

 新用户17038774 2024-09-20 发布于河南


2. 早上一起床我又忙着给小鸡儿小鸭们拌饲料、换水。随后又带着小狗出门转上一圈,因为南边田野里全是别人养的鸭子,于是我只能带着小狗往北边野地里走走看看。没想到我家那大金毛乱跑,结果被别人下的抓野鸡的夹子给夹住脚了,疼得这家伙直叫唤,后来还是我花了好大一会儿功夫才安抚住它,并把夹子取下来。

3. 早饭后老爸又收拾好东西就钓鱼去了。而我就在家里时不时去看看小鸡小鸭,顺便追追小说,这日子过得倒也痛快。

4. 中午我炒了个洋葱鸡蛋味道还不错。可惜这次做米饭用的是今年新产的大米,而且用的是电饭锅,结果用水量没控制好,干饭做的有点儿不怎么熟。

5. 我都午休一会儿了,老爸才回来,我一看才发现他掉了一小盆小鲫鱼。我俩也都懒得。收拾这小鲫鱼儿,于是就把这些小家伙儿当猫鱼喂给家里的几只小猫了。

6. 下午我们等收割机等了半天,本来说是有可能收割我们家的稻谷的,结果等到天黑才发现也没轮到我们家。


1. It was really interesting about the temperature last night. It wasn't exactly hot, nor was it cold, and it wasn't that kind of pleasantly warm day for a very comfortable sleep. One had to lie on a bare mat and cover with a sheet to be able to fall asleep. I slept fairly well in the first half of the night. But at a little after 12 o'clock, I was suddenly awakened by the barking of dogs outside the door. After that, I couldn't sleep for a long time, so I simply spent a long time reading a novel.

2. As soon as I got up in the morning, I was busy mixing feed and changing water for the chicks and ducklings. Then I took the puppy out for a walk. Because the fields in the south were full of ducks raised by others, I could only take the puppy for a walk and have a look in the wild fields in the north. Unexpectedly, my big golden retriever ran around randomly and got its foot caught in a trap set for catching pheasants by others. The pain made the dog bark continuously. Later, it took me quite a while to calm it down and remove the trap.

3. After breakfast, Dad packed his things and went fishing again. And I stayed at home, checking on the chicks and ducklings from time to time and reading novels casually. This kind of life is quite enjoyable.

4. At noon, I made a stir-fried onion and egg, and it tasted good. Unfortunately, this time the rice used for cooking was the newly produced rice of this year, and an electric rice cooker was used. As a result, the amount of water was not well controlled, and the cooked rice was a bit undercooked.

5. I had already taken a nap for a while when Dad came back. I took a look and found that he had caught a small basin of small crucian carps. Both of us were too lazy to deal with these small crucian carps, so we just fed these little guys to the several kittens at home as catfish.

6. In the afternoon, we waited for the harvester for a long time. Originally, it was said that it might harvest the rice in our field. But when it got dark, we found that it still wasn't our turn.

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