

 新用户17038774 2024-07-02 发布于河南


2. 早上醒来时,我稍微有多眯了一会儿。等我起床时,老爸已经开始端着饲料盆给小鸡小鸭们弄吃的了。而我则拎了两桶水给小鸡小鸭们换了点水。随后又带着俩小狗出门转了一圈儿,我发现今天早上气温不是很高,空气也挺清新,还挺适合散步的。

3. 一大早上老爸就在那儿摆弄他的鱼竿,早饭一吃完他就出门钓鱼去了。


5.  中午我炒了个苦瓜肉片。正吃饭时,老爸正好也就回来了。我们顺便喝了点啤酒,这顿饭吃的还不赖。

6. 晚上我和老爸做了一锅地锅饭,我吃了两大碗锅巴泡米汤,感觉真的很开心。


1. Last night, the temperature wasn't that high. After taking a bath and finishing writing my diary early, I listened to a novel for a while and then slept peacefully. I slept very soundly throughout the night until dawn.

2. When I woke up in the morning, I dozed off for a little while longer. By the time I got up, my dad had already started carrying the feed basin to prepare food for the chicks and ducklings. I carried two buckets of water to change the water for them. Then I took the two dogs out for a walk. I found that the temperature wasn't very high this morning, and the air was quite fresh. It was quite suitable for a walk.

3. Early in the morning, my dad was fiddling with his fishing rod there. As soon as he finished breakfast, he went out fishing.

4. A neighbor came to buy 15 eggs from my family in the morning. I found that native eggs are quite popular in the countryside.

5. At noon, I fried a dish of bitter gourd with sliced meat. Just when we were having lunch, my dad came back. We casually had some beer. This meal wasn't bad.

6. In the evening, my dad and I made a pot of pot rice. I ate two big bowls of crispy rice crust soaked in rice soup and felt really happy.

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