

 徐汇老寿oykxhg 2024-09-17 发布于上海









The Desolate Northern End of Jiangxi Middle Road

Today, I would like to share insights about Jiangxi Middle Road, regarded as the second façade of the Bund in Shanghai. Why is Jiangxi Middle Road considered the second façade of the Bund? Typically, the century-old buildings lining the Huangpu River are referred to as the first façade of the Bund, serving as Shanghai's prominent face. In contrast, the westward streets, such as Sichuan Middle Road, Yuanmingyuan Road, and Jiangxi Middle Road, collectively form the second façade. The architectural significance of these roads rivals that of the Bund's historic edifices, as they have played an indispensable role in the areas former status as a financial hub.

With the ongoing urban renewal efforts, both Sichuan Middle Road and Jiangxi Middle Road, positioned as the second façade of the Bund, have entered a phase of extensive land acquisition and redevelopment. Today, I will focus on the northernmost section of Jiangxi Middle Road, particularly near the Suzhou River. This segment still features several vintage apartment buildings, which I intend to discuss in future shares.

Among the notable structures at the northern end of Jiangxi Middle Road is the former British Waterworks Company building, located at No. 484 Jiangxi Middle Road. This building holds significant historical value in the development of Shanghai's water supply, having been designed by a British firm and completed in 1921. It features a reinforced concrete structure in a classical architectural style, characterized by a tripartite façade and subtle decorative elements at the corners, with the main entrance accentuated by pediments, pilasters, and ornate detailing.

Historically, the construction of this building was crucial for transporting water from the Yangshupu Waterworks in Yangpu District (north of the Suzhou River) into the central commercial area of the International Settlement (south of the Suzhou River). A water bridge was built across the Suzhou River on Jiangxi Road to facilitate the passage of water pipes.

Additionally, at the southeast corner of Jiangxi Middle Road and Hong Kong Road, there once stood a water tower for water storage. However, with the establishment of corresponding waterworks in Suzhou and the southern regions, both the bridge and the water tower were eventually dismantled.

Currently, while the Waterworks Company building remains well-preserved and continues to serve as an office space, the surrounding structures have deteriorated significantly. Once demolition and reconstruction commence, they may encroach upon the designated red line, leading to substantial alterations in the local topography. Given the historical significance of such areas in Shanghai's urban transformation, careful consideration is imperative during the redevelopment process.

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