提建议的人可能并未下结论说会有错误——他们可能只是想确保,对方已经考虑了所有的风险。提问题以便确认某人没有忽略什么事,并非是说他/她真的忽略了什么事(“小心冰”的表述不同于“你太不小心了,把冰都忽略了”)。但是我常常看到,有些人把建设性问题当成指责,反弹强烈。这是不对的。 This is not to say that some styles aren’t more effective than others with different people and in different circumstances, but I often hear people complaining about the style or tone of a criticism in order to deflect from its substance. If you think someone’s style is an issue, box it as a separate issue to get in sync on.