

 喀什噶爾 2024-07-21 发布于山东

【Weather Apr. 27】
郑州 晴 14℃/29℃
Zhengzhou Clear 14℃/29℃
洛阳 晴 11℃/29℃
Luoyang Clear 11℃/29℃
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Shenzhen: 10201.65; +39.65; +0.39%
>Shakespear may have a co-writer
> World's most pampered prisoner
>Ding blasts 'rubbish' crowd
>Beyonce is most beautiful woman
>Dopey driver strands
【Top News】
>Rural residents lack water
The access to safe drinking water has become a problem for as many as 242 million rural residents in China, Xinhua reported. Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei said on Wednesday that problems in ensuring rural access to safe drinking water, are expected to be solved by 2015, as a result of government-led efforts. According to a November 2010 survey, 674 million people live in China's rural areas.
※A related government report said the country will extend its urban water supply networks to the rural areas, as well as support the development of centralized water supply systems in the countryside. The report also said the government has vowed to by 2020, expand its coverage of centralized water supply services up to 85 percent of the rural population.
【In the News】
>Nine dead, 36 injured in accident
云南客车事故 9死36伤
Nine people were killed and 36 others injured, including eight seriously, after a coach veered off an expressway section in Nanhua County in the Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, Xinhua reported.

※The source said the coach, owned by Baoshan Transportation Corp., was en route from the provincial capital of Kunming to Tengchong, when it bumped into the expressway guardrail on a viaduct linking two expressways, and plunged over 10 meters to the ground. An investigation into the accident is underway.
>Shakespear may have a co-writer
Oxford University's scholars are suspecting that All's Well That Ends Well, a Shakespearean play, may have had a co-writer, the Daily Telegraph reported.
※Prof. Laurie Maguire and Dr. Emma Smith, both with the university's English faculty, examined the play's rhyme and diction, and found the possible involvement of Thomas Middleton, also a celebrated playwright of Shakespeare's era, in the writing process. The scholars suggested the relationship of the collaboration was a master-apprentice one, but they weren't able to confirm the hierarchy.
>Mein Kampf may return to schools
The German state of Bavaria is considering the publication of a book featuring excerpts from Hitler's Mein Kampf for use in schools after its legal power to ban the book expires in 2016, Reuters reported.
※The Bavarian state finance ministry owns the copyrights to the book. But the copyrights expire on December 31, 2015, forcing Bavaria to face the question of how to handle the publication of a book that remains highly controversial in Germany.

※In addition to a school edition, the finance ministry is also considering the publication of a separate edition, which would include an academic commentary provided by the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History. The ministry would provide 200,000 euros and the state's economy ministry would chip in another 300,000 euros for the projects.
>Limbless Frenchman up for a big swim
A French swimmer who has no arms or legs has announced his plans to swim around the world, Sky.com reported. Philippe Croizon and his partner Arnaud Chassery plan to link the world's five continents, by swimming across the series of narrow straits that separate them.
※The pair plans to leave France on May 6 for the first leg of their journey, linking Australasia and Asia by swimming from Papua New Guinea to Indonesia. Over the summer, they will then cross the Red Sea (Asia to Africa), the Strait of Gibraltar (Africa to Europe), and the Bering Strait (Asia to America).
※They plan to finish their tour by mid-August. Having lost his limbs following an electrical accident, Croizon said he wants to prove he is still up for the challenge.

>World's most pampered prisoner
He may be the most pampered prisoner in the world, but the sole inmate of the only jail in the San Marino, is said to be suffering from boredom and loneliness, the Daily Telegraph reported. The 30-year-old man has his meals brought to him from a local restaurant because it is not economical to start a canteen service for him alone. He enjoys the exclusive use of a gym, library and television room and occupies one of six cells.
※However, the man's lonely penance is about to come to an end - a second inmate is expected to be incarcerated over the next few days. San Marino has a population of about 30,000, and claims to have been an independent republic for the last 1,700 years.
>Ding blasts 'rubbish' crowd
Ding Junhui has become the latest snooker player to incite controversy, when he slammed the conduct of the crowd at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, following his 10-9 loss to Ryan Day in the World Championship first round, Eurosports.com reported.
※Ding - the seventh seed to exit the tournament in the first five days - said: 'I don't think the tables were right, I don't think the fans were right. It was all rubbish,' as he was airing his dissatisfaction with the noisy audience.
>Beyonce is most beautiful woman
On Wednesday, Grammy-award winning singer Beyonce was named the world's most beautiful woman for 2012 by People magazine, Reuters reported.

※This year, Beyonce and her rapper husband Jay-Z welcomed their first child, a daughter named Blue Ivy Carter, who was born in New York in January. 'I feel more beautiful than I've ever felt because I've given birth. I have never felt so connected, never felt like I had such a purpose on this earth,' the singer told People magazine.
今年,碧昂丝和其丈夫、说唱歌手杰斯迎来了第一个孩子—女儿布露·艾薇·卡特,1月份出生于纽约。碧昂丝对《人物》杂志说: '我觉得自己比以前更漂亮了,因为我生了孩子。我从来没像现在这样觉得有牵挂,生活这样有目标。'

>Cannes film festival announces jury
Scottish actor Ewan McGregor and French designer Jean Paul Gaultier will be two of the big names on the nine-member jury at this year's Cannes film festival, organizers announced on Wednesday, Reuters reported. The panel, led by Italian director and actor Nanni Moretti, will decide the awards handed out at a closing ceremony.
※Also on the jury will be Palestinian actress Hiam Abbass, British director and screenwriter Andrea Arnold, French actress Emmanuelle Devos, German actress Diane Kruger, U.S. director Alexander Payne and Haitian director Raoul Peck.
※The festival will run from May 16-27 this year and is set to open with Wes Anderson's 1960s drama 'Moonrise Kingdom'.
【Fancy That】
>Dopey driver strands
A confused tourist tried to drive his car down into a Paris Metro station after mistaking it for a car park, the Daily Mail reported. The bizarre blunder led to his 4x4 Ducia Dustin getting stuck on the steps leading down to the Chaussee d'Antin-Lafayette stop, in the centre of the capital. In fact, the driver - a Frenchman identified only as Johan, 26 - managed to hit the brakes as soon as he realized what was happening.
※Johan said: 'There was a sign indicating parking for the Haussmann shops just in front of me, and there was no curb next to the entrance of the steps, so that's how I made the mistake. Luckily there was no one on the steps.'
约翰表示: '前方有一块牌子写着奥斯曼店停车场,而且地铁入口楼梯处也没有路肩,这就是我为什么会搞错。不过还好,当时里面没有人。'

【Hot Words】
Off the ground 启程、开始
The company has hired more than 70 people to get its operation off the ground.
When we get this event off the ground we can relax.
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