

 SIBCS 2024-09-02 发布于上海




  • 其中49例给予心脏保护
  • 其余56例给予常规治疗




  • 左心室射血分数降低显著较少:-2.5±5.4%比-5.6±5.9%(P=0.009)
  • 随访左心室射血分数显著较高:59±5%比55±6%(P<0.0001)
  • 对治疗前左心室射血分数进行校正后左心室射血分数变化平均相差:-3.6%(95%置信区间:-1.8%~-5.5%,P<0.001)
  • 12个月癌症治疗相关左心室射血分数心功能障碍发生率显著较低2.0%比10.7%(P=0.075)



Eur Heart J. 2024 Sep 1. IF: 37.6

Strain surveillance during chemotherapy to improve cardiovascular outcomes: the SUCCOUR-MRI trial.

Marwick TH, Dewar E, Nolan M, Shirazi M, Dias P, Wright L, Fitzgerald B, Kearney L, Srivastava P, Atherton J, Negishi K, Sverdlov AL, Wahi S, Otton J, Selvanayagam J, Thomas L, Thavendiranathan P; SUCCOUR-MRI investigators.

Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia; Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia; Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia; Advara Heart Care, Murdoch, Australia; University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia; Nepean Hospital, Kingswood, Australia; Newcastle Centre of Excellence in Cardio-Oncology, The University of Newcastle, Hunter Medical Research Institute, Calvary Mater Newcastle, Hunter New England Health, Newcastle, Australia; Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia; Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool, Australia; Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia; Westmead Clinical school, University of Sydney and University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Canada.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The detection of cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) by reduction of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) during chemotherapy usually triggers the initiation of cardioprotective therapy. This study addressed whether the same approach should be applied to patients with worsening of global longitudinal strain (GLS) without attaining thresholds of LVEF.

METHODS: Strain sUrveillance during Chemotherapy for improving Cardiovascular Outcomes (SUCCOUR-MRI) was a prospective multicentre randomized controlled trial involving 14 sites. Of 355 patients receiving anthracyclines with normal baseline LVEF, 333 patients (age 59±13 years, 79% women) with at least one other CTRCD risk factor, able to undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), GLS and 3D echocardiography were tracked over 12 months. A total of 105 patients (age 59±13 years, 75% women, 69% breast cancer) developing GLS-CTRCD (>12% relative reduction of GLS without a change in LVEF) between cardioprotection with neurohormonal antagonists versus usual care were randomized. The primary endpoint was 12-month change in MRI-LVEF; the secondary endpoint was MRI LVEF-defined CTRCD.

RESULTS: During follow-up, 2 patients died and 2 developed heart failure. Most patients were randomized at 3 months (62%). Median doses of angiotensin inhibition/blockade and beta-blockade were 75% and 50% of respective targets; 21 (43%) had side-effects attributed to cardioprotection. Due to a smaller LVEF change from baseline with cardioprotection than usual care (-2.5±5.4% vs -5.6±5.9%, p=0.009), follow-up LVEF was higher after cardioprotection (59±5% vs 55±6%, p<0.0001). After adjustment for baseline LVEF, the mean (95% confidence interval) difference in the change in LVEF between the two groups was -3.6% (-1.8% to -5.5%, p<0.001). After cardioprotection, 1/49 patients developed 12-month LVEF-CTRCD, compared to 6/56 in usual care (p=0.075). GLS improved at 3 months post-randomization in the cardioprotection group, with little change with usual care.

CONCLUSIONS: In patients with isolated GLS reduction after anthracyclines, cardioprotection is associated with better preservation of 12-month MRI-LVEF compared with usual care.

KEYWORDS: cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction; global longitudinal strain; left ventricular ejection fraction.

PMID: 39217601

DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae574


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