

 新用户17038774 2024-09-08 发布于河南


2. 5点的闹钟响起后,我和老爸就起来,趁着天还没亮,把那些今天准备弄到街上卖的公鸡抓了起来。

3. 天亮后我和老爸就收拾一下,带着这些抓起来的公鸡去街上把它们给卖了,得了500多。随后又去早餐店吃了顿热干面。好长时间没吃热干面了,偶尔吃上这么一顿,还是感觉挺不错的。

4. 随后我们又去卖小鸡苗的摊位买了110多只小鸡,花了400块。

5. 回家后老爸就去钓鱼去了,而我则带着俩小狗骑着自行车出门转了一圈,这次我骑车跑了很远,还去了附近新修的高速公路旁边。印象最深的是进了一个涵洞,那涵洞里居然有人养了两只黑羊。那两只黑羊见到我们过来便热情地跑过来咩咩直叫,等我们离开时又追着我们跑的老远,总让我感觉它俩好像挺孤独似的。


6. 中午老爸没回来,我自己做了一锅地锅饭,炒了个鸡蛋,喝着米汤吃着锅巴,再配上大块的鸡蛋,我饱饱的吃了一顿。随后收拾一下,就午休去了。

7. 由于今天下着雨,气温不高,特别适合睡觉,所以我这午休一觉就睡到了两三点。

8. 下午没事我就去看看小鸡儿,顺便给它们弄点吃的喝的,同时追追小说倒也过得十分惬意。

9. 傍晚十分,天都快黑了,我们发现池塘里还有几只鸭子不愿意回来。我和老爸一起忙了半天才把它们赶回来。


1. The temperature last night wasn't that high after all. When I went to bed after 10 o'clock, I just needed to leave the door of my small room open and fall asleep with the natural wind blowing. Interestingly, I had several exploration-related dreams at night. It seemed that I had been to many places in my dreams. This was really a unique experience.

2. After the 5 o'clock alarm rang, my father and I got up. Before dawn, we caught the roosters that we planned to sell on the street today.

3. After daybreak, my father and I tidied up a bit and took these caught roosters to the street and sold them, getting more than 500 yuan. Then we went to a breakfast store and ate a portion of hot dry noodles. I haven't eaten hot dry noodles for a long time. Having such a meal occasionally still feels quite good.

4. Then we went to the booth selling chicken seedlings and bought more than 110 chicks, spending 400 yuan.

5. After getting home, my father went fishing, and I took two little dogs and rode a bicycle for a spin. This time I rode very far and even went to the side of the newly built expressway nearby. What impressed me most was entering a culvert. Surprisingly, someone was raising two black goats in that culvert. When the two black goats saw us coming, they enthusiastically ran over, bleating loudly. When we left, they chased us for a long distance. It always made me feel that they seemed quite lonely. After more than 10 o'clock, I went to the town to pick up a parcel and got back the ten little mandarin ducks that I ordered the day before yesterday.

6. My father didn't come back at noon. I made a pot of pot-cooked rice by myself, fried an egg, drank rice soup, ate the crispy rice at the bottom of the pot, and paired it with large pieces of egg. I had a full meal. Then I tidied up a bit and took a noon nap.

7. Since it was raining today and the temperature wasn't high, it was especially suitable for sleeping. So I slept until two or three o'clock during my noon nap.

8. In the afternoon, when I had nothing to do, I went to check on the chicks, got some food and water for them by the way, and at the same time read novels. I really had a very pleasant time.

9. At dusk, when it was almost dark, we found that there were still several ducks in the pond that didn't want to come back. My father and I were busy for a long time before we managed to drive them back.

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