

 新用户17038774 2024-09-24 发布于河南


2. 早上起床后,我刚给小鸡儿小鸭们弄上吃的喝的,堂哥就打电话来说让我们帮忙给他收稻谷。

3. 于是早饭后我和老爸就赶紧去路上帮他们收稻谷去了。自然的中午我们也一起吃了一顿饭。

4. 或许是午饭时喝了点酒,于是午休我就睡了好长时间。下午又去帮忙晒了点儿稻谷。干完活回来,我和老爸一起又种了点火蒜瓣儿。

5. 晚上堂哥又请我们去他家吃了顿晚饭。


1. The temperature last night was quite strange. In the first half of the night, it was fine and I could fall asleep just by covering myself with this sheet. However, in the second half of the night, the temperature dropped quite a bit. I even had to cover myself with a thin quilt to be able to sleep.

2. After getting up in the morning, I had just prepared food and water for the chicks and ducklings. Then my cousin called and asked us to help him harvest rice.

3. So after breakfast, my father and I hurried to help them harvest rice on the road. Naturally, we also had a meal together at noon.

4. Perhaps because I had a little wine at lunch, I took a long nap during the lunch break. In the afternoon, I went to help dry some rice again. After finishing the work and coming back, my father and I planted some garlic cloves together.

5. In the evening, my cousin invited us to his house for dinner again.

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