

 新用户17038774 2024-07-07 发布于河南


2. 早上一起来就喝一杯温开水,还真是舒服呢。看来还是要保持这个好习惯。

3. 今早出门散步一看到那一片片绿油油的秧田,高远的蓝天上挂着那七彩的朝霞,就让人感觉心旷神怡。

4. 上午老爸又钓鱼去了。中午我砍了些苋菜,摘了些叶子,老爸回来时给我做了个凉拌苋菜。随后我们又做了一锅地锅饭,老实说,如果有机会的话,吃一锅地锅饭还真是舒服呢。



5. 晚饭我用中午剩下的锅巴和米汤,做了一锅锅巴粥。不得不说,这粥喝起来真的太舒服了。老爸还做了一张手抓饼。


1. I could have gone to bed earlier last night. Actually, I finished taking a bath, writing my diary and getting ready for bed quite early last night. But then I spent some more time reading a novel, so I didn't go to sleep until almost 11 o'clock. Fortunately, the temperature wasn't high and I slept comfortably throughout the night.

2. Drinking a cup of warm boiled water as soon as I get up in the morning is really comfortable. It seems that I still need to keep this good habit.

3. This morning when I went out for a walk and saw the patches of green rice seedlings and the colorful morning glow hanging in the distant blue sky, I felt relaxed and happy.

4. Dad went fishing again in the morning. At noon, I cut some amaranth and picked some leaves. When Dad came back, he made a cold dish of amaranth for me. Then we made a pot of pot meal. To be honest, if there is a chance, it's really comfortable to have a pot meal. After several intermittent rains in recent days, there was finally some water in the pond at the door. Today, we put the ducks and geese into the pond. Watching these little guys swimming and playing happily in the puddle of the pond, my dad and I were very happy. At more than 3 o'clock, I took the puppy to the river beach for a walk and took a bath in the clear water by the way. It felt really good.

5. For dinner, I used the leftover crispy rice and rice soup from noon to make a pot of crispy rice porridge. I have to say, this porridge tastes really comfortable. Dad also made a scallion pancake.

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