
LLMs之Prompt:《The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques》翻译与解读

 处女座的程序猿 2024-07-01 发布于上海

LLMs之Prompt:《The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques》翻译与解读


>> 背景痛点:虽然Prompt技术在生成式人工智能系统中得到广泛使用,但该领域缺乏统一的术语和框架,术语混乱,对什么构成Prompt缺乏本体学理解。虽然Prompt技术的文献急剧增加,但只有一小部分技术和术语为从业人员所熟知。

>> 解决方案:该论文建立了一个Prompt技术的结构化理解,包括33个词汇术语、58种纯文本Prompt技术、40种其他模态(如多语种、多模态)的技术。对自然语言前缀Prompt的全部文献进行了元分析。

>> 核心思路步骤

● 采用PRISMA系统评审过程,识别出58种基于文本的Prompt技术,并构建一个分类法。


基于上下文学习(in-context learning)。使用示例来教导模型完成任务,而无需重新训练权重。






● 探讨了多模态Prompt技术,如图像Prompt、音频视频Prompt、3D Prompt等。

● 介绍了一些Prompt技术的扩展,如利用外部工具的代理Prompt、用于评估Prompt输出的方法等。

● 分析了Prompt技术在安全性、对齐性等方面的一些问题及相应的缓解措施。

● 通过两个案例研究,对比评测了多种Prompt技术的表现。

>> 优势

● 建立了Prompt领域的统一术语和分类框架,有利于从业者理解和实践。

● 系统全面地调研和总结了现有的Prompt技术,为后续研究提供资源参考。

● 探讨了Prompt技术在多语种、多模态、评估、安全等多方面的扩展应用。

● 案例研究对比了不同技术的实际效果,提供了实践指导。


《The Prompt Report: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Techniques》翻译与解读​​​​​​​




2024 年6月6日

最新:2024 年6月17日




Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) systems are being increasingly deployed across all parts of industry and research settings. Developers and end users interact with these systems through the use of prompting or prompt engineering. While prompting is a widespread and highly researched concept, there exists conflicting terminology and a poor ontological understanding of what constitutes a prompt due to the area’s nascency. This paper establishes a structured understanding of prompts, by assembling a taxonomy of prompting techniques and analyzing their use. We present a comprehensive vocabulary of 33 vocabulary terms, a taxonomy of 58 text-only prompting techniques, and 40 techniques for other modalities. We further present a meta-analysis of the entire literature on natural language prefix-prompting.


8 Conclusion

Generative AI is a novel technology, and broader understanding of models’ capabilities and limita-tions remains limited. Natural language is a flexi-ble, open-ended interface, with models having few obvious affordances. The use of Generative AI therefore inherits many of the standard challenges of linguistic communication—e.g., ambiguity, the role of context, the need for course correction—while at the same time adding the challenge of communicating with an entity whose “understand-ing” of language may not bear any substantial re-lationship to human understanding. Many of the techniques described here have been called “emer-gent”, but it is perhaps more appropriate to say that they were discovered—the result of thorough ex-perimentation, analogies from human reasoning, or pure serendipity.


The present work is an initial attempt to catego-rize the species of an unfamiliar territory. While we make every attempt to be comprehensive, there are sure to be gaps and redundancies. Our inten-tion is to provide a taxonomy and terminology that cover a large number of existing prompt engineer-ing techniques, and which can accommodate future methods. We discuss over 200 prompting tech-niques, frameworks built around them, and issues like safety and security that need to be kept in mind when using them. We also present two case studies in order to provide a clear sense of models’ ca-pabilities and what it is like to tackle a problem in practice. Last, our stance is primarily observa-tional, and we make no claims to the validity of the presented techniques. The field is new, and evalua-tion is variable and unstandardized—even the most meticulous experimentation may suffer from unan-ticipated shortcomings, and model outputs them-selves are sensitive to meaning-preserving changes in inputs. As a result, we encourage the reader to avoid taking any claims at face value and to rec-ognize that techniques may not transfer to other models, problems, or datasets.


To those just beginning in prompt engineering, our recommendations resemble what one would recommend in any machine learning setting: un-derstand the problem you are trying to solve (rather than just focusing on input/output and benchmark scores), and ensure the data and metrics you are working with constitute a good representation of that problem. It is better to start with simpler ap-proaches first, and to remain skeptical of claims about method performance. To those already en-gaged in prompt engineering, we hope that our tax-onomy will shed light on the relationships between existing techniques. To those developing new tech-niques, we encourage situating new methods within our taxonomy, as well as including ecologically valid case studies and illustrations of those tech-niques.


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