilitate e.g. the measuring or application of the product, the device should be CE-marked. Compatibility between the device and the medicinal product should be shown and if it is a measuring device, the dose accuracy should be demonstrated with the applied product.




4.2.9 Microbiological Attributes (P.2.5)  微生物属性(P.2.5)

Microbiological aspects should be considered in the same manner as for other administration routes, bearing in mind that cutaneous products are sometimes applied to damaged skin. Reference should be made to European Pharmacopoeia 5.1.4., Microbiological quality of non-sterile pharmaceutical preparations.

Sterility of the drug product is required if it is to be used on large open or deep wounds or on severely injured skin, and products used prior to invasive procedures (e.g. preoperative skin antiseptic) and for preparations for irrigation.

微生物学方面,与其它给药途径一致,应加以考虑,因为皮肤产品有时会涂在受损的皮肤上。需符合EP 5.1.4 非无菌药物制剂的微生物质量。


For non-sterile drug products in multiple-use containers the need to include an antimicrobial preservative should be addressed and justified. The concentration used should be at the lowest feasible level. Reference should be made to European Pharmacopoeia 5.1.3., Efficacy of antimicrobial preservation. For multi-phase formulations, the solubility of the preservative in the different phases needs to be considered.

对于多剂量包装的非无菌制剂,应论证并说明添加抗菌防腐剂的必要性。使用的浓度应处于最低可行水平。应参考EP 5.1.3抗菌防腐的功效。对于多相制剂,需考虑防腐剂在不同相中的溶解度。

4.3 Control strategy 控制策略

General regulatory guidance on the establishment and justification of a control strategy for the drug Product is given in other relevant guidelines, including ICH Q8, Q9, and Q10. Attention should however be paid to the control of CQAs required for the control of drug release, i.e. the in vitro drug release/dissolution and, if appropriate in vitro skin permeation.
If possible, pharmaceutical development should establish the link between product performance quality attributes and clinical efficacy.
关于药物产品控制策略的建立和论证信息可参考其他相关指南,包括 ICH Q8、Q9 和 Q10。然而,应注意控制与药物释放相关的 CQA,即体外药物释放/溶解、体外皮肤渗透(如适用)。


4.3.1 Drug product specification (P.5)  药品质量标准

General guidance on the drug product specification is given in ICH Q6A, Q3B, Q3C and Q3D and the European Pharmacopoeia lists dosage form monographs.

The drug product specification should contain tests for the physical, chemical and microbiological quality, and product performance i.e. the established product characteristics (see 4.2.5) are controlled.

药品质量标准相关指南可参考ICH Q6A、Q3B、Q3C和Q3D,此外,需符合欧洲药典列出的剂型通则。


Crystal formation is a quality deficiency likely to adversely influence efficacy. Syneresis, the extraction or expulsion of a liquid from a semisolid, is another deficiency. Uniformity of the finished product in the container should be considered to detect sedimentation phenomena.

For topical products, the calculation of maximum daily dose for limits for degradation products is not as straightforward as for solid oral preparations or injections. The duration of treatment and amount required is usually more varied. The exposure levels from cutaneous products can usually be considered much less than from routes with systemic exposure. Deviations from standard calculations should be justified from a safety perspective.



Specific precautions in calculating acceptance limits for impurities should be made for cutaneous products applied to damaged skin or products containing penetration enhancers.

Limits for performance tests, i.e. dissolution, drug release using a synthetic membrane and, if appropriate skin permeation testing, if included in the specification should be justified by reference to clinical batches for which satisfactory efficacy and safety has been demonstrated. The limits should be the same at release and shelf life, unless justified and qualified by clinical data.



4.4 Stability program (P.8) 稳定性

To assure quality and stable product characteristics throughout storage, the designated shelf life needs to be based on physical, chemical and microbiological stability, and in vitro release or other performance tests. The risk factors to product stability should be assessed e.g. precipitation, particle growth, change in crystal habit, or other active substance characteristics likely to affect the thermodynamic activity, changes in emulsion characteristics. Appropriate tests, additional to those in the product specification, should be included in the drug product stability study quality specification. Shear thickening and changes in the product microstructure are also risk factors that should be considered.


The stability programme should include stress testing to assess the effect of severe conditions on the drug product e.g. temperature cycling for creams and emulsions. The stability study quality specification should include tests to monitor the suitability of the container closure system. Requirements for special storage conditions e.g. do not refrigerate, should be addressed.

An in-use stability programme should be undertaken. It is important that these tests have a reasonable length considering dosage regimen and package size. Unnecessary wastage or too short in-use shelf-lives should not be proposed.


5 Equivalence of Topical Products 外用制剂的等效性

5.1 Scope 范围

This section addresses equivalence testing of topical products to support a claim of therapeutic equivalence with comparator medicinal products, in lieu of therapeutic equivalence clinical trials. Aspects relating to quality, efficacy, and safety are discussed. For simple formulations (e.g. single-phase solutions, gels, ointments) demonstration of equivalence with respect to quality, i.e. extended pharmaceutical equivalence, may be sufficient.


For more complex formulations, or those containing excipients that might directly influence the active substance bioavailability or product performance, then additional permeation kinetic and, if possible, pharmacodynamic equivalence tests are normally required.

The formulation and strength of the drug product must also be such that the equivalence tests and associated analytical methods are sufficiently sensitive, discriminating, accurate and precise to measure a quantifiable permeation kinetic or pharmacodynamic event. This approach is not applicable and clinical therapeutic equivalence studies are in principle required for the following drug products:


  • With a narrow therapeutic index.

  • With dose related, systemic toxicity, except in those cases where equivalent systemic exposure is shown by conventional pharmacokinetic bioequivalence studies.
  • Where the means e.g. dissolution, release, diffusion, and permeation kinetics by which the active substance reaches the local site of action is not established or understood.
  • Where the method of administration is not the same.
  • 治疗指数窄的药物
  • 与剂量相关的全身毒性药物,但在常规药代动力学生物等效性研究中显示具有等效全身系统暴露的情况除外
  • 尚未建立或明确以下情况的,如药物的溶解、释放、扩散以及渗透动力学研究中药物到达的具体皮肤层
  • 不同的给药途径

  • That cannot be fully characterised with respect to quality attributes e.g. due to complex formulation, methodological limitations.
  • Where it is not possible to measure a quantifiable permeation kinetic or pharmacodynamic event e.g. due to limited diffusion or insensitive tests.
  • Where in vitro and in vivo permeation kinetic and pharmacodynamic studies are not applicable or considered insufficiently predictive of clinical response e.g. products indicated for the treatment of open wounds and ulcers.
  • 不能用质量属性完全表征的药物,如复杂的配方制剂、方法学的局限性
  • 皮肤渗透动力学或药效学无法量化时,例如有限的扩散或对测试不敏感。
  • 当体外和体内渗透动力学和药效学研究不适用或被认为不能充分预测临床反应时,例如用于治疗开放性伤口和溃疡的产品。

5.2 Equivalence with respect to quality (extended pharmaceutical equivalence) 关于质量的等效性(拓展药物等效性研究)

Equivalence requires comparative quality data with the relevant comparator medicinal product. The products should be characterised (see sections 4.2.5 and 5.5). Pharmaceutical form, qualitative and quantitative composition, microstructure/physical properties, product performance e.g. dissolution, in vitro release test, and method of administration should be compared. For volatile solvent based topical products, product transformation on administration should also be compared.


Product quality equivalence should be undertaken on batches representative of the product to be marketed and the manufacturing process – i.e. batches at or near production scale. Alternatively, pilot scale batches, at least 1/10 production scale may be used for characterisation and comparative purposes, if there are no changes in the manufacturing process and equipment, and evidence provided that scale-up does not affect product quality.


It is acknowledged that there may be only a limited number of representative batches available at the time of submission, and at least three different batches of both the test and comparator products should be compared.

To enable statistical evaluation, the number of samples should be at least 12 units per batch for each experiment.

Data are also required to show that the product characteristics remain consistent and equivalent throughout the designated shelf-life.



5.2.1 Extended pharmaceutical equivalence acceptance criteria 拓展药物等效性的接受标准
The extended pharmaceutical equivalence acceptance criteria between the test and comparator medicinal product are:


Pharmaceuticalform 药物剂型
  • The drug product should be the same pharmaceutical form, with the same solution state of the active substance in the same immiscible phases.

  • 药品应为相同的药物剂型,在相同的不混溶相中具有相同的活性物质溶液状态。

Qualitative and Quantitative Composition 药物组分的定性与定量

  • The active substance content, and its salt form should be the same.

  • In general, the excipients qualitative composition, including grade, if necessary, and quantitative composition of excipients should be the same, although some exceptions are permitted. In particular, excipients whose function is to influence the active substance solubility, thermodynamic activity or bioavailability and product performance should be qualitatively the same.

    The nominal quantitative composition of the excipients should be the same or differences not greater than ±5%. For example, for an excipient present in the comparator medicinal product at 2%w/w, the permitted range in the test product is 1.9–2.1%w/w.

  • 活性药物的含量和盐型应相同。

  • 通常情况下,辅料的种类(如必须,包括辅料级别)和用量应保持一致,尽管允许例外的情况存在。但是,对于某些功能性辅料,其可能影响药物溶解度、热力学性质或生物利用度和产品性能,应具有相同的质量。


  • A permitted exception for a qualitatively different excipient may be acceptable for: 允许定性组分存在差异的例外情况包括:

    √   Excipients whose primary function is not related to product performance or administration, i.e. antioxidants, antimicrobial preservatives, colours, and do not have any other functions or effect that influences the active substance solubility, thermodynamic activity or bioavailability and product performance.

    Well-established excipients in usual amounts should be employed and possible interactions affecting drug bioavailability and/or solubility characteristics should be considered and discussed.



    √  Excipient paraffin homologues may be acceptable for excipients whose function relates to the vehicle or emolliency, and do not influence the active substance solubility, thermodynamic activity or bioavailability and product performance.


    The different excipient should have no effect on local tolerance or safety. It should be shown that the excipients do not have any other functions or effect that influences the active substance solubility, thermodynamic activity or bioavailability and product performance. In these cases, a biowaiver (section 5.5.1) cannot be justified and is not permitted.

  • A permitted exception for a quantitative difference of not greater than ±10% is acceptable:

    √   For excipients whose function only relates to the vehicle properties or emolliency.

    √   For excipients whose function is not related to product performance or administration, i.e. antioxidants, antimicrobial preservatives, colours.

    It should be shown that the excipients do not have any other functions or effect that influences the active substance solubility, thermodynamic activity or bioavailability and product performance.

  • 允许的定量差异不大于±10%的例外情况,如下:

    √   辅料的作用仅与载体特性或润肤性有关

    √   辅料的作用与产品性能或给药无关,即抗氧化剂、抗菌防腐剂、色素


Acceptance Criteria 接受标准

  • For quantitative quality characteristics, the 90% confidence interval for the difference of means of the test and comparator products should be contained within the acceptance criteria of +/- 10% of the comparator product mean, assuming normal distribution of data.

  • Qualitative quality characteristics should be essentially the same.

  • 对于定量质量特征,假设数据呈正态分布,则受试药品和参照药品的均值差异的90%置信区间应包含在参照药品平均值的+/-10%的接受标准之内。

  • 定性质量特征应基本相同。

Administration 药品使用

  • The method of administration and administration devices should be similar and achieve the same dose on application.

  • If applicable, when product transformation occurs following administration, the test and comparator medicinal product residues are equivalent with respect to quality i.e. in terms of extended pharmaceutical equivalence.

  • 给药方法和给药装置应相似,并在给药时达到相同的剂量。

  • 如果适用,当给药后药物发生形变,则受试药品和参照药品的残留在质量方面应等效,即在扩展药物等效性方面一致。

5.3 Equivalence with respect to efficacy 药效等效性

5.3.1 Methods  方法

The following methods are considered suitable for equivalence testing, in lieu of a clinical therapeutic study: 下列方法被认为适用于等效性测试,可代替临床治疗研究:

Permeation Kinetics Studies 渗透动力学研究

  • In vitro skin permeation 体外皮肤渗透
  • Stratum Corneum Sampling (Tape Stripping)  角质层取样(胶带剥离)
  • Pharmacokinetic bioequivalence 药代动力学生物等效性
These tests provide a means of measuring equivalence in active substance permeation kinetics of drug products applied to intact skin. Human bioequivalence studies are appropriate when the active substance has quantifiable systemic bioavailability. In vitro skin permeation studies are suitable when the active substance diffuses through the skin to permit quantification in the receptor cell. Stratum Corneum Sampling (Tape Stripping) is suitable when there is sufficient quantifiable drug diffusion across the stratum corneum.
Other techniques, such as Microdialysis and Confocal Raman spectroscopy are not sufficiently established to provide pivotal equivalence data but may be supportive.


Pharmacodynamic Studies 药效学研究

  • Vasoconstriction Assay for corticosteroids. 皮质类固醇的血管收缩测定

  • Antiseptic and anti-infective studies. 防腐和抗感染研究

These studies provide a means of measuring equivalence in active substance pharmacodynamic activity of drug products applied to intact skin. Pharmacodynamic studies for other drugs are not sufficiently established to provide pivotal equivalence data but may be supportive. The model should be suitably valid and its relationship with the therapeutic situation must be demonstrated.


5.3.2 General Considerations 概论

Managing Variability 控制变量

The test conditions should be standardised to minimise the variability of all factors involved except those of the products being tested. Pilot studies are recommended to develop and optimise procedures.

Because the studies are single-dose, product application is a significant source of variability. The dose application procedure (and removal procedure for stratum corneum sampling (tape stripping)) should be practical and carefully described, in accordance with the SmPC of the comparator product, and          strictly controlled, e.g. use of administration templates or aids by a single or limited number of trained personnel. The procedure should enable determination of the actual dose applied. The procedure should be validated.



The study duration should be sufficient to permit quantitative observation of diffusion, but optimally limited to minimise changes in test conditions that may naturally occur, which introduce bias to kinetic profiles, e.g. desquamation, loss in skin integrity, back diffusion, accidental loss or transfer of applied dose. The methods involve multiple complex steps. The studies should be conducted following strict protocols by experienced trained staff, with quality assurance in place.


In vitro skin permeation and stratum corneum sampling (tape stripping) studies should include negative controls that are not equivalent to the test and comparator products. Inter-subject or inter-donor skin variability should be minimised by a cross-over study design. For in vitro skin permeation and stratum corneum sampling (tape stripping) studies, the test, comparator and negative control formulations should each be tested on the same set of volunteers or donor skin.


For low strength and limited diffusion drug products, the very low active substance concentrations expected in samples may be a significant source of variability. Sensitive analytical methods should be used, e.g. coupled chromatography – mass spectroscopy systems. The analytical methods should comply with the Guideline on bioanalytical method validation.

Dose 剂量

The dose, in terms of (a) mass of active substance, (b) application area, and (c) mass or volume of  drug product used, should be specified and based on the comparator product SmPC instructions for use. The application area should be at least sufficient to achieve quantifiable results. If necessary, the area may be greater than normally indicated, if without safety concerns. For in vivo studies, the skin site should be justified.


Sample sizes 样品量

The number of human volunteer subjects should be based on an appropriate sample size calculation and not less than 12.

For in vitro skin permeation studies, the number of donors may be less than 12, if justified.

For in vitro skin permeation and stratum corneum sampling (tape stripping) studies, a replicate design is required. The minimum number of experiments for each of the test, comparator and control products should not be less than 24.

The number and frequency of sample time points, per subject or replicate, should be sufficient to characterise the active substance kinetic profile and determine equivalence parameters.




Acceptance Criteria 接受标准

The acceptance criteria for equivalence parameters is that the 90% confidence interval for the ratioof means of the test and comparator products should be contained within the acceptance interval of 80.00-125.00%, unless justified.

Wider acceptance criteria for the 90% confidence interval, to a maximum of 69.84 – 143.19, may be accepted in the case of high within-subject or within-donor variability observed with low strength and limited diffusion drug products, and if clinically justified. The procedure in the Guideline on Investigation of Bioequivalence, “Section 4.1.10 Highly variable drugs or drug products” should be followed.

等效性参数的接受标准是,除非有充分的理由,受试产品均值和参照产品均值比率的90%置信区间应包含在 80.00-125.00% 的接受区间内。

对于90%置信区间的更广泛接受标准(最大为69.84-143.19),如果临床证明是合理的,适用于在小规格和扩散量有限的药物产品上观察到的受试者或供体内的高变异的情况。同时应遵循生物等效性研究指南 “第4.1.10节高度变异性药物或药物产品” 中的相关规定。

Accreditation 评审

It should be ensured that the performing laboratory is qualified to undertake the studies and that an effective quality system is in place. This should include:

  • A declaration of compliance with a suitable quality system.

  • The technical ability of the performing laboratory and the validity of the method used should be internally assessed at regular intervals and recent results provided;

  • External audit by a National Competent Authority.


  • 符合适当质量体系的声明。

  • 应定期对执行实验室的技术能力和所用方法的有效性进行内部评估,并提供最近的结果;

  • 由国家主管部门进行的外部审计

5.3.3 Permeation Kinetic Studies 渗透动力学研究

Specific guidance for each of the three methods is available:
  • In vitro skin permeation (Annex II of this guideline)
  • Stratum Corneum Sampling (Tape Stripping) (Annex III of this guideline)
  • Bioequivalence  Guideline on Investigation of Bioequivalence (CPMP/ EWP/ QWP/ 1401/98 Rev. 1)


  • 体外皮肤渗透 (本指南附件II)

  • 角质层取样(胶带剥离)(本指南附件III)

  • 生物等效性研究指南(CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev.1)
5.3.4 Pharmacodynamic Studies 药效学研究
Corticosteroids 皮质类固醇
The vasoconstriction assay for corticosteroids is accepted for equivalence testing.
The study should comply with the methodology described in Annex IV.

研究应符合附件 IV 中描述的方法

Skin Antiseptics 皮肤防腐剂
Skin antiseptics should comply with Ph.Eur 5.1.11. Determination of bactericidal, fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of antiseptic medicinal products. Where the method of administration is poorly defined or new then in vivo volunteer tests should be undertaken. In these studies, volunteer’s indigenous flora are recovered before and after skin antisepsis, with justified criteria for microbial recovery log reduction.
For skin antiseptics for use prior to invasive procedures, a study in compliance with ATSM E1173–15 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Pre-operative, Pre-catheterization, or Pre-injection Skin Preparations would be acceptable.
皮肤防腐剂应符合欧洲药典(Ph.Eur) 5.1.11抗菌药物产品的细菌、真菌或酵母菌活性测定 的要求。如果给药方法定义不明确或采用新的给药方法,则应进行体内研究。在这些研究中,志愿者的固有菌群会在皮肤消毒前后恢复(在合理的微生物回收对数去除率范围内)。

对于在有创手术前使用的皮肤防腐剂,应符合ATSM E1173–15用于手术前、导管术前或注射前皮肤处理评估的标准测试法 的要求。

Antimicrobial drug products for treatment of skin infections 用于治疗皮肤感染的抗菌药物产品
In vitro skin infection and decolonisation equivalence studies, if satisfactorily validated, may be acceptable to provide an assurance of equivalence in efficacy, in conjunction with other equivalence studies.

在体外皮肤感染和 decolonisation equivalence 研究中,如果能获得满意的验证结果,可以与其他等效性研究一起提供有效性的保证。

5.4 Equivalence with respect to safety 安全方面的等效性

In general, safety and local tolerance may be guaranteed by knowledge of the active substance and the choice of well-established excipients.

Equivalence with respect to quality, when shown, provides an assurance of safety and local tolerance.

In addition, equivalence seen with permeation kinetic equivalence studies would show that the same amount of active substance is expected to reach the site of action and/or the systemic circulation as the comparator medicinal product.




For topical products, with a regional site of action, where the active substance has systemic bioavailability, bioequivalence studies provide evidence of both efficacy and safety.

As discussed in section 5.1, drugs with dose related, systemic toxicity are out of scope and require local tolerance and clinical safety studies. However, if systemic exposure is measurable, a bioequivalence study showing a similar systemic pharmacokinetic profile would be sufficient to conclude that systemic exposure is not higher for the test product than for the comparator product.



5.5 Topical Product Specific Equivalence Protocols 外用制剂特定的等效规定

The development of topical product specific equivalence protocols and choice of equivalence tests should consider the following key factors: pharmaceutical form; product formulation; drug dissolution and release; drug diffusion in the skin and site of action.


A formal topical product specific equivalence protocol, with test methods and their acceptance criteria, should be provided and justified. The protocol should be prepared before commencing the equivalence studies. All data available, positive and negative, should be provided. Equivalence may be concluded if results comply with the protocol criteria specified a priori.

In general, the product-specific equivalence protocol should comprise:

  • Justification for the absence of a clinical therapeutic equivalence study; that the drug product is within and not out of the scope of this guideline (Section 5.1).

  • Justification for the absence of safety studies (section 5.4).

  • Extended pharmaceutical equivalence studies and equivalence in the method of administration (Section 5.2).

  • 不开展临床治疗等效性研究的理由;该药品在且不超出本指南的范围(5.1节)

  • 不进行安全研究的理由(5.4节)

  • 拓展药物等效性研究和给药方法的等效性(第5.2节)
  • An appropriate permeation kinetic equivalence study, if diffusion through the skin is relevant to efficacy (Section 5.3.3) and justification of the choice of study or studies. Alternatively, if applicable, justification for the absence of kinetic equivalence studies.

  • Pharmacodynamic studies should also be performed, if possible and relevant. The  development, validation and conduct of novel studies is encouraged (Section 5.3.4).

  • 如果药物的疗效与药物通过皮肤的扩散情况相关(5.3.3节),可进行相应的渗透动力学等效性研究,说明药物的经皮扩散情况。如适用,也可说明无需进行该研究的依据

  • 如果可能和相关,还应进行药效学研究。鼓励采用新技术,进行开发、验证等研究(5.3.4 节)

5.5.1 Biowaivers 生物等效性豁免

A waiver of the need to provide permeation kinetic or pharmacodynamic equivalence data can in principle be acceptable for:

  • Simple formulations with a single-phase base in which the active substance is in solution or suspension e.g. cutaneous solutions, single phase gels and ointments; cutaneous suspensions.

  • If the objectives and purpose of the drug product is only administration of the active substance to the surface of the skin (see section 4.2.1), then extended pharmaceutical equivalence, including in vitro drug release for gels, ointments and suspensions, and equivalence in administration should normally be sufficient


  • 活性物质在单相溶液或悬浮液中的简单配方制剂,如外用溶液剂、单相凝胶剂和软膏剂、外用混悬剂

  • 如果药物产品的宗旨和目标只是将活性药物给予到皮肤表面(见4.2.1节),通常进行拓展药物等效性(包括凝胶剂、软膏剂和混悬剂的体外药物释放)和给药等效性研究即可。

Equivalence studies with respect to efficacy (Section 5.3) are always required if the formulation:

  • Includes excipients whose function is to influence the active substance bioavailability, product performance or enhance drug penetration;

  • Includes complex excipients where different suppliers or grades may affect the in vivo performance or stability of the active substance;

  • Has a qualitatively different excipient composition from the comparator product (see section 5.2.1, Qualitative and Quantitative Composition).

Bioequivalence studies should usually be provided if the products have a regional site of action, where the active substance has quantifiable systemic bioavailability.

需要进行功效等效性研究(第 5.3 节)的配方,包括:

  • 包含影响活性物质生物利用度、产品性能或增强药物渗透性的辅料

  • 包含不同供应商来源或级别可能体内性能或活性物质稳定性的复杂辅料

  • 与参照产品比较,具有不同成分的辅料(见5.2.1节,定性和定量组成)


5.5.2 Strength Biowaiver 不同规格生物等效性豁免

If several strengths of a test product are applied for, it may be sufficient to establish equivalence at only one strength, which is most sensitive to detect potential differences between formulations.

The following requirements must all be met where a waiver for additional strength(s) is claimed:


  1. the different strengths of the test products are manufactured by the same manufacturing process.


  2. the different strengths of the test products have the same qualitative composition.


  3. the qualitative and quantitative compositions of the different strengths of the test products are equivalent to the different strengths of the comparator medicinal products.


  4. extended pharmaceutical equivalence (section 5.2) is demonstrated between the test and comparator medicinal product for all strengths.

    采用所有规格的受试产品与参照产品进行扩展药物等效性(第 5.2 节)论证

6 Post-authorisation changes 批准后变更

For any proposed change, a risk assessment should be performed to determine its impact on quality, safety, or efficacy of the product.

Risks arising from cumulation of changes from the original drug product should also be considered.

The following changes are considered to have a potential significant impact on the safety, quality or efficacy of the drug product:



  • A change in the physicochemical state and / or thermodynamic activity of the active substance;

  • A change that affects dissolution, in vitro release, in vitro permeation kinetic characteristics of the drug product.

  • A change in the manufacturing process e.g. a change in a critical process parameter.

  • 原料药的物理化学状态和/或热力学活性的变化

  • 影响药物产品溶出、体外释放、体外渗透动力学特性的变化

  • 生产工艺的变化,例如关键工艺参数的变化

The comparative medicinal product for use in equivalence studies is usually that authorised under the currently registered formulation, manufacturing process, packaging etc.

If the proposed change meets the extended pharmaceutical equivalence acceptance criteria (section 5.2.1) for pharmaceutical form, and qualitative and quantitative composition, then equivalence should be demonstrated according to this guideline using a product specific equivalence protocol, with justified test methods and acceptance criteria (section 5.5).



If the proposed change does not meet the extended pharmaceutical equivalence acceptance criteria (section 5.2.1) for pharmaceutical form, or qualitative and quantitative composition, then equivalence should be demonstrated using an appropriate clinical study.

In all cases, the change should be supported by appropriate and representative batch data of the original and proposed change of all critical quality attributes.



Annex I  In vitro release test (IVRT)  附件一 体外释放试验(IVRT)

1. Scope of IVRT  IVRT适用范围

This annex provides information for in vitro release rest (IVRT) of semisolid drug products (e.g. creams, gels or ointments) and liquid suspensions. The following types of topical products are out scope for IVRT, but other in vitro tests may be applicable: simple liquid solutions, topical powders and other non-standard topical formulations (such as foams).


2. Rationale for IVRT  IVRT基本原理

An IVRT with pseudo-infinite dosing using diffusion cells evaluates the rate and extent of release of an active substance in the proposed formulation. The following parameters should be determined:

  • Drug release rate (R): The slope of the cumulative amount of active substance released versus the square root of time for the linear portion of the drug release profile. If a linear portion of the drug release profile cannot be obtained, the IVRT is not valid.

  • The cumulative amount (A) of active substance released, usually expressed in mass units per surface area, at the last sampling time of the linear portion.

  • Lag time (if present)

  • 药物释放率(R):以活性物质的累计释放量对时间平方根作图,释放曲线的线性部分斜率即为药物释放率。如果不能获得线性部分,则IVRT无效

  • 在线性部分的最后采样时间点获得的活性物质的累计释放量(A),通常以“质量/面积”表述

  • 延迟时间(如有)

Although the test does not model in vivo performance, the release rate (R) is a CQA to be specified in the finished product release and shelf life specification, unless otherwise justified. The in vitro release limits should be justified by reference to the in vitro release observed with clinical batches for which satisfactory efficacy or equivalence has been demonstrated.


Release and shelf life limits should normally be the same, unless the reasons for the differences are satisfactorily explained on quality grounds and justified by reference to clinical batches, and tighter limits at release are set, to ensure that the product will remain within the shelf life specification. A validated in vitro release test is required to support extended pharmaceutical equivalence.


3. Study design 研究设计

A pilot IVRT study comparing the test and comparator products is recommended to confirm the suitability of the chosen membrane and to validate the experimental conditions. The experimental conditions should be justified with respect to the following:

  1. Choice of membrane: 膜的选择

    i.  The membrane should ensure that the product and the receptor medium remain separate to ensure the tested formulation remains unchanged throughout the testing period. The membrane should not be rate-limiting to active substance release.
    ii.  The membrane should be compatible with the drug product formulation and not bind to the active substance.
    i.  膜应有确保产品和接收介质保持分离的能力,以确保在整个测试过程中配方制剂保持不变。且不应限制活性物质的释放。

    ii.  膜应与配方制剂相容,且不与活性物质结合。

  2. Choice of receptor medium: 接收介质选择
    i.  Sink conditions should be confirmed. An acceptable sink condition is one where the maximum concentration of the active substance in the receptor medium achieved during the experiment does not exceed 30% of its maximum solubility in the receptor medium. Sink conditions normally occur in a volume of medium that is at least 3-10 times the saturation volume.
    ii.  Back diffusion of the receptor medium should be minimised to avoid transformation of the applied drug product. The pH of the receptor medium should remain constant throughout the release test.
    i.  应确认漏槽条件。可接受的漏槽条件是,在整个试验期间,接收介质中活性物质的最大浓度不应超过在该接收介质中活性物质最大溶解度的30%。通常情况下,介质的体积至少是饱和体积的3-10倍。

    ii.  应尽量减少接收介质的反向扩散,以避免药物产品的转化。在整个释放测试期间,应使受体介质的 pH 值保持恒定。

  3. The sampling time (at least hourly) and experimental conditions (such as apparatus, temperature, mixing speed) should be defined. The duration of IVRT should be sufficient to characterise the release profile, ideally at least 70% of the active substance applied is  released. At least 6 time points should be obtained in the linear portion of the drug release profile, including the first sample immediately after drug diffusion has reached a steady state.

    应明确采样时间(每小时至少一次)和试验条件(如仪器、温度、搅拌速率)。IVRT 的持续时间应足以表征释放曲线,理想情况下,释放量至少为活性物质的70%。在药物释放曲线的线性部分至少选取6个时间点,包括药物扩散达到稳态后的第一个取样时间点。

  4. The amount and method of formulation application should be described, consistent (±5% between samples) and validated to ensure homogeneous spreading of the formulation over the membrane and pseudo-infinite dose conditions. The effects of formulation evaporation should be minimised.


  5. The analytical methods should be sensitive enough to quantify the amount of drug in the receptor solution at various time points and validated.


4. Method validation 方法验证

The marketing authorisation application should include documented evidence that the IVRT has been validated and is suitable for the quality control of the drug product. A summary of the development of IVRT should be provided. Testing conditions providing the most suitable discrimination should be chosen.


  1. Satisfactory evidence of discrimination should be provided, with respect to both of the following quality modifications: 如下所示,可通过改变产品的两个质量特性,说明方法具有令人满意的区分力:

    i.  The release rate as a function of drug concentration (at least three strengths) in the formulation should be investigated. The linearity (r2>0.90) of the correlation of formulation concentration to rate of drug release (R) should be confirmed when the drug is fully dissolved. For suspensions, the relation between drug concentration and rate of drug release (R) should also be understood and discussed.


    ii.  Discriminative power of the proposed method should be demonstrated with altered product formulations with changes in critical quality attributes (such as the active substance particle size distribution or drug product rheological profile), critical manufacturing variables or quantitative excipient composition; the complete omission of one or more specific excipients from the altered product formulation is not supported.


  2. Method intermediate precision for the same batch should be studied with different operators on different days (CV<10%).
  3. Method robustness with respect to variations in mixing rate, amount of formulation applied, receptor mediums and temperature should be studied.


5.Presentation of data 递交数据

A minimum of 12 samples per batch should be used for initial method validation or to demonstrate equivalence. For routine release, a minimum of 6 samples would be accepted. The in vitro drug release profile data should be provided in tabular and graphical formats. For the drug release profiles, the quantity of active substance released in mass units per unit area at a given time should be reported.

For extended pharmaceutical equivalence testing:

在首次进行方法验证或等效性评估时,每个批次的样品最少需要12个重复。对于日常放行检测,每个批次至少需要6个重复。在体外药物释放研究中,应以表格和图形格式递交相关数据;以 “质量/面积” 为单位,报告特定时间的活性物质释放量。

  • The cumulative amount of active substance released versus the square root of time should be linear.

  • The parameter R should be significantly different from zero.

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test and comparator products for the parameters (R), (A) should be contained within the acceptance interval of 90 – 111%.

  • Lag times should be the same (i.e. within ±10%), if present.

  • 活性物质的累计释放量与时间的平方根呈线性关系;

  • 释放速率(R)明显大于0;

  • 受试产品与参照产品释放速率(R)均值比率的90%置信区间应包含在90-111%的可接受范围;

  • 延迟时间一致(在±10%范围内),如有。

Annex II  In vitro skin permeation studies (IVPT)  附件 II  体外皮肤渗透研究(IVPT)

1. Scope and rationale for IVPT  IVPT 适用范围和基本原理

Establishing the characteristic permeation profile of the drug product, using a discriminative in vitro permeation test (IVPT), is of value in change control during life-cycle management and an acceptable permeation kinetic test to demonstrate equivalence.
For equivalence studies, test and comparator products, together with a negative control such as a formulation with 50% of the proposed product strength, are compared.


2. Study design 研究设计

To minimise risk of bias, the study protocol should specify methods of blinding and randomisation in line with ICH E8. A pilot IVPT study comparing the test and comparator products is recommended to confirm that the active substance permeates through the skin, to validate the experimental conditions (such as apparatus, dosing amount, sampling times, stirring rate, etc.) and may be of value in estimating sample size required for the pivotal study.

The experimental conditions should be justified with respect to the following:

为了最大限度地降低误差风险,应根据 ICH E8,在研究方案中明确规定盲法和随机化方法。建议采用受试产品与参照产品进行IVPT探索性研究,以确认活性物质可渗透通过皮肤,同时对试验条件进行确认(如仪器、上样量、采样时间和搅拌速率等),并可能有助于评估IVPT正式研究中所需的样本量。

  1. Choice of skin membrane: 皮肤膜的选择
    i.  It is recommended to use ex vivo adult human skin. The study protocol should specify the inclusion/exclusion criteria for skin sections, the anatomical region, condition and duration of skin storage. Skin with tattoos, any signs of dermatological abnormality or exhibiting a significant density of terminal hair should be excluded.


    ii.  Different skin preparation techniques can be used. Evidence should be provided to demonstrate that the skin preparation technique and storage does not introduce artefacts, nor alter the skin barrier function. The use of full-thickness skin may artificially delay drug permeation and should be avoided unless otherwise justified. The skin thickness and separation technique should be described.


    iii.  The skin integrity should be checked prior to and after each experiment. The choice of the skin integrity test and its acceptance criteria should be explained. Different acceptance criteria maybe proposed for before and after the experiment, these acceptance criteria should be justified and consistent across all parallel experiments.


    iv.  Skin from different donors should be chosen. Test, comparator and negative control formulations should be tested using the same donor skin, ideally from adjacent sites, per replicate.


    v.  The number of skin donors should not be less than 12, with at least 2 replicates per donor.

    皮肤供体的数量不应少于 12 个,每个供体至少 2 个重复。

    vi.  The apparatus should ensure consistent temperature control throughout the duration of the experiment. The skin surface temperature should be stable at 32±1°C.


  2. Choice of receptor medium: 接收介质的选择
    i.  Sink conditions should be confirmed as described with IVRT (Annex 1).
    应按照 IVRT(附件 1)的要求确认漏槽条件。
    ii.  The receptor medium should be aqueous buffer, unless otherwise justified. Evidence should be provided that the chosen receptor medium does not compromise the skin barrier integrity throughout the test.
    iii.  The inclusion of an anti-microbial agent in the receptor medium, to mitigate potential bacterial decomposition of the skin membrane, is acceptable, but it should not interfere with the properties of the skin or the assay.


  3. The number of sampling time points should be sufficient to obtain meaningful profiles, i.e. capturing the maximal rate of absorption and a decline in the rate of absorption thereafter, with more frequent sampling during the period of greatest change. The duration for testing should be 24 hours. If the study duration is longer than 24 hours, it should be shown that skin barrier function and integrity is adequately maintained.


  4. The recommended dosing amount should be in the rage of 2-15mg/cm2, based on SmPC posology, unless otherwise justified. Dose application should be validated to ensure reproducibility (±5 %) and homogeneous spreading of the formulation over the skin membrane. The donor compartment should be un-occluded unless otherwise specified in the SmPC.


  5. To identify potential contamination and/or interferences, pre-dose samples collected from each diffusion cell and a parallel non-dosed blank control skin experiment are recommended.


  6. A detailed description of the blinding procedure should be provided in the study protocol and final report. The packaging of the test, comparator and negative control products should be similar in appearance to maintain adequate blinding. The method of randomization should be described in the protocol and the randomization schedule provided.


  7. For low strength drug product, the analytical methods should be sensitive enough to quantify the amount of drug in the receptor solution at various time points and be appropriately validated.
  8. The stability of the active substance in the receptor solution over the duration of IVPT study, and sample storage prior to analysis, should be confirmed.


3. Method validation 方法验证

The Marketing Authorisation Application should include documented evidence that the IVPT has been validated and are suitable for drug product comparison.

The suitability of the test conditions should be demonstrated using batches with different quality attributes (a negative control), such as a drug formulation with 50% of the proposed product strength, that is shown to be statistically different and non-equivalent to the comparator product.



To achieve this, batches with meaningful changes compared to the applied finished product should be manufactured. Such changes may relate to the quantitative formulation, critical quality attributes and/or using slightly modified process parameters. Current knowledge of the characteristics derived from the active substance and the finished product formulation must be considered when choosing the quality attributes to change. The complete omission of one or more specific excipients from the formulation (e.g., penetration enhancer, preservatives) is not supported.


4. Presentation of data 递交数据

IVPT data should be provided in tabular and graphical formats. All individual data and parameters should be listed by formulation together with summary statistics. Both the plots of the cumulative amounts permeated per unit area (mass unit/cm2) as function of time and the plot of the rate of absorption (mass unit/cm2/hr) as a function of time should be provided to characterise the release profile.
Relevant permeation parameters, e.g., the maximal rate of absorption (Jmax) and total amount permeated at the end of experiment (Atotal) should be determined and compared. In the case of a replicate design, results obtained in the duplicate sites from the same donor should be averaged (geometric mean) prior to further analysis.

应以表格和图形格式递交IVPT数据,列出所有的数据和参数,以及计算公式和汇总统计信息。为了表征释放行为,应将“单位面积的累计渗透量(质量/平方厘米)与时间”作图,同时将 “吸收速率(质量/平方厘米/小时)与时间” 作图,并递交相关结果。


The acceptance criteria for equivalence parameters (Jmax) and (Atotal) are:
  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test and comparator products should be contained within the acceptance interval of 80.00- 125.00%, unless justified.

    受试产品与参照产品均值比率的90% 置信区间应包含在80.00-125.00%的可接受范围,除非有正当理由。

  • Wider 90% confidence interval limits, to a maximum of 69.84 – 143.19, may be accepted in the case of high variability observed with low strength and limited diffusion drug products, and if clinically justified. The procedure in the Guideline on Investigation of Bioequivalence, “Section 4.1.10 Highly variable drugs or drug products” should be followed.


In addition, for the test to be valid: 此外,为了确认测试结果可信:

The acceptance criteria for equivalence parameters (Jmax) and (Atotal) 等效性参数(Jmax)和(Atotal)的接受标准为:

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test and negative control products should be entirely outside the interval of 80.00- 125.00%.

    受试产品与阴性控制产品均值比率的 90% 置信区间应全部在 80.00-125.00% 之外。

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the comparator and negative control products should be entirely outside the interval of 80.00- 125.00%.

    参照产品与阴性控制产品均值比率的 90% 置信区间应全部在 80.00-125.00% 之外。
Additional permeation parameters, such as the time of maximal rate of absorption (tmax) andlag-times, should also be reported. The lag-times between the test and comparator products should be thesame (i.e. within ± 10%) if present. Any differences in the permeation parameters should beappropriately discussed with respect toequivalence.


The mass balance should be determined. The cumulative amount of the active substancepermeated into the receptor medium (Atotal), the total amount of active substance retained (Stotal) in theskin samples and amount of active substance retained on the cleaning or experimental equipment(Rtotal) should be presented. The overall recovery of the active substance of 90-110% would beacceptable without justification, larger variation should be fully justified andexplained.
The amount of active substance retained in different skin layers (such as the stratum corneumand epidermis) may be analysed separately to understand the active substance distribution in humanskin.


Annex III Stratum Corneum (S.C.) Sampling (Tape Stripping)  附件III 角质层(S.C.)取样(胶带剥离 )

1. Introduction 引言

This annex provides information for an in vivo stratum corneum sampling (or tape stripping(TS)) study for semi-solid formulations as a permeation kinetic method to show equivalence, in lieu ofa therapeutic equivalencestudy.

本附件是关于半固体制剂体内角质层取样(或胶带剥离 (TS))的研究信息,该研究是一种显示等效性的渗透动力学方法,可用于替代治疗等效性研究。

The S.C. sampling study is a minimally invasive technique that involves sequential removal of the outermost skin layer (i.e., the stratum corneum (S.C.)) using adhesive tapes after application of a drug-containing formulation. The amount of drug in the S.C. depends on three main processes: drug partitioning from the formulation into the SC, drug diffusion across the S.C., and drug partitioning out of the S.C. into the viable tissues. A major advantage of TS is that the experiment is conducted invivo with a fully functioning cutaneous microcirculation so that drug clearance from the skin isunimpeded.


TS data provide direct measurements and information on the local bioavailability of semi-soliddrug products that act on or in the S.C. e.g. antifungal products. In cases when the target sites of actionare beyond the S.C., TS data may provide a suitable surrogate to characterise the rate and extent of drug absorption to the underlying tissues.


In vivo TS studies are only applicablefor products where drug diffusion into and through the SC takes place. Thus, TS should not be used for testing of drug products to be applied on significantly damaged skin (e.g. open wounds, burns) or skin of premature new-born. In addition, any products that contain volatile drugs or target primarily the cutaneous appendages (e.g. hair follicles, sebaceous glands) are also not suitable.


2. Method development and optimization 方法开发和优化

A TS study is not an automated process and careful consideration of the experimental design is vital. The experimental conditions of the pivotal study should be assessed individually for the concerned products and should be established by performing a pilot TS study. A summary of the development and optimisation of the TS method should be provided.
The following experimental conditions should be established and verified during the pilot study:


  • TS study should be conducted on healthy, normal forearm (volar) skin areas with adequate skin barrier function. The inclusion/exclusion criteria for skin conditions should be defined. Skin with tattoos, any signs of dermatological abnormality or exhibiting a significant density of terminal hair should be excluded. The preparation and cleaning procedures prior to the experiment should be established and further, that the treatment sites are not damaged by these processes.


  • Skin integrity should be determined before and after the experiment. This is normally performed by the measurement of Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL), although other techniques may be applicable if appropriate. The acceptance criteria should be fully discussed and justified.


  • Due to inter-subject variability, the products to be compared should be applied on the same subject. Additionally, a negative control that is non-equivalent to the comparator product should also be included to demonstrate the discriminatory power of the method. It is recommended to blind the investigator responsible for formulation application and tape stripping to minimise risk of bias.


  • The dosing amount should be determined based on the SmPC. During the pilot study, the dosage and area of dose application should be verified to achieve a quantifiable mass of active substance in the SC. The dosing technique, blinding and randomisation procedures should also be established.


  • A single dose approach should be followed, i.e. skin stripping is performed after a single application of the test and comparator products.


  • It is necessary that the products are compared at two time points (one uptake, one clearance) for each subject. The optimal uptake and clearance times depend on the characteristics of the drugs and products and should be determined during the pilot study. Ideally and when  relevant, the uptake time should be sufficiently long for the drug to have attained the diffusional steady-state. This can be established by testing at multiple uptake times and from which time the mass of drug recovered from the SC remains constant. The clearance time should be long enough to allow measurable transfer of drug from the SC into the viable skin (and beyond) but should not exceed 48 hours to avoid any skin desquamation effect. The clearance time providing at least a 25% decrease in the mass of drug recovered from the SC with respect to that at the uptake phase is preferred. In all cases, the sampling times should be carefully considered and justified.

    对于每个受试者,需要对两个时间点(吸收、清除)的产品测定结果进行对比。最佳的吸收和清除时间取决于药物和产品的特性,应在探索性研究期间进行确定。理想情况下,吸收时间应足够长,以使药物达到扩散平衡状态。这可以通过测定给药后多个时间点,角质层中药物回收的量进行确定。清除时间应足够长,以便于准确测定从角质层转移至活体皮肤(和皮下)的情况,但不应超过 48 小时,以避免任何皮肤脱屑效应。与吸收阶段相比,能使从角质层中回收的药物量至少降低25%的清除时间是最佳的。无论什么情况,都要仔细考虑采样时间并证明其合理性。

  • The drug product should be removed from the skin surface after the specified uptake time. The cleaning procedure should be established to ensure that the residual formulation is efficiently removed from the treatment sites before stripping.


  • The adhesive tape chosen should meet the following requirements: a) does not lose mass when applied and rubbed against the skin surface; b) minimal weight loss and gain during storage; c) the drug is readily extracted from the SC adhered to the tape; d) the adhesive or other components of the tape do not interfere with the analytical quantification of the drug; and e) the adhesive power should be such that the majority of the SC is removed with a sufficiently low number of tapes (e.g. not more than 30 tapes).

    所用胶带应满足以下要求:a)与皮肤表面粘附后,不损失重量;b)存储过程中,重量减少和增加较小;c)药物易从粘附在胶带上的角质层中提取;d)胶带的粘合剂或其他成分不干扰药物的定量测定;e)胶带应有足够的粘合力,即使采用较少的胶带数量也可以除去大部分的角质层(例如,不超过 30 条)。

  • The TS procedure followed must ensure that most of the SC (≥75%) is sampled for each skin site. The minimum and maximum number of tapes should be established based on the TEWL (or other relevant) criteria, e.g. eight-fold increment over baseline value, safety stop value.


  • Most commonly, the drug is first extracted from the tapes then quantified in the extraction solvent(s). Alternative methods of extraction/quantification may be used if justified. Satisfactory efficiency should be demonstrated for the proposed extraction method.


3. Study design 研究设计
Detailed standard operating procedures should be prepared for the conduct of TS studies to ensure precise control of dosing, cleaning, stripping, extraction, quantification and other study variables or potential sources of experimental bias. The inclusion/exclusion criteria should be pre-defined and clearly stated in the protocol.
The following study design is recommended for TS studies. The final protocol developed for each specific case should be justified.
  • Subjects – TS studies should be performed in healthy volunteers. The subjects should be screened for suitability in line with the principles of bioequivalence studies.
  • Treatment area –healthy skin of the volar forearm areas sufficient to accommodate at least six application sites per forearm. Skin integrity should be verified e.g. by TEWL measurement. The same number of application sites should be assigned to each forearm;


  • Number of subjects – the choice of the number of subjects should be justified based on the variability estimated from the pilot studies and demonstrated to be statistically relevant. A minimum of 12 subjects should be used to demonstrate equivalence;
  • Number of replicates – at least two application sites per product (test, comparator and a negative control) per forearm. One forearm should be used for uptake samples and the other for clearance;
  • 重复次数:每个样品(受试、参照和阴性控制)在各前臂至少应有两个给药位点。一个前臂用于药物吸收,另外一个用于清除;

  • The products should be applied at pre-determined doses (±5%) and spread evenly over the entire demarcated application sites. Blank samples should be collected from the adjacent areas to verify the absence of background levels of drug or other compounds that may interfere with the quantification of drug in the treated SC;
  • The application sites should be randomised to avoid bias. The application time should be staggered to allow time for S.C. sampling;


  • Un-occluded conditions, unless occlusion is recommended in the product information, or otherwise justified e.g. to prevent inadvertent removal of formulation.
  • The formulation should be removed from all treatment sites (uptake and clearance) at the end  of the uptake phase. The total cleaning time should be minimised to avoid any artefacts due to further drug diffusion. Skin integrity of the treated area should be checked before stripping;
  • 在吸收结束后,应将给药位点(吸收和清除)的样品去除;并尽量减少总清洁时间,以避免由于药物进一步扩散造成偏差。在胶带剥离前,对上样区域的皮肤完整性进行测定;

  • The 'uptake’ sites should be tape-stripped immediately after formulation removal. The 'clearance’ sites should be tape-stripped at the pre-defined clearance times;
  • The exact number of tapes required should be determined based on TEWL measurements of the stripped area and the stopping criteria established from the pilot study;


  • The mass of SC removed per tape should be determined using a gravimetric method by weighing the tapes strips before and after stripping. Alternative methods of quantification of the SC can be used if suitably described and justified;


  • All stripped tapes collected from each treatment site should be analysed. The first two tapes should be analysed separately from the remaining tapes, so their contribution to the total amount of drug recovered can be evaluated. To enhance analytical detectability, the subsequent tapes can be combined in groups (e.g. each group containing the required minimum content of SC) for extraction. The total mass of drug in the SC should be calculated as the sum extracted from all tape strip samples. The mass balance, including the drug content removed from the surface by cleaning should be determined for each treatment site. The overall recovery of 90-110% would be acceptable without justification; larger variation should be fully explained.


4. Method validation 方法验证

Cleaning the skin surface at the end of the application period prior to tape-stripping is important and must be capable of removing excess formulation (i.e. unabsorbed drug) efficiently without inadvertently 'driving’ the drug into the barrier. The cleaning procedure usually involves quickly and gently wiping the skin with dry/wet tissue, cotton swabs and/or fresh alcohol wipes. The cleaning components should be known not to influence drug diffusion into and through the SC. A careful evaluation and validation of an efficient skin cleaning procedure should be performed prior to the pivotal study, e.g. by demonstrating satisfactory recovery (>90%) of the drug formulation removed from the skin surface and the negligible drug content (<10%) recovered by stripping the cleaned skin immediately after application. Other ways of validation may be used if suitably justified.


The bioanalytical method employed for drug quantification in the tape strips should be validated. The efficiency of the extraction procedures (including extraction of tape strips in groups) should be established and demonstrated as consistent prior to the pivotal study.

The discriminatory power of the TS method should be demonstrated for batches with different quality attributes (a negative control), such as a drug formulation with ±50% of the proposed product strength, that is shown to be statistically different and non-equivalent to the test and comparator products. The analytical methods for determining the content of active substance in the tape-stripped SC should be validated according to the Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation.



5. Data analysis and metrics 数据分析与度量

Data from all subjects should be reported and the validity and variability of the results shouldbe discussed. All treated subjects and application sites should be included in the statistical analysis.The permitted reasons for exclusion must be pre-specified in the protocol. Data exclusion basedon statistical analysis or for kinetic reasons alone is not acceptable.


For each product, the thickness of SC removed, the number of tapes used and final TEWL value measured at both uptake and clearance times should be reported.Any differences in the separameters between the test and comparator products should be discussed with respect toequivalence.

A plot of drug content profile in the SC should be presented for each application site, e.g. the drug content of each SC tape strip (single or grouped) versus SC depth. The duplicated measurements for each product in each subject should be averaged (population geometric mean) prior toanalysis.


For the comparison of products, the equivalence parameters: mass of drug recovered from the uptake (Muptake) and clearance (Mclearance) sites, should be statistically compared, according to the Guidelineon the Investigation of Bioequivalence (CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr). The acceptance criteria for equivalence parameters (Muptake) and (Mclearance)are:

在两个产品的比较中,应根据生物等效性研究指南(CPMP/EWP/QWP/1401/98 Rev. 1/ Corr),对等效性参数进行统计分析。等效参数(Muptake)和(Mclearance)的接受标准是:

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test and comparator products should be contained within the acceptance interval of 80.00- 125.00%, unless justified.

    受试产品与参照产品均值比率的90% 置信区间应包含在80.00-125.00%的可接受范围,除非有正当理由。
  • Wider 90% confidence interval limits, to a maximum of 69.84 – 143.19, may be accepted in the case of high variability observed with low strength and limited diffusion drug products, and if clinically justified. The procedure in the Guideline on Investigation of Bioequivalence, “Section 4.1.10 Highly variable drugs or drug products” should be followed.


In addition, for the test to be valid: 此外,为了确认测试结果可信:
The acceptance criteria for equivalence parameters (Muptake) and (Mclearance) 等效性参数(Muptake)和(Mclearance)的接受标准为:
  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test and negative control products should be entirely outside the interval of 80.00- 125.00%.

    受试产品与阴性控制产品均值比率的90% 置信区间应全部在80.00-125.00%之外。

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the comparator and negative control products should be entirely outside the interval of 80.00- 125.00%.

    参照产品与阴性控制产品均值比率的90% 置信区间应全部在80.00-125.00%之外。
  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the test product clearance (Mclearance)and (Muptake)  comparator products should be entirely below1.0.

  • The 90% confidence interval for the ratio of means of the comparator productclearance (Mclearance) and (Muptake)  comparator products should be entirely below 1.0.

The overall conclusions of the study should be provided. This should be supported by a sound scientific discussion and interpretation of the TS data.

Annex IV  Vasoconstriction assay for corticosteroids 附件 IV 皮质类固醇的血管收缩试验
A description of the protocol for the assay should be provided.
The following testing principles should be followed:
An in vivo pilot dose duration-response study should be undertaken to determine the study requirements for determining the equivalence parameters to be used in the pivotal equivalence study.
Relevant human volunteer inclusion and exclusion criteria should be stated and adhered to for both pilot and pivotal studies.
Healthy subject with an adequate vasoconstriction to topical corticosteroids must be included.


Test product, vehicle, comparator product, and untreated control should be randomly assigned to application sites on the ventral forearms.
The study should be appropriately blinded.
For the pivotal study, a minimum of 12 subjects should be included.


The vasoconstriction reaction should be determined at baseline (before drug application), time of drug product removal, and several times after drug product removal (e.g. 2, 4, 6, 19, 24 hours).
The time course of response should be followed until return to baseline to ensure that maximal pharmacodynamic response is observed. The assay must be optimised to ensure that the products are compared in the linear portion of the blanching curve. Several application times should be tested in pre-test. The lower limit of sensitivity should be determined.

研究的时长应足以使响应恢复到基线水平,并确保可观察到最大的药效学反应。此外,必须对试验方法进行优化,使产品可以根据 blanching curve 的线性部分进行比较。在预试验中,应对几个不同的上样时间进行测定,以确定灵敏度下限。

The vasoconstriction reaction should be determined at several time points and AUC data should be generated. A single time point for estimation of the vasoconstriction reaction is not acceptable.
The measurement of the vasoconstriction reaction should be performed by using a chromameter, or other methods more sensitive than visual estimation, and by a secondary clinical assessment by an independent observer.


References: 参考文献

  1. FDA Guidance for Industry: Topical Dermatologic Corticosteroids: in vivo bioequivalence 2 June 1995.

  2. “Quantification of corticosteroid-induced skin vasoconstriction”, Dermatology, (2002), 205, 3-10.
  3. “The skin-blanching assay”, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (2012), 26, 1197-1202.

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