1“the only +复数”的用法疑问老师好,only当形容词讲时是“唯一的”,我在读课文时发现only后边接了复数有些不明白,后面指的也仅仅是报幕员在说开场白时的一个口误,为啥用things呢? The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. We all know what the poor man should have said, but what he actually said was: 'This is the Poo and Ee Seed Bird Company. Good ladies, evening and gentlemen!' 盼复! 最佳答案2017-11-12 13:54原句不错,the only 后也可以接复数名词。 the only 之后一般接单数名词,意为“唯一的”;也可接复数名词,意为“唯有的”,表示多个事物,翻译时去掉“一”字。例如: The only things we fear are cyclones or earthquakes. 我们担心的只是台风和地震。 The only things Americans do more than watch television are work and sleep. 比起看电视来,美国人只有在工作和睡眠上花时间更多。 Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. 大多数人发现他们从未后悔的事情只是他们的错误,但发现时已经太晚了。 “Around here, it’s so cold that your face and your nose are the only things that show,” she says. 她说,“这里附近太冷了,脸和鼻子是你仅能露在外面展示的东西。 Since the only things I can remember are places, it's more like a record. 我能记住的只有那些地方,更像是一种记录。 All visitors are given a uniform. A camera and a passport are the only things that they are allowed to take with themselves. 所有的参观者都要求穿戴发放的制服。相机和护照是唯有允许参观者自身携带的物品。 这跟the first 的用法是一个道理: He was the first man to come. 他是第一个来到这里的人。 They were the first men to come. 他们是第一批来这里的人。 |