

 新用户17038774 2024-09-13 发布于河南


2. 起床后我先给小鸡儿小丫们拌点饲料,看看这些毛茸茸的小家伙们吃着东西跑来跑去的样子,真是惹人怜爱。

3. 早上老爸去街上吃席去了,而我不想去凑热闹,于是就在家里随便弄点泡面吃了。

4. 今天有两个邻居都要办宴席,于是中午老爸去了一个远一点的地方,而我则选择去了街上这家。这次我放开肚子吃了不少菜,还喝了一瓶啤酒,喝不少可乐,结果回来后就感觉头好晕,于是美美地睡了一觉。

5. 下午我带着俩小狗去河滩转了一圈,又去河里趟了会儿水才发现如今河水已经有点凉了,趟水已经不好玩了。


1. It was quite hot in the first half of last night. So I set up a small bed at the door of the small house and gradually fell asleep in the natural wind. Later, after 12 o'clock, it became cooler. I even felt a little cold, so I got up and put on some clothes and continued to sleep. But I found it a little hard to fall asleep, so I simply listened to a novel for a while.

2. After getting up, I first mixed some feed for the little chicks. Watching these furry little guys running around while eating is really endearing.

3. This morning, Dad went to the street to attend a banquet, but I didn't want to join in the fun, so I just made some instant noodles at home and ate them.

4. Today, two neighbors were going to hold banquets. At noon, Dad went to a place a little farther away, and I chose to go to the one on the street. This time I ate a lot of dishes with an open stomach, drank a bottle of beer and a lot of coke. As a result, I felt very dizzy after coming back, so I took a nice nap.

5. In the afternoon, I took two little dogs for a walk around the river beach. Then I waded in the river for a while and found that the river water was a bit cold now and wading in the water was no longer fun.

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