
DINZ德网 | Foster+Partners+Gilles & Boissier · 融合天际线,尽享迪拜之梦

 德国室内设计网 2024-07-11 发布于广东


多切斯特精选酒店集团的名字最早来源于1792年,多切斯特伯爵约瑟夫·达默(Joseph Damer)在伦敦购买的房子并取名'Dorchester House' ,多切斯特精选酒店集团的传奇故事也是从这里开始。

多切斯特精选酒店集团旗下酒店包括:多切斯特酒店(The Dorchester, London)、珀艺45酒店(45 Park Lane, London)、珂沃庄园酒店(Coworth Park, Ascot, UK)、茉黎斯酒店( Le Meurice, Paris)

作为Dorchester Collection在中东地区的璀璨开篇,The Lana Dubai傲然矗立于迪拜心脏地带,毗邻繁华市中心,坐拥马拉西湾码头的优越位置。其独特的地理位置不仅让宾客能够凌空俯瞰世界之巅哈利法塔的壮丽身姿,还可在西北向尽享绚烂日落的温柔余晖,而转向东南,则是Ras Al Khor野生动植物保护区的自然韵味、迪拜设计区的现代风尚,以及浩瀚沙漠的无限风光尽收眼底。更令人兴奋的是,酒店特别为尊贵客人提供了专属定制的劳斯莱斯座驾体验,以及引领未来潮流的飞行游艇服务,让每一次出行都成为非凡之旅。

As the dazzling debut of Dorchester Collection in the Middle East, The Lana Dubai proudly stands at the heart of Dubai, adjacent to the bustling city center and enjoying a prime location at the Marina Quay. Its unique geographical position not only allows guests to soar above and admire the majestic figure of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, but also indulge in the gentle afterglow of the splendid sunset to the northwest. Turning southeast, one can take in the natural charm of Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary, the modern flair of Dubai Design District, and the boundless scenery of the vast desert. Even more excitingly, the hotel exclusively offers its esteemed guests a tailored Rolls-Royce chauffeur experience and a futuristic flying yacht service, transforming every journey into an extraordinary adventure.

多切斯特精选酒店集团中东首家酒店The Lana



建筑设计Foster + Partners

室内设计Gilles & Boissier


Foster + Partners是当今世界上最具创新的建筑、工程和设计业务公司之一,公司由创始人及主席Norman Foster以及合伙人董事会领导。公司的业务范围包含城市规划、公共基础设施、机场、城市及文化中心、私人办公室、工作场所以及产品设计。
Gilles & Boissier由夫妻拍档Patrick Gilles与Dorothée Boissier共同创立,以互补的方式相互对立又相互吸引。分歧催生出了丰富而富有灵感的创意对话:两人沉浸在思维乒乓球游戏中,共同塑造他们的想法。


这是多切斯特集团旗下的第十家酒店,位于一座引人注目的互连建筑中,建筑中层包括一个户外平台、商店和餐厅。酒店位于充满活力的迪拜码头(Marasi Bay Marina)旁,紧邻迪拜市中心,酒店共有30层,包括225间客房和套房、阿联酋首家迪奥水疗中心(Dior Spa),以及八家餐厅,其中包括无边际泳池、享有沙漠和城市景观的屋顶酒吧和餐厅“High Society”。酒店所在建筑与马拉西湾码头的遥相呼应呼应,通过微妙的曲线、自然和流动的空间展开对话。

For its 10th hotel and its first new opening in more than a decade, The Lana is housed within one half of a striking interconnected building bridged by the Lana Promenade – a central podium for shops and restaurants – by Foster + Partners. Perched on the vibrant Marasi Bay Marina beside Downtown Dubai, the hotel unfolds over 30 floors to include 225 rooms and suites, the first Dior Spa in the UAE, and eight drinking and dining venues including High Society, the rooftop bar and restaurant with and infinity pool and sweeping desert and cityscape views. The much-anticipated duo, commissioned by Dubai-based real estate developer OMNIYAT and designed by Foster + Partners, engages in dialogue with its waterfront location along the Marasi Bay Marina with subtle organic curves, green pockets, and fluid spaces.



Seven interlocking vertical gardens form the core of the development, each rooting the environmental and social focus of the design while enhancing availability of open spaces and allowing numerous break out spaces for guests, residents, and the public alike.  

内部由Gilles & Boisier负责室内设计,以光滑的材质、纹理的交织和柔和的色调营造出阿联酋的自然景观。建筑与最近揭幕的VELA多切斯特酒店相邻,二者共享巨大的玻璃立面、环绕式立面和室内外的融合,为都市生活带来极致体验。

Seven interlocking vertical gardens form the core of the development, each rooting the environmental and social focus of the design while enhancing availability of open spaces and allowing numerous break out spaces for guests, residents, and the public alike.  Within, Gilles & Boisier’s interiors envelop the space with sleek material finishings, an interplay of textures, and muted hues that draw on the natural landscape of the UAE.  The development sits beside the recently unveiled VELA, Dorchester Collection, sharing its vast glass facades, wraparound elevation, and fusion of indoors and outdoors for an elevated urban living experience.


Throughout The Lana and the Lana Residences, Foster + Partners has integrated deep overhangs to shade the interior spaces and gardens, ensuring optimal usability year round.  Thin floor plates create a unique form and lend each room its own private balcony with vistas of the waterfront and city beyond.  Alongside passive cooling strategies, the depth of the balconies additionally reduces the need for mechanical cooling throughout the year.



Gilles & Boissier工作室在设计过程中,不仅从迪拜的沙漠景观中汲取灵感,同时也融入了阿联酋丰富多元的文化特色,同时保持多切斯特集团的特色。

Inside, Paris-based studio Gilles & Boissier took its cues from Dubai’s desert landscape as well as the rich fusion of cultures within the UAE while staying true to the Dorchester brand.


The result is decidedly understated and feminine, its low-key earthy tones of sandy beiges, warm terracotta and dusty browns elevated by pink hues, a collection of striking artwork, subtly concealed lighting, and sumptuous natural materials – like the elevators that are lined with marble and padded, fluted pink leather walls – that provide touch points throughout the hotel.



每个公共区域都有设计亮点。例如,屋顶的诱人楼梯悬挑在建筑边缘的无边泳池之上,这些建筑元素如倾斜的天花板、檐口、拱门和曲线等,为粉色雪花石膏墙面和英国艺术家Sophie Coryndon创作的青铜蜂窝状雕塑等提供了深邃而富有特色的背景。形状自然的家具围合而成,供宾客和访客享用轻食和下午茶。而另一侧名为Bitter Honey的小型低光照酒吧,可容纳20人,宾客可以在此品尝推车上的鸡尾酒,墙面装饰精致的木质墙板。

Each of the public spaces has a standout design element. For example, the rooftop has a seductive staircase that cantilevers over the infinity pool – which wraps around the edge of the building – while the lobby is revealed through architectural elements like angled ceilings, cornices, arches and curves that provide a deep and characterful base for visual components like the pink alabaster walls and a dramatic wax casting in bronze honeycomb sculpture by British artist Sophie Coryndon. Here, organically shaped furnishings are arranged in intimate groups, where guests and visitors gather for a menu of light bites and afternoon tea, while to one side, a small low-lit 20-seater bar called Bitter Honey serves tableside cocktails from a trolley against a backdrop of handsome timber wall panels.

Riviera 餐厅


绿色植物和遮阳伞所环绕的露台是一个奢华花园酒吧,提供塔帕斯(tapas)和受黎凡特风味的菜肴。与此同时,拥有12颗米其林之星的厨师Martín Berasategui,带来了如圣塞瓦斯蒂安风格的菜肴,让人想起他的故乡巴斯克地区。在Jean Imbert的Riviera餐厅——一个充满地中海风情的室内外通透餐厅——人们可以在欣赏迪拜天际线的同时,品尝招牌金枪鱼塔塔或搭配蔬菜的羊排等美味佳肴。

Outside, ensconced by greenery and woven parasols, The Veranda is an open-air lush garden bar with a menu of tapas and Levantine-influenced dishes. While elsewhere, the 12 Michelin-star chef Martín Berasategui sends out wood fire-cooked dishes such as the San Sebastian-style spider crab stew that nod to his native Basque country. At Riviera by Jean Imbert – an airy indoor-outdoor Mediterranean restaurant – pretty plates like the signature tuna tartare or the lamb chops with ragu stuffed vegetables are served against views of Dubai’s skyline.

客房均设有落地窗和阳台,大部分房间都能看到哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)的景观,而在日落时分,窗外的金色最为生动,温暖的余晖突出了墙板、天鹅绒包裹的曲线家具和粉色大理石床头柜等细节。其中豪华套房带有观景浴室;而复式套房内让人无法忽略的是大理石楼梯,与柔和的色调和纹理相得益彰。豪华的水疗中心设有一条带黄铜装饰的走廊,通向五个治疗室和一间情侣套房,每个房间都有光线充足的休息区,落地窗将外部景色尽收眼底。在这里,SPA侧重于保养和身材维护,提供独家的石疗(Dior Stone Therapy),而特色疗法D-sculpt实现身材的紧致和塑形。

This all comes together as a perfect balance for the tranquil rooms. Each with floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies that mostly look out onto views of the Burj Khalifa, it’s at sunset when they most come alive, the warm glow highlighting details like the beaded wall panels, velvet upholstered curved furnishings, and pink marble bedside tables. Plump for the one of the Junior Suites which has a bath with a view, or a Duplex Suite, where a striking marble staircase is offset by a melody of soft tones and textures. And if you can tear yourself away, the gorgeous spa features a long mirrored corridor with brass accents that leads off to five treatment rooms and one couples suite, each with their own light-filled relaxation areas with floor-to-ceiling windows that frame the views outside. Here, treatments focus on fitness and movement and range from exclusive offerings such as Dior Stone Therapy to D-sculpt, which uses various techniques to firm and slim.



建筑外立面 ©Foster + Partners

平面图 ©Gilles & Boissier
项目名称 | The Lana Hotel
Project Name | The Lana Hotel
项目地址 | 阿联酋、迪拜
Address | Dubai, UAE
建筑设计 | Foster + Partners
Architectural Design | Foster + Partners
建筑主创 | Gerard Evenden
Architectural Designer | Gerard Evenden
室内设计 | Gilles & Boissier
Interior Design | Gilles & Boissier
室内主创 | Patrick Gilles、Dorothée Boissier
Interior Designer | Patrick Gilles、Dorothée Boissier
开  发 商 | OMNIYAT
Developer | OMNIYAT
Ramon Esteve Estudio | Sardinera House
Found Associates | The Find
Joaquim Portela | The Legal Innovation Center

Luisa Castiglioni | 自由与传承

大师专题分享 | 季裕棠

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